Kansliets noteringar
Project grant
Announced grants
Formas annual open call 2013 for research and development project grants
Total costs for which applied (kSEK)
Name(Surname, First name)
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Academic title
Associate professor
Date of doctoral exam
Email address
Senior consultant, MD
031 786 62 91
031 40 97 28
Administrating organisation
Göteborgs universitet
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Göteborgs universitet
Sahlgrenska akademin
Arbets och miljömedicin
Box 414
405 30 Göteoborg, Sweden
Project title, Swedish (max 200 char)
Luftvägsinflammation - effekt av samtidig exponering för pollen och luftföroreningar
Project title, English (max 200 char)
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Project description, Swedish (max 1500 char)
Det övergripande syftet med projektet är att minska hälsoeffekterna av samtidig exponering för pollen och luftföroreningar.
Målsättningarna är specifikt att identifiera luftföroreningar som orsakar en försämring av luftvägsinflammation under
pollensäsongen, och att klargöra tidsförloppet för dessa effekter. Projektet omfattar en s.k. panel-studie, dvs upprepade
mätningar på samma individer, omfattande 60 personer som är allergiska mot pollen och har astma och/eller rinit och ytterst
noggrann kartläggning av varje individs exponering. Personburen exponeringsmätning kommer omfatta ozon, NO2, PM10 och
NO2, men också mätning av PAH:er samt allergener. Alla kommer att undersökas kliniskt vid fyra tillfällen under
pollensäsongen och en gång utanför säsong. Nya ytterst känsliga metoder för att mäta allergisk och icke- allergisk
luftvägsinflammation i både övre och nedre luftvägarna kommer att tillämpas; kväveoxid i utandningsluft (FENO) som speglar
allergisk inflammation och PEx ?Particles in Exhaled air? för att identifiera tidiga skador på kärlbädden i luftvägarna och
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
påverkan på lungspecifika proteiner. Resultaten kommer direkt kunna tillämpas i det förebyggande arbetet och utvecklingen
av webbaserade varningen system för luftföroreningar och pollen. En framgångsrikt genomförande av projektet kommer också
att resultera i att vi identifierar biomarkörer för luftvägspåverkan, som kan bidra till bättre riskbedömning vid olika exponeringar
som påverkar luftvägarna.
Project description, English (max 1500 char)
The overall aim of the project is to reduce the health effects of complex exposure to pollen and air-pollution. We specifically
aim to identify those air-pollutants that predict a worsening of airway inflammation during pollen-season, and to pin-point the
time-course for these effects. The main activity of the project is a panel-study (i.e. repeated measurements on the same
individual) including 60 subjects sensitized to pollen with asthma and/or rhinitis in Umeå and Gothenburg, and both exposure
and effect will be examined in detail during ten weeks in April-June. Personal exposure-measurements will include ozone,
NO2, PM10 and NO2, personal measurements of PAHs, as well as allergens. Novel front-line techniques will be used to
measure both allergic and non-allergic airway inflammation in both upper and lower airways, five times during the study period.
The results will be immediately applicable in preventive work and public web-based warning-systems for air pollution and
pollen. A successful completion of the project will also result in the identification of biomarkers for adverse effects of exposure,
easily measured in exhaled air, contributing to improved assessment of exposure risks in screening situations but also in
epidemiological studies.
Review panel
brg0513, brg0713
Research areas
Classification codes (SCB) in order of priority
30303, 30219, 30302
Health efffects, airpollution, pollen, exhaled air, allergen
Part of cooperation-project
Application is also submitted to
similar to:
identical to:
Partly financed
Partly financed by:
A, B, C, D, K
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Forsberg, Bertil
Umeå universitet
Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin
Yrkes- och miljömedicin
Byggnad 6
90187 Umeå, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Elfman, Lena
Uppsala universitet
Medicinska vetenskaper
Arbets- och miljömedicin
Akademiska sjukhuset
75185 Uppsala, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
Associate professor
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Strandberg, Bo
Göteborgs universitet
Arbets- och miljömedicin
Box 414
40530 Göteborg, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
Associate professor
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Janhäll, Sara
Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, VTI
Miljö och trafikanalys (MTA)
Box 8072
40278 Göteborg, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Mirogordskaya, Ekaterina
Göteborgs universitet
Arbets- och miljömedicin
Box 414
40530 Göteborg, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
Name(Surname, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Lärstad, Mona
Göteborgs universitet
Arbets- och miljömedicin
Box 414
40530 Göteborg, Sweden
Date of birth
Academic title
Date of doctoral exam
PhD (medicine)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Human studies
Application submitted to regional ethical committee
To be submitted
Animal studies
Application submitted to local ethical committee on animal experiment
Funding period (planed start and end date)
2014-01-01 -- 2016-12-31
Costs for which applied (kSEK)
Direct costs
Total costs
PhD student
Popularscience heading and description (max 4500 char)
Omkring 30% av Sveriges befolkning är allergiska, majoriteten har symptom från ögon och näsa och cirka 4-5% har allergisk
astma. Förekomsten av allergi har ökat dramatiskt under de senaste 20 åren och allt mer tyder på att exponeringar i
stadsmiljön är en av de bakomliggande orsakerna, även om någon specifik exponering inte kunnat identifieras.
