Annual report 2013 Annual accounts Annual report 2013 2 / 33 Nature of the business SSB Boligkreditt AS is the funding company of the Sandnes Sparebank Group, for the issue of covered bonds. 2013 is the Company’s fifth year of operation. The Company has its registered office at Forus in the municipality of Sandnes. greater in Sandnes (-1.7%) and Stavanger (-2.4%). Both the housing market and regional business performance is still seen as very strong, but the Bank is taking possible negative developments into account in its strategic planning for the years ahead. SSB Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandnes Sparebank. Earnings performance 2013 Figures in parentheses apply to the corresponding period in 2012. Profits before taxes were NOK 73.6 (50.7) million. After tax profits were NOK 55.2 (35.4) million. The Board of Directors considers the Company’s capital adequacy and liquidity levels to be satisfactory. The financial statements have been prepared on the basis that the Company will continue operating as a going concern, as this assumption is justified. The applicable accounting principles are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. Market conditions The global economy experienced a very positive development during 2013. In Norway, the growth rate has declined for most industries, yet the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index was up by approximately 21%. The shipping, financial, fisheries and telecom industries were the best contributors to this performance, whereas oil and oil service pulled in the other direction. In the oil and gas industry there is still a high level of activity, and the oil price has remained relatively stable. However, there are several sector companies that are struggling with high costs, and more staff cuts were announced in the last quarter of the year than we have seen previously. The debt financing market for Norwegian banks was stable throughout the entire 2013. The short interest rates (NIBOR) fell steadily throughout the year, whereas the long interest rates (10 year swap) increased softly throughout 2013. In all sectors, the credit spreads have narrowed. For Sandnes Sparebank, the indicated credit spread for 5 year financing (indicated by the VFF curve) went down from +120 basis points at the start of the year to +88 basis points at the end of the year. For SSB Boligkreditt, ,the credit spread has also narrowed significantly, both due to market forces and due to a new rating being issued during the year. The Company’s net interest income totalled NOK 103.4 (66.2) million. Other income was -16.2 (-3.7) million. Other income was negative in both 2012 and 2013 due to revaluations of financial derivatives to fair value (in connection with hedging of fixed rate loans). In 2013, this revaluation amounted to -17.2 million. In 2013, the Company’s operating costs were NOK 13.8 (11.2) million. The cooperation with Sandnes Sparebank has been formalized through a management agreement. The Bank’s management fee amounted to NOK 9.6 (9.2) million during 2013. Other operating cost increased by NOK 2.5 million from 2012 to 2013, mainly due to rating costs. Some of these costs were non-recurring. During 2013, NOK -0.2 (0.6) million of write-downs were made on groups of loans. Balance sheet and asset management At the end of 2013, SSB Boligkreditt AS managed assets totalling NOK 7.1 (6.8) billion. Loans to customers constituted NOK 6.7 (6.4) billion. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2013, the Company had issued bonds with a face value of NOK 4.25 (5.3) billion. In addition, the item other liabilities includes debts to the Parent Company of NOK 2.4 (1.1) billion. This is related to bridge financing of SSB Boligkreditt’s purchase of a loan portfolio from Sandnes Sparebank. The Company’s liquidity situation is satisfactory. Unemployment is still stable at a low level. According to statistics from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV), it is slightly down from 2.7% at the start of the year, to 2.6% at the end of the year, whereas there was a slight increase in Rogaland, from 1.8% to 2% in the same period. Risk issues Pursuant to laws and regulations stipulated by the authorities, companies with license to issue Covered Bonds (Obligasjoner med Fortrinnsrett - OMF) should have a low risk level. The Board of Directors of SSB Boligkreditt emphasizes that the Company shall identify, measure and manage the various risk factors in such a way that the confidence in SSB Boligkreditt is maintained in the market. In 2013, the housing market was weaker than we have seen in recent years, and the turnover rate has been rising. According to the Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents, in 2013 there was a marginal price decline of 1.3% for all of Rogaland. The 2013 price decline was somewhat Credit risk As of 12/31/2013, the Company had a portfolio of home loans valued at NOK 6.7 billion. The weighted loan balance of this portfolio corresponded to 51% of the valuation of the objects. No loans were in default at the end of the period. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Annual accounts 3 / 33 The Board of Directors considers the quality of the loan portfolio as very good, and the credit risk as low. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the overall risk exposure of SSB Boligkreditt is low. Market risk Market risk is defined as economic loss due to changes in observable market variables, such as interest rates, currency exchange rates and prices of financial instruments. Organization, employees and environment The Company has entered an agreement with Sandnes Sparebank regarding the management of the Company’s loan portfolio. Prices and terms and conditions are adjusted annually. The Company has no employees. Formally, the Managing Director is employed by Sandnes Sparebank. SSB Boligkreditt shall carry a low market risk, and has established exposure limits for both interest rate and currency risk. The Company will use financial derivatives in order to keep the abovementioned risks at a low level. As of 12/31/2013, the Company has issued bonds with a nominal value of NOK 4.25 billion, of which NOK 3.7 billion carry a floating rate. The Company has positions in Norwegian Kroner only. With respect to the lending volume, 94% of the loans carry a floating rate. The Company uses financial derivatives to hedge interest rate risk, in order to keep it low. At the end of 2013, the Company had no positions in foreign currency, and consequently no currency risk. The Board of Directors considers the overall market risk to be low. Liquidity risk This is the risk of the Company not being able to refinance upon maturity, or not being able to finance its assets at market terms. SSB Boligkreditt issues bonds that enables the Company to extend the maturity of its funding by 12 months if the Company should experience refinancing problems at the ordinary maturity date. The Board of Directors considers the Company’s liquidity risk to be low. Operational risk This is the risk of loss due to errors or irregularities in the handling of transactions, lack of internal controls or irregularities in the systems used. SSB Boligkreditt has entered a framework agreement with Sandnes Sparebank regarding management, production, IT and financial and risk management. There are four Directors. The Company does not pollute the external environment. Corporate governance SSB Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandnes Sparebank and has no employees. Please refer to the Annual Financial Statements of Sandnes Sparebank for disclosure regarding corporate governance and company management. Social responsibility Please the report in the Annual Financial Statements of the Parent Bank, Sandnes Sparebank. Prospects SSB Boligkreditt has issued covered bonds in the market. New issues are targeted at the Norwegian market. The Company expects a modest volume increase in 2014. In November 2013, bonds issued by SSB Boligkreditt received a rating upgrade by Fitch. The rating went from AAsubject to an OC level of 12%, to AA subject to an OC level of 11%. The