Computer Networks - Theory and Practice CSE 434 / 598 Spring 2001 Sourav Bhattacharya Computer Science & Engineering Arizona State University 1 Class Objectives Technical Goals: Provide basic training in the area of “Computer and Communication Networks” A comprehensive protocol/algorithm level understanding of the “essentials” of a network Concept driven, not implementation/package driven Focus on core communication aspects, and not on cosmetics Achieve a level where you are ready to learn about specific network implementations Other Goals: Learn to learn, Job well done, intellectual honesty, mutual “good wish”, promote research careers, … 2 Success Criteria At the end of the class Class does well in the tests, and projects Class has learnt the subject matter from the instructor Instructor has inspired few (at least !!) career advancements Instructor has improved the class material … Don’t Do List Instructor: Demonstration of “research” Class: Inhibitions, shy to ask questions, interrupt... 3 Text and Syllabus Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tannenbaum, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1996 Flow of Discussion Chapter 1 and 2 - background, assumed !! You are graduate students or undergrad seniors !! Chapter 4 - Medium Access Sublayer Chapter 3 - Data Link Layer Chapter 5 - Network Layer Chapter 6 - Transport Layer Sporadic Coverages: Security and Encryption, Network Management, Multimedia, WWW, ... (as time permits) 4 References High-Speed Networks: TCP/IP and ATM Design Principles, by William Stallings, Prentice Hall Network Analysis with Applications, by William D. Stanley, Prentice Hall Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, by William Stallings, Prentice Hall Protocol Design for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, by Pawel Gburzynski, Prentice Hall Introduction to Data Communications: A Practical Approach, by Larry Hughes, Jones and Burlett Publishers. High-Speed LANs Handbook, by Stephen Saunders, McGraw-Hill 5 The Network Design Problem: At A Glance Design Analogy: N persons can successfully, and efficiently communicate amongst themselves, sharing individual, group and global views Step 1: Two remote persons can communicate Step 2: Three or more remote persons can efficiently share a common medium to exchange distinct views (but these people have to do the entire co-ordination by themselves) Step 3: Increasingly convenient ways of doing Step 2 Abstraction Quality of Service Value added features... 6 Layered Protocol Hierarchies Basic data transfer occurs at the lowest layer The rest is merely solving “human problems” Abstraction and convenience of access Inter-operability Making sure that multiple users do not fight Or, if they do, at least gracefully, and with a recourse Layer N Layer N ... ... Layer 3 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 1 Physical Medium 7 Quality of Connections Issues Layered Protocol Interfaces Protocol Header, and Body Nework Architecture Network Architecture Connections Type Simplex, vs. Duplex Connection-oriented, vs. Connection-less (datagram) Life of connection, vs. Delay of setting up a new connection QoS of Connections 8 OSI Model Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model Data header at each layer Real data transfer at the lowest layer Logical data flow at upper layers Application Application Presentation Presentation Session Session Transport Transport Network Network Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Physical Medium 9 TCP / IP Model Application Application Transport Transport Network Network Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Telnet, Ftp, Smtp, DNS, ... TCP, or UDP IP NSFNet, } ArpaNet, various LANs, ... Physical Medium Application layer controls everything above the Transport Layer (theme: “reduce the overhead”) 10 Network Standardization International Standards Organization (ISO) Various TCs, and Working Groups ANSI (Am. Nat’l Standards Inst.) NIST IEEE Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Produces stream of RFCs 11 Medium Access Control Chapter 4 of the Text 12 Problem Introduction Two or more contenders for a common media Contenders: Independent nodes or stations with its own data/information to distribute Distribute: one-to-one, one-to-many, one-to-all (routing, multicast, broadcast) Data/Information: anything from a bit to a long message stream Common media Fiber, cable, radio frequency channel, ... Characteristics of the media -- refer Chapter 2 13 The Most Obvious Solution N cars to share a common road Two approaches Slice the road width into N parallel parts, i.e., Lanes (hopefully each part will still be wide enough for a car) Regulate the cars to drive on a rotation basis, i.e., one after the other Each car drives in its own Lane Careful co-ordination is critical No width restriction. Each car can enjoy the entire road width !! Problems Naive, and simplistic Opportunity for resource wastage 14 The Two Naive Solutions... Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) For N user stations, partition the bandwidth into N (equally sized?) frequency bands Each user transmits onto a particular bandwidth slot No contention. But, likely under-utilization of bandwidth. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) For N user stations, create a cycle of N (equally sized ?) time slots Each user takes its turn, and transmits only during the corresponding time slot No contention. But, likely under-utilization of the time slots 15 Channel Allocation on “as needed” Basis Instead of apriori partitioning of the channel resource (bandwidth, time) - employ dynamic resource management Advantages include: reduced channel resource wastage Disadvantages: Require explicit (or, implicit) co-ordination of transmission schedules Co-ordination can be of several categories Detection and Correction Avoidance Prevention (contention-free !) 16 Model and Assumptions User stations or Nodes Probability of a frame being generated in an interval T is L*T, where L is a constant for a particular user. Independent in their transmissions. Can transmit a frame any time. Concerns: This model is not valid for co-related transmissions (e.g., performance analysis for a set of parallel/distributed programs or threads) Single channel Assumption No second medium is available among the stations to communicate (data, and/or control information) Concern: this assumption is not true for many environments, where the control information may be carried on a second channel. 17 Model (contd...) Carrier Sense, or No Carrier Sense Before transmission nodes can (or, cannot) sense if the channel is currently busy due to another user’s message Protocols can be lot more efficient if “Carrier Sense” is true Issue: It is hardware, and analog device specific Activation Instances Continuous time: a message can be attempted for transmission at any time. There is no master clock. Slotted time: a message can be delivered only at a fixed set of points in time. Time axis is discretized. Requires a master clock. 