Klimatförändringarna innebär att pollen exponering mycket sannolikt kommer att öka, både på grund av längre pollen säsonger
men också eftersom ett varmare klimat ökar bildningen av pollen och själva allergen inne i varje pollenkorn. Experimentella
studier visar att samtidig exponering för luftföroreningar och pollen ökar luftvägsinflammationen och därmed ger upphov till mer
allvarliga symtom från både övre luftvägarna och nedre luftvägarna hos allergiska personer. Data från epidemiologiska studier
är mer begränsade och i vissa fall också motsägelsefulla, vilket delvis kan förklaras av att exponeringen är mer komplex och
det är svårt att hänföra specifika exponeringar till hälsoeffekter. Det övergripande syftet med projektet är att med ökad
kunskap bättre kunna förebygga hälsoeffekterna av exponering för pollen och luftföroreningar. Den specifika målsättningen är
att identifiera luftföroreningar som orsakar en försämring av luftvägsinflammation under pollensäsongen, och att klargöra
tidsförloppet för dessa effekter. Projektet omfattar en s.k. panel-studie, dvs upprepade mätningar på samma individer,
omfattande 60 personer som är allergiska mot pollen och har astma och/eller näsbesvär och ytterst noggrann kartläggning av
varje individs exponering med hjälp av personburen exponeringsmätning av ozon, trafikavgaser och partikar. Vi kommer
speciellt att utföra mätningar av sk polycykliska aromatiska föreningar som finns i dieselavgaser, och som påverkar
immunsystemet och mäta exponeringen för allergen med person-buren teknik som utvecklats på vår klinik och tidigare inte
använts i detta sammanhang. Alla individer i studien kommer att genomgå en klinisk undersökning vid fyra tillfällen under
pollensäsongen och en gång utanför säsong. Nya ytterst känsliga metoder för att mäta allergisk och icke- allergisk
luftvägsinflammation i både övre och nedre luftvägarna kommer att tillämpas som liksom en teknik för att påvisa en mer
generell luftvägspåverkan som speglar kärlskada i de små luftvägarna. Resultaten kommer direkt kunna tillämpas i det
förebyggande arbetet mot och utvecklingen av webbaserade varningssystem för luftföroreningar och pollen. En framgångsrikt
genomförande av projektet kommer också att resultera i att vi identifierar biomarkörer för luftvägspåverkan, som kan bidra till
bättre riskbedömning vid olika exponeringar som påverkar luftvägarna.
Web and email address
Web address
Contact's email address
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix A (Research programme)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Airway inflammation - effects of combined exposure to pollen and air-pollution
Overall and specific aims for the project
The overall aim of the project is to reduce the health effects of complex exposure to pollen
and air-pollution. We specifically aim to identify air-pollutants resulting in a worsening of
allergic inflammation during pollen-season, and to pin-point the time-course for these effects.
For these purposes we will use existing data from a large population cohort comprising 6800
subjects where we have detailed information on sensitization, exposure and allergic airway
inflammation. We will also carry out a panel-study (i.e. repeated measurements on the same
individual) including 60 subjects sensitized to pollen and controls in Umeå and Gothenburg,
where we will use personal exposure measurements of both major air-pollutants and allergens,
in combination with novel front-line techniques to measure both allergic and non-allergic
airway inflammation. The results will be immediately applicable in preventive work and
public web-based warning-systems for air pollution and pollen. A successful completion of
the project will also result in the identification of biomarkers for adverse effects of exposure,
easily measured in exhaled air, contributing to improved assessment of adverse respiratory
health effects.
