CST 10.1-10.2 Review Answers

CST 10.1-10.2 Review
10.1.1 Review
What was groundbreaking about the
development of democracy?
• 1. Choice B is correct. Democracy,
founded on the belief that the people have
the ability to govern themselves, either
directly or indirectly (through
representatives), brought new structures
and practices to government.
A political system in which representatives
are elected by the people follows the model of
• 2. Choice B is correct. A political system
in which representatives are elected by the
people is called a republic.
In the Greco-Roman view, the world is governed
by natural laws that can be discovered through
• 3. Choice A is correct. In the GrecoRoman view, the world is governed by
natural laws that can be discovered
through reason and intellect.
In Judeo-Christian tradition, helping
others in need should be the
• 4. Choice D is correct. Judeo-Christian
tradition holds that every individual has a
responsibility to help others.
Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian
traditions share an emphasis on
• 5. Choice D is correct. Greco-Roman and
Judeo-Christian traditions share an
emphasis on individual choice. GrecoRoman democracy emphasized political
choice, while Judeo-Christian tradition
emphasizes the moral choice between
good and evil.
What was one means by which Greco- Roman
and Judeo-Christian values spread throughout
Europe in the first centuries A.D.?
• 6. Choice B is correct. The spread of the
Roman Empire was one means by which
Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian values
were dispersed.
10.1.2 Review
In ancient Greece, the word tyrant
referred to a leader who
• 1. Choice A is correct. In ancient Greece,
the word tyrant referred to any leader who
took over the government.
According to ancient Greek philosophers,
with whom did a tyrant share power?
• 2. Choice D is correct. An ancient Greek
tyrant held all power and shared it with no
What was the primary activity of a
philosopher in ancient Greece?
• 3. Choice C is correct. The primary
activity of a philosopher in ancient Greece
was to use logic and reason to consider
the world.
Plato wrote that a tyrant can become dangerous
because every tyrant has too much
• 4. Choice A is correct. Plato says that a
tyrant is dangerous because the ruler has
too much freedom.
According to Aristotle, why does a tyrant
govern against the will of the people?
• 5. Choice C is correct. Aristotle says that
ultimately, a tyrant governs against the will
of the people because such a ruler cares
only about self and selfish needs.
Ancient Greek philosophers helped the
development of democracy by
• 6. Choice D is correct. Ancient Greek
philosophers’ respect for logic and human
thought helped to create a climate in which
democracy arose.
10.1.3 Review
What principle is reflected in the quotation
from the Japanese Constitution?
• 1. Choice C is correct. The Japanese
Constitution, which was developed with
the help of U.S. general Douglas
MacArthur after World War II, starts by
saying that the government gets its
authority from the people—a principle
known as popular sovereignty.
The U.S. Constitution reflects the
principle of federalism by
• 2. Choice A is correct. The U.S.
Constitution reflects the principle of
federalism in that state and national
governments share power.
A new government based on the principle
of popular sovereignty must
• 3. Choice C is correct. Popular
sovereignty is the idea that a government
gets its authority from the people and
reflects their will.
The division of South Korea’s government
into three branches with distinct powers
reflects the principle of
• 4. Choice B is correct. The division of
South Korea’s government into three
branches with distinct powers reflects the
principle of separation of powers.
What guarantees freedom of speech to
U.S. citizens?
• 5. Choice B is correct. The Bill of Rights—
specifically the First Amendment—
guarantees freedom of speech to U.S.
10.2.1 Review
The European intellectual movement that
emphasized the responsibility of government to
protect people’s natural rights was called the
• 1. Choice C is correct. The Enlightenment
was a European intellectual movement
that emphasized people’s natural rights
and influenced movements for democracy.
The phrase “natural rights” is original to and
central to the writings of which philosopher?
• 2. Choice A is correct. The idea that
people possess natural rights—rights that
are theirs by birth, rather than the gift of a
government—was developed by John
The Declaration of Independence expresses
the philosophy that the power of government
comes from
• 3. Choice B is correct. The Declaration of
Independence expresses the
Enlightenment idea that the power of the
government comes from the people.
Which statement best summarizes the role of
government in the social contract?
• 4. Choice A is correct. In the social
contract, the primary role of the
government is to carry out the will of the
What principle is directly reflected in the
division of a government into three branches?
• 5. Choice B is correct. The three-branch
system of government reflects the
principle of separation of powers.
The ideas of Locke and Rousseau influenced
Simón Bolívar in his commitment to
• 6. Choice D is correct. Simón Bolívar’s
beliefs as a revolutionary were profoundly
influenced by the Enlightenment
philosophies of Locke and Rousseau.