18 ALOHA - A Simple Multiple Access Protocol N user stations, randomly generating data frames Anytime data is ready ---> transmit on the media (without care for collison) Listen to the channel, and find out if there is/was collison If collison, then wait for a random time and goto step 1 Collision vulnerability period If frame time = t, then vulnerability period = 2t Reason: two frames can collide (head, tail) or (tail, head) at the extreme ends Refer Figure 4-2 19 insert figure 4-2 here 20 Performance of ALOHA A lot of nodes are suddenly jumping into the shared, common channel - What can you expect about the performance ? G = # frame transmission attempts (including new, and retransmission) Probability that k frames are generated during a given vulnerability period = ((2G)^k * e^(-2G)) / k! Thus, during a 2-frame vulnerability period (refer Fig 4-2) there will be 2G frames generated Probability that no frame will be generated, i.e., k=0, => e^(-2G) Successful transmissions, or throughput = rate * prob(none else transmits) = G * e^(-2G) 21 ALOHA => Slotted ALOHA Best case performance of ALOHA G = 0.5, Throughput = 1/(2e), nearly 18% What else can you expect from purely random, and no carrier sense protocols Slotted ALOHA Like ALOHA, in every sense, except when a transmission request can originate Discretize the time axis into slots, 1 slot = 1 frame width A node can only transmit a frame at a slot beginning Requires a master clock, typically one node transmitting a special control signal at the beginning of each frame Issue: Is clock synchronization that easy ? 22 Performance of Slotted ALOHA Effect of restricted transmission request time instants Vulnerability period is reduced from 2t to t, where t is the frame width (refer Figure 4-2, and explain why ?) Probability of no other transmission during one frame = e^(-G) Thus, Throughput = G * e^(-G) Best throughput is for G=1, with nearly 37% throughput 37% utilization, 37% empty slots and 26% collisions About twice better than pure ALOHA Exercise Increasing G would reduce the # of empty slots. Why that will not increase the throughput ? Work out few examples... 23 ALOHA ==> Slotted ALOHA Insert Fig 4-3 here 24 Carrier Sense Protocols Best performance of Slotted ALOHA = 1/e Carrier Sense Protocols Since, nodes cannot sense the carrier prior to transmission In other words, they cannot avoid collision, can only detect Can listen for a carrier, i.e., shared channel, to become idle and then transmit Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) class of protocols Persistent CSMA Also, called as 1-persistent, since it transmits with a probability = 1 A node with ready data Listen for idle channel, if line is busy then WAIT Persistently When channel is free, transmit the packet, and then listen for a collision If collision, then sleep for a random time and goto Step 1 25 Persistent CSMA How does contention resolution occur ? Role of Propagation Delay Depends on the “randomness” of the wait periods If a set of random wait periods, one from each user, are in effect then eventually everyone will get through... Collision detection time depends on the propagation delay If d is the propagation delay, then worst case collision detection time = 2d d = 0, there may still be some collisions Analogous to round table conference discussions among human users Improvement over ALOHA Nodes do not jump in at the middle of another node’s transmission 26 Non-Persistent CSMA Persistent CSMA When looking for an idle channel, it keeps a continuous wait A greedy mode for “seize asap” Consequence: multiple contenders, each in the “seize asap” mode will lead to followup collisions Non-Persistent CSMA If an idle channel is not found, the node desiring to transmit does not wait in a “grab as soon as available” mode Instead, the node attempting to transmit goes into a random wait period. It wakes up at the end of the random wait, and re-tries for an idle channel Benefit: reduced contention (Note: it includes a 2-level randomness) Random wait, if not found idle channel Random wait, if found idle channel, transmitted but had collision 27 Non-Persistent CSMA => pPersistent CSMA Contention reduction strategy Involve more and more random delays in each user activities Throughput will increase, but individual user delays will decrease p-Persistent CSMA Channel is time slotted, similar to Slotted ALOHA A node with ready data Look for an idle channel, if channel is busy then wait for the next slot If idle channel found then transmit with probability = p (i.e., defer until the next slot with prob = 1-p) If next slot is also idle, then transmit with prob=p, and defer for the second next slot with prob = 1-p Continue until the data is transmitted, or some other node starts transmitting If so, wait for a random time and goto Step 1 28 Why p-Persistent CSMA ? The more probabilistic events, and randomness => the less contention and increased throughput Degrees of uncertainty Persistent CSMA = 1, random delay when a collision occurs Non-Persistent CSMA = 2, random delay both at the channel seek, and at the collision p-Persistent CSMA = 2 (but different kind from Non-Persistent) Random delay at collision (as Non-Persistent) Deterministic seizure attitude at channel seek time (like Persistent) Slotted time (like Slotted ALOHA) But, non-deterministic transmission even when channel is idle An additional level of uncertainty beyond Persistent CSMA) 29 Performance of CSMA Class of Protocols Throughput and individual user delays are against each other Throughput Non-persistent is better than Persistent Non-Persistent VS. p-Persistent Depends on the value of p Both have 2 degrees of uncertainty, but different kinds Refer Figure 4-4 for an aggregate performance depiction In increasing throughput Pure ALOHA Slotted ALOHA 1-Persistent, or Persistent CSMA 0.5 Persistent CSMA (Non-Persistent, 0.1 Persistent) CSMA 0.01 Persistent CSMA 30 include figure 4-4 here 31 CSMA with Collision Detection CSMA does not abort a transmission when a collision occurs Colliding transmissions will continue (until the frame completion) A fair (!!) amount of garbage being generated, once a collision occurs Why not abort transmission as soon as a collision is detected CSMA with Collision Detection IEEE 802.3, Ethernet protocol Quickly terminate damaged frames Contention periods are single slot each, not a frame width (Fig 4-5) Resource wastage = width of the slots (and not those of the frames) Slot width = worst case signal propagation delay Actually, twice of that Includes the delay of the analog devices as well 32 include fig 4-5 here 33 Collision-Free Protocols Channel co-ordination can be of several categories Static MAC Policies Collision-free by design, i.e., avoidance Resource utilization may be questionable Dynamic MAC with Collision Detection Detection and Correction Avoidance Prevention (contention-free !) Like CSMA/CD Dynamic MAC with contention prevention Protocol does few extra steps in run-time to