Health effects of simultaneous exposure to pollen and air pollution - survey of the
research field
About 30% of Sweden's population is allergic, the majority has symptoms from the eyes and
nose, and about 4-5% have allergic asthma, implying significant morbidities and considerable
costs for society. The prevalence of allergy has increased dramatically during the last 20
years, and increasing evidence suggests that exposures associated with urban environment is
one of the underlying causes, even though no specific exposures have been identified1.
Climate change implies that pollen exposure is very likely to increase, both due to longer
pollen seasons but also as a warmer climate may increase the formation of pollen as well as
the allergen content of each pollen grain1. From experimental studies it is well known that
exposure to air pollution and pollen enhances airway inflammation2, resulting in more severe
asthma symptoms and aggravated symptoms from upper airways in sensitized subjects 3. The
data from epidemiological studies on the combined effect of exposure to allergens and air
pollution is however limited and inconsistent. 4,5.
Airway inflammation is a central mechanism behind the respiratory effects of air pollution as
well as pollen. Measurement of airway inflammation should hence theoretically be a very
sensitive method to detect effects of these exposures. Airway inflammation is however a wide
concept, and may have different mechanistic pathways, where allergens give rise to allergic
inflammation driven by the formation of specific antibodies to the allergens (specific IgE)
causing so-called eosinophilic airway inflammation. Air pollutants on the other hand give rise
to a predominantly neutrophilic inflammation. So far, there are no studies published that use
the most easy, non-invasive method to measure eosinophilic inflammation, i.e. the fraction of
nitric oxide in exhaled air (FENO), after exposure to pollen in combination to air pollutants.
Non-invasive methods to detect neutrophilic inflammation do not yet exist.
Different pollutants seem to have different inflammatory effects and different time-courses.
The following mechanisms for the additive effects of pollen and air pollution are suggested 6;
i) Air pollutants may harm the lining of the airways and epithelium and enhance the
penetration of the allergens. What components of the pollution that cause the effect is still
unclear; ozone may induce an oxidative damage and specific components of traffic exhausts,
such as polycyclic-aromatic-hydro carbons (PAHs) and transition metals, are suggested to be
particularly toxic.
ii) Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) and other particulate matter may carry allergens, especially
small micro-particles released from the pollen-grains, and facilitate the penetration of
allergens deep into the airways.
iii) Pollen causes inflammation and disruption of epithelium, which in turn enables irritants /
air pollution to penetrate deeper and have a more pronounced effect.
Which of these mechanisms, or if it is the combination of these mechanisms, that result in
increased symptoms of combined exposures is not known.
The need for more research on integrated health effects, air quality thresh-holds and
integrated air quality indices was especially emphasized in a recent review from the Costnetwork 7, where also the exposure of bioaerosols was highlighted. There is an obvious need
for risk-assessment instruments like a public warning system for combined exposure to pollen
and air pollution. In Stockholm a first web-based system was developed in 2012 by Johansson
and Forsberg for the Stockholm city council. Their risk assessments were based on a previous
study examining the risk for acute emergency visits due to asthma associated with exposure to
pollen and air pollution. A much more sensitive measure of health effects, like measures of
airway inflammation in both upper- and lower airways, would improve the risk-assessment
substantially. This is important, especially as one of the objectives with such a warning
system would be to promote intensified anti-allergic medication and that should start as early
as possible to minimize the development of symptoms. However, there is no epidemiological
studies that have actually measured the airway inflammation in relation to exposure to pollen
and air pollution.
Overall aim
To reduce the health effects of complex exposure to pollen and air-pollution
Specific aims
1. To identify air-pollutants associated with a worsening of airway inflammation during
pollen-season and the time-course for their effects.
2. To evaluate a novel biomarker of vascular damage in small airways after exposure to
pollen and air-pollutants
3. To examine the association between allergen content and number of birch- and grass
pollen in ambient air in order to improve exposure assessment for pollen-allergens.
4. To determine the expression of specific antibodies against pollen in small airways and
its association with exposure to air-pollutants.
Project plan; theory, methods and planned activities
1. We hypothesize that traffic-related air pollutants and ozone interact with pollenexposure and amplify the inflammatory effects in the airways with different time lags.
