Central Union High School District BP 5121 Students Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement The Board of Trustees believes that grades serve a valuable instructional purpose by helping students and parents/guardians identify the student's areas of strength and those areas needing improvement. Parents/guardians and students have the right to receive course grades that represent an accurate evaluation of the student's achievement. (cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities) Teachers shall evaluate a student's work in relation to standards which apply to all students at his/her grade level. The Superintendent or designee shall establish and regularly evaluate a uniform grading system, and principals shall ensure that student grades conform to this system. Teachers shall inform students and parents/guardians how student achievement will be evaluated in the classroom. (cf. 5124 - Communication with Parents/Guardians) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) During the first week of classes, teachers shall provide students and parents with a written syllabus of learning expectations and grading criteria in clear, easily understandable language, indicating how summative assessment throughout the grading period will be calculated into course grades. Teachers shall discuss classroom assessment practices with students, in an age appropriate manner, at the beginning of instruction. Grades should be based on impartial, consistent observation of the quality of the student's work and his/her mastery of course content and objectives. All practices related to communication about student achievement should be carried out according to the best current understanding and application of the research. The District's policy and procedures on grading and reporting practices, are based upon the principles that Individual achievement of clearly stated learning targets should be the only basis for grades, providing an accurate reflection of what each student knows and can do; the effectiveness of the communication is determined by the accuracy of the information about student achievement. Other characteristics (effort, behavior, attendance, attitude, etc.) should not be included in grades but should be reported separately. Different users and decision makers of achievement data need information in different forms at different times in order to make their decisions. Grading and reporting should always be done in reference to specified achievement targets, comparing students' performance against a standard rather than against other students in the class (on a curve). Grades should be calculated to ensure that the grade each student receives is a fair reflection of what he/she knows and can do, emphasizing the most recent summative assessment information. Consideration shall be given to the use of appropriate grade calculation procedures to ensure that assigned grades reflect the intended importance of each leaning goal. Grades have some value as incentives but no value as punishments. The teacher of each course shall determine the student's grade. The grade assigned by the teacher shall not be changed by the Board or the Superintendent except as provided by law, Board policy and administrative regulation. (Education Code 49066) (cf. 5125.3 - Challenging Student Records) Unexcused Absences If a student misses class without an excuse and does not subsequently turn in homework, take a test or fulfill another class requirement which he/she missed, the teacher may lower the student's grade for nonperformance. (cf. 6154 - Homework/Makeup Work) (cf. 5113 - Absences and Excuses) Grade Point Average (GPA) The Superintendent or designee shall recommend to the Board the methodology to be used in calculating students' grade point averages. The Superintendent or designee shall also recommend to the Board whether extra grade weighting will be assigned for honors courses that are substantially similar in depth, breadth and rigor to an Advanced Placement course, an entry-level college course or a community college level course. (cf. 6141.5 - Advanced Placement) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 48070 Promotion and retention 48205 Excused absences 48431.6 Required systematic review 49066 Grades; finalization; physical education class 49067 Mandated regulations regarding student's achievement 49069.5 Students in foster care, grades and credits CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 10060 Criteria for reporting physical education achievement, high schools UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 1232g Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 6101-6251 School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 Central Union High School District AR 5121 Students Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement Grades for achievement shall be reported based upon student mastery of the standards for the course content for each marking period as follows: Levels of Achievement Outstanding Achievement (Advanced Proficient) Student assessment evidence demonstrates exemplary performance in relation to the California State Content Standards or course standards. The evidence is characterized by deep understanding of the subject’s content, and demonstrates excellence in the knowledge and skills addressed during the grading period. Competent Achievement (Proficient) Student assessment evidence demonstrates skilled performance in relation to the California State Content Standards or course standards. The evidence is characterized by solid understanding of the subject’s content, and demonstrates proficiency in the knowledge and skills addressed during the grading period. Adequate Achievement (Basic) Student assessment evidence demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to the California State Content Standards or course standards. The evidence is characterized by generally accurate understanding of the subject’s content, and demonstrates basic knowledge and skills addressed during the grading period. Limited Achievement (Below Basic) Student assessment evidence demonstrates minimal performance in relation to the California State Content Standards or course standards. The evidence is characterized by limited understanding of the subject’s content, and demonstrates below basic knowledge and skills addressed during the grading period. Insufficient Achievement (Far Below Basic) Student assessment evidence demonstrates unsatisfactory or no mastery of California State Content or course standards. The evidence is characterized by a lack of understanding of the subject’s content, and demonstrates far below basic knowledge and skills addressed during the grading period. Incomplete Student has not had sufficient time/opportunity to demonstrate achievement on standards addressed during the grading period Grade Grade Points A 4.0 grade points B 3.0 grade points C 2.0 grade points D 1.0 grade points F 0 grade points I 0 grade points The Board recognizes that student performance on the California Standards Test (CST) represents a valid summative measure of students’ mastery of the California Content Standards and may be used as an alternate method in determining the student achievement. Therefore, grades for second semester achievement may be based on performance on the CST in a content area in which the student is currently enrolled in a corresponding course* if the CST