McGraw - Pre-pay Fraud 2-18-11 Presentation


Claims Editing and Pre-pay Fraud and

Abuse Detection and Avoidance

Tom McGraw



• Claims Editing and Pre-pay Fraud and Abuse Detection and Avoidance Defined

• Detection Methods

• Comparison of Pre-pay and Post-pay Approaches

• Results

• Questions


Claims Editing and Pre-pay Fraud and

Abuse Detection and Avoidance Defined


Use of Terms “Avoidance” and “Fraud” in this


• “Avoidance” means the actual savings from direct claims denied or reduced

• Net of amounts paid on the original claim

• Net of amounts paid on re-filed claims

• “Avoidance” does not mean additional savings from the provider from change in behavior, or change in behavior of other providers

• “Fraud” is used to mean any claim that is filed by the provider or provider billing agent improperly and really should be “fraud, waste, abuse or other improperly filed claim”

• Except where specified, I am not referring to the legal definition of “fraud” which includes “intent”


Claims Editing

• There are several claims editors on the market and

Ingenix provides the Ingenix Claims Editing System


• Claims editors are focused on claims that are inherently incorrect or that are incorrect given other claims

• They are based on industry standards, coding requirements or payer specific requirements

• Generally they auto-deny claims pre-payment

• Some claims editors also have “rules” that are not autodeny


Prepayment Processes That I Won’t Be Talking


• Prior authorization of services

• Biometric or other technology that validates that the proper patient and provider were present at the point-ofservice

• 100% pre-pay review of claims over a certain dollar threshold


What is Pre-pay Fraud and Abuse Detection and


• Identification of “suspect” claims or claim lines

• One or more of various models rules, or prepayment flags have identified the claim as likely to be incorrectly coded, not performed, or not performed as coded

• Stopping those claims for human review

• Almost always requires stopping (suspend or “pend”) a claim and requesting a medical record

• In some claims processing systems/approaches, claims are denied when they are stopped and the medical record is requested

• Performing an in-depth investigation on the claim


Processing —Standard Implementation


Detection Methods


The Challenge of Improper Claim Detection

• This space represents the universe of claims

• Manual clinical review is impossible for entire space

• Goal: Stop as many reds (improper) for review as possible while keeping the number of blues (proper) identified to a minimum


Identification of “Unlikely” Claims—Multiple


Predictive Models &

Analytical Targets

• Codes that can be used to bypass conventional claims edits

• Provider’s historical prevalence of upcoding

• Hours of work

• Changes in provider behavior particularly involving increasing of claims filed such as:

• Likelihood that certain claims should have been grouped

• Scores based on multiple factors

Dimensional Modeling

Anomalies Flag Claim as High

Risk for “Overpayment ”

• Unlikely or infrequent relationships

• Between diagnosis and procedures within a claim

• Between procedures from different claims for the same patient

Peer Comparison Approach

• Outlier within specialty/region for performing high cost procedures based on synthetic (data-driven) specialty groupings

• Outlier for ordering certain tests or treatment

These are some examples of the issues identified in pre-pay analytics


Pre-Pay Fraud and Abuse Detection Methods

Provider Flags – a list of known providers with issues is compiled and all or a subset of claims are stopped for review

Challenger Analytics – outlier analysis & soft rules create dynamic provider flagging





Aberrant Billing Pattern

(ABP) Algorithms – clinical expertise crystallized into coding logic, patterns are identified at the claim level

Predictive Model – detecting more advanced improper billing patterns using interactions among many variables



Claim Scoring

• The output of traditional rules or flags is binary: either a claim is flagged or it is allowed

• With the Predictive Model, the output is in the form of a continuous score

• The scores range from 1 to 1,000 - with higher scores indicating the larger deviation from typical behavior

• Once each claim line is scored, the final score for the claims is assigned as the maximum of the line scores

• The purpose of the score is to rank-order the claims in order of descending suspicion of fraud and abuse

• A score threshold is set to stop only those claims where

Predictive Model score exceeds the threshold to ensure the most anomalous claims are stopped for review


Predictive Model

• Multiple anomaly factors used to identify suspect claims

• Uses a weighted approach and a deviation from expected mean approach

• Continually updated by payer experience

• Most core variable/equations unchanged

• Unbundling different based on Medicare rules

• “Peer” Grouping is Critical

• Does not use declared specialty

• Data-driven peer groups determined through advanced analytical techniques and novel use of data

• Start by looking for approximately 300 peer groups

• Work down to 100 to 200 groups to ensure each has sufficient size

• Has been and remains a core component of P2.0



Determining Which Claims to Flag

• The threshold determines which claims scored by the

Predictive Model ultimately get flagged for review

• The threshold is composed of the following parameters:

• Predictive Model Score

• Claim Charged Amount

• An analysis of sample data runs via the Predictive Model is performed to determine the initial threshold setting

• Striking balance between maximizing potential savings and minimizing false positives

• This analysis is presented to the client for review and approval

• Ingenix reviews and recommends threshold changes to clients on a regular basis



Provider Filters

• Provider filters can be set up to ensure that no claims for a given provider are flagged by P2.0

• Provider filters can based on either TIN or NPI, and are created to avoid flagging claims for providers that over time have proven to have a high false-positive rate

• These filters are set as time limited to ensure the providers are reviewed on a regular basis


Detection Methods Processing and Feedback



ABPs Challenger

Processing Order




• Feedback improves models to the left which become more accurate over time for each client

• Over time, improvements to models to the left reduce the measured “accuracy” of models to the right

• Feedback for model improvement is also received from reviewers of claims and medical records





• Model development and maintenance —over 70 staff

• Advanced statistical modelers

• Data analysts

• Software developers

• Clinicians

• Coding and billing experts

• Payment policy experts

• Claims and medical record review —100s of staff

• Clinicians

• Coders

• Investigators


Comparison of Pre-pay and Post-pay



Comparison of Approaches


• Providers complain less when their money is not paid than when their money is taken back

• Claim specific review

• Fast turn-around needed because payment of some correct claims is being held up

• Claim-by-claim review limits referral to law enforcement for suspected criminal fraud

• Opportunity to stop payments to providers that would never pay back improperly paid amounts


• Claim specific or provider reviews

• Provider review can lead to increased recoveries through extrapolation

• More referrals to law enforcement for suspected criminal fraud when providers are reviewed

• Needed for identifying certain activities such as network fraud and improper billing of low dollar claims (E&M up-coding)

• Feedback to pre-pay process

Both are components of an effective, comprehensive Program Integrity program





• Ingenix does pre-pay and post-pay fraud and abuse detection, avoidance and collection work for governments, commercial plans and over 10 government-focused health plans

• Ingenix saved clients approximately $500,000,000 from pre-pay fraud and abuse detection and avoidance services in 2010

• This is the direct savings numbers from claims stopped and reduced or denied that would have otherwise been improperly paid


Health Plan Example

Receive Claims and Apply Ingenix Predictive Analytics

& Modeling to Score Claim

Per 1,000,000 Claims

Pend Suspect Claims and

Request Medical Records

1,709 Claims Pended and

Medical Records Requested

(0.17% of Total Claim Volume)

Receive Medical Records 854 Records Received

Deny Based on

Medical Records Review

401 Denials Based On Records Review

+ 855 Denials for Records Not Received

Review Provider


Appeals = 167



Overturned Denials (Based on Appeal) = 50

Total Net Pre-Pay


1,206 Claims





** 1.5%

**Savings of Professional Claims




Tom McGraw

(804) 357-7739