current rating is expected to be maintained. Proposal for the allocation of annual profits Annual profits for 2013 were NOK 55.21 million. The Board of Directors proposes a group contribution to other companies in the same group of NOK 34.197 million (after taxes). Remaining earnings of NOK 21.013 million are proposed transferred to retained earnings, The Board of Directors considers the operational risk to be low. The Board of Directors of SSB Boligkreditt AS March 06, 2014 Odd Egil Flokketveit Chairman of the Board Arild Ollestad Director Svein Ivar Førland Director SSB Boligkreditt årsrapport 2013 Terje Frafjord Director Elisabeth Frøyland Managing Director Directors report 4 / 33 Statement of income Income statement (NOK ’000) Note 2013 2012 Interest and similar income 13 262.921 266.616 Interest and similar costs 13 159.472 200.426 103.449 66.190 Net interest and credit commission income Commission income and income from banking services 14 963 674 Net change in valuation of financial instruments at fair value 15 -17.200 -4.422 -16.237 -3.748 Total other operating income Personnel cost 16 41 106 Other operating cost 16 13.156 10.515 Depreciation/writedowns 16,20 Total operating cost Writedowns and losses on loans and guarantees 9 Ordinary operating profit before taxes Tax cost Ordinary profit after taxes 17 589 589 13.785 11.209 -214 558 73.640 50.675 18.430 15.298 55.210 35.377 55.210 35.377 4.197 3.173 Other income and cost (after taxes) Total profits Allocation: Group contribution paid with tax effect (after taxes) Group contribution paid without tax effect 30.000 Transferred to retained earnings 21.013 32.203 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Directors report 5 / 33 Balance sheet Balance sheet (NOK ’000) Noter 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Bank deposits 18,19 123.801 305.592 6,7,8,9,18,19 6.665.482 6.428.822 20 241.698 Net lending to customers Notes and bonds Financial derivatives 11,18,19 15.924 20.106 Intangible assets 21 49 638 Deferred tax benefit 17 4.710 18,19 7.861 4.734 7.059.526 6.759.892 5.228.136 Prepaid cost and accrued income Total assets Debt securities in issue 18,19,22 4.177.752 Financial derivatives 11,18,19 7.318 10.390 18,23 2.420.335 1.094.123 17 21.956 14.062 18,19 9.451 11.479 6.636.812 6.358.191 227.600 227.600 122.500 122.500 Other liabilities Taxes payable Accrued expenses and received, not accrued income Total liabilities Share capital 24 Premium Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 72.614 51.601 422.714 401.701 7.059.526 6.759.892 Sandnes, March 06, 2014 Odd Egil Flokketveit Chairman of the Board Arild Ollestad Director Terje Frafjord Director Svein Ivar Førland Director Elisabeth Frøyland Managing Director SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Directors report 6 / 33 Equity capital Equity capital as of 12/31/2011 Capital increase/offering Share capital Premium Retained earnings Total equity capital 227.600 122.500 19.398 369.498 62.500 37.500 Profit or loss 100.000 9.321 Group contribution paid with tax effect (after taxes) 9.321 -3.173 -3.173 51.601 401.701 Profit or loss 55.210 55.210 Group contribution paid with tax effect (after taxes) -4.197 -4.197 -30.000 -30.000 72.614 422.714 Equity capital as of 12/31/2012 227.600 122.500 Group contribution paid without tax effect Equity capital as of 12/31/2013 227.600 122.500 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Directors report 7 / 33 Cash flow statement Cash flow statement (NOK ’000) 2013 2012 257.136 267.813 Cash flow from operations Lending and funding activities Payment of interest, commissions and fees from customers Payment of interest to customers Interest payments received on securities 3.621 Net payment in/out in connection with trading of financial assets Operational payables Taxes Net cash flow from operations 1.277.186 212.646 -13.614 -4.301 1.524.328 476.159 Cash flow from investment activities Net payment in/out in connection with trading of interest-bearing securities -241.842 Net cash flow from investment activities Cash flow from funding activities Net payments in/out on instalment loans, lines of credit -247.850 -102.968 Placement of note and bond debt -1.247.073 457.960 Repayment of notes and bond debt -2.302.000 -748.000 -161.500 -203.675 1.464.278 -596.682 -181.792 -120.523 Net interest payments made on funding activities Net cash flow from funding activities Net cash flow for the period Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 305.593 426.116 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 123.801 305.592 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 8 / 33 Note Note Note Note Note 1General information 2Accounting principles 3Application of estimates 4Balance Sheet Management 5Risk Management 9 9 12 13 14 Credit risk Note 6Credit risk Note 7Customer lending Note 8Loans by geographic region and business sector Note 9Writedowns and losses on loans 15 17 17 17 Market risk Note10Interest rate risk Note11Financial derivatives 18 19 Likviditetsrisiko Note12Liquidity risk 20 Income statement Note13Net interest income Note14Net commission income and income from banking services Note15Net change in valuation of financial instruments at fair value Note16Operating cost Note17Taxes 21 21 22 22 23 Balance sheet Note18Classification of financial instruments Note19Fair value of financial instruments Note20Notes and bonds Note21Intangible assets Note22Debt established through the issue of securities Note23Other liabilities Note24Shareholders’ equity 24 25 28 28 29 29 29 Other information Note25Events after the date of the balance sheet Note26Transactions with intimates 30 30 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 9 / 33 1 GENERAL INFORMATION SSB Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandnes Sparebank. The Company was established to be the Bank’s company for the issue of covered bonds. SSB Boligkreditt AS offers home mortgage loans when the collateral is within 75 percent of the value of the home. The Company started operations in February 2009. SSB Boligkreditt is headquartered at Forus, and its office address is Vestre Svanholmen 4. The 2013 Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on March 06, 2014. 2 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES GENERAL SSB Boligkreditt AS is part of the Sandnes Sparebank group, which implemented IFRS for their group financial statements as of January 01, 2005. The corporate financial statements of SSB Boligkreditt AS have been prepared pursuant to §1-5 of the regulation by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance regarding annual financial statements, which allow simplified application of international accounting standards, hereafter referred to as simplified IFRS. Simplified IFRS entails permission to recognize provisions for dividends and group contributions from subsidiaries as income and to recognize the Board of Directors’ proposed dividends and group contributions as liabilities in the balance sheet. According to full IFRS, dividends should be recognized as equity until they have been approved by the Annual General Meeting. In other respects, simplified IFRS entails that the Company applies the IFRS accounting principles in full. The measurement basis for the financial statements is historical cost, with the exception of financial derivatives and the financial assets and liabilities that are reported at fair value with changes in value through the income statement. All amounts in the financial statements are presented as thousand amounts unless otherwise specifically stated, and Norwegian Kroner is the Company’s presentation currency. New standards and interpretations employed as of the 2013 financial year Amendment of IAS 1 – Presentation of elements of income and cost (OCI) The amendments of IAS 1 result in the elements presented in the statement of other income and cost (OCI) in total profits shall be grouped on the basis of whether the items later may be reclassified through the income statement or not. The amendment has an effect on the presentation of the overall profits only. IFRS 13 – Valuation to fair value A number of standards