prevent collision 34 Reservation-Based Dynamic MAC Protocols Protocols consist of two phases Reservation phase All nodes with data to transmit go through the reservation phase Result: one or more winners ==> implicit reservations Transmission phase Reservation or bidding process Actual usage, after the bidding process The winner channel(s) transmits (one after another) Bit-Map Protocol - One Reservation Policy Basic idea stems from Link List approach Refer Figure 4-6 35 include fig 4-6 here 36 Bit-Map Protocol N Contention Slots for N stations Node i transmits a “1” in Slot i, iff node i has data to send The collection of 1’s in the Contention Slot will indicate which stations are with data (to transmit) Followed by Transmission Phase Allocate Frames only for those Nodes with a 1 in the Contention Slots Performance Low load : Frames’ time << Contention Slot time Contention Slot’s delay for Low numbered station -- 1.5N (why ?) Contention Slot’s delay for High numbered station -- 0.5N (why?) Average wait = N slots (sloppy analysis !!) For d-bit data frames, efficiency = d / (d +N) 37 Performance of Bit-Map Protocol At high load Multiple (k) frames per each group of N Contention Slots Efficiency = k*d / (N + k*d) For k ==> N, efficiency = d/(d+1) Question ? Is this a realistic analysis ? Can you do a queueing analysis for this protocol ? Is there any fundamental bottleneck ? 38 Binary Countdown Protocol 2-phase Protocol : Reservation followed by Transmission Reservation phase Each station, with ready data, transmits its bit address in msb to lsb order At each bit-position, binary OR of all the respective bits from each node. If a node with a 0-bit, observes a 1 after the OR operation - then it withdraws from the competition. The latest surviving node is the winner. Transmission phase: Winner (single) transmits the data Example, nodes 3, 4 and 6 have data to transmit Node ids (0011), (0100) and (0110) get transmitted First transmission: 0, 0, and 0 Second transmission: 0, 1 and 1 ==> Node 3 withdraws Third transmission: none, 0, and 1 ==> Node 4 withdraws Node 6 is the winner. Node 6 transmits data frame. 39 Performance of Binary Countdown Protocol Note: only a single winner in this approach The node with the highest bit address This approach may starve the lower numbered users For N nodes, ln(N) bit addresses will be transmitted d bits frame ==> efficiency = d / (d + ln(N)) Enhancements: Bit ordering different from (msb --> lsb) type Parallelized version of binary countdown, instead of serial Efficiency can reach upto 100% 40 Limited Contention Protocols Design features: Low traffic load - Collision detection approaches are better, they offer low delay, and not much collision occurs anyways High traffic load - Collision free protocols are better, they have higher delay, but at least the channel efficiency is much better... What if we combine the advantages of the two ? Limited Contention Protocols Idea: Do not let every station compete for the channel with equal probability. Allow different groups of nodes to compete at different times... Refer Figure 4-8, for Success Probability = f(# ready stations) Question: give an analogy of this idea using the car/road domain... 41 include fig 4-8 here 42 Adaptive Tree Walk - Limited Contention Protocol Group the N nodes as a log(N) height binary tree Tree leaves are the N nodes Starting phase, or immediately after a successful transmit All N nodes can compete for the channel If one of the nodes acquire a channel, then repeat with all “N nodes” as the contenders’ list Else, if collision then narrow the contenders’ list = left subgroup of nodes If one of the nodes acquire a channel, then shift to the right sibling group of nodes for the next slot Else, if there is a further collision, narrow down the contenders’ list to the leftward children subtree (Repeat...) Refer Figure 4-9, essentially walk around with various subgroups of the tree leaves at each time as the Contenders’ list 43 Figure 4-9 44 Wavelength Division Multiplexed MAC Protocol Analogous to FDM, used popularly for optical networks Partition the wavelength spectrum into (equal ?) slices One slice for each node / user Can apply TDM in conjunction as well Useful for implementation of broadcast topologies Refer Figure 4-10, each wavelength slice has two parts - for control information, and for data values Can also implement point-to-point network topologies (how ?) Collectively it is called TWDM (time-wave-division multiplexed) MAC protocol Key design issue: #transmitters, and #receivers at each node Frequencies and Tunability of the transceivers... 45 Figure 4-10 46 WDMA - A Particular WDM MAC WDMA - a broadcast based protocol Each node is assigned two channels, for Control and for Data The data channel is slotted The control channel is also slotted Supports three classes of traffic One slot for every other node One slot for status information of the host node itself Constant data rate connection-oriented traffic Variable data rate connection-oriented traffic Datagram traffic, e.g., UDP packets Each node has two receivers (one fixed freq, another tunable) and two transmitted (one fixed freq, another tunable) 47 Arbitrary Topology Configurations using WDM and TDM Consider any graph topology Replace every bi-directional edge using two back-to-back simplex edges Assign each simplex edge of the graph topology to one slot in the (frequency, time) Select #time slots just adequate enough so that #freq * #time slots >= the #simplex edges Work out an example 48 Wireless LAN Protocols Consider a Cellular Network, with Cell sizes anywhere between few meters to several miles Frequency reuse is adopted, as a feature of Cellular system What could be a typical MAC ? Can CSMA work ? No, since there is no common broadcast channel which everyone eventually listens to Refer Figure 4-11 Design difficulty: how to detect interference at the Receiver ? Hidden station problem: Two nodes transmit to a common receiver located in the middle Competitor station is too far away Exposed station problem: Two adjacent nodes transmitting in opposite directions. False sense of competition... 49 figure 4-11 50 MACA - Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance Idea: have both the sender and receiver ackn each other stating the length of upcoming transmission Protocol Consequently, neighbors both around the sender and receiver will be aware of the transmission activity and its duration (from the #bits in the transmission) Figure 4-12 Sender: send a request-to-send (RTS) signal to receiver with #bits in the upcoming data frame Receiver: ackn to sender using a clear-to-send (CTS), if no collision. Sender: start transmitting upon receiving the CTS Where is the catch ? Both the sender’s and receiver’s neighbor can hear the message initiation along with size !! 