To examine the combined effects of air pollutants and allergens both exposure and healtheffects need to be examined rigorously and large populations are needed as the individual
variation in effect is large. In the present project we will use two different populations;
i) A large epidemiological study comprising 6800 subjects that already have been examined
and where both exposure and airway inflammation has been measured with feasible methods
for this sample size
ii) A panel study of 60 subjects where personal exposure measurements will be used and
airway inflammation will be measured with novel technology to assess inflammatory effects
in both upper and lower airways.
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide, FENO, is a very sensitive measure of allergic (eosinophilic)
inflammation, but does not seem to be associated with neutrophilic inflammation, at least not
consistently8. We have shown that FENO increases slightly after exposure to PM10 in
subjects with asthma in an epidemiological setting( manuscript under review), which suggests
that FENO can be used to detect combined effect of air pollutants and pollen.
2. We hypothesize that the phospholipid composition of particles in exhaled air (PEx)
will reveal vascular damage in small airways and may therefore constitute a general
marker for adverse respiratory effects
To better pin-point the inflammatory effect of air pollution and allergens a combination of
methods to assess both eosinophilic- and neutrophilic airway inflammation would ideally be
used. Today no such non-invasive method exists. A measure of vascular damage, i.e. a
disruption of the barrier between endothelium and alveolar space, is an attractive option, and
seem to signal early adverse respiratory effects in induced sputum9 and broncho-alveolar
lavage 10. Lung surfactant phospholipids are readily detected in exhaled air through
measurements of the phospholipid-profile in Particles in Exhaled air (PEx), a new method to
sample endogenous particles derived from the lining fluid in the small airway11.
Phosphatidylcholines are the major phospholipid class of lung surfactant and their structure is
different from the serum phospatidylcholins. Thus the presence of serum- phosphatidicholins
in PEx should be considered a marker for vascular damage in small airways.
3. We hypothesize that measurements of allergen is a better index of exposure than
counting pollen grains of birch and grass.
The allergen content may vary considerably between pollen-grains, and measurement of
allergens may be more accurate to assess exposure than counting pollen-grains, but data is
limited 6. This is important to elucidate, especially when aiming to assess exposure and effect
relationships. Immunochemical methods to assess the exposure to allergens may also catch
smaller airborne fractions of the pollen that penetrate deeper into the airways and have more
pronounced health effects 12.
We hypothesize that exposure to air pollutants, especially DEP, increase specific IgE
expression in lower airways.
Diesel exhaust particles account for up to 90% of the airborne particulate matter in larger
cities 6. In vivo studies indicate that the expression of specific IgE by epithelial cells is
increased by exposure to DEP. The expression of specific IgE against birch-pollen increase in
the airways after pollen exposure13, but whether air pollution further increase this expression
in vivo is not known. We are able to non-invasively examine the levels of specific IgE in
small airways and relate it to exposure to allergens and ambient air pollution, using our novel
technique, PEx, as we have identified specific IgE in PEx in our previous proteomic study 14.
What component of DEP, which is responsible for adverse effects is still not known. Data
suggest that polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons from the DEP play an important role, and may
for example increase histamine release from inflammatory cells from sensitized individuals 15.
Work plan
The proposed research plan consists of three sub-projects:
a. Intergene-Adonix-cohort (specific aim 1)
b. Panel-studies Including repeated measurements on the same individual) in Umeå and
Gothenburg (specific aim 1, 2 and 4)
c. Allergen concentrations and association to pollen-counts (specific aim 3)
a. The Intergene- Adonix-cohort
An existing data set will be used to analyze the time lags for the maximal inflammatory
effects of different air pollutants during pollen-season. The Intergene-Adonix cohort consist
of 6800 subjects aged 25-75 years examined during 2001-2008, of which 1600 subjects
were/have been examined during the pollen-season. Detailed data exist on presence of allergic
airway inflammation, as measured by nitric oxide in exhaled air (FENO), lung-function, and
allergy status. They have been asked about time spent outdoors, in heavy traffic and their
individual acute exposure to PM10, NO2 and ozone have been estimated from central
monitoring stations.
