Portfolio Monitoring in Theory and Practice

Portfolio Monitoring*
Richard Michaud, David Esch, Robert Michaud
New Frontier Advisors
Boston, MA 02110
Presented to:
International Symposium on Forecasting
Boston Marriott Copley Place
June 25, 2012
* Forthcoming: Michaud, Esch, Michaud, 2012. “Portfolio Monitoring in Theory and Practice,”
Journal Of Investment Management.
© 2007 Richard Michaud and Robert Michaud
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
About New Frontier
 Institutional research and investment advisory firm
 Pioneers in portfolio optimization in theory and practice
 Michaud and Michaud, 1998, Efficient Asset Management,
Harvard, 2008, 2nd ed. Oxford
 Inventors of Michaud Efficient Frontier
 Four U.S. patents, two pending; worldwide patents pending
 Managers of over $1B global ETF model portfolios
 Software providers to managers and consultants world wide
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Current Portfolio Monitoring Ad Hoc
 Calendar rebalancing
 Monthly, quarterly, yearly, three years, every five minutes
 Asset weight hurdle ranges
 Drifted portfolio relative to optimal weights
 Ranges may vary based on asset volatilities
 No theory to support practice
 Not portfolio based rules
 Often trading in noise or not trading when useful
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
True Portfolio Monitoring
 A statistical similarity test:
 Is current drifted or a given candidate portfolio
statistically similar or different relative to optimal?
• If statistically similar, don’t trade
• If statistically different, trade
 Presentation scope:
 Decision whether or not to trade
 How to trade is a separate issue
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Academic Portfolio Similarity Tests
 Shanken (1985), Jobson and Korkie (1985)
 Analytical significance tests
 Tests of CAPM
 Is “market” statistically mean-variance (MV) efficient?
 Limitations of the Shanken-Jobson-Korkie tests
 Hotellings T2
 Requires unconstrained MV optimization
 Invalid for investment practice
 Practice requires linear inequality constraints
 Constraints as part of defining test statistic
 See Markowitz (2005) on why constraints essential
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
First Constrained Portfolio Similarity Test
 Michaud (1998, Ch. 7)
 Based on portfolio distance function relative to Michaud
efficient frontier
 Uses patented resampling technology
 Computes need-to-trade probability
 Relative to thousands of simulated investment scenarios
 Technology used in NFA’s World Gold Council reports
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Michaud Resampling and the New Frontier
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Statistical Portfolio Monitoring Illustrated
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
What the Monitoring Rule Computes
 Associated simulated optimal portfolios provides a distance
scale for monitoring portfolios
 Portfolio distance function (one example)
 Relative variance function = (P – P*) (P – P*)
 A measure of distance in N-dimensional portfolio space
 Sort distance low to high distribution
 Defines probability scale from 0 to 99%
 Compute distance from current to optimal
 Defines probabilistically how far current from optimal
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
What the Rule Means
 10% need-to-trade probability means portfolio distance is 10%
as far as others in distribution
 75% or more probability may indicate trading is recommendable
 50% probability may be a useful default value
 Balance between avoiding noise trading and being able to
detect true deviations from optimality
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Using Portfolio Monitoring Rule
Decide on level of probability for trading
 L = Probability level for trading
 Recommend trading if probability > L
 L depends on many investment and client issues
 Investment Styles:
• High levels -- value managers?
• Low levels -- growth managers?
 Client Preferences, investment horizon
 Specialized investment classes
Way to monitor universe of managed accounts
 Portfolio monitoring automation
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Limitations of the Michaud (1998) Rule
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Limitations of Michaud (1998) Test
 Low statistical power
 Infrequently rejects no-need-to-trade null hypothesis
 Poor power at high end of frontier
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Meta-Resampling Solution
 Patented meta-resampling (Michaud and Michaud 2002, 2008)
 Associates resampled with resampled frontiers
 Each simulated “parent” MV efficient frontier spawns a
“child” Michaud Efficient Frontier
 Child frontier portfolios used to compute probability
 Greatly enhanced statistical power across frontier
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Michaud Frontier Associated Meta-Resampled Portfolios
estimated average return (%)
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
standard deviation (%)
Highly Compute Intensive Process
 Better computer technology
 Multi-core computers
 Network multi-core
 Cloud computing
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
The Common Information Issue
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
The Common Information Issue
 Information in current portfolio often based on similar information in
new optimal portfolio
 Common information means two portfolios similar all things equal
 Need-to-trade probability small
 No-trading-biased with common information
 Michaud, Esch, Michaud conditional monitoring rule
 A new scale that includes common information
 Dramatically enhanced power for many practical applications
 Realistically sensitive to changes in current vs. optimal
 Three levels of resampling
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Illustrating Conditional Monitoring Rule
 One year ago optimal portfolio P0
 X0= [x1,x2,…,x60] = original risk-return distribution
 T = number of periods = 60
 New optimal portfolio
 Xnew = [x13,x2,…,x72] = new risk-return distribution
 Common information: [x13,x2,…,x60]
 Compute k = number of random draws = 12 from Xnew distribution
 Add to common 48 months: [x13,x2,…,x60] = sim distribution
Compute simulated optimal and distance to current optimal
 Repeat above many times
 Compute P0 distance to optimal and percentile in distance
distribution (conditional need-to-trade probability C(k))
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Conditional Monitoring Rule
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Applications and Generalizations
 May be used as a measure of regime changes in markets
 In drifted period:
• Minimal market volatility – little need to trade
• High market volatility – likely need to trade
Return distribution generalizations
 Simulations can be based on any distribution
 We generally use t-distribution
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
 Portfolio monitoring an essential asset management function
 Prior methods ad hoc, academic methods invalid
 Patented first practical monitoring rule (Michaud,1998)
 Limited statistical power
 Patented Meta-resampling rule (Michaud and Michaud, 2002)
 Enhanced statistical power across frontier
 Michaud, Esch, Michaud conditional rebalancing rule
 Common information, increased statistical power
 Customizable to asset management processes
 Potential for automatable portfolio monitoring
 Highly compute intensive procedures
 Just finance catching up to real statistics
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Richard O. Michaud
President, Chief Investment Officer
Co-inventor (with Robert Michaud) of Michaud Resampled
Efficient Frontier™, three other patents, two pending
Author: Efficient Asset Management, 1998. Oxford
University Press, 2001, 2nd Edition 2008 (with Robert
Many academic and practitioner refereed journal articles
CFA Institute monograph on global asset management.
Prior positions include:
 Acadian Asset Management; Merrill Lynch
 Graham and Dodd winner for work on optimization
 Former Director and research director of the “Q” Group
 Advisory Board member, Journal Of Investment
 Former Editorial Board member Financial Analysts
Journal, Journal of Investment Management
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC
Thank You
New Frontier Advisors, LLC
Boston, MA 02110
© 2012 New Frontier Management Company, LLC