51 figure 4-12 52 MACA and MACAW Collisions in MACA Still possible, but chances are much reduced If two nodes initiate an RTS simultaneously Collision ==> backoff and re-try later (like CSMA) Backoff approach is based upon a binary exponential scheme MACAW - an enhanced MACA Protocol ACK signal at the MAC layer, after each data frame Include carrier sensing to further reduce collision (Although, carrier could only be sensed locally.) Random wait and re-try transmission at every message level, instead of at every node level Congestion information exchange between pairwise stations, leading to better congestion control and backoff approaches 53 Protocols for Digital Cellular Radio Significant usage for mobile telephony Each connection lasts longer than few msec Hence, channel allocation per Call is better than per Frame (why ?) Preferably use digital coding, instead of analog Allows compression of data/speech Allows to integrate voice, data, fax, ... Can include error-correcting codes (for reliability) and encryption (for security) GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication Allocated in the 900 MHz band, later re-shuffled to the 1800 MHz range as well (called DCS 1800) Employs 124 bi-directional freuqncy channels within each cell Refer Figure 4-13 54 figure 4-13 55 GSM - Details Each cell has 124 (base station --> user nodes) frequency channels + 124 (user nodes --> base station) freq. channels These are used for Data In/Out and Control signals Each freq. channel is 200KHz wide, allowing a fair bit rate !! Each freq. channel is 8-way TDM slotted Thus, a total of 992 (=124 * 8) logical connections are possible Not all of the 992 connections are implemented for avoiding frequency conflicts with neighboring cells Also, for enhancing the bps within each logical connection Format of the TDM slots 148 bit in each slot, 8 slots per frame for time division multiplexing, and 26 frames to create a multiframe 56 Data Format of GSM Frames Refer Fig. 4-14 Each TDM slot, of 148 bits, consist of 3 start bits 57 bit Information 1 bit Voice/Data toggle 26 bit synchronization information 1 bit Voice/Data toggle 57 bit Information 3 stop bits 8 TDM slots create a TDM frame Slots are separated by 30 microsec guard time (worth 8.25 bit) Guard times accommodate lack of sync, and data overflow 57 figure 4-14 58 GSM (contd...) 26 TDM Frames constitute a TDM multi-frame 24 frames are data use, 1 frame for control, 1 left for future use Time spent for a TDM multiframe is 120 milisec Effective data rate in each logical connection is 9600 bps Other GSM channels Apart from the GSM framing structure, it also supports other specific purpose channels Broadcast Control Channel Continuous stream of outputs from the Base Station to all the nodes describing the Base Station id Mobile nodes check the strength of this signal to detect the cellular parenthood 59 Other GSM Channel (contd...) Dedicated Control Channel for location updating, registration and call setup each base station maaintains a data structure with all intra-cell mobile nodes; the control channel exchanges information to keep this data structure updated Common Control Channel Paging Channel Random Access Channel Base station uses this for announcing Incoming Calls Mobile nodes listen to this for answering Incoming calls Slotted ALOHA to setup a call in the Dedicated Control Channel A node can setup a Call using this Channel Access Grant Channel response of Random Access Channel 60 GSM vs. CDPD = Cellular Digital Packet Data GSM CDPD Circuit Switched, not packet switched Not friendly to cellular handoffs, each handoff can miss some data Increased error rate A packet switched, digital datagram service Using 30 KHz channels, it can offer 19.2 Kbps links (excluding protocol overhead ==> 9600 bps data channels) CDPD System Architecture Three kinds of nodes: mobile end system, base stations and base interface stations (which connect between base stations and to the Internet) Refer Figure 4-15 61 figure 4-15 62 CDPD Details Uses three types of interfaces E-Interface: Connects a CDPD Network to the outside world networks, e.g., the Internet I-Interface: Connects between multiple CDPD areas (basically, between multiple cells) A-Interface: Between base station and mobile nodes One Downlink part, from Base Station to Mobile Noeds Not difficult to manage, since it has only one user (the Base Station) One Uplink channel, shared by all the mobile end users Digital Sense Multiple Access protocol adopted by the mobile end nodes Similar to Slotted, p-Persistent CSMA Data is packetized, time axis is slotted, and re-entry attempts are spread out to non-consecutive time slots Combines the benefits of Slotted ALOHA, p-Persistent CSMA 63 Collision in CDPD Possible, when two or more mobile end nodes start on a time slot together Mobile hosts may not immediately detect a collision (sensing delay due to RF propagation) Microblock transmission is faster than the rate of detection of a failure Correct/Incorrect reception of microblock n is delayed until microblock n+2 In between, the mobile node just goes ahead and continues transmission If a failure is detected (later), it stops - otherwise transmission continues Voice data has higher priority, data transmission is next 64 Code Division Multiple Access CDMA - a completely new line of MAC approach MAC approaches so far: TDM, FDM, WDMA, slotted ALOHA, ... CDMA - each user transmits across the entire spectrum However, nobody collides with each other Each node has a unique code, called Chip, using which it transmits The uniquness of the Chips ensure no eventual collision Analogy - Multiple people speaking in a room TDM: everyone takes turn in speaking FDM: Separate clusters of people, each speaking within its cluster, yet not being overheard at other clusters CDMA: Everybody speaks loud and clear to everybody else, but using different languages 65 CDMA - Summary Each node has a unique sequence, called Chip Usually its a 64 or 128 bit pattern, but we demonstrate using a 8-bit Chip Example: A’s chip = (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) Another node, B, will have a different Chip sequence If A wants to transmit a “1”, it will send the above chip If A wants to transmit a “0”, then it will send 1’s complement of the Chip Orthogonal from every other node’s Chip Normalized inner product of any pair of Chip sequences = 0 Thus, A’s Chip <normalized inner product> B’s Chip = 0 By definition, A’s Chip <norm. inner prod.> Complement(B’s Chip) = 0 Bit sequence within the Chips are transmitted across the entire spread spectrum 66 CDMA - Bandwidth Usage Consider 100 nodes, and 1 MHz spectrum with 1 Mbps FDM allocates 10 KHz per station CDMA, with m bit Chips Each station has a 10 Kbps data rate Allocates the entire 1 MHz to each station Thus, each station’s data rate = 1000/m Kbps When m is smaller than 100, CDMA is a better bandwidth utilization Where is the catch ? CDMA will expect to treat the RF media in an analog fashion Voltages (RF transmission powers) will be expected to be additive in value It can get more noisy, likely to be more erroneous 67 CDMA - Example (refer Figure 4-16) Four nodes, A, B, C, and D each with unique 8-bit Chip 0-bits in the Chip sequence can be treated as -1 for voltage or transmission power point of view Two or more nodes transmitting together simply adds their voltages (addition of negative values indicate voltage or RF power reduction -> this is a major source of error, in analog handling) The design of the Chip sequences ensure that A <norm. inner prod.