Today - University of Arizona

Clicker Procedure
• Open the TurningPoint Anywhere program.
• Load the correct participation list from the USB
drive (i.e., load up our student data information
so that their clickers will be recognized). Daniel
will update it every Thursday afternoon.
• Poll students at the computer. (I haven't figured
out yet if we can start and stop polls from the
• Most important! Save the session data back to
the USB thumb drive. After Thursday's lecture,
deliver USB to Daniel’s box for updating.
Today, Jan. 20
• Daniel on Quizzes and ResponseCard at
• First Quiz is today
• Lecture starts at mid-Pythagoras
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Optional Weekly Course Review
• Provided by the UA Think Tank
• Every Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
• At Park Student Union (2nd Floor)
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Clicker Question 1
1. If perception is top down, then
A. Perceptual experience is influenced by belief
B. Perceptual experience is completely determined
by the environment
C. Perceptual experience is the same for all
D. Perceptual experience is always misleading
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Clicker Question 2
2. According to the lecture, the video clip of the
rotating mask illustrates that
A. Reductionism must be true
B. The Pythagorean theorem is a priori
C. Some perceptual experiences are not
determined by what the observer knows
D. Whatever is a priori is also a posteriori
Jan. 27
• Quiz 2 is today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
Jan. 27
Clicker Question 1
1. According to Heraclitus, the Logos
Changes continuously
Implies skepticism
Determines how all change occurs
Explains why motion is illusory
Jan. 27
Clicker Question 2
2. According to Democritus,
Atoms vary in size and mass
Space is merely a figment of human imagination
Some atoms swerved in the distant past
Atoms are composed of subatomic particles
Feb. 1
1. Zeno’s Paradox of motion
A. Presupposes that space is infinitely divisible
B. Maintains that motion, regardless of distance,
requires some time
C. Implies that motion through any space requires
infinite time
D. All of the above
Feb. 1
2. According to the lecture
The number of natural numbers is infinite
Infinity is indefinable
Every number is irrational
None of the above
Feb. 3
• Quiz 3 is today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
Feb. 3
1. Socrates
Founded the Academy
Authored The Apology
Stated that he had no wisdom, small or great
Endorsed atheism
Feb. 3
2. According to Socrates, to be rational is
To deliberate
To create one’s own values
To recognize that happiness is an illusion
To maintain that all knowledge is a posteriori
Feb. 8
1. According to the lecture, the fact that normal
humans are prone to reason fallaciously in some
situations implies that
A. Normal humans automatically conform to the
Socratic conception of rationality
B. The Socratic conception of rationality is confirmed
by current cognitive psychology
C. Normal humans do not meet the standard of
rationality proposed by Socrates
D. The Oracle at Delphi knew that Socrates was wiser
than Apollo
Feb. 8
2. According to the Socratic conception of
rationality, psychological illness
A. May explain why a person fails to do what
he/she knows to be best
B. Is relative to one’s culture
C. Results from trauma to the heart transmitted to
the soul
D. Implies that the Logos is distributed over the
competing parts of the brain
Feb. 10
• Quiz 4 is today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
Feb. 10
1. Crito
Authored The Crito
Convinced Socrates to accept exile
Married the widow of Socrates
None of the above
Feb. 10
2. In The Crito Socrates initially declines
immediately to escape from prison because
He is a relativist
He asserts that the escape plan will fail
He admits to his own guilt
He insists on examining the reasons in favor of
Feb. 15
1. According to Socrates,
A. Since he was born in Athens, he has no choice
but to abide by Athenian law
B. The laws of Sparta are superior to the laws of
C. All moral principles are derived from the laws of
great governments
D. By deliberately living in Athens, he implicitly
agreed to abide by Athenian law
Feb. 15
2. According to the lecture, Socrates’ final
attitude in The Crito regarding whether he
should escape prison implies that he
concludes that by escaping,
A. The overall value of his life would be less than if
he accepts his sentence
B. He would confirm the pronouncement of the
Oracle at Delphi
C. He would demonstrate the nobility of autonomy
D. All of the above
Feb. 17
1. According to The Phaedo
Socrates died by a self inflicted knife wound
Socrates admits that relativism is true
Phaedo is the daughter of Plato
Socrates considers whether humans might be
Feb. 17
2. According to the Platonic theory of the
A. Forms are observable in physical objects
B. Forms are eternal
C. Forms are concepts that exist only when
conceived by rational creatures
D. None of the above
Feb. 22
• First Examination on Feb. 24
Administered on D2L; take it on your computer
Don’t come to Soc. Sci 100
Opens at 9:30am
Closes at 10:45am
50 Multiple Choice Questions
• Optional Review Session
– Feb. 23
– 5:00pm to 5:50pm
– Location: ILC 140
• See D2L for the Study Guide for the First Exam
Feb. 22
1. According to the Platonic theory of the
– Knowledge of the Forms is inexpressible
– Forms are definable
– Forms are created by the gods
– The motion of the Forms determines the
movements of physical objects
Feb. 22
2. According to the lecture’s presentation of the
Argument from Recollection, knowing that x
and y are equal in length implies also
– That all Forms are equal
– That if y is equal in length to z, then x cannot be
equal in length to z
– A universal and necessary truth a priori
– A universal and necessary truth a posteriori
March 3
• Special Extra Credit Quiz
– Today on D2L from 11:00am – 11:59pm
– 20 extra credit points
– Use of all reference materials and collaboration
is ok; the objective is to discover the correct
– All questions drawn from those on Exam 1
March 3
• Aristotle
Tutored Alexander the Great
Founded a School at the Lyceum in Athens
Studied under Plato
All of the other answers are correct
March 3
