Comparing Two Population Means

Comparing Two Population Means
Two kinds of studies or experiments
There are two general research strategies that can be
used to compare the two populations of interest:
• The two samples could be drawn from two
independent populations (e.g. women and men, or
patients taking drug A vs. those taking drug B)
between subjects or independent samples design
The two sets of data could come from related
populations (e.g. “before treatment” and “after
A and the SAME
We willpatient
on the
patient taking drug B at a later date, or subjects in
different treatment
are meaningfully
matched according to some criteria)
within subjects or dependent samples/matched pairs design
Comparing Two Population Means:
Using Independent Samples
Observational Comparative Study
• A research study in which two or more groups
are compared with respect to some
measurement or response.
• The groups, determined by their natural
characteristics, are merely “observed.”
Observational Comparative Study
Population 1
m1 & s1
m1 vs. m2
Population 2
m2 & s2
To make inferences use:
Hypothesis test, CI for difference in means, effect size (d)
Sample size = n1
X 1 and s1
Sample size = n2
Calculate: X 2 and s2
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
• Is the normal human body temperature the
same for females and males?
• To answer this question two samples of size 65
are independently drawn from these two
• Let’s assume that our research hypothesis is
that, for what ever reason, females have a
higher mean body temperature than males.
Comparing Two Population Means:
Using Independent Samples
Comparative Experiment
• A study in which two or more groups (see later)
are randomly assigned to a “treatment” to see
how the treatment affects some response.
• If each experimental unit has the same chance
of receiving any treatment, then the experiment
is called a completely randomized design.
Comparative Experiment
Treatment 1
m1 & s1
m1 vs. m2
Randomly assign
Treatment 2
m2 & s2
To make inferences use:
Hypothesis test, CI for difference in means, effect size (d)
Sample size = n1
X 1 and s1
Sample size = n2
Calculate: X 2 and s2
All possible questions
in statistical notation
In general, we can always compare two means by seeing
how their difference (m1 – m2) compares to 0:
This comparison…
is equivalent to …
m1  m2
m1 - m2  0
m1 > m2
m1 - m2 > 0
m1 < m2
m1 - m2 < 0
For testing equality
Ho: m1 = m2 or (m1 – m2) = 0
Note: If we wanted to establish
that one mean was say e.g. at
least 10 units larger than the
other we could replace 0 in
these statements by 10. In
general to establish a
difference of at least D units
then we replace 0 by D.
The possible alternatives are:
HA: m1 > m2 or (m1 – m2) > 0 (upper-tail)
HA: m1 < m2 or (m1 – m2) < 0 (lower-tail)
HA: m1  m2 or (m1 – m2)  0 (two-tailed)
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
Recall our research hypothesis is the females have a
higher mean body temperature than males,
therefore we have…
mF = mean body temperature for females
mM= mean body temperature for males
Ho: mF = mM or equivalently (mF – mM) = 0
HA: mF > mM or equivalently (mF – mM) > 0
Test Statistic
The basic form of the two-sample t test statistic is...
t  difference in sample means  hypothesized difference
standard error of the difference in sample means
which assuming the following assumptions are satisfied
has an approximate t-distribution (df (see 3 below)).
1) Both populations are approximately normally
distributed. This assumption can be relaxed when both
sample sizes (n1 and n2) are “large”.
2) Random, independent samples were drawn from the
two populations of interest.
3) The df depends on how the standard error of the
difference is estimated.
Test Statistic
t  difference in sample means  hypothesized difference
standard error of the difference in sample means
X X
 D
t 
~ t  distribution (df )
SE X  X 
1 2
The standard error of the difference in sample means is calculated
to different ways depending on whether or not we assume the
population variances are equal.
Yes, use pooled t-test
Can we assume s12  s 22 ?
No, use Welch’s t-test
Assuming equal population
variances (pooled t-test)
Estimate the standard error of the difference using the
common pooled variance :
Estimate of the common variance (s2)
SE( X  X )  s2p n1  n1
1 2
2  (n 1)s2
where s2
n1  n 2  2
Then the sampling distribution is a t-distribution
with n1+n2-2 degrees of freedom (df).
Rule O’ Thumb:
Assume variances are equal only if neither sample standard deviation
is more than twice that of the other sample standard deviation.
If variances of the measurements of the two
groups are not equal (Welch’s t-test)...
Estimate the standard error of the difference as:
s12 s22
SE X  X  n  n
1 2
Then the sampling distribution is an approximate t
distribution with a complicated formula for d.f.
 s1 s2 
  
