Md. Tanvir Al Amin (Presenter) Anupam Bhattacharjee Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 13 April 2015 1 What we consider Noise Presence of unwanted components in a signal. Inherent with Signal Handling devices. In case of a digital image, noise is deviation of image pixels from their actual values. Standard Image : Lenna 13 April 2015 Corrupted Lenna 2 Types of noise Various ways of Classification. Two general cases : 1. Dependent Noise (Gaussian Noise) 2. Independent Noise (Salt and Pepper Noise) 13 April 2015 3 Noise Reduction Problem It is clear that we need to remove noise. But we can only reduce it. An ill posed problem since Not well defined whether a pixel is corrupted or not. We Address here: One kind of random noise, appearing on the image as additive random impulsive dots or small regions. 13 April 2015 4 Our Assumptions 1. Impulsive Noise is uniformly distributed throughout the whole image having fixed noise density. 2. Natural Images have continuous tones. Noisy pixels vary more than a threshold value. 13 April 2015 Simulated noisy images satisfying our assumptions 5 Stages of the Solution Stage 1 : Detect the pixels which are corrupted. Stage 2 : Keep the uncorrupted pixels intact. Estimate values for the corrupted pixels from its neighboring good pixels. 13 April 2015 6 Basic Idea of Noise Detection Take window of certain dimension s, depending on Noise Density ρ Sweep it for all possible positions in the image array. Process Each window. A window starting at (2,3) 13 April 2015 7 Basic Idea of Noise Detection Each window verdicts about each of the s2 pixels inside, whether it is Corrupted or not. Local Classification : Classification of each pixel by a single window. Global Classification : Combined output of all Local Decision 13 April 2015 8 Processing Each Window Fit a plane with the pixel values in a window (Least Squares Regression) Let Z be plane approximation Select those pixels as corrupted for which deviation exceeds Parameter δ 13 April 2015 40 52 55 58 60 62 90 60 5 70 60 58 55 61 64 25 52 56 59 63 50 54 58 61 48 52 56 59 46 50 54 57 12 4 4 5 10 8 32 1 43 18 4 1 9 11 10 32 δ = 25 Good Pixel Corrupt Pixel 9 Combining Local Solutions Each non-boundary pixel examined by S2 windows. Local Classifications are combined by “Majority vote”. Verdicts of each window considered as “votes”. Idea is : if most of the windows report a pixel “uncorrupted”, It is highly probable that this pixel is actually uncorrupted. 13 April 2015 10 Combining Local Solutions To discriminate between edge and noise we introduce, Classifier Parameter Ω = Ratio of successful judgments needed for any pixel to be flat We assume : In case of high contrast grainy parts or for edge pixels, large number of pixels inside a window will be reported wrong, causing judgment of that window unreliable. 13 April 2015 11 Combining Local Solutions Threshold Ratio, φ Minimum ratio of accepted verdicts needed for a pixel to be declared uncorrupted globally. Two Threshold ratios : n : used for flat or non grainyregions e : used for edge pixel or grainypart Decision Tree 13 April 2015 12 Noise Filtering Fit a paraboloid with the good pixel values in each window From Paraboloid Approximation, Find suggestion for each corrupted pixel Globally Estimate value of a noisy pixel by averaging all suggestions. 13 April 2015 In case there is no estimate about a pixel, we use pixel averaging for it. 13 Noise Detection Simulation Classification Efficiency, Number of Pixelsclassifiedcorrectly 100% Total number of Pixelsin theimage Error Detection Efficiency, Number of corruptedpixelscorrectlydetected 100% Total number of corruptedpixels 13 April 2015 14 Effect of Deviation Parameter 95 90 90 Detection Efficiency (%) Classification Efficiency (%) 100 85 80 75 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 70 0 10 20 30 40 Deviation parameter δ 50 60 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Deviation parameter δ φe = 0.7 and φn = 0.85, ρ = 0.34, Ω = 0.5, s = 4 13 April 2015 15 Effect of Density Parameter 100 90 80 % Efficiency 70 60 50 40 30 20 Classification efficiency Detection efficiency 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Density Parameter ρ 1 For noise density 30% optimal value of ρ is 0.4 as depicted 13 April 2015 16 Effect of Threshold ratio : For ρ = 0.4, Ω = 0.5, s=4, Noise Density = 30%, optimal value of φe = 0.7 and φn = 0.85. 13 April 2015 17 Various noise distribution. 100 90 90 80 Detection Efficiency (%) Classification Efficiency (%) 100 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Noise Density (% ) 13 April 2015 50 60 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Noise Density (% ) 18 Noise Filtering Performance 35 PSNR (dB) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Noise Density (%) 13 April 2015 Peak Signal to Noise Ratio vs. Noise Density 19 Visualization 6 % Noise PSNR = 32 dB 30 % Noise, PSNR = 26 dB 12 % Noise PSNR = 30 dB 13 April 2015 20 Complexity Number of windows = (m s 1)(n s 1) Cost per window for Local classification: O(s2) Time for Global Error Classification : O(mn) Filtering : O(ρs2) per window Final Estimation : O(mn) Total Cost : O((m-s+1)(n-s+1)s2 + mn + ρs2(m-s+1)(n-s+1)+mn) = O(mns2(1+ρ)) 13 April 2015 21 Success No Blind mean or median filtering. Output doesn’t suffer from unwanted loss in sharpness. Main operations are solving systems of linear equations. No complicated mathematical operations or transformation. Specialized data structure is not necessary. Implementation logic is easy and economical with resources. We get more than 92% success on average. 13 April 2015 22 Shortcomings Noise detection is done in single pass, Filtering is also done in another single pas. Multilevel detection and filtering would improve it. For Regression, L1 norm is used. Less calculation needed results in less accuracy. Only concentrates in algebraic methods considered. Considering frequency information and wavelet based statistics along with, would yield better result in noise detection and removal 13 April 2015 23 13 April 2015 24