> B = 0 A <norm. inner prod.> (complement of B) = 0 Suppose, A and C transmit a 1, while B transmit a 0 T= (A + not(B) + C) is transmitted. Everyone receives this. Receiver node D, trying to listen to C, computes C <norm. inner prod> T = C.A + C.(not(B)) + C.C = 1, where “1” is what C transmitted 68 figure 4-16 69 CDMA Example (contd...) Suppose, C transmitted a 0 in the previous example T = (A + not(B) + not(C)) The receiving node D will compute C . T = C.A + C.(not(B)) + C.(not(C)) = 0 + 0 + (-1) = -1 0-bit is assumed to have a value = -1 Efficiency of CDMA Theoretically, can be arbitrarily large In practice, the noise level, analog value handling and #bits/Chip pose limitations Design rule: if you want to enhance b/w, and can live with some noise - go for CDMA (Korean Telecom) Question: Why the name “Chip” 70 Theory to Practice CSMA/CD MAC Protocol with various degrees of Persistency IEEE 802.3 is a specific implementation Random delay, if collision occurs, is based on a Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm Average case performance: Moderate However, no worst case delay guarantee for individual stations Token Bus and Token Ring Protocols Worst case bounded delay, may be useful for Real-Time application IEEE 802.4 and 802.5 LAN standards LAN to MAN and fairness issues Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB), IEEE 802.6 IEEE 802.2: Logical Link Control 71 Ethernet 802.3 Essentially, it is a 1-persistent CSMA/CD Protocol Looking for an idle channel If not found, i.e., Channel=busy, station waits in a greedy mode If Channel = idle, station immediately attempts to transmit data If no collision, then successful transmission If collision, stop transmission immediately and go into a random delay wait more Requires broadcast mode cable topology Linear, Backbone, Tree, Segments with Repeaters Figure 4-19 Worst case delay in broadcast transmission affects performance (Efficiency, for example) 72 figure 4-19 73 Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm for Random Delay Wait Motivation: Random delay to ensure that collissions will eventually be resolved If few stations compete, the range of random delays should be smaller Minimize the probability that two (or more) colliding stations will keep colliding again and again Once done so, then minimize the absolute ranges of delay periods during these random wait cycles Chances of consecutive collisions is less, hence minimize the random delay period If collisions occur in consecutive attempts, then the range of random delays should be increased (perhaps, rapidly) to quickly resolve the colliding stations Here, two or more stations are repeatedly colliding. Hence, most immediate priority is to resolve the conflict between them. 74 Binary Exponential Backoff (contd...) After the first collision After the second consecutive collision random wait period is in the range {0, 1, 2, and 3} After the i-th consecutive collision, i<= 10 random wait period is either 0 (i.e., re-try next slot) or 1 random wait period is in the range {0, 1, 2, ..., 2^i -1} For, 11 <= i <=15, the random wait period range is fixed: {0, 1023} For i=16, an abnormal transmission event interrupt is sent to the message source Features For fewer stations, and fewer collisions ==> average randon wait is small For many stations, and lot of collisions ==> collision gets resolve quickly 75 Ethernet Addressing Frame Format Transmission @ frame quantums (viz. collision detection advt.) Preamble: 7 Bytes 7 Each byte = 10101010 => 10 MHz square wave for 5.6 microsec Used for clock synchronization Start Delimitter: 1 Byte (10101011) Destination (and, Source) Address: 2 or 6 Bytes Data Length: 2 Bytes; Actual Data: 0 to 1500 Bytes Pad: 0 to 46 Bytes (used for ensuring >= 64 bytes after dest.addr) Checksum: 4 Bytes (32-bit CRC + 8 bit end-delimiter) 1 2 or 6 Preamble Start Dest.Addr. 2 or 6 2 Source Addr Length 0-1500 0-46 Data Pad 4 Checksum 76 802.3 Frame Format Insert Figure 4-21 here 77 Ethernet Addressing (contd.) Data length: 0 to 1500 Bytes Effects of short data frames Too small data length can confuse the receiver Is it a collided frame, or real (short) data ? Also, two frames may start at distant ends of the cable Answer: Each frame must be at least 64 bytes after the destination address If actual data size is small, then create a Pad (upto 46 bytes) Why 64 Bytes ? 10-Mbps LAN, 2.5 km cable (specs), and 2t collision window Minimum frame width = 51.2 microsec ==> 64 Bytes length 78 Broadcast and Multicast Addresses Destination Address Msb: 1 for “group” (multicast or broadcast), 0 for “unicast” Address = all 1’s: indication of Broadcast How does multicast work ? 2nd Msb: Local vs. Global addresses Group addr. id = programmed to listen at individual nodes Useful for address filtering, and flooding control Uniqueness of Node Addresses Total 46 bit addressing (6 bytes - 2 msb) Approx. 7 * 10^13 addresses Can provide unique address to every node !! Manufacturers procure a bulk of address ranges 79 Broadcast, Multicast, and Unicast Each transmitted frame is listened to by every adapter Adaptors act as filters Frames that are ok-ed by the filter are sent to the backend host computer Filter Modes Listen to self-address only: Unicast Promiscuous: Listen to all addresses (useful for gateway design) Listen to addresses with all 1’s: Broadcast Listen to specific group-ID: Multicast 80 ARP vs. RARP Issue: Upper Layer Address vs. Ethernet Address Address Resolution Protocol Forward and Reverse Mapping 32-bit IP address => 48 bit Ethernet address Naive Approach: Configuration Files (IP address vs. Ethernet address) ARP Algorithm: Broadcast IP address and seek a response ARP records can be cached, optimized for locality Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Host machine (at boot time) transmits ethernet address and seeks IP address (from RARP server) 81 Ethernet Connectors 10Base 5 (Thick Ethernet) 10Base 2 (Thin Ethernet) Flexible Connector 10Base T (Central Hub) Vampire Tap Nodes connect twisted pair cable to a switch 10Base F Version for optical fiber 82 Worst Case Collision Detection Insert Fig 4-22 here 83 Performance of 802.3 Simplistic analysis Assume a fixed number of, k, stations always with data to transmit p = probability with which each station transmits during a contention slot Then, the probability that one of those k stations will successfully acquire the channel is A = k * p * (1-p)^{k-1} k times, one for each station being the channel winner (k-1) stations did not transmit, while the winner stations did transmit ==> Probability = p * (1-p)^{k-1} Probability that the contention interval is exactly j slots, will be = A * (1-A)^{j-1} Contention interval is not in the (j-1) slots ==> (1-A)^{j-1} It is at the j-th slot ==> A * (1-A)^{j-1} 84 Performance of 802.3 (contd...) Mean number of slots per contention Each slot is a duration = 2where is the worst case broadcast delay sum (from j=0, to j=infinity) [ j * A * (1-A)^{j-1} ] = 1/A Hence, mean contention interval = 2 * 1/A If the average frame takes P time units to transmit, then the total time taken to transmit = P + mean contention interval = P + 2 Hence, Channel efficiency = P / ( P + 2/A ) Refer Figure 4-23, for channel efficiency as a function of the #stations trying to send data Large P ==> higher efficiency, but increased frame fragmentation 85 figure 4-23 86 Switched Ethernet Switched Ethernet Intelligent processing allows packet filtering Useful for traffic reduction, containment Example: multicast filtering, broadcast filtering, … Other usage: security, workgroup establishment Design Paradox Ethernet had not been initially meant to be point-to-point However, design needs led it to becoming point-to-point Its still called Ethernet, and behaves like Ethernet - for compliance, and ability to (still !!) use existing ethernet adapter cards Sometimes, it is an expensive mistake to carry one !! 87 Full Duplex Ethernet Design Rationale Ethernet does not scale well # Connect Points, also bandwidth... Solution: Several 802.3 LAN connected via a faster switch FDSE Architecture Each 802.3 LAN is in reality a plug-in card at the switch Full Duplex Switched Ethernet Not a shared bus LAN Instead, a point-to-point protocol around a fast switch Switch has several (<=32) “Plug-in Cards” Each Plug-in Card has few (<=8) Connectors Each connector is a 10Base T link to a host computer 88 FDSE Block Diagram Insert Fig 4-24 here 89 FDSE Structure host host to other FDSE FDSE 802.3 LAN Hub hosts 90 FDSE Design Idenaitcal frame format, addressing, .... On-Card LAN If a frame is addressed to another node on the same card, then the frame is locally copied Else, it is transmitted over the high-speed backbone bus to another on-card LAN Input Buffering Collision resolution with on-card LAN (Btw, collision never occurs across multiple cards) Approach 1: adopt CSMA/CD within each card Approach 2: Input packet buffering + scheduling Whao !! Feasibility for Packet Prioritization, Periodic traffic support... 91 Packet Priority in FDSE LAN 802.3 has no support for priority However, FDSE is a much digressed version of the initial “ethernet” It is point-to-point, instead of shared media It is input buffered, and scheduled, instead of collision and re-try Hence, packet priority establishment is feasible in FDSE 802.4 and 5 evolved precisely for these reasons Priority implementation in the scheduling of input buffer Still, ethernet frame format does not accommodate priority values One way to accommodate priority is as part of the data field Priority support from upper OSI layers (e.g., TCP) is always feasible 92 Periodic Traffic Support in FDSE LAN Not directly supported But, can always be implemented from TCP or IPX layer Admission Control Stage Dynamic Scheduling Stage At TCP or upper application layer At FDSE input buffer scheduling algorithm Upper OSI Layer Connection-Oriented Virtual Circuit can solve this problem Aperiodic RT Traffic Support Use placeholder (i.e., stub) periodic traffic 93 FDSE LAN of LANs FDSE as a switch easily lends itself to hierarchical construction as LAN or MAN / WAN (as LAN os LANs) 94 FDSE Flow Control Prevent over-bandwidth situations, and recover from congestions and hot spots Objective: Forward packets from in=>out ports without any loss of packets and minimum (=0 ?) latency TCP or Window Based Protocol Several packets transmitted before a “destination port” overloaded message can be reverse ackn-ed Solution: modest sized buffer, time to fill up the buffer (due to destnation port jamming) is adequate to inform the sender node Disadvantage: Large buffer ==> large (individual) packet latency Another solution: reduce the window size of the upper layer protocol (e.g., TCP or IPX) 95 Learn Table (Address Mapping) Learn table: a table of information associating 48-bit Ethernet addresses with ports New frame arrival: Look up the port address, from (destination’s) ethernet address If port address unavailable, then broadcast (unfortunate situation, cannot be helped) - “are you out there, please respond” type Learn Table: updated bu current lookup information Recent failures in lookup, and eventual resolution (by broadcast) Old entries are flushed in a cache-page update manner LRU, or FIFO 96 FDSE and Fast Ethernet Connectors 100 Base - Fx 100 Base - T4 Specs for 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet over fiber Similar to FDDI specs Signals are unscrambled, 4B5B encoded same as above, except for category 3 or better twisted pair cabling Full duplex not supported under T4 100 Base - TX same as above, except for category 5 twisted pair cabling Similar to CDDI specs, signals are scrambled, 4B5B encoded 97 Limitations of 802.3 No worst case delay bound for any given stations No notion of priorities to any of the nodes/stations Focusses on the overall channel efficiency, not on the individual user station needs Certainly not good for time-critical traffic IEEE 802.4 evolves from 802.3 Token Bus structure, logically Each one of the N nodes takes turn in sending their respective frames If each node takes T time units, then no node will have to wait more then NT time units Figure 4-25 as an example Token Bus 98 figure 4-25 99 IEEE 802.4: Token Bus Logical linear connection Each node has a predecessor and a successor node The Token arrives from the predecessor node, and is destined to the successor node after usage by the current node The highest numbered station sends the first frame If a node has no data to send, it passes the Token immediately Logically the nodes are organized as a Ring (Fig. 4-25) Collison avoidance by mutual exclusion in Token ownership Physically, the nodes may be in any connection pattern Tree, Bus, ... Essentially, a broadcast transmission medium is needed Logical ordering of the stations is independent of the physical locations 100 Priority in Token Bus Worst case response time for each node < N*T time units, for N nodes and T time units per node (i.e., per Token) This prevents from unbounded response delay situations Yet, may not follow hard real-time guarantees How to assign priorities to the traffic within each node ? Token Bus defines four priority classes, 0, 2, 4 and 6 Priority 6 is the highest, Priority 0 is the least When a node acquires the Token, say for T time units First, it allocates transmission from Priority 6 messages After all the data from Priority 6 set is exhausted, if any more time is still left ==> allocate traffic from Priority 4 messages After all Priority 4 messages are over, if still some time is left, then use for Priority 2 messages, and so on 101 Synchronous Traffic in Token Bus The bandwidth for at least one of the Priority 6 messages