require or permit a company to measure or provide information about the fair value of assets, liabilities or equity instruments. IFRS 13 gathers and clarifies the guidance for how to measure fair value. The standard does not extend the scope of recognition at fair value, but provides guidance regarding application method where its use is required or permitted by other standards. The amendment does result in more extensive note information, but does not significantly change the Bank’s income statement or balance sheet. CURRENCY The presentation currency is Norwegian Kroner (NOK), which is also the functional currency for the Company. ACCRUAL OF INCOME Interest income and interest costs are recognized in the income statement using the yield method. The yield method calculates the amortized cost of loans and deposits and distributes earned interest or interest expense over the expected term to maturity. The yield is determined by discounting contractual cash flows within the anticipated term to maturity. The method entails current income accrual of nominal interest with the addition of amortization of up-front fees. If a loan has been written down due to value impairment, interest income is accrued as the yield on the written down value. In general, commission income and cost are accrued in line with the provision of a service and are classified as “Commission income and income from banking services” and ”Commission costs and costs of banking services”, respectively. Fees associated with fixed income instruments are part of the yield calculation and is correspondingly recognized in the income statement. BALANCE SHEET RECOGNITION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES The Company recognizes assets at the time when the Company achieves real control of the rights to the assets. Similarly, liabilities are recognized when the Company assumes real liabilities. Assets are derecognized at the time when real risk regarding the assets is transferred and the control over the rights to the assets lapses or expires. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 10 / 33 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Classification of financial instruments Classification of financial instruments is based on the purpose of their acquisition and the characteristics of the instrument. Financial assets are classified in the following categories: • Financial assets at fair value with change in value through the income statement • Loans and receivables • Financial instruments available for sale measured at fair value with change in fair value recognized as change in equity Financial liabilities are classified as: • Financial liabilities at fair value with change in value through the income statement • Other financial liabilities measured at amortized cost Financial assets and liabilities at fair value with change in value through the income statement, include financial derivatives and assets and liabilities it has been decided to value at fair value. Assets/liabilities are classified in accordance with FVO when this eliminates or significantly reduces inconsistencies in the measurements or recognition that would otherwise occur, or if a group is managed and revenues are valued on the basis of fair value in accordance with the Company’s risk management or investment strategy. Measurement Initial recognition At initial recognition, all financial instruments are measured at fair value on the trading day. Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the establishment of the asset/liability are included in the cost price of all financial instruments that are not classified at fair value with changes in value through the income statement. Subsequent valuation Measurement at fair value For all financial instruments traded on an active market, the quoted price obtained either from a stock exchange, broker or a pricing agency, is applied. Financial instruments not traded on an active market are valued with various valuation techniques, and some are valued by professional agencies. All changes in fair value are recognized directly in the income statement unless the asset is classified as available for sale with change in fair value recognized through change in equity. The Company has set the fair value of loans with floating rates of interest to correspond to the nominal value, adjusted for the associated writedown. The reason is that such loans are repriced almost continuously, and that any deviation from the nominal value in an arm’s length transaction between informed and willing parties is considered insignificant. Amortized cost valuation Financial instruments not measured at fair value are valued at amortized cost and income/cost is estimated using the yield method. The yield is determined by discounting contractual cash flows within the anticipated term to maturity. Amortized cost is the present value of the cash flows discounted by the yield. Hedge accounting The Company applies hedge accounting for fair value hedging of some fixed interest funding (bonds). Derivatives related to this funding are earmarked for hedging purposes. The hedge effect is valued and documented both at initial classification and at each closing of the accounts. In case of fair value hedging, the hedging instrument is recognized at fair value and the value of the hedging object is adjusted for the change in valuation associated with the hedged risk. Changes in these values from the starting balance are recognized in the income statement. This method ensures that the presentation in the financial statements of these instruments complies with the Company’s policies for managing interest rates and actual economic developments. If the hedge is terminated, or if sufficient hedging efficiency cannot be verified, the change in value of the hedging object is amortized over its remaining maturity. Writedown of financial assets On each balance sheet date, we consider whether there is objective evidence of value impairment of financial assets. If there is objective indication of impairment, then the value of the financial asset is written down, and the writedown is recognized where it belongs according to its character. Individual writedowns of loans and guarantees At each balance sheet date an assessment is made whether there is objective evidence of any impairment of the value of an individually assessed loan. The impairment must be the result of one or more events occurring after the first-time recognition in the balance sheet (a loss event) and it must also be possible to measure the result of the loss event (or events) reliably. Examples of such events are material financial problems for the debtor, payment default or other breach of contract. If there is objective proof of the occurrence of impairment of value, the amount of the loss is calculated. In the case of loans carried at amortized cost, the loss is calculated as the difference between the value recognized in the balance sheet and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted by the loan’s original yield. The changes during the period in the valuation of loans are recognized under “Writedowns and losses on loans and guarantees”. For loans carried at fair value, the change in value represents the difference between the value recognized in the balance sheet and the fair value on the balance sheet date. For these loans, the change in fair value is reported in the income statement under the item “change in valuation of financial instruments at fair value”. Losses are considered realized when a voluntary arrangement, insolvency or bankruptcy is confirmed, when attachment proceedings have failed, by an enforceable judgment, or otherwise if the Company waives all or part of the loan, or if the Company considers the loan to be a loss for the Company. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 11 / 33 Group writedowns of loans Loans that have not been individually written down for impairment are valued collectively in groups. Writedown is assessed on the basis of developments of the customers’ risk classification (as described in Note 5) and loss experience for the respective customer groups. In addition, a forward looking macroeconomic review is performed at year-end in which some segments may be assign increased risk, which in turn will affect the model used. Writedowns are recognized in the period in which they arise and are included in “write-downs and losses on loans and guarantees” in the income statement. More details about some types of financial instruments Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are financial assets without market quotations. Floating rate loans are valued at amortized cost or at yield to maturity. Fixed rate loans are recognized at fair value with change in value over the income statement. The interest rate risk in fixed rate loans is controlled with interest rate swaps that are recognized at fair value. It is the Company’s opinion that valuing fixed rate loans at fair value provides more relevant information about values in the balance sheet. Financial derivatives Derivatives are valued at fair value with change in value carried through the income statement. Fair value is valued on the basis of quoted market prices in an active market, including recent market transactions and various valuation techniques. All derivatives are recognized as assets if the fair value is positive and as liabilities if the fair value is negative. Funding and other financial liabilities Financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost where differences between the received amount less transaction costs and redemption value are distributed over the term of the loan using the yield method. Interest from other financial liabilities is reported as “interest cost” in income statement. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Costs directly associated with major investments in software, which are expected to bring significant financial benefits over time, are recognized as intangible assets. Cost of purchased licenses is capitalized and straight-line depreciated over their useful economic life, normally five years. Software maintenance costs are accrued as costs as and when they occur. At each balance sheet date, all intangible assets are assessed for indications of impairment. If there are indications of impairment, an analysis is made to assess whether the book value of the intangible assets may be fully recovered. The recoverable amount is the net sales price or the utility value, whichever is higher. The utility value is calculated by discounting expected future cash flows to present value by applying a discount rate after tax that reflects the market pricing of the time value of money and the risk related to the specific asset. In the case of assets that generally do not generate independent cash flows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-flow generating entity to which the asset belongs. If the recoverable amount is lower than book value, the value is written down to the recoverable amount. INCOME TAX Tax recognized in the income statement consists of payable tax and deferred tax. Payable tax is the tax calculated on the year’s taxable profits. Deferred tax is recognized according to the debt method in accordance with IAS 12. Liabilities or assets are calculated on deferred tax on temporary differences, which is the difference between the book value and the taxable value of assets and liabilities. However, no liability or asset is calculated on the initial recognition items that neither influence accounting nor taxable profits. An asset is estimated in the event of deferred tax on tax-related losses carried forward. Deferred tax benefits are recognized in the balance sheet if it is likely that they may be applied against future taxable earnings. As of 1/1/2014, the tax rate on ordinary income in Norway was changed from 28% to 27%. This has an impact on deferred taxes as of 12/31/2013. CASH FLOW STATEMENT The cash flow statements are prepared according to the direct method and the statement shows cash flows grouped according to sources and application areas. Liquid assets comprise cash and receivables from banks. Adopted standards and interpretations with effective dates in the future Only interpretations and standards that are considered relevant for the Company have been included. IAS 32 – Netting of a financial asset and a financial liability IAS 32 has been changed to clarify the content of the netting criterion, specifically that one has to have an existing legally enforceable right to net the recognized amounts, and to clarify that the application of the netting criteria for settlement systems using non-concurrent gross settlement mechanisms. The amendments to IFRS 32 will become effective January 01, 2014 and have been approved by the EU. The Group plans to apply the standard for accounting periods starting January 01, 2014 and later. IFRS 9 - Financial instruments IFRS 9 will replace the current IAS 39. IASB has divided the project into several phases, and as the individual phases of IFRS 9 are completed, the relevant parts of IAS 39 will be deleted. IFRS 9 replaces the accounting, classification and measurement rules of IAS 39. IFRS 9 reduces the number of measurement categories for financial assets from four to two, amortized cost and fair value. Financial assets containing ordinary loan terms should be recognized at amortized cost, unless you elect to record them at fair value, whereas other financial assets should be recognized at fair value. Classification and measurement rules for financial liabilities in IAS 39 are continued, with the exception of financial liabilities valued at fair value through the income statement (the fair value option), where changes in value associated with own credit risk are separated and recognized as other income and cost. The standard becomes effective for accounting periods starting January 01, 2015 or later, but it is not yet clear when the standard will be approved by the EU. The Group plans to apply IFRS 9 when the standard becomes effective and has been approved by the EU, and will evaluate the impact of the new standard during the period up to this point in time. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 12 / 33 3 APPLICATION OF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles in some cases requires the management to make assumptions and to rely on estimates and discretionary assessments. Estimates and discretionary assessments are evaluated on a current basis, and are based on historical experiences and assumptions about future events that appear probable on the date of the balance sheet. There is uncertainty associated with the assumptions and expectations that have been used in estimates and discretionary assessments. Actual results may deviate from the estimates and the assumptions. WRITEDOWNS OF LOANS AND GUARANTEES In the case of individually assessed loans and for groups of loans that have been identified as doubtful, a calculation is made to determine a value for the loan or group of loans. The calculation assumes the use of numbers that are based on judgment, and these affect the quality of the calculated value. Write-down assessments are performed each quarter. Individual writedowns If there is objective proof of impairment of the value of a loan, the loss is calculated as the difference between the balance sheet value and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted by the original yield of the loan. The estimate of future cash flows is made on the basis of experience and discretionary assessment of probable outcomes for, inter alia, market developments and concrete issues pertaining to each loan, including empirical data regarding the debtor’s ability to handle a pressured financial situation. In the valuation of writedowns of loans, there is uncertainty related to the identification to be written down, estimate of timing and amount of future cash flows, as well as the valuation of collateral. Group writedowns Loans that are not subject to individual writedowns are part of the calculation of group writedowns of loans. Writedown is calculated on the basis of an assessment of the development of the customers’ risk classification (as described in Note 5) and loss experience for the respective customer groups. In addition, cyclical and market developments that have yet to impact the above-mentioned risk classification, are considered in the evaluation of the need for writedowns for customer groups in aggregate. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market, are valued with the use of different valuation techniques. The Company seeks to base these valuations to the greatest extent possible on the market conditions prevailing on the date of the balance sheet. If there are no empirical market data, assumptions are made regarding how the market will price the instrument, e.g. based on the pricing of similar instruments. Valuations require extensive use of discretion, inter alia in the assessment of credit risk, liquidity risk and volatility. A change in one or more of these factors may affect the set value of the instrument. The fair value of financial instruments is presented in Note 19. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 13 / 33 4 BALANCE SHEET MANAGEMENT The Company applies the standard method for the calculation of capital requirements. Net subordinated capital 31.12.13 Equity certificate capital 227 600 227 600 Share premium reserve 122 500 122 500 Other equity Equity Deduction for goodwill and other intangible assets 31.12.12 72 614 51 601 422 714 401 701 -4 759 -638 Total tier 1 capital 417 956 401 063 Net subordinated capital 417 956 401 063 2 634 362 2 586 312 111 738 72 638 Risk-weighted assets: Credit risk - standard method Operational risk Deductions -3 460 -4 245 2 742 640 2 654 705 Capital adequacy ratio 15,2 15,1 Tier 1 capital ratio 15,2 15,1 Core Tier 1 capital ratio 15,2 15,1 Specification of calculation base 2013 2012 Institutions 29 065 66 107 Companies 12 Total risk-weighted assets Standard Method Loans secured by real estate Covered bonds Others Credit risk Operational risk 2 527 249 2 472 522 24 271 53 765 47 684 2 634 362 2 586 313 111 738 72 638 Witedowns of group of loans -3 460 -4 245 Deduction -3 460 -4 245 2 742 639 2 654 705 Total calculation base The main objective of SSB Boligkreditt is to ensure the Sandnes Sparebank group access to satisfactory funding. This is effected through the issue of covered bonds (OMF). The Company has an internal capitalization policy which requires a core Tier-1 capital ratio of at least 15%, calculated on the basis of the Standard method. The adopted capitalization policy shall contribute to the Company having equity capital of a sufficient size to enable effective use of equity relative to the scope and risk profile of the business. Access to liquidity shall be the dominant consideration with respect to the goal of achieving competitive returns on equity. The equity capital shall also ensure that the Company will have sufficient capital buffers to withstand periods with losses. The capitalization of the Company is closely tied to the size of the portfolio of loans transferred to the Company. Limits have been set for the size of the portfolio relative to the loan portfolio of Sandnes Sparebank. The limit is a total loan portfolio corresponding to the lower of: • 30% of the total loan portfolio of Sandnes Sparebank (group) and • 45% of total retail loans of Sandnes Sparebank. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 14 / 33 5 RISK MANAGEMENT The Board of Directors of SSB Boligkreditt AS puts great store in risk management through the identification, measurement and management of the different risks to which the Company may be exposed. This maintains the confidence in SSB Boligkreditt AS that it is necessary to have in the market. SSB Boligkreditt AS shall have a low risk profile. ORGANIZATION AND AUTHORIZATION STRUCTURE Board of Directors The Board of Directors of SSB Boligkreditt AS is the Company’s highest governing body with respect to risk and control. The Board of Directors is also responsible for ensuring that the Company has adequate equity relative to the risk and scope of the Company’s operations, and for ensuring compliance with statutory capital adequacy requirements. The Board of Directors determines the overall objectives, such as risk profile, required rates of return and capital levels. The Board of Directors also determines the framework and authorizations within the different risk areas. Guidelines for the Company’s risk management is also the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Managing Director The Managing Director has the daily responsibility for risk management. This means that the Managing Director is responsible for implementing effective risk management systems, and ensuring that risk exposures are monitored and reported in a satisfactory manner. Risk management SSB Boligkreditt AS does not have a separate risk management unit, but is utilizing the resources of Sandnes Sparebank. This also ensures the necessary autonomy. Credit risk Credit risk is defined as the risk of loss due to customers and other counterparties becoming unable to pay at the agreed time and according to written agreements, and due to collateral received not covering outstanding claims. The operating framework of the Company has defined limits for which loans that should be included in the loan portfolio of SSB Boligkreditt and sets the requirements for both borrowers and collateral. The Company is using a classification system that only allows the best risk classes to be part of the Company’s body of collateral. As of 12/31/2013, the Company had a portfolio of home mortgages of NOK 6.7 billion, with an average loan to asset value ratio of 51%. The Board of Directors considers the quality of the portfolio to be very good, which also entails low credit risk. Liquidity and settlement risk Liquidity risk is defined as the risk of the Company not being able to fulfil its obligations and/or finance an increase in assets without extra costs arising in the form of price reduction for assets that have to be realized, or in the form of extra expensive funding. Liquidity risk is managed through limits set by the Board of Directors. Market risk Market risk is defined as risk of loss of market values of portfolios of financial instruments, due to fluctuations in share prices, currency exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. SSB Boligkreditt AS is not exposed to currency or equity instruments. Limits have been set for interest risk exposure. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk of loss arising due to changes in interest rate levels. The risk arises primarily from fixed-rate loans and funding by fixed income securities. The Company measures interest rate risk as the profit effect of a parallel shift in the yield curve. The risk of non-parallel shifts is covered through limitations on maximum exposure. The main principle of the Company’s interest rate risk management is to neutralize the interest rate risk by matching the Company’s assets and liabilities. The Company is constantly monitoring its interest rate exposure. Interest rate exposure is measured at 3 month intervals from 0-10 years. Operational risk Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss due to insufficient or deficient internal processes, human errors and system faults, or external events. Guidelines have been prepared for the reporting of undesirable events. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 15 / 33 Credit risk 6 CREDIT RISK Maximum exposure to credit risk 2013 2012 123.801 305.592 Loans to customers 6.665.482 6.428.822 Financial derivatives 15.924 20.106 Cash and bank deposits Prepaid cost and accrued income 7.861 4.734 Total credit risk exposure in balance sheet items 6.813.069 6.759.254 Unused credit facilities and loan grants 1.033.308 1.232.465 Total credit exposure 7.846.377 7.991.719 As of 12/31/2013, the Company had a portfolio of home loans valued at NOK 6.7 billion. At the same point in time, no loans were in default. The quality of the loan portfolio is considered to be very good, and the credit risk as low. Score card models are used as part of the quantification of credit risk. These models calculate the customer’s probability of default (PD) over the next 12 months. SSB Boligkreditt AS uses the same models as Sandnes Sparebank. The models were validated in the autumn of 2010 with satisfactory results. In RM, the Bank is now using two models, application score and behaviour score. The application score is only used when a customer is applying for a loan, whereas the behavioural score is applied monthly. The behavioural score is used in the follow-up of established customers. Monthly classifications enable tracking of portfolio quality, and to identify customers that are down-classified as early as possible, making it possible to implement measures before the customer defaults. The below table shows the intervals for the different risk classes, on the basis of default. Default class PD lower limit PD upper limit A 0,00 % 0,10 % B 0,10 % 0,25 % C 0,25 % 0,50 % D 0,50 % 0,75 % E 0,75 % 1,25 % F 1,25 % 2,00 % G 2,00 % 3,00 % H 3,00 % 5,00 % I 5,00 % 8,00 % J 8,00 % 100 % Defaults and written-down 100 % 100 % SSB Boligkreditt AS is pricing its loans on the basis of their risk exposure. The loans with the highest risk have the highest price. The combination of probability of default and collateral coverage forms the basis for 5 risk categories (excluding non-performing and written down loans): Risk category Expected losses lower limit Expected losses upper limit Lowest 0,00 % 0,05 % Low 0,05 % 0,35 % Medium 0,35% 1,50% High 1,50 % 2,50 % Highest 2,50 % 100,00 % SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 16 / 33 Total loans by risk groups as of 12/31. 2013 Risk classes Lowest Loans to customers Guarantees Unused limit 5.717.852 1.002.999 Low 827.772 Medium 108.244 Total loans and advances Percentage 6.720.851 87,3 % 29.620 857.392 11,1 % 689 108.933 1,4 % High 6.021 6.021 0,1 % Highest 5.815 5.815 0,1 % 7.699.012 100,0 % Default/writedowns Total 6.665.704 1.033.308 Total loans by risk groups as of 12/31/2012 Risk classes Lowest Loans to customers Guarantees Unused limit Total loans and advances Percentage 5.626.604 1.190.016 6.816.620 Low 632.031 33.468 665.499 8,7 % Medium 174.173 8.981 183.154 2,4 % High Highest 88,9 % 0,0 % 259 259 0,0 % 7.665.532 100,0 % Overdue, not written-down loans and advances 2013 2012 30-59 days 5.598 6.438 60-89 days 1.935 Default/writedowns Total 0,0 % 6.433.067 1.232.465 Age distribution, overdue but not written down loans The table shows overdue amounts on loans and overdrafts of credits/deposits distributed on the number of days overdue. More than 90 days Total overdue, not written-down loans and advances 7.534 6.438 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 17 / 33 7 CUSTOMER LENDING Loans to customers 2013 Loans to customers, at fair value 2012 387.281 362.606 Loans to customers, at amortized cost 6.278.201 6.066.216 Net lending to customers 6.665.482 6.428.822 Loans Unused credit facilities 8 LOANS BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION AND BUSINESS SECTOR Loans By geography Unused credit facilities 2013 2013 2012 2012 5.664.785 888.444 5.288.132 1.061.908 Oslo/Akershus 611.355 89.588 735.983 116.035 Other counties 309.150 44.087 359.303 46.104 83.653 11.189 49.648 8.418 6.668.943 1.033.308 6.433.066 1.232.465 Rogaland Abroad Gross loans to customers By business sector Retail customers and others Group writedowns 2013 2013 2012 2012 6.668.943 1.033.308 6.433.066 1.232.465 -3.460 Net lending to customers 6.428.822 1.232.465 Losses on loans and guarantees 2013 2012 Change in group writedowns during the period -214 558 Losses on loans and guarantees -214 558 9 6.665.482 -4.245 1.033.308 WRITEDOWNS AND LOSSES ON LOANS Upon the purchase of loan portfolio from Sandnes Sparebank, group writedowns are assumed. Group writedowns at the start of the period - Transferred from Sandnes Sparebank on the sale of loan portfolio 4.245 5.366 -571 -1.679 + Increase in group writedowns -214 558 Group writedowns as of 31/12 3.460 4.245 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 18 / 33 Market risk 10 INTEREST RATE RISK SSB Boligkreditt is not exposed to currency exchange risk or equity instrument risk. Thus, market risk only arises due to open holdings on the fixed income market. The risk is related to loss of earnings due to interest rate fluctuations. Interest rate risk is related to negative earnings impacts due to market rate fluctuations. Primarily, the balance sheet of SSB Boligkreditt consists of loans to the retail market with a floating rate of interest, and funding in the form of covered bonds. As of 12/31/2013, the Company has issued bonds with a nominal value of NOK 4.3 billion, of which NOK 3.7 billion carry a floating rate. Time to repricing date (gap) for assets and liabilities Up to 1 month Cash 123 801 Loans to customers Notes and bonds 1-3 months 3 months - 1 year 1-5 years More than 5 years 6 288 457 18 711 120 000 121 698 51 677 217 068 89 569 15 325 599 Debt in relation to issued securities Other Liabilities 6 532 258 140 409 675 000 3 502 752 64 520 6 665 482 241 698 Other assets Financial derivatives 2013 123 801 Financial derivatives Total assets No interest exposure 51 677 232 393 2 902 3 832 90 168 15 924 12 620 12 620 12 620 7 059 526 4 177 752 7 318 2 451 741 2 451 741 Total liabilites and equity capital 3 126 805 3 503 272 2 902 3 832 Net liquidity exposure, balanse sheet items 3 405 453 -3 362 863 48 775 228 561 90 168 12 620 6 636 812 422 714 3 405 453 -3 362 863 48 775 228 561 90 168 12 620 422 714 1-3 months 3 months - 1 year 1-5 years More than 5 years No interest exposure 2013 13 012 48 002 217 068 67 742 Receipts / disbursements off balance derivatives Net total all items 0 NOK 0 (Loans to customers) in column ”No interest exposure”, is related to writedowns. Time to repricing date (gap) for assets and liabilities Cash Loans to customers Up to 1 month 305 592 6 082 997 305 592 6 428 822 Notes and bonds Financial derivatives 20 106 20 106 Other assets Total assets Debt in relation to issued securities Financial derivatives Other Liabilities 6 388 589 13 012 700 000 4 528 136 270 48 002 237 174 3 940 6 180 67 742 5 372 5 372 5 372 6 759 892 5 228 136 10 390 1 119 664 1 119 664 Total liabilites and equity capital 1 819 934 4 528 136 3 940 6 180 Net liquidity exposure, balanse sheet items 4 568 655 -4 515 124 44 062 230 994 67 742 5 372 6 358 191 401 701 4 568 655 -4 515 124 44 062 230 994 67 742 5 372 401 701 Receipts / disbursements off balance derivatives Net total all items Interest rate sensitivity The value of on- and off-balance sheet items is affected by changes in interest rates. The table below shows the potential gain(+)/loss (-) for the Bank of a parallel positive shift of the yield curve of one percentage points. As of December 31, 2013, a parallel interest rate increase of two percentage points would have resulted in a loss of NOK 1.4 million, whereas a parallel interest rate decline of two percentage points would have resulted in a gain of NOK 1.4 million. The Company’s interest rate risk is considered to be low. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 19 / 33 11 FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES Interest rate related instruments are used to minimize interest rate risk on the Company’s loans to customers. The Company has swapped fixed rate lending and fixed rate funding. The Board of Directors has adopted limits for the Company’s exposure vis-à-vis all counterparties in order to reduce the settlement risk related to the use of financial instruments. Fair value as of 12/31/2013 2013 Virkelig verdi per 31.12.2012 2012 Contractual amount Positive market value Negative market value Contractual amount Positive market value Negative market value Interest rate agreements * 955.000 15.924 7.318 885.000 20.106 10.390 Total financial derivatives 955.000 15.924 7.318 885.000 20.106 10.390 * Of which used for hedging purposes 525.000 15.243 525.000 20.106 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 20 / 33 Likviditetsrisiko 12 LIQUIDITY RISK Liquidity risk entails that the Company is not able to refinance its debt as it matures, or unable to finance increases in its assets. The valuation of the Company’s liquidity risk is based on a consideration of the Company’s balance sheet structure, including the Company’s dependence on funding and the additional cost related to having to obtain long maturity funding in the money market, compared to funding with shorter final maturities. The mortgage company is covering its funding needs through the issue of covered bonds (OMF). Other financing needs are covered by short-term debt to the Parent Company. Remaining period to maturity, main items Up to 1 month 1-3 months 3 months - 1 year Debt securities in issue 1-5 years More than 5 years 3.866.000 300.000 Other liabilities No residual maturity Total 2013 4.166.000 2.451.741 2.451.741 300.000 2.451.741 6.625.059 More than 5 years No residual maturity Total 2012 Financial derivatives, gross settlement 64 520 2.902 3.832 Total disbursements 64 520 2.902 3.869.832 Remaining period to maturity, main items Up to 1 month 1-3 months 3 months - 1 year 1-5 years 283.000 4.927.000 270 3.940 6.180 10.390 1.119.934 286.940 4.933.180 6.340.054 Debt securities in issue Other liabilities Financial derivatives, gross settlement Total disbursements 1.119.664 7.318 5.210.000 1.119.664 As of 12/31/2013, the liquidity risk is assumed to be low. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 21 / 33 Income statement 13 NET INTEREST INCOME Interest income from bank deposits, valued at amortized cost Interest income on loans to customers, valued at fair value Interest income on loans to credit institutions, valued at amortized cost Interest on securities, valued at fair value Interest income 2013 2012 1.588 4.749 11.321 13.273 245.354 248.594 4.658 262.921 266.616 43.393 21.463 116.079 178.962 Interest cost 159.472 200.426 Net interest income 103.449 66.190 2013 2012 Interest cost on debt to credit institutions, valued at amortized cost Interest cost on issued securities, valued at amortized cost Other interest cost, valued at amortized cost 14 NET COMMISSION INCOME AND INCOME FROM BANKING SERVICES Payment services 1 Other fees 963 673 Commission income and income from banking services 963 674 963 674 Commission costs and costs of banking services Net commission income and income from banking services SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 22 / 33 15 NET CHANGE IN VALUATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE Net change in valuation of financial instruments at fair value Net change in valuation of notes and bonds Gains/losses, redemption of own bonds Net change in valuation of currency and financial derivatives Net change in valuation of loans at fair value Net change in valuation of financial derivatives, hedging Net change in valuation of hedged financial liabilities 2013 2012 -24 -9.527 3.754 -4.140 -11.403 -283 -4.786 7.250 4.786 -7.250 -17.200 -4.422 2013 2012 Salary 41 106 Personnel cost 41 106 Audit fee 149 38 Other audit related services 200 65 Net gains on valuation of financial instruments at fair value 16 OPERATING COST Operating cost Other assistance Total auditors' fees, incl. VAT Management fee Other administrative costs Consultancy fees 30 379 103 9.624 9.245 675 607 1.863 9 614 551 13.156 10.515 Depreciation 589 589 Total depreciation and writedowns 589 589 13.785 11.209 Other operating cost Total other operating costs Total operating cost In 2013, there were no employees of SSB Boligkreditt AS. The General Manager is paid by the Parent Company and his services charged to the mortgage company through the management fee. NOK 30.000 have been disbursed for the payment of fees. The management fee is related to an agreement with Sandnes Sparebank regarding the purchase of services for the management of the loan portfolio and other administrative functions. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 23 / 33 17 TAXES Tax on profits 2013 2012 Taxes payable 23.588 15.296 -448 3 Correction of prior years’ tax cost Deferred taxes Impacts of changed taxation rules Total tax on ordinary profit Reconciliation of tax cost against profit before taxes -4.884 174 18.430 15.298 2013 2012 Profit before taxes 73.640 50.675 28% of pre-tax profit 20.619 14.192 Permanent differences Change in deferred taxes 18 -1.933 1.104 Correction of prior years’ tax cost -448 3 Impacts of changed taxation rules 174 Total tax on ordinary profit Effective tax rate Basis for taxes payable in the balance sheet Profit before taxes 18.430 15.298 25 % 30 % 2013 2012 73.640 50.675 Group contribution -5.829 -4.404 Basis for taxes payable 67.811 46.271 28% on the basis of taxes payable 19.005 12.956 Change in deferred taxes 2.950 Off balance sheet deferred tax benefit Taxes payable in the balance sheet 1.104 21.956 14.062 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 24 / 33 Balance sheet 18 CLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement Assets Cash and deposits Loans to customers Financial assets and liabilities valued at amortized cost Trading portfolio Financial derivatives as hedging instruments 682 387 281 6 665 482 241 698 241 698 15 243 15 924 7 861 7 861 Other assets 6 409 864 Total 123 801 6 278 201 Financial derivatives Total assets Non-financial assets and liabilities 123 801 Notes and bonds Accrued income Decided recognized at fair value 31.12.13 682 15 243 628 979 4 759 4 759 4 759 7 059 526 Liabilities Debt in relation to issued securities 4 177 752 Financial derivatives Accrued cost Other liabilities 4 177 752 7 318 7 318 9 451 9 451 2 420 335 2 420 335 Accruals Total liabilities Assets Cash and deposits Loans to customers 6 607 538 Financial assets and liabilities valued at amortized cost 21 956 21 956 21 956 6 636 812 Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement 31.12.12 7 318 Trading portfolio Financial derivatives as hedging instruments Decided recognized at fair value Non-financial assets and liabilities 305 592 Total 305 592 6 066 216 362 606 6 428 822 Notes and bonds Financial derivatives Accrued income 20 106 20 106 4 734 4 734 Other assets Total assets 6 376 542 20 106 362 606 638 638 638 6 759 892 Liabilities Debt in relation to issued securities 5 228 136 Financial derivatives Accrued cost Other liabilities 5 228 136 10 390 11 479 1 094 123 1 094 123 Accruals Total liabilities 10 390 11 479 6 333 739 10 390 14 062 14 062 14 062 6 358 191 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 25 / 33 19 FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Fair value of financial instruments valued at amortized cost Assets Cash and bank deposits 2013 2013 2012 2012 Book value Fair value Book value Fair value 123.801 123.801 305.592 305.592 6.665.482 6.665.482 6.428.822 6.428.822 7.861 7.861 4.734 4.734 Total assets 6.797.145 6.797.145 6.739.148 6.739.148 Debt established through the issue of securities 4.177.752 4.211.537 5.228.136 5.263.561 9.451 9.451 11.479 11.479 4.187.204 4.220.988 5.239.616 5.275.040 Loans to customers Prepaid cost and accrued income Accrued expenses and received, not accrued income Total liabilities With respect to financial instruments of short duration (less than three months), book value is assumed to represent fair value. Loans to customers valued at amortized cost, include floating rate loans. Floating rate loans are adjusted for changes to the market interest rate and for changes in the credit risk. Consequently, the Company measures the fair value of these loans as being approximately equal to the book value. Loans that do not satisfy this current repricing condition, are individually valued at fair value on the date of the balance sheet. Any excess or inferior values arising within any change of interest rate period are not considered to represent material for the Company. Financial instruments valued at fair value The Company uses the following valuation hierarchy in the calculation of the fair value of financial instruments: Level 1 – Quoted prices in an active market for the relevant asset or liability Level 2 – Quoted prices in an active market for similar assets or liabilities, or another valuation method where all significant input is based on empirical market data. Level 3 – Valuation techniques that are mainly not based on empirical market data. Determination of fair value at the end of the period pursuant to the valuation hierarchy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.12.13 Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement Loans to customers Notes and bonds 387 281 241 698 Financial derivatives Financial derivatives, hedging instrument Total 241 698 387 281 241 698 682 682 15 243 15 243 15 924 387 281 644 904 Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement Financial derivatives 7 318 7 318 7 318 7 318 Financial derivatives, hedging instrument Total SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 26 / 33 Amortized cost at the end of the period persuant to the valuation hierarchy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.12.2013 Financial assets valued at amortized cost Cash and deposits Loans to customers Accrued income Total 0 123 801 123 801 6 278 201 6 278 201 7 861 7 861 6 409 864 0 6 409 864 Financial liabilities valued at amortized cost Securities debt Accrued cost Other liabilities 4 177 752 4 177 752 9 451 9 451 2 420 335 Total 2 420 335 0 6 607 538 0 6 607 538 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.12.12 362 606 362 606 Determination of fair value at the end of the period pursuant to the valuation hierarchy Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement Loans to customers Notes and bonds Financial derivatives Financial derivatives, hedging instrument 20 106 Total 20 106 20 106 362 606 382 712 Financial instruments at fair value through the income statement Financial derivatives 10 390 10 390 10 390 10 390 Financial derivatives, hedging instrument Total Amortized cost at the end of the period persuant to the valuation hierarchy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 31.12.2012 Financial assets valued at amortized cost Cash and deposits Loans to customers Accrued income Total 305 592 305 592 6 079 645 6 079 645 10 691 0 6 395 929 10 691 0 6 395 929 Financial liabilities valued at amortized cost Securities debt 5 228 136 Accrued cost Other liabilities Total 0 5 228 136 11 479 11 479 1 094 123 1 094 123 6 333 739 0 6 333 739 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 27 / 33 Reconciliations of movements from Level 3 from 31.12.2012 til 31.12.2013 Loans Available for sale Deposits Total Balance as of 31.12.2012 362 606 362 606 Recognized profit/loss in the current income statement -11 403 -11 403 94 817 94 817 -58 739 -58 739 Recognized profit/losss in other income Purchase Issued Settlement Migration to level 2/1 Balance as of 31.12.2013 387 281 0 0 387 281 Please see below for a description of how fair value is calculated for financial instruments on level 2 and 3, i.e. where a valuation technique has been applied. Financial instruments classified on level 2 Financial derivatives Financial derivatives are valued at market value on the basis of information collected from the seller of the financial derivative. The market value is calculated on the basis of the middle price determined by each brokerage on the basis of relevant market prices at the time of the report. Financial instruments classified on level 3 Loans to customers Fixed rate loans to customers are valued on the basis of the agreed cash flow from the loans, discounted by the yield. The yield is based on the prevailing market terms on the date of the balance sheet, adjusted for margin requirements. The condition for the calculation of margin requirements is based on an assessment of what an external investor would have assumed for an investment in a similar portfolio. Customer loans subject to writedowns are valued on the basis of probable cash flow from the loans, discounted by the yield, adjusted for market terms for similar not written-down loans. The year’s increase is wholly related to the takeover of loans from the Parent Company, Sandnes Sparebank. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 28 / 33 20 NOTES AND BONDS Notes and bonds at fair value 2013 Notes 0 Bonds (OMF) 241.698 Subordinated loan, bond issue Total notes and bonds at fair value 0 241.698 0 2,37 % 0.00% 3,61 0.00 Of which government-guaranteed notes/bonds Yield Duration 0 0 Fixed income funds 21 2012 0 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Book value as of 1/1/2012 1.227 Additions Depreciation 589 Book value as of 12/31/2012 638 Original acquisition cost 2.944 Total depreciation and amortization 2.895 Book value as of 1/1/2013 638 Additions Depreciation Book value as of 12/31/2013 589 49 Original acquisition cost 2.944 Total depreciation and amortization 2.895 Book value as of 12/31/2013 Useful life 49 5 år The addition of immaterial assets applies to the development of IT applications related to SSB Boligkreditt AS SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 29 / 33 22 DEBT ESTABLISHED THROUGH THE ISSUE OF SECURITIES Bond issues, discounts deducted Bond issues, own holdings Total debt established through the issue of securities Average interest rate on bond issues: 2013 2012 4.261.752 5.270.136 84.000 42.000 4.177.752 5.228.136 2,44 % 3,01% As of 12/31/2013, SSB Boligkreditt has issued 7 bonds. Change in securities debt Balance as of 31.12.2012 Issued Matured/redeemed 5 210 000 1 300 000 2 302 000 Bond debt, nominal value Valutaion adjustments Total debt securities in issue Bonds Other changes Balance as of 31.12.2013 18 136 4 208 000 -6 384 11 752 5 228 136 4 219 752 Face value Final due date NO0010588874 525.000 18.02.2015 NO0010636335 500.000 08.02.2017 NO0010492473 700.000 22.06.2015 NO0010577166 700.000 15.04.2016 NO0010601099 525.000 25.02.2015 NO0010689664 1.000.000 20.09.2018 NO0010697691 300.000 04.12.2019 23 OTHER LIABILITIES Debt to Sandnes Sparebank Other liabilities Payable to group companies Other liabilities 2013 2012 2.414.504 1.089.520 1 196 5.829 4.407 2.420.335 1.094.123 SSB Boligkreditt paid 3 month NIBOR + 0.7% as interest on the debt to the Parent Company. The debt to the Parent Company of NOK 2,215 (1,090) million is related to temporary financing of SSB Boligkreditt’s purchase of the loan portfolio from the Parent Company. 24 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY The share capital of SSB Boligkreditt AS is NOK 227,600,000 divided on 2,276,000 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 100. Each share gives the same voting right in the Company. All shares are owned by Sandnes Sparebank. SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Notes 30 / 33 Other information 25 EVENTS AFTER THE DATE OF THE BALANCE SHEET There have been no particular events after the date of the balance sheet that affects the financial statements as of 12/31/2013. 26 TRANSACTIONS WITH INTIMATES SSB Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandnes Sparebank. Transactions between the Company and the Parent Bank are effected according to normal commercial terms and principles. Summary of intergroup transactions: Income statement 2013 2012 Deposit interest 1.125 4.749 -71.975 -125.871 -9.624 -9.245 Interest and credit commissions paid Management fee Balance sheet Bank deposits Other liabilities Debt established through the issue of securities 23.801 305.592 2.420.333 1.093.927 349.804 2.006.944 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Directors report 31 / 33 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Directors report 32 / 33 SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013 Audit Committee’s Report 33 / 33 The Audit Committee’s Report for 2013 The Audit Committee has performed its control function in accordance with the Norwegian Savings Banks Act and given instructions for the Committee. SSB Boligkreditt’s operations in 2013 were conducted in accordance with the Norwegian Savings Banks Act, the SSB Boligkreditt’s Articles of Association and other provisions SSB Boligkreditt is obliged to observe. The financial statements for 2013, the annual report and the recommended allocation of net profit have been prepared and presented in accordance with the Norwegian Savings Banks Act, the Norwegian Accounting Act and the relevant regulations. The Audit Committee recommends that the financial statements presented be adopted as the SSB Boligkreditt's accounts for the 2013 financial year. Sandnes, 14 March 2014 Chairman Deputy Chairman SSB Boligkreditt Annual report 2013