
Unleashing the
of the zPenguins
Virtualization Management Where IT Counts
September 2012
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Topics we will discuss today:
The need we have identified
High level overview of CSL-WAVE
Product Foundation
More on CSL-WAVE Value and Architecture
New v3.1 Features
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Needs when running z/VMbased server farms:
Handle Provisioning of: Servers, Storage, Networkdevices and Server-to-Network Connections
Attend to the different needs of various
administrative teams (Operations, z/VM & Linux)
Provide effective means of automating
management tasks
Allow delegation of administrative capabilities to
the Linux administrators for simpler management
Do it all via a simple Intuitive and user friendly
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CSL-WAVE High Level Overview
Management, Provisioning, Automation and
Simplification solution for virtual server farms
Focused on System z with z/VM environment
Based on a 3-Tier Architecture:
– CSL-WAVE Server - Running our BTS
(Background Task Scheduler) and
the knowledge-base DB
(Linux Server)
– Modular TVP (Target Virtualization Platform)
API that drives SMAPI and our Service
– GUI Clients and CLI users
login to manage the virtual
server farm(s)
GUI Clients
CLI Clients
GUI Clients
GUI Clients
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CSL-WAVE Foundation
Knowledge Base: Keeps track of the managed systems’
components and their associated metadata
Task Scheduler: Employs Work Units (WU) processing
architecture using BTS Worker threads
Common Output Repository (COR): Where output
generated by each BTS WU is stored in a Spool-like fashion
Message Brokers: Efficiently move messages across all
system components
Security Enforcer: Controls the Scope and Permissions
of every user action
Device Management: Simple and Automatic control of
all virtual devices as well as real/dedicate devices
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CSL-WAVE Foundation
GUI: Rich and intuitive graphic environment with
dynamic views of the server farm as the workplace
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CSL-WAVE Main Features
Using the architecture and technologies
outlined on the Foundation slide, CSL-WAVE
facilitates advanced capabilities in these areas:
Graphical Control
Enhanced Server Farm Administration
Network Support
Extended Security
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More on CSL-WAVE
Value and
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Rich GUI with active graphical views of all managed
objects (Network Topologies, Performance Gauges,
Storage Pie-charts and more…).
Views (Except the NW) may flipped to tabular mode
Use Point’n’click and Drag’n’drop techniques
Advanced filters, tagging, layouts and layers
selection for every display
Multiple objects may be selected (via groups, filters
or simply with random mouse clicks) for any action
Easy access to the z/Linux guests directly from the
GUI using SSH, 3270 or CLC terminals
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Ordered Activation/Deactivation of servers
Run Linux shell scripts against dynamic/static
grouped/filtered servers, as CSL-WAVE background
tasks, listing the results for each selected server
Run REXX EXECs against any virtual object with
customized parameters and results-listing - All via
the GUI
WAVECLI – A CLI for CSL-WAVE actions that can be
called from Linux shell scripts or Windows Batch files
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Sophisticated guests cloning including Cross System
Clone (Across LPARs and CECs)
Run REXX execs as part of the cloning process for
local z/VM customization
Ability to customize the first boot of a cloned server
(Before and After TCPIP is initialized!)
Creation and configuration of VSwitches and Guest
Storage management and provisioning at the z/VM
and Linux levels (Including LVM support)
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Agent-Less technology!
Automatic initial-detection of all the virtual server
farm’s components: Servers, Prototypes, Networks,
Network Devices and Storage
Any changes to the system, done by any CSL-WAVE
component or user are immediately propagated to
all GUI users
User-controlled ongoing monitoring of changes
made outside of CSL-WAVE after the initial AutoDetection
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Enhanced Server Farm
Performance Monitoring – Tapping into the z/VM
Performance Toolkit or Velocity data collectors
Intelligent Active Notes (IANs) – “Post-it” like notes
that can be attached to any managed object
Communication-less Connection (CLC) – Proprietary
non-TCPIP based terminal
Proprietary 3270 Access to z/Linux console
Dynamic generation of Guest-to-Disk graphic maps
Reporting subsystem with a built-in report-writer
CSL-WAVE Log message routing via standard
“syslogd” to any central log repositories
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Enhanced Server Farm
Custom Attributes
– Create site defined attributes and associate them with
servers for grouping and filtering purposes
– Import comma delimited files with custom attributes
association to guests for an easy mass update of the
CSL-WAVE knowledgebase
Enterprise Viewer
– Manage workloads across z/VM instances and CECs, via
Custom Attributes so servers may be started/stopped as a
group regardless of the z/VM instant hosting them
– Get performance gauges for all z/VMs on one screen
– Unlimited number of z/VMs may be managed concurrently
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Network Support
Centralized, layer-based view of the entire network
topology per z/VM System, with cross-system
integration via VLANs
Define and control all network devices such as
VSwitches and Guest LANs, manipulate servers-tonetwork connect/disconnect, using GUI draw tools
Auto-Handle definitions at the z/VM and Linux levels
Support for VLAN usage (Trunk/Access modes)
Management of VSwitches with protocol layer 2 or 3
Customize CSL-WAVE’s network-topology-view with
external resources (Routers, Other LPARs etc...)