is guaranteed “<=T” (as much as desired) time units of transmission per every N*T time units Synchronous traffic, e.g., live video, multimedia, automated factories and production environments, are supported Limitations Ranges of deadline that can be honored No notion of periodic traffic support Fault-Tolerance What if a node/station goes down while holding a Token ? A max-time parameter for claiming tokens 102 Token Ring: IEEE 802.5 Token Bus Requires a broadcast channel Large delay Analog characteristics Enjoys the freedom of logical predecessor/successor assignment Token Ring A set of point-to-point connections Most typically digital connections Suitable for most physical media, e.g., twisted pair, co-ax, fiber Predecessor/Successor defined by the physical topology In contrast to 802.4, where it was a Logical relationship Refer Fig. 4-28 103 figure 4-28 104 Token Ring Operations The media is no longer a Broadcast bus Each point-to-point element of the Ring must now Transmit data bits in/out for the speedy operation of the Ring Cater both to the originating/destined traffic, as well as the traffic passing by the node Circulating Token A 3-byte pattern, called Token, circulates around in the Ring The endless circulation ends anytime one (or, more) node(s) has data to send The transmitting node seizes the Token, changes a single, particular bit in the Token The interpretation of the 3-byte immediately changes from Token to Data The station starts to pour its bit-stream on the Ring Length of the data (i.e., message frame) can be much longer than 3 bytes 105 Token Ring Operations (contd...) A node can be in anyone of the two modes Listen: copy input bits to the output bits, with a 1-bit delay Transmit: Break the connection between Input to the Output Enter the node’s own data into the Output bit-stream Remove the (previously) transmitted data bits from the Input bit-stream The entire frame may never have to appear in the Ring, hence no limitation on the Frame length Be able to do so, i.e., switch from the “Listen” mode, within 1-bit delay Unless exceed maximum Token-Hold time After a node has finished transmission of all the frame’s bits Must re-generate the Token’s 3-byte pattern Switch back to “Listen” mode instantaneously after the last bit of the Token has been generated and inserted into the Ring 106 Minimum Ring Delay Consider an worst case, none of the nodes are transmitting The 3-byte Token pattern must be circulating around The Ring delay must be long enough to accommodate the 3-bytes Ring delay includes Point-to-point transmission delay of each one of the Links 1-bit copying and re-transmission delay introduced at each station Ring Length vs. Ring Data Rate For R Mbps data rate, every bit is transmitted at 1/R microsec Signal propagation delay, typically, 200 meters per microsec Each bit occupies around 200/R meters on the Ring A ring with 8 nodes: eight 1-bit delay by each one of the nodes Additional 2-byte delay (NB: Token =3 bytes) must come from the Ring Hence, Ring must be 3200/R meters long, at least (= 3.2 KM, for 1 Mbps) 107 Ring Delay and Contention Resolution Effect of Node Withdrawal from the Ring What if one or more nodes withdraw from the Ring ? The “Listen” mode must be honored by passive devices Due to failure, or un-willingness to participate for the time being Retain the “copy Input to Output” feature Maintain the 1-bit delay Contention Resolution Mutually exclusive ownership of the Token by the nodes Once a node starts to transmit, i.e., has modified the Token and is in the middle of data transmission -- no other station can acquire the Token A higher priority node can make reservations, in the special Reservation Fields of the transmitting frame But, no interruption until the Token-Holding-Time expires 108 Performance of Token Ring Light traffic Heavy traffic load Idle circulation of the Token Occassional seizure by a transmitting node, transmission of a frame (or arbitrary size), and re-generation/insertion of the Token Nodes will wait for transmission, with their respective input Queues A node currently transmitting will either finish its frame, or have a time-out: Next - The immediate next (in priority order, followed by the round-robin Ring order) waiting node will acquire the Token Can lead to nearly 100% channel efficiency under heavy traffic load Some implementation notions Wire center, to better accommodate broken cables Centralized monitor station, elected to one of the nodes (i.e., de-centralized) 109 Priority in Token Ring Supports multiple priority frames Second byte 3-byte Token contains a “priority” field A node with Priority=n data to transmit Must wait and obtain a Token whose priority < n May make a reservation on the current transmission, but only if no other higher priority traffic has already made reservation When the current frame transmission is over, the new Token generated will have a priority = highest priority reservation being waited Fairness in Priority Management Token will raise the priority level arbitrarily, untill some node explicitly lowers the priority A node raising the priority is responsible for lowering the priority again, after it is done with its transmission 110 Comparison of 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5 Expect similar performances, overall 802.3 - Advantages They all use similar LAN technologies Popular in usage, simple; Passive cable, no modem Nodes can be added, deleted without any re-work (i.e., scalable) Little delay at low load 802.3 - Disadvantages Lots of analog stuff, including analog “Carrier-Sense” Cable length restricted due to sensing delays (affects the Channel efficiency) Minimal frame size restriction, leading to frame fragmentation and wastage Non-deterministic, not for RT applications, no notion of priorities Lot of collisions at high traffic load ==> decreasing utilization 111 Comparison (contd...) 802.4 - Advantages Reliable, usage of cable TV equipment More deterministic than 802.3, yet may not be for tight deadline RT applications Can support priorities, handle fixed bandwidth synchronous traffic At high traffic load, it becomes close to TDM ==> good throughput and efficiency Short frames are possible 802.4 - Disadvantages Still analog devices, including amplifiers and modems Substantial delay at low traffic load Complex protocol 112 Comparisons (contd...) 