Regression Basics (§11.1 – 11.3) Regression Unit Outline • What is Regression? • How is a Simple Linear Regression Analysis done? • Outline the analysis protocol. • Work an example. • Examine the details (a little theory). • Related items. • When is simple linear regression appropriate? STA6166-RegBasics 1 Relationships What is Regression? In science, we frequently measure two or more variables on the same individual (case, object, etc). We do this to explore the nature of the relationship among these variables. There are two basic types of relationships. • Cause-and-effect relationships. • Functional relationships. Function: a mathematical relationship enabling us to predict what values of one variable (Y) correspond to given values of another variable (X). • Y: is referred to as the dependent variable, the response variable or the predicted variable. • X: is referred to as the independent variable, the explanatory variable or the predictor variable. STA6166-RegBasics 2 Examples • • • • • • The time needed to fill a soft drink vending machine The tensile strength of wrapping paper Percent germination of begonia seeds The mean litter weight of test rats Maintenance cost of tractors The repair time for a computer • • • • • • The number of cases needed to fill the machine The percent of hardwood in the pulp batch The intensity of light in an incubator The litter size The age of the tractor The number of components which have to be changed In each case, the statement can be read as; Y is a function of X. Two kinds of explanatory variables: Those we can control Those over which we have little or no control. STA6166-RegBasics 3 An operations supervisor measured how long it takes one of her drivers to put 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases of soft drink into a soft drink machine. In this case the levels of the explanatory variable, X are {1,2,3,4}, and she controls them. She might repeat the measurement a couple of times at each level of X. A scatter plot of the resulting data might look like: STA6166-RegBasics 4 A forestry graduate student makes wrapping paper out of different percentages of hardwood then measure its tensile strength. He has the freedom to choose at the beginning of the study to have only five percentages to work with, say {5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%}. A scatter plot of the resulting data might look like: STA6166-RegBasics 5 A farm manager is interested in the relationship between litter size and average litter weight (average newborn piglet weight). She examines the farm records over the last couple of years and records the litter size and average weight for all births. A plot of the data pairs looks like the following: STA6166-RegBasics 6 A farm operations student is interested in the relationship between maintenance cost and age of farm tractors. He performs a telephone interview survey of the 52 commercial potato growers in Putnam County, FL. One part of the questionnaire provides information on tractor age and 1995 maintenance cost (fuel, lubricants, repairs, etc). A plot of these data might look like: STA6166-RegBasics 7 Questions needing answers. • What is the association between Y and X? • How can changes in Y be explained by changes in X? • What are the functional relationships between Y and X? A functional relationship is symbolically written as: Eq: 1 Y f(X) Example: A proportional relationship (e.g. fish weight to length). Y b1 X b1 is the slope of the line. STA6166-RegBasics 8 Example: Linear relationship (e.g. Y=cholesterol versus X=age) Y b0 b1X b0 is the intercept, b1 is the slope. STA6166-RegBasics 9 Example: Polynomial relationship (e.g. Y=crop yield vs. X=pH) Y b0 b1X b2 X 2 b0: intercept, b1: linear coefficient, b2: quadratic coefficient. STA6166-RegBasics 10 Nonlinear relationship: 2 Y = b0 sin(b1X + b2X ) STA6166-RegBasics 11 Concerns: • The proposed functional relationship will not fit exactly, i.e. something is either wrong with the data (errors in measurement), or the model is inadequate (errors in specification). • The relationship is not truly known until we assign values to the parameters of the model. The possibility of errors into the proposed relationship is acknowledged in the functional symbolism as follows: Eq: 2 Y f (X ) is a random variable representing the result of both errors in model specification and measurement. As in AOV, the variance of is the background variability with respect to which we will assess the significance of the factors (explanatory variables). STA6166-RegBasics 12 The error term: Eq: 3 Another way to emphasize Y f(X) or, emphasizing that f(X) depends on unknown parameters. Eq: 4 Y f ( X | 0 , 1) What if we don’t know the functional form of the relationship? • Look at a scatter plot of the data for suggestions. • Hypothesize about the nature of the underlying process. Often the hypothesized processes will suggest a functional form. STA6166-RegBasics 13 The straight line -- a conservative starting point. Regression Analysis: the process of fitting a line to data. Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) -- a British anthropologist and meteorologist coined the term “regression”. Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature - the tendency of offspring to be smaller than large parents and larger than small parents. Referred to as “regression towards the mean”. Expected offspring height 2 ˆ Y Y (X X) 3 Average sized offspring Adjustment for how far parent is from mean of parents STA6166-RegBasics 14 Regression to the Mean: Galton’s Height Data mean parent height mean parent height 45 degree line regression line mean child height Data: 952 parent-child pairs of heights. Parent height is average of the two parents. Women’s heights have been adjusted to make them comparable to men’s. STA6166-RegBasics 15 Regression to the Mean is a Powerful Effect! Same data, but suppose response is now blood pressure (bp) before & after (day 1, day 2). If we track only those with elevated bp before (above 3rd quartile) , we see an amazing improvement, even though no treatment took place! This is the regression effect at work. If it is not recognized and taken into account, misleading results and biases can occur. STA6166-RegBasics 16 How is a Simple Linear Regression Analysis done? A Protocol no Assumptions OK? yes STA6166-RegBasics 17 Steps in a Regression Analysis 1. Examine the scatterplot of the data. • Does the relationship look linear? • Are there points in locations they shouldn’t be? • Do we need a transformation? 2. Assuming a linear function looks appropriate, estimate the regression parameters. • How do we do this? (Method of Least Squares) 3. Test whether there really is a statistically significant linear relationship. Just because we assumed a linear function it does not follow that the data support this assumption. • How do we test this? (F-test for Variances) 4. If there is a significant linear relationship, estimate the response, Y, for the given values of X, and compute the residuals. 5. Examine the residuals for systematic inadequacies in the linear model as fit to the data. • Is there evidence that a more complicated relationship (say a polynomial) should be considered; are there problems with the regression assumptions? (Residual analysis). • Are there specific data points which do not seem to follow the proposed relationship? (Examined using influence measures). STA6166-RegBasics 18 Simple Linear Regression - Example and Theory SITUATION: A company that repairs small computers needs to develop a better way of providing customers typical repair cost estimates. To begin this process, they compiled data on repair times (in minutes) and the number of components needing repair or replacement from the previous week. The data, sorted by number of components are as follows: Paired Observations (xi, yi) Number Repair of components time i xi yi 1 1 23 2 2 29 3 4 64 4 4 72 5 4 80 6 5 87 7 6 96 8 6 105 9 8 127 10 8 119 11 9 145 12 9 149 13 10 165 14 10 154 STA6166-RegBasics 19 Assumed Linear Regression Model i yi yˆ i for i 1, 2,..., n Computer repair times Estimating the regression parameters 180 160 140 120 Y Objective: Minimize the difference between the observation and its prediction according to the line. yi 0 1 xi i 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 yi ( ˆ0 ˆ1 xi ) yˆi predictedy valuewhen x xi 4 6 8 10 X STA6166-RegBasics 20 We want the line which is best for all points. This is done by finding the values of 0 and 1 which minimizes some sum of errors. There are a number of ways of doing this. Consider these two: n min i 0 , 1 i 1 n min i 0 , 1 i 1 2 Sum of squared residuals The method of least squares produces estimates with statistical properties (e.g. sampling distributions) which are easier to determine. Regression => least squares estimation ˆ0 ˆ1 Referred to as least squares estimates. STA6166-RegBasics 21 Normal Equations Calculus is used to find the least squares estimates. n n E ( 0 , 1 ) i ( yi 0 1 xi ) 2 i 1 2 i 1 E 0 0 E 0 1 Note: Solve this system of two equations in two unknowns. The parameter estimates will be functions of the data, hence they will be statistics. STA6166-RegBasics 22 Let: S xx Sums of Squares n (x x) 2 i i 1 ( x1 x ) ( x2 x ) ( xn x ) 2 Syy 2 1 2 ( x ) x i i n i 1 i 1 n n 2 n 2 ( y y ) i i 1 ( y1 y ) ( y 2 y ) ( y n y ) 2 2 1 n 2 ( y i ) y i n i 1 i 1 n Sxy Sums of squares of x. 2 n (x i 1 i Sums of squares of y. 2 2 x )(y i y ) ( x1 x )(y 1 y ) ( xn x )(y i y ) n 1 n n ( x i y i ) x i y i n i 1 i 1 i 1 Sums of cross products of x and y. STA6166-RegBasics 23 Parameter estimates: S XY ˆ 1 S XX ˆ0 y ˆ1 x Easy to compute with a spreadsheet program. Easier to do with a statistical analysis package. Example: ˆ1 7.71 ˆ0 15.20 ˆi 15.20 7.71xi y Prediction STA6166-RegBasics 24 Testing for a Statistically Significant Regression Ho: There is no relationship between Y and X. HA: There is a relationship between Y and X. Which of two competing models is more appropriate? LinearModel: Y 0 1 X Mean Model: Y We look at the sums of squares of the prediction errors for the two models and decide if that for the linear model is significantly smaller than that for the mean model. STA6166-RegBasics 25 Sums of Squares About the Mean (TSS) Sum of squares about the mean: sum of the prediction errors for the null (mean model) hypothesis. n TSS S yy ( yi y ) 2 i 1 TSS is actually a measure of the variance of the responses. STA6166-RegBasics 26 Residual Sums of Squares Sum of squares for error: sum of the prediction errors for the alternative (linear regression model) hypothesis. n n 2 ˆ ˆ SSE ( yi yˆ i ) ( yi 0 1 xi ) 2 i 1 i 1 SSE measures the variance of the residuals, the part of the response variation that is not explained by the model. STA6166-RegBasics 27 Regression Sums of Squares Sum of squares due to the regression: difference between TSS and SSE, i.e. SSR = TSS – SSE. n n SSR ( yi yi ) ( yi yˆ i ) 2 i 1 2 i 1 n 2 ˆ ( y yi ) i 1 SSR measures how much variability in the response is explained by the regression. STA6166-RegBasics 28 Graphical View Linear Model Mean Model yˆi ˆ0 ˆ1xi TSS = SSR + SSE Total variability in y-values = Variability accounted for by the regression + Unexplained variability STA6166-RegBasics 29 TSS = SSR + SSE Total variability in y-values = Variability accounted for by the regression + Unexplained variability regression model fits well Then SSR approaches TSS and SSE gets small. regression model adds little Then SSR approaches 0 and SSE approaches TSS. STA6166-RegBasics 30 Mean Square Terms Mean Square Total ˆ Sample variance of the response, y: ˆ 2 T 1 n ( yi y ) 2 n 1 i 1 T SS n 1 MST n 2 R ( yˆ i y )2 i 1 SSR 1 MSR Regression Mean Square: ˆ 2 Residual Mean Square 1 n ˆ ( yi yˆ i ) 2 n 2 i 1 SSE n2 MSE 2 STA6166-RegBasics 31 F Test for Significant Regression Both MSE and MSR measure the same underlying variance quantity under the assumption that the null (mean) model holds. 2 2 R Under the alternative hypothesis, the MSR should be much greater than the MSE. 2 2 R Placing this in the context of a test of variance. R2 MSR F 2 MSE Test Statistic F should be near 1 if the regression is not significant, i.e. H0: mean model holds. STA6166-RegBasics 32 Formal test of the significance of the regression. H0: HA: No significant regression fit. The regression explains a significant amount of the variability in the response. or The slope of the regression line is significant. or X is a significant predictor of Y. Test Statistic: MSR F MSE Reject H0 if: F F1,n2,a Where a is the probability of a type I error. STA6166-RegBasics 33 Assumptions 1. 2. 1, 2, … n are independent of each other. The i are normally distributed with mean zero and have common variance 2. How do we check these assumptions? I. II. III. Appropriate graphs. Correlations (more later). Formal goodness of fit tests. STA6166-RegBasics 34 Analysis of Variance Table We summarize the computations of this test in a table. TSS STA6166-RegBasics 35 Number of components i xi 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 6 9 8 10 8 11 9 12 9 13 10 14 10 Repair time yi 23 29 64 72 80 87 96 105 127 119 145 149 165 154 STA6166-RegBasics 36 SAS output ˆ MSE MSE STA6166-RegBasics 37 Parameter Standard Error Estimates Under the assumptions for regression inference, the least squares estimates themselves are random variables. 1. 2. 1, 2, … n are independent of each other. The i are normally distributed with mean zero and have common variance 2. Using some more calculus and mathematical statistics we can determine the distributions for these parameters. 2 x i 2 ˆ0 N 0 , nS XX 2 ˆ1 N 1 , S XX STA6166-RegBasics 38 Testing regression parameters important The estimate of 2 is the mean square error: MSE Test H0: 1=0: Reject H0 if: t 1 ˆ1 0 MSE 2 ˆ MSE S XX t 1 t n 2 ,a / 2 (1-a)100% CI for 1: ˆ1 t n 2,a / 2 MSE S XX STA6166-RegBasics 39 ˆ0 P-values ˆ1 MSE S XX t 1 ˆ1 0 MSE S XX STA6166-RegBasics 40 Regression in Minitab STA6166-RegBasics 41 Specifying Model and Output Options STA6166-RegBasics 42 STA6166-RegBasics 43 > y_c(23,29,64,72,80,87,96,105,127,119,145,149,165,154) > x_c(1,2,4,4,4,5,6,6,8,8,9,9,10,10) > myfit <- lm(y ~ x) > summary(myfit) Residuals: Min 1Q -10.2967 -4.1029 Median 0.2980 3Q Max 4.2529 11.4962 Regression in R Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.7110 4.1149 1.874 0.0855 . x 15.1982 0.6086 24.972 1.03e-11 *** --Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 Residual standard error: 6.433 on 12 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.9811, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9795 F-statistic: 623.6 on 1 and 12 DF, p-value: 1.030e-11 > anova(myfit) Analysis of Variance Table Response: y Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) x 1 25804.4 25804.4 623.62 1.030e-11 *** Residuals 12 496.5 41.4 --Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 STA6166-RegBasics 44 Residuals vs. Fitted Values > par(mfrow=c(2,1)) > plot(myfit$fitted,myfit$resid) > abline(0,0) > qqnorm(myfit$resid) STA6166-RegBasics 45