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Extended Security
Security Management via Scopes-and-Permissions
sets for each CSL-WAVE user
Permission resolution at the right-click menu level for
every action on any type of managed object
Login authentication via LDAP or CSL-WAVE
proprietary users’ management
Support for RACF and VM:Secure
LOGON-BY authentication support for 3270 access
RSA/DSA certificates support for SSH access
Locking/Unlocking of all managed objects (Virtual
and Physical for authorized users
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Dedicated Device Pools Manager
Dedicated devices are managed in pools using the
Device Pools Manager which handles requests for
dedicated devices
The management is done by three device-class
– HIPER Sockets
– OSAs
The site may
manage multiple
pools for each device-class (Test/PROD/SYS etc…)
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Dedicated Device Pools
Drilling into the Device Pool Manager, we get to
the actual Device Pools which list information
about each device in the pool
such as:
Device Address
ONLINE status
LOCK status
IAN (Intelligent
Active Note) status
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Dedicated Device Pools
HiperSockets Device Pool example
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The BTS Work Units Table
List all of the BTS Work Units in the system (and
their status) according to the viewer’s scope
The user can further filter this table by originated
user, date-time, and other criteria
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The COR Entries
Each BTS WU has
a COR entry
associated with it
The COR entry
holds all the
output generated
for/by the WU
refreshed progress
bar for the WU is
shown as well
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What’s New?!
V3.1 Features
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FCP Support
Enhanced Disk mapping now includes FCP
attached storage to guests and storage
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FCP Support
CSL-WAVE v3.1 provides inventory management
and tracking for FCP storage (WWPNs, Storage
controllers, LUNs, Unique DISK IDs):
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FCP Support
of the storage
Combining CKD
view, enables
selective display
of components
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FCP Support
FCP support integration into the Manage Storage
task - Provides the ability to add FCP storage to
guests using existing FCP devices or new ones
(automatically allocated from Device pools)
FCP Storage can be added as regular partitions
or LVM directly from the GUI
Easily and intelligently handling of all needed
tasks in the z/VM side, as well as on the Linux
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FCP Support
FCP device provisioning is managed by CSL-WAVE
automatically via Device Pools thereby eliminating
the need to track free/used FCP device
The new FCP devices are offered based on the
cloned guest’s original device-pools
Next modification of CSL-WAVE will introduce:
– Map original WWPN-LUN pairs to new WWPN-LUN pairs
– Automatic modification of the multipath configuration
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Shared Directory Enhancements
v3.1 introduces Enhanced Shared Directory
Massive performance improvements due to
centralization of common data
Removal of per-system periodic discovery tasks
Dramatic reduction in GUI and BTS memory
requirements is recognized with large shops with
lots of z/VMs sharing the same directory
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Virtual to Real Memory Gauge
The System Status and the Enterprise Dashboard
panels now show a new Virtual-to-Real gauge
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Virtual to Real Memory Gauge
The gauge shows the current over/under-commit
percentage, based on user defined thresholds
and maximum values
Provides another monitoring aspect for the
status and health of the z/VM LPARs managed
Can enhance the ability to make educated
decisions about whether or not the LPARs can
support additional active guests
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Pause/Resume Actions
Ability to stop (CP STOP) and resume (CP BEGIN)
guests as a multiple task action
Dormant or currently unused guests may be
paused to free up memory and CPU resources
Provides the ability to stop or resume guests in a
mass - By group, project, Custom Attribute or any
other multiple selection
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BTS Enhancements
More of user initiated work is now scheduled as
BTS tasks:
 Init-For-WAVE
 Manage Storage
 Pause/Resume
 Lock/Unlock Guests
 Read/Update/Delete
Guests’ IANs
 Generate Storage
As BTS tasks - COR entries are now generated
for each of the above tasks
These actions are now available from the EV for
guests across the enterprise, regardless of their
z/VM LPAR residency
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Init-For-WAVE Enhancements
Granulation of the Process is provided for better
Allowance for “per-function” compliance of the
Init-For-WAVE process
Refresh Linux-Data action
– Provide a way to run a subset of the Init-For-WAVE
process allowing a refresh of certain aspects of the
guest (FCP connections, hostname, etc.)
– May be run against any selection of guest for mass
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Export to CSV
All Table-based Viewers can now export their
contents (including any change to the displayed
columns, their order, etc.) to a Comma
Separated File selected by the user
Data can be very easily exported to other
applications (such as Microsoft EXCEL)
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Enhanced Filters
The new filters support comma-delimited value-list
as the comparison target
– CSL-WAVE will use the “OR” operator when performing
object selection from the knowledgebase
Option to filter guests by hostname or IP address
is now available
Non-VM personnel are presented with more
familiar filtering capability
In some shops, the Linux system administrators
manage and identify guests based only on their
hostnames or IP addresses
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CSL-WAVE Benefits
Enables z-based virtualization as a practical and
economical solution for –
“Virtual Server Farms with NO LIMITS”
Allows easy management of ANY-SIZE server farm
Multiple z/VMs managed via central control (EV)
Standardize the management UI regardless of the
HW platform (z9/z10/z196/z114)
Extended IT team control over the server farm whilst
cutting costs
Delegate administrative authority with full control of
Scopes and Permissions
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Value Proposition Summary:
CSL-WAVE is a best of breed virtualization
enabler and virtual server provisioning
management solution
Simplification and Automation of System z
virtual server farm management via an intuitive
and rich GUI
All managed Linux images remain Agent-Free
CSL-WAVE does not have any architectural
limitation to the capacity it can manage …
Goal driven user experience
All of the above value points geared towards:
Driving your IT COSTS DOWN!
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All z POWER !!!
(Without z Learning Curve…)
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Please feel free to raise any
questions now...
Thanks for attending
our webinar!
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