Earth Review Power Point

and Erosion
Grab Bag
and Erosion
Grab Bag
Weathering and Erosion $100
The type of erosion that moves the most
rock on Earth's surface is
A. wind
B. water
C. glaciers
D. gravity
Weathering and Erosion $200
Many U-shaped valleys in Northern Utah
shows that a glacier carved them. It takes a
glacier this long to carve a valley.
A. less than a year
B. 10 to 20 years
C. a century or more
D. thousands of years
Weathering and Erosion $300
The best way to model the changes to a
canyon after flooding is
A. A tray of sand with water dripping
through it.
B. A tray of sand with water pouring through
C. A blow dryer set up near a tray of sand.
D. A tray of sand with plants set along the
Weathering and Erosion $400
Rodney went to his favorite fishing place on
vacation one summer. When he got there,
it had all changed because A. He must have forgotten where it was
B. Wind can blow rocks into rivers
C. Erosion by rivers can change their course
D. Ice in the winter can cause fish to die
Weathering and Erosion $500
According to this table,
Millions of Years Ago
1000 MYA
200 MYA
35 MYA
15 MYA
Geologic Formation
Utah Under Warm Seas
Sand Dunes Deposited
Volcanic Activity
Lake Bonneville, water erosion
the most recent geological formations was
A. Utah under warm seas
B. Sand dunes deposited
C. Volcanic activity
D. Lake Bonneville, water erosion
Weathering and Erosion $100Answer
What is B - Water
Weathering and Erosion $200Answer
What is D - thousands of years
Weathering and Erosion $300Answer
What is B - A tray of sand with water
pouring through it.
Weathering and Erosion $400Answer
What is C - Erosion by rivers can change
their course.
Weathering and Erosion $500Answer
What is D - Lake Bonneville, water
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
Hot rock deep in Earth expands and is
forced out the opening of a volcano. As
the rock cools it may form
A. mountains
B. glaciers
C. rivers
D. sandstone arches
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
While on vacation, a family saw one mountain by itself
that had a caved-in top. They found many lava rocks by
it and decided it was a dormant volcano.
This family doing science
A. YES, because many people use evidence and
observations to understand things.
B. YES, because it doesn’t matter if you are right or not,
as long as you guess.
C. NO, because only trained geologists can understand
different ways mountains form.
D. NO, because some things are too hard to
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
A seismograph is a device used to
measure wave movement through
Earth's crust. It is used to help predict
A. earthquakes and volcanoes
B. floods and hurricanes
C. snowstorms and avalanches
D. drought and rainfall patterns
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What causes earthquakes, volcanoes and
uplift of Earth's surface?
A. the pull of gravity from the Moon and
B. movement of Earth's crust
C. explosions deep with Earth's core
D. new rocks forming on Earth's surface
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
While on vacation, a student observed mountains made of
many layers of rock, some tilted. He also observed a
whole mountain made of small pieces of lava. He
concluded that mountains may be formed in different
His conclusion are
A. poor - because he didn’t do an experiment.
B. poor - because he didn’t look in any books.
C. good - because it is what his teacher taught him.
D. good - because he based it on observable evidence.
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What is A - mountains
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What is A - YES, because many people
use evidence and observations to
understand things
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What is A - earthquakes and volcanoes
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What is B - movement of Earth's crust
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Uplift
What is - good - because he based it on
observable evidence
Time $100
The processes that most directly contributed
to the layered look of this butte are
A. volcanoes and earthquakes
B. weathering and wind erosion
C. deposition and uplift
D. glaciers and ice
Time $200
The time it has taken for the Grand
Canyon to form
A. 1,000 years
B. 100 years
C. over 5,000 years
D. 2,000 years
Time $300
Knowing about deposition can help people
after a rainstorm because they understand
A. New rock is built up on a mountain.
B. Uplift occurs as mountain become
C. Large boulders fracture and crack.
D. Mud and dirt come down the mountain.
Time $400
It has taken millions of years for the Grand
Canyon to build up and break down. The
oldest rocks of this canyon are most likely
to be
A. at the top of the canyon
B. at the bottom of the canyon
C. in the middle of the canyon
D. eroded away
Time $500
The set of processes that allowed the
Grand Canyon walls to appear as they
do today are:
A. deposition, uplift, and erosion
B. volcanoes, erosion, and weathering
C. earthquakes, weathering, and uplift
D. faulting, volcaonoes, and earthquakes
Time $100-Answer
What is C - deposition and uplift
Time $200-Answer
What is C - over 5,000 years
Time $300-Answer
What is D - Mud and dirt come down
the mountain.
Time $400-Answer
What is B - at the bottom of the canyon
Time $500-Answer
What is A - deposition, uplift, and
Grab Bag $100
According to this table,
Millions of Years Ago
1000 MYA
200 MYA
35 MYA
15 MYA
Geologic Formation
Utah Under Warm Seas
Sand Dunes Deposited
Volcanic Activity
Lake Bonneville, water erosion
a quick change to the Utah’s surface would most likely be
A. Utah under warm seas
B. Sand dunes deposited
C. Volcanic activity
D. Lake Bonneville, water erosion
Grab Bag $200
What scientific knowledge helps people predict
what might happen after a forest fire has
burned trees and plants on a mountain?
A. Mudslides and landslides could occur.
B. An arch could form as rock wears away.
C. A volcano could erupt and burn more trees.
D. Uplift could occur from earthquakes and
Grab Bag $300
Volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift affect
Earth's surface by creating
A. deep ocean basins
B. great plains of rich soil
C. mountains and valleys
D. Arctic ice caps
Grab Bag $400
What direction are A and C moving?
A. apart
B. together
C. toward B
D. up and down
Grab Bag $500
Using the information in the table, the drawing that correctly shows how
rock layers would appear
Grab Bag $100-Answer
What is C - Volcanic activity
Grab Bag $200-Answer
What is A - Mudslides and landslides
could occur.
Grab Bag $300-Answer
What is C - mountains and valleys
Grab Bag $400-Answer
What is A - apart
Grab Bag $500-Answer
What is A
Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy
Signs of water erosion are:
A. mountains are being formed
B. broken rocks, sharp edges
C. smooth, rounded rocks
D. freshly dug holes in dirt
You have 1 minute to consult…
Final Jeopardy
Signs of water erosion are:
A. mountains are being formed
B. broken rocks, sharp edges
C. smooth, rounded rocks
D. freshly dug holes in dirt
You have 30 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy
Signs of water erosion are:
A. mountains are being formed
B. broken rocks, sharp edges
C. smooth, rounded rocks
D. freshly dug holes in dirt
You have 15 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy
Signs of water erosion are:
A. mountains are being formed
B. broken rocks, sharp edges
C. smooth, rounded rocks
D. freshly dug holes in dirt
Time Is Up
Final Jeopardy-Answer
What is C - smooth, rounded rocks
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