802.5 - Advantages Fully digital, and flexible/cheap connectors (e.g., twisted pairs) Handles priorities, despite the fairness issue Both short and arbitrarily long frames are possible Good throughput and efficiency at high traffic load Like 802.4, but unlike 802.3 802.5 - Disadvantages Limited only by the Max-Token-Holding time Usage of a (floating) centralized monitor Relatively high delay at low load, due to waiting for the Token Which one is best ? Depends on your traffic model 113 DQDB: IEEE 802.6 Distributed Queue Dual Bus - Evolve from LAN to MAN 2 Bus structure, leftward (Bus B) and rightward (Bus A) directions Parallel, unidirectional Buses spanning through the metropolitan area Each bus, with a Head-end, generates a steady stream of 53-byte cells ATM cells ? AAL compatibility... Cells (empty, or with data) travel from the Head-end to the Tail-end Cells fall off after exceeding the Tail-end Cell format 44 byte payload Protocols Bits: Busy (= cell is occupied, or not), and Request (a third party station with data to transmit can set this bit on) 114 Transmission Sequence in DQDB Station P has a data/cell to send, to station Q What a Naive Sequence Could Do If Q is rightward of P, then use Bus A If Q is leftward of P, then use Bus B Station P seeks (in a greedy mode) for an empty cell Since cells are originated from the Head-end, stations near the Head-end will get preference in receiving empty cells Stations far away from the Head-end can lead to starvation A Key Design Objective of DQDB Implement FIFO (i.e., fairness ? ) among the transmitting stations Issue: how to implement a FIFO ordering, where the transmission requests are really generating in a distributed manner 115 Distributed FIFO Ordering A node with data to transmit, does not immediately try to seize an empty cell and proceed with the transmission Instead, the node checks out how many, if any, downstreams nodes had made prior transmission requests Downstream in regard to the intended transmission direction Why downstream ? Because the downstream nodes are likely victims of “unfairness” Note: a node can never be unfair to another upstream node If there had been k prior downstream transmission requests, then the node will wait (i.e., skip) k empty cells Next the node will transmit its own cell (assume, for now, that the node has only 1 cell to transmit) Finally, the node will wait (i.e., skip) for m additional cells, where m fresh transmission requests might have arrived while waiting for the k cell skips (3rd bullet above) 116 Distributed FIFO: Implementation How does a station (S) know about how many downstream nodes would have made prior transmission requests ? Have (all) the prior transmission requests explicitly notify every upstream node Node S, when it’s data become ready to transmit, it begins to skip (i.e., wait) for k empty cells pass by towards downstream Require a counter, called Request Counter (RC), at each node to sum up the number of such prior requests (= parameter k, in the previous slide) This step will ensure that all the prior-requesting downstream nodes will be served before S gets served Will it ??? (Hint: transient effects) During this wait (for k empty cells to pass by) time, node S will also count how many additional RC requests arrive (=parameter m, in the previous slide). (Node S swaps RC=k value with an alternate counter, CD.) Transmission schedule (for S): k cell skips, transmit its own cell, m cell skips 117 FIFO Transmission - Example Refer Figure 4-32 Essentially, stations are operating in a “polite” mode Instead of seize asap, they allow transmission requests from the potential victims to take place Node D had an earlier request, which got notified to Node B Later, when node B had a data (i.e., cell) to send, B will wait (i.e., skip) an empty cell to let node D finish Beyond this, node B is free to use an empty cell, but it will keep track of late arriving requests from downstream, and plan for a subsequent wait period as well Questions Is this truly implementing a FIFO ? How can you extend this scheme, for multi-cell data from a particular node ? 118 figure 4-32 119 LAN Bridges Bridges are used to connect multiple LANs Rationale for Bridge design A set of previously designed LANs need to connect up at a later date, due to evolving network infrastructure... For geographically spread organizations, localized LANs and bridges connecting them can be lot cheaper than a single large-sized LAN running across the entire organization For load sharing, it may be wise to split a LAN into multiple LANs and interconnect them using bridges Single LAN may not handle a long distance networking need -- multiple LANs and bridges connecting them can be an wise solution Multiple LANs (and, Bridges interconnecting them) could be more reliable than a single (large!!) LAN Bridges can conduct information filtering/screening ==> more secure 120 LAN Bridges (Example) Insert Fig. 4-38 here 121 LAN Bridges (Example) Insert Fig. 4-40 here 122 FDDI - High-Speed LAN 802.3/4/5/6 LAN/MANs are meant for low speed and short distances For higher speed, and longer spread Fiber is recommended It has higher bandwidth, thin/lightweight, no electro-magnetic interference, and enhanced security feature FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) is one such fiber based LAN FDDI Token ring LAN operating at 100 Mbps Commonly used to interconnect LANs (refer Fig. 4-44) FDDI-II is an updated version, which can handle synchronous traffic (with reservation, i.e., circuit-swicthing) NB: sense a blend of 802.5 with Synchronous traffic feature of 802.4... 123 figure 4-44 124 FDDI - Physical Layer Multimode fiber Devoid of lasers, and usage of normal spectrum light (using LEDs) Singlemode, i.e., thinner and applicable for longer-distance, is not necessary here. Singlemode fiber is lot more expensive... Environment friendly, in case fiber is cut open and viewed Two fiber rings (Ring I and II), running parallel to each other Bit error < 10^(-9) range Two classes of stations: A and B Stations of type A connect to both the Rings, i.e., Ring I and II Stations of type B (cheaper) connect to only one ring Ring failure One fails, the other serves as a backup Both fails ==> join the two as a new ring (twice the length, Fig. 4-45) 125 figure 4-45 126 FDDI - Protocol Similar to 802.5 Node wants to transmit (asynchronous) data Node wants to transmit (synchronous) data First, capture the Token Then transmit frame(s), and keep removing the frame(s) when they cycle back Unlike 802.5: One can generate the Token immediately after transmission ends (since the Ring is longer, and it is wasteful to wait until the last frame re-cycles back) Handled similar to 802.4 Synchronization All clocks are stable (per hardware design) within 0.005 percent Thus, around 2000 bytes transmission ==> 1% clock error Re-synchronization (using a preamble bit-pattern) in <= 4500 bytes 127 FDDI - Synchronous Data and Priority Handling Synchronous frames generated every 125 microsec Provides 8k samples per second for PCM or ISDN data Synchronous frame includes 96 Byte data Synchronous traffic is guaranteed bandwidth Once allocated, stays connected until the node transmitts the last frame Remaining bandwidth (= 96 Bytes * 8000 - load offered by Synchronous traffic) is allocated on demand Can accommodate upto 4 T1 data lines 24 byte * 8000 frames * 8 bits = T1 line’s bandwidth (1.544 Mbps) Priority assignment similar to 802.4 (i.e., within node) System Parameters Token holding timer - maximum token holding time Token rotation timer - check for long absent token (NB: fault detection 128 Switched Architecture - Way to Go !! Insert Figure 4-48 here 129