performance level justifies a higher grade. Any teacher who elects to use the CST as a summative assessment for a course must provide details in his/her course syllabus explaining how the test will be used as part of the grading process. The syllabus must be reviewed and approved by the principal prior to the start of the second semester. The approved syllabus shall be provided to students and parents and clearly specify the level of performance that students must attain in order to improve their grades. The course grading policy must include reasonable opportunities for students at all achievement levels to improve their grades based on CST performance. No student’s score may be lowered as a result of CST performance. *Not applicable for Advanced Placement courses. Grades for second semester achievement in Advanced Placement courses may be based on performance on the Advanced Placement Exam in a content area in which the student is currently enrolled in a related course. Following the same procedures as described for inclusion of CST results, AP teachers shall define how the AP exam results will be incorporated into the grading process in the course syllabus. Incomplete Grades An Incomplete is given when a student's work is not finished because of illness or other excused absence. Under special circumstances, and as approved by the principal, an Incomplete may be given when students have not fully mastered the standards for that grading period. When/if the student achieves an acceptable level of mastery, the teacher may adjust the student’s grade for the grading period in which the Incomplete grade was initially issued to reflect the more recent level of achievement. If not made up or changed by the end of the following semester, the Incomplete shall become an F. Parent Notice regarding Students in Danger of Failing Whenever it becomes evident to a teacher that a student is in danger of failing a course, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student's parent/guardian or send the parent/guardian a written report. (Education Code 49067) (cf. 5123 - Promotion/Acceleration/Retention) (cf. 5124 - Communication with Parents/Guardians) Grades for Physical Education No grade of a student participating in a physical education class may be adversely affected due to the fact that the student does not wear standardized physical education apparel. The Superintendent or designee shall establish the standards for physical education apparel which enable and facilitate safe participation in class activities. (Education Code 49066) Student performance in high school physical education courses shall be based upon evaluation of the student's individual progress, attainment of goals in each instructional area, tests designed to determine skill and knowledge, and physical performance tests. (cf. 6142.7 - Physical Education) Grades for Citizenship and Effort Grades for citizenship and effort may be reported each marking period as follows: Levels of Performance Outstanding Student always comes to class prepared; has no unexcused absences; obeys all classroom and schoolwide rules and has no referrals; follows dress code; completes all homework and class assignments; participates in classroom discussions and activities; is always polite and respectful of other students and adults. Above Average Student comes to class prepared; has no more than one unexcused absence; obeys classroom and schoolwide rules and has no more than one referral; very rarely violates dress code; completes nearly all homework and class assignments; participates in classroom discussions and activities; is polite and respectful of other students and adults. Satisfactory Student usually comes to class prepared; has no more than two unexcused absences; obeys most classroom and schoolwide rules and has no more than two referrals; on occasion violates dress code; completes most homework and class assignments; usually participates in classroom discussions and activities; is generally polite and respectful of other students and adults. Needs Improvement Student often comes to class unprepared; has a few unexcused absences; occasionally disobeys classroom and schoolwide rules and has three-four referrals; sometimes violates dress code; completes some homework and class assignments; infrequently participates in classroom discussions and activities; is sometimes impolite and disrespectful of other students and adults. Unsatisfactory Student rarely comes to class prepared; has several unexcused absences; frequently disobeys classroom and schoolwide rules and has more than four referrals; often violates dress code; completes little to no homework or class assignments; almost never participates in classroom discussions and activities; is frequently impolite and disrespectful of other students and adults. Grade Grade Points A 4.0 grade points B 3.0 grade points C 2.0 grade points D 1.0 grade points F 0 grade points Pass/Fail Grading The Superintendent or designee may identify courses or programs for which students may, with parent/guardian permission, elect to earn a Pass or Fail grade instead of an A-F grade. The following courses may be awarded a Pass/Fail Grade: Community Service Office/Teacher’s Aide CAHSEE Prep (Math/English) Cafeteria Aide English 9/10 Support Algebra I Support College Going Initiative (Summer Academy) Math/English Transfer Credits from Non-Accredited Schools The Special Education Program may arrange Pass/Fail grading as a modification for individual special education students in accordance with their IEP's. Students who receive a Pass grade shall acquire the appropriate semester units of credit for the course. The grade shall not be counted in determining class rank, honors list, or membership in the California Scholarship Federation. Students who receive an F grade shall not receive credit for taking the course. Peer Grading At their discretion, teachers may use peer grading of student tests, papers and assignments as appropriate to reinforce lessons. (cf. 5125 - Student Records) Repeating Classes With the approval of the principal or designee, a student may repeat a course in which he/she has earned a “D” or “F” grade in order to raise his/her grade. Both grades received shall be entered on the student's transcript, but the student shall receive credit only once for taking the course. The highest grade received shall be used in determining the student's overall grade point average. Withdrawal from Classes A student who drops a course during the first grading period of the semester may do so without any entry on his/her permanent record card. A student who drops a course after the first quarter of the semester shall receive an F grade on his/her permanent record, unless otherwise decided by the principal or designee because of extenuating circumstances. Absences from School Grades for a student in foster care shall not be lowered if the student is absent from school due to either of the following circumstances: (Education Code 49069.5) 1. A decision by a court or placement agency to change the student's placement, in which case the student's grades and credits shall be calculated as of the date the student left school 2. A verified court appearance or related court-ordered activity (cf. 5125 – Student Records) Policy CENTRAL UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: November 8, 2005 El Centro, California revised: June 23, 2009 El Centro, California