• According to Aristotle
Matter can exist outside of objects
Matter is intelligible
Matter is the source of plurality and individuality
Matter is pure actuality
March 8
• Quiz 5 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
March 8
1. According to Aristotle
Matter is pure actuality
Matter is pure potentiality
Whatever contains matter cannot change
All matter is reducible to groups of atoms
March 8
2. According to Aristotle
Matter is unintelligible
Form is definable
Form is pure actuality
All of the other answers are correct
March 11
• Quiz 6 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
March 11
1. According to the lecture, Aristotle’s definition
of “substance” implies that
A. Substances are only fictions of the human mind
B. Every substance is really a word
C. Every substance can, in principle, be understood
by the human mind
D. Every predicate is the subject of a sentence
March 11
2. According to the lecture, an Aristotelian
maintains that if x is a limping male lion, then
A. The Form of limping is an accidental form in x
B. The Form of being a lion is a generically essential form
in x
C. Being male is a Form in x
D. All of the other answers are correct
March 22
1. According to Aristotle, if Socrates is both rational
and snubnosed,
A. Socrates is accidentally snubnosed
B. Socrates is essentially rational
C. Some forms in Socrates are essential and others are
D. All of the other answers are correct
March 22
2. According to Aristotle,
A. Matter is a universal form
B. A universal is a form that can exist simultaneously in
more than one substance
C. Every substance is a universal
D. None of the other answers are correct
March 24
• Quiz 7 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
March 24
1. According to Aristotle, a universal
Is that which is known by everyone
Is that which is simultaneously in motion and at rest
Is that which is simultaneously in different substances
All of the other answers are correct
March 29
– Exam 2
Covers only Aristotle lectures, readings & D2L notes
Thursday, March 31
Opens on D2L at 9:30am & closes at NOON
50 multi choice questions
– Study Guide for the Exam will appear on D2L late
– Optional Review Session
Wednesday, March 30
5:00pm – 6:00pm
ILC 130
March 29
1. According to Aristotle, Y correctly thinks of X only
Y represents X
Y represents a form of X
Y has a form of X in Y’s soul
All of the other answers are correct
March 29
2. According to Aristotle, if X is the efficient cause
of Y, then
If x occurs, then y occurs
X contains matter
Y contains matter
All of the other answers are correct
April 5
Results for Exam 2 are published on D2L
Simple score
Simple score + 5 extra credit points because I confused
room for the optional review session
Special 5 Point Extra Credit Quiz Today on D2L
– Quiz opens at 11:00am and closes at 11:59pm
– You may take as much time as you wish to complete
the Quiz prior to 11:59pm
– OK to consult course material and others as you
complete the quiz
April 5
1. Augustine
Composed his philosophical writings in Greek
Was baptized a Christian as an infant
Was a Christian bishop
All of the other answers are correct
April 5
2. According to Manichæism of Augustine’s
A. The Form of the Good exists and precludes the
possibility of evil
B. There exist two fundamental natural forces, one
for good and one for evil, that operate in all
objects including humans
C. Christianity and Islam are equivalent
D. The Unmoved Mover is the efficient cause of evil
April 7
1. According to Augustine,
A. Knowledge of the forms is innate
B. Forms do not exist
C. If knowledge of the forms were innate, all
people would have the same innate knowledge
of the forms
D. If knowledge of the forms were innate,
Christians would have more knowledge of the
forms than non-Christians
April 7
2. According to Augustine,
A. Each person knows his/her native language
B. All knowledge is a posteriori
C. Your knowledge of your native language requires
divine intervention in your life
D. All of the other answers are correct
April 12
• Quiz 8 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
April 12
1. According to Augustine’s Doctrine of
A. Parents can teach their children language
B. Knowing the meaning of “triangle” implies
knowing the meaning of “trilateral”
C. All people know all the same universal and
necessary principles
D. None of the other answers are correct
April 12
2. According to Augustine
– God created the universe ex nihilo
– God is omniscient but indifferent to the fate evil of
– God is responsible for evil
– There is more evil in the universe than good
April 26
• Note:
– Final Examination on D2L
– May 10, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
– Covers only: Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, Aquinas
and Descartes
– Optional Review Session
• May 9, 3:30-5:30pm
• Chem 134
• Quiz 9 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
April 26
1. The Ontological Argument is
A posteriori
Ex nihilo
A priori
April 26
2. According to Descartes, knowledge requires:
A. Certainty
B. A high degree of confidence, but not absolute
C. Verifiable scientific experiments
D. Divine intervention
April 28
• Note:
– Final Examination on D2L
– May 10, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
– Covers only: Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, Aquinas
and Descartes
– Optional Review Session
• May 9, 3:30-5:30pm
• Chem 134
• Quiz 10 today
– Opens on D2L at noon today
– Closes on D2L at 11:59pm today
April 28
1. Who, among those below, was not alive
during Descartes’ life
April 28
2. According to the Dream Hypothesis advanced by
the skeptic,
A. Observers are certain about the existence of physical
objects if they follow the scientific method
B. A posteriori knowledge of the existence of physical
objects is impossible
C. Every skeptic is a fiction in the dream of every other
D. Dreaming is reducible to the collective activity of the
atoms that compose the brain
May 3
• Note:
– Final Examination on D2L
– May 10, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
– Covers only: Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, Aquinas
and Descartes
– Optional Review Session
• May 9, 3:30-5:30pm
• Chem 134
– Study Guide for Final Exam to Appear on D2L by
May 5