Assignment 8 - Current Approach to Instruction

Assignment 8 - Current Approach to Instruction
Jessica Foley (Hingle)
April 15, 2009
1. Design
a. How the task is typically performed.
I have instituted a formal design process, which was fully run
initially and only partially run with subsequent projects because
both my learners and environment remain constant across all
projects. Initially the learners and environment were documented.
The requirements for each project are reviewed with the Task
Monitor, a Gap Analysis is conducted, and then instructional
strategies and message formats are reviewed and selected.
b. Problems encountered in performing the task.
The major issue that I have encountered when performing this task
is trying to gain understanding and approval from our Government
Task Monitor. He did not initially comprehend why it was important
to have this design phase before jumping in to full blown
c. Attempts to solve those problems.
I utilized my textbooks from the ITMA program to show our
Government Task Monitor the reasons behind a formal design
phase and he agreed with the method.
d. Significant successes experienced.
A significant success was when I had completed a formal design
phase for a project and presented the full project proposal to our
Task Monitor. I felt confident that the development of the project
would go much more smoothly than in the past, due to all of the
issues that had been tackled up front.
e. Comparison to previous approach.
This is mostly a new step for me, since there was no formal design
process in my previous approach. It has lengthened the start-up of
projects, but shortened the development phase because I perform
less recreation.
2. Develop
a. How the task is typically performed.
Development is performed in accordance with the results of the
design document, which is approved by the Task Monitor prior to
the start of this phase. I create a fully detailed storyboard, which is
reviewed and approved, and then more into development of the
actual product.
b. Problems encountered in performing the task.
I initially only used a storyboard for the computer-based products,
but soon realized that I was still spending a lot of time creating and
recreating the print based products.
c. Attempts to solve those problems.
I applied the same process to the print-based products and have
seen the same decrease in development time and increased
product accuracy now.
d. Significant successes experienced.
I experienced a great sense of accomplishment the first time I
completed the development phase, which accurately reflected the
design document, and the final product matched what the Task
Monitor expected without any major revision or recreation. This
alleviated a major source of stress with my projects.
e. Comparison to previous approach.
My current approach to development is much more structured and
formalized when compared to my previous approach. It is also
shorter because of the addition of the design phase. I think this has
been a positive change to my product creation process.
3. Utilize
a. How the task is typically performed.
I have created a virtual Resource Center for DISA employees to
access learning resources, including my products (electronically or
in printable format) as well as links to a variety of other resources
on the intranet and Internet. DISA now mandates that incoming
employees now visit the Resource Center in order to accomplish a
portion of their in-processing, so that the employees become aware
of the resources that are available in that location. Resources are
constantly updated.
b. Problems encountered in performing the task.
It was difficult to get approval for the Resource Center to be a part
of new employee in-processing because the Human Resources
division did not understand the intent.
c. Attempts to solve those problems.
It took a month of meetings in order to get the approval for inclusion
of the Resource Center in the new employee in-processing
procedure. In order to obtain agreement from Human Resources, I
agreed to add their links to the page as well.
d. Significant successes experienced.
Launch of the Resources Center and the first in-processing class
that included the information.
e. Comparison to previous approach.
Compared to my previous approach, I have greatly expanded in
this area. Instead of strictly referring learners to my materials in
limited format, everyone has access to a variety of resources in a
wide range of formats. Awareness of the resources has been
integrated into an existing DISA process to increase the audience
that the information reaches.
4. Manage
a. How the task is typically performed.
The main items that I currently manage are the design and
development process for all marketing and instructional products,
maintenance of the message delivery systems for those products,
and marketing of resources. Within those areas I perform the
management of the overall processes as well as work directly on
some of the tasks within the processes. Other employees also
perform tasks within the process while I oversee their work.
b. Problems encountered in performing the task.
The toughest area within this task is managing the communication
and relationship between our group and external groups. Each
division has unique requirements and priorities and sometime does
not see eye to eye with the other groups. This causes a delay in
decisions, approvals, and general responsiveness.
c. Attempts to solve those problems.
To alleviate this issue, I have instituted regularly scheduled
meetings with all parties involved and make a point to create
meeting minutes for each session. The meeting minutes include a
listing of tasks, with the associated responsible party named and a
deadline listed. This has helped hold everyone to the respective
responsibilities and allows for a smoother process overall.
d. Significant successes experienced.
Overall reduction in the time it takes for approvals and decisions at
every point in multiple processes. This did not come without some
heartburn, but it was worth it!
e. Comparison to previous approach.
My management responsibilities had to expand in order to respond
to the growing areas of design, development, utilization, and
evaluation compared to the previous approach. Without effective
management, those areas would not be able to properly function in
their enhanced state.
5. Evaluate the adequacy of instruction and learning
a. How the task is typically performed.
Evaluation is currently incorporated into all areas of my job to be
sure that everything is on track. The design and development team
has weekly meetings to review project progress, our Task Monitor
performs evaluations as our products are being created, external
divisions review materials as applicable to their business areas,
and learners are asked to fill out a survey at the conclusion of
material utilization. The only times when material surveys are not
conducted are when printed materials, such as brochures, are
distributed at conferences. Statistics are also collected from the
Help Desk to determine where users are having issues.
Problems encountered in performing the task.
Convincing learners to complete surveys after utilizing materials
has been difficult. Many just want to move on and do not respond at
all. Our current response rate is about 35%.
Attempts to solve those problems.
I am currently in discussions with the division head to see if there is
a way to offer “credit” of some sort for responding to the surveys.
The credit could enter the learner into a lottery for a prize.
Significant successes experienced.
I am happy that we have a positive response from the external
divisions when they are asked to review our materials. The outside
viewpoint allows us to have a better understanding of how the
materials will be received by the learners, which helps us preempt
some of the issues.
Comparison to previous approach.
Evaluation was not conducted in my previous approach. The entire
process is an addition and working very well so far!