n1 n2 
df 
Always round down!
2 2
2 2
 s1   s2 
   
 n1    n2 
n1  1 n2  1
Quantifying the Size of the Difference
in Population Means (m1 – m2)
To quantify the size of the effect, i.e. the difference in
the population means we use…
• Confidence Interval for (m1 – m2)
(estimate) + (table value) SE(estimate)  basic form
( X1  X 2 )  (t  table)SE( X1  X 2 )
• Effect Size (d)
X1  X 2
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 1) State Hypotheses
mF = mean body temperature for females
mM= mean body temperature for males
Ho: mF = mM or equivalently (mF – mM) = 0
HA: mF > mM or equivalently (mF – mM) > 0
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 2) Determine Test Criteria
a) Choose a.05 as a Type I Error is of little
b) Use two-sample t-test, either pooled t-test or
Welch’s t-test. As to which form to use we
need to examine our data in terms of the
equality of population variances.
If uncertain use Welch’s!
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 3) Collect Data and Compute Test
Take independent samples from the two
populations and examine the resulting data.
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
Oneway Analysis > Means/Anova/Pooled t
Populations appear
normally distributed
and our sample sizes
are “large” (> 30).
Few mild outliers for
in sample for females
Sample mean for females
appears to slightly larger
than that for males
Variation appears to be
similar for both samples.
The sample standard deviation for females (sF = .74) is
larger than that for males (sM = .70) although it is not twice
as large, thus we assume pop. variances are equal.
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 3) Collect Data and Compute Test
Because it seems reasonable to assume the
population variances are approximately equal
we will use a pooled t-test.
Pooled t-test calculations (FYI)
For the body temperature example
X F  98.39o
X M  98.10o
sF  .74o
sM  .70o
Assuming equal variances, the pooled estimate of
common variance is
(nF  1)sF2  (nM  1)sM2 (65  1)(.74) 2  (65  1)(.70) 2
s 
 .52
nF  nM  2
65  65  2
So the standard error of the difference in sample means is
1 1
1 
 1
SE( X 1  X 2 )  s     .52    .127
 65 65 
 n1 n2 
Pooled t-test calculations (FYI)
For the body temperature example
Computing test statistic gives
P-value = .0121
t = 2.28
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 4) Compute p-value
The p-value = .0121, which indicates we have a
1.21% chance of observing a difference in
sample means this large by chance variation
alone if in fact the population means were
STEP 5) Make Decision and Interpret
Because p-value < .05 we reject Ho and conclude
that the mean normal body temperature for
females is larger than that for males.
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 6) Quantify Significant Findings
Construct a 95% CI for (mF – mM)
( X1  X 2 )  (t  table)SE( X1  X 2 )
(98.39 – 98.10) + (1.98)(.127) = (.039o , .541o)
We estimate the normal mean body
temperature for women is between
.039o F to .541o F larger than the normal
mean body temperature for men.
Example 1: Normal Human Body
Temperature (females vs. males)
STEP 6) Quantify Significant Findings
Effect Size (d)
X 1  X 2 98.39  98.10
 .402
Thus effect size is moderate at best with % overlap of the
two body temperature distributions being around
72.6%. Furthermore, the absolute difference
represented by the lower confidence limit (LCL =
.039 deg F) hardly seems of any physiological
Power and Sample Size Issues
(equal variance case)
Power is a function of:
• The sample sizes (n1 and n2), as the sample
sizes increase so does power.
• The smaller the common variance (s2) the
larger the power.
• The larger the difference (D) to detect the
greater the power.
• As always, as a increases the power increases.
Power and Sample Size Issues
Common standard deviation to
both populations/groups
D = difference in population means
which makes alternative true
Common sample size
(n1 = n2 = n)
Probability of rejecting Ho
when difference in means is D.
Power and Sample Size Issues
Error Std. Dev = common standard
deviation (s) = .721 for body
temperature example.
Difference in Means =
D = |m1 – m2| = .29
which is the difference in the
samples for body temperature
Alpha = P(Type I Error) = .05
For body temperature example we
have a power of 1 – b  .6240.
Power and Sample Size Issues
Error Std. Dev = common standard
deviation (s) = .721 for body
temperature example.
Difference in Means =
D = |m1 – m2| = .29
which is the difference in the
samples for body temperature
Alpha = P(Type I Error) = .05
Example 3: Gestational age of babies
born to women with preeclampsia
We wish to compare the mean gestational age (in
weeks) of babies born to women with
preeclampsia during pregnancy vs. those who
had normal pregnancies.
Preeclampsia: 38, 32, 42, 30, 38,35, 32, 38, 39, 29, 29, 32
Normal: 40, 41, 38, 40, 40, 39, 39, 41, 41, 40, 40, 40
Example 3: Gestational age of babies
born to women with preeclampsia
The sample standard
deviations control the
slope of the reference
lines, the line for
preeclamptics is over
4 times steeper.
The SD for the
group is over 4
times larger!!
Example 3: Gestational age of babies
born to women with preeclampsia
Formally testing equality of variances:
H o : s preeclamps
H A : s preeclamps
Test Statistic:
 s22 s12 
F  max 2 , 2  ~ F  distribution with
 s1 s2 
numeratordf  n2  1
numeratordf  n1  1
denominat or df  n1  1
denominat or df  n2  1
Example 3: Gestational age of babies
born to women with preeclampsia
F = (4.40)2/(.900)2 = 23.89
i.e. the sample variance for the
preeclamptic group is 23.89 times
larger than the sample variance for the
normal pregnancy group. The
p-value comes from an a
F-dist. with numerator df = 11,
denominator df = 11.
We have strong evidence against
equality of the variance of the response
for these two populations of women (p
< .0001) therefore we should not use a
pooled t-Test!
When H0 is true, the F-ratio ~ F (df1,df2)
For example, consider the F-distribution with 11 and 11 df
Then the P-value < .0001
Let’s say our observed value for F was F0 = 23.89
Example 3: Gestational age of babies
born to women with preeclampsia
Oneway Analysis > t Test (i.e. non-pooled t–Test)
We strong evidence that the mean gestational age of babies born to
preeclamptic mothers is lower than that for babies born to women with
normal pregnancies (p = .0013).
Furthermore, we estimate that the mean gestational age for babies born to
preeclamptic mothers is between 2.59 and 8.24 weeks less than the mean
gestational age for babies born to mothers with normal pregnancies.
• If in doubt, use non-pooled t-Test.
• Be sure to quantify significant differences with a
CI for (m1 – m2) or other measure of effect size.
• Assess normality of both samples. When sample
sizes are small, non-normality presents a problem
and we should use test procedures that do not
require normality (i.e. nonparametric tests, we’ll
see these later).