10.2.2 Review
Which of the following rights in the U.S. Bill of
Rights comes from a provision in the Magna Carta?
• 1. Choice D is correct. The right to due
process of law, which is included in the
U.S. Bill of Rights, has its origin in a
provision in the Magna Carta.
Which statement best summarizes the idea of
representative government as it was
established in the English Bill of Rights?
• 2. Choice B is correct. As it is laid out in
the English Bill of Rights, the concept of
representative government states that
laws should be made and carried out by
an entity that represents the will of the
English colonists in America expected to have
representative government in the colonies because
• 3. Choice A is correct. English colonists in
America expected to have representative
government in the colonies because of
England’s tradition of representative
The idea that governments get their power
from the people they govern is called
• 4. Choice B is correct. The idea that
governments derive their power from the
people they govern is known as popular
The American Declaration of Independence and the
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
• 5. Choice B is correct. The American
Declaration of Independence and the
French Declaration of the Rights of Man
and Citizen both emphasize the rights of
the people.
The term “unalienable rights” in the
American Declaration of Independence
refers to rights that
• 6. Choice C is correct. The term
“unalienable rights” refers to rights that a
government cannot take away.
10.2.3 Review
A key issue that sparked the colonists to
declare their independence from England was
• 1. Choice C is correct. A key issue that
sparked the colonists to declare their
independence from Great Britain was
respect for the colonists’ rights.
Which statement best describes the context in
which the Declaration of Independence was issued?
• 2. Choice B is correct. The American
Revolution broke out in 1775 with the
Battle of Lexington and Concord, and in
1776 the American colonists issued the
Declaration of Independence.
John Adams, second U.S. president, said that
even before the War for Independence began,
“The Revolution was in the hearts and minds
of the people.” What is the best way to
paraphrase Adams’s meaning?
• 3. Choice D is correct. In saying that “The
Revolution was in the hearts and minds of
the people,” President Adams meant it
was rooted in their convictions about
individual rights and the necessity of
representative government.
Which document was written before all
the others?
• 4. Choice C is correct. The Declaration of
Independence was issued in 1776. The
Articles of Confederation were accepted
by the states in 1781, and supplanted by
the U.S. Constitution in 1787.
What is one reason that the American Revolution
resulted in a stable democracy, while some other
revolutions did not?
• 5. Choice C is correct. One reason that
the American Revolution resulted in a
stable democracy, while the French
Revolution did not, is that the Americans
soon legislated both a strong government
and protections for individual rights.
What feature was shared by the major
revolutionary movements of the late
1700s and early 1800s?
• 6. Choice A is correct. The revolutionary
movements of the late 1700s and early
1800s shared the idea that the power of a
government rests with the consent of the
10.2.4 Review
Among the causes of the French
Revolution was the
• 1. Choice A is correct. The excessive
spending of King Louis XVI was among
the causes of the French Revolution. The
king accumulated tremendous debts and
then imposed heavy taxes on the people.
In pre-Revolutionary France, estates
• 2. Choice B is correct. In preRevolutionary France, the people were
divided into three social classes known as
Who carried out the “Reign of Terror” in
• 3. Choice D is correct. The Reign of
Terror was carried out by the Committee
for Public Safety, which guillotined
thousands of people, including King Louis
XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette.
Which statement best describes the circumstances
in which Napoleon Bonaparte took power?
• 4. Choice C is correct. Napoleon took
power in 1799, ten years after the start of
a Revolution that brought chaos, poverty,
and terror.
What form of government did Napoleon
Bonaparte lead?
• 5. Choice D is correct. Napoleon was
dictator of France.
10.2.5 Review
Who was the most important European
leader at the Congress of Vienna?
• 1. Choice D is correct. Prince Klemens
von Metternich, foreign minister of Austria,
was the most influential leader at the
Congress of Vienna.
Which statement is true of the outcome
of the Congress of Vienna?
• 2. Choice A is correct. The leaders of the
Congress of Vienna achieved a better
balance of power among European
What was the primary concern of the
Concert of Europe?
• 3. Choice C is correct. The members of
the Concert of Europe were deeply
concerned about the possibility of
revolution, such as had occurred in
The Revolutions of 1848 had a lasting
impact because they
• 4. Choice B is correct. Although the
Revolutions of 1848 were quickly and
violently put down, their influence was
long-lasting and their ideals persisted.
Which statement would an Austrian
nationalist in the 1840s be most likely to
• 5. Choice D is correct. Nationalists
believed that they were united with their
fellow people by virtue of shared history,
culture, and territory, among other factors.
Germany and Italy became two unified
nation-states as a result of
• 6. Choice C is correct. Germany and Italy
became unified nation-states as a result of
nationalist efforts.
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