We now want to analyze the association between allergy and exposure to pollen and the
different airpollutants. We will analyze specific IgE for grass and birch pollen in serum
among those who are atopic. Statistical analyses relating the degree of airway inflammation
(FENO) to pollen and the different air pollutants will be analyzed in single and multiple
pollutant models, and evaluate different time courses of the interaction between exposure to
airpollutants and pollen.
b. Panel studies parallel in Gothenburg and Umeå
Two parallel studies are planned; one in Gothenburg and one in Umeå in order to get as wide
range of exposures to pollen and air pollutants as possible. Forty subjects sensitized to birch
pollen (20 with allergic asthma, 20 with solely symptoms of rhinitis and normal FENO), and
20 non-atopic subjects, used as controls, will be followed during birch- and grass pollen
season and once outside pollen season. Half of the subjects will be examined in Umeå and the
other half in Gothenburg. The subjects will daily fill out a digital health diary and register
their symptoms and medication use.
Exposure measurements
Personal exposure will be measured with most recently developed technique for personal
Ozone will be measured with a passive sampler, a method set up and validated in Umeå,
for two weeks for each subject during the study period.
NO2 will be measured with a passive sampler. In addition we want to measure NO2 with
high time-resolution in a sub-group of subjects.
PM10 or PM2.5: Filter samples will be collected in the particle sizes PM10 or PM2.5. In
addition PM10 will be counted with a high time resolution in a subset of subjects.
PAHs: Polyurethane foam (PUF) are passive samplers for personal measurement of
volatile and semi-volatile PAHs, which have been developed at our department by Bo
Strandberg, and proven to be extremely effective for sequestering polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in outdoor as well as indoor air. The sampler has been validated
both as stationary and personal monitors and can trap gas-phase compounds as well as
particulates 16.
Allergen particles will be collected with an IOM sampler with Flouropore membrane
filters connected to a pump using a constant airflow. Allergen levels will be determines
using ELISA.
Clinical examination
All subjects included in the study will be clinically examined four times during the pollen
period and once outside pollen-season. The examination will include spirometry including
reversibility testing, exhaled nitric oxide with multiple flow-rates, nasal nitric oxide
measurements, inflammatory markers in serum and sampling of exhaled particles (PEx). Two
Pex samples will be collected from each individual; one for SP-A (ELISA) and lipid profile
(electrospray (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to ESIMS and one for specific IgE to birch and grass pollen (ImmunoCap).
c. Pollen-counts and allergen concentrations
In Sweden airborne pollen are sampled according to "Burkard Seven-Day
Recording Volumetric Spore Trap", where pollen-grains from 14 m3 of ambient air is
analyzed per day. Pollen samples have been collected and are preserved from a large number
of years. We will analyze the allergen-content in historical samples during periods of medium
tohigh birch-pollen counts and select periods with high or low levels of ozone and NOx.
In a subproject we will do parallel measurements using existing methodology to sample
pollen-grains and sampling of allergens by impaction. An impactor to sample allergens will
be set up next to the usual pollentrap and two more impactors will be set up at other locations
within the Gothenburg region, in a first explorative attempt to measure the spatial variation in
allergen exposure within the city. Filters from both pollen-trap and impactors will be changed
all days of the week. Pollen will be counted with standard methodology and allergen levels
will be analyzed with ELISA methods set up at Occupational and Environmental Medicine at
Uppsala University, using reagents from Indoor Biotechnologies Inc. (Charlottesville,
Virginia, USA). This subproject will be carried out in collaboration with Åslög Dahl,
biologist, who has been responsible for pollen-sampling the last 20 years in Gothenburg and
Lena Elfman (co-applicant) and initator and responsible for the allergen lab at Uppsala
Preliminary and previous results
The project-ideas have sprung from two earlier Formas financed projects evaluating health
effects of air pollution in the Intergene-Adonix cohort and the project “Particles in exhaled air
- a new method to monitor adverse health effects in small airways”. In the latter project we
showed that surfactant-function is affected by pollen exposure; respiratory closure increase,
number of PEX is reduced. The total amount of exhaled surfactant protein A is hence also
reduced, whereas the concentration of SP-A in the lining fluid seem not to be altered, but the
analyses are not yet finished. We also found increased levels of FENO 50 and nasal NO during
pollen season in sensitized subjects, but no increase in alveolar NO (manuscripts under
Previous analyses from the Intergene-Adonic cohort showed that the mean levels of ozone,
120 hours before examination, induce the maximal increase in FENO, whereas for NOx a 24
hour lag time seems more appropriate (Modig 2013).
In a separate project, led by Åslög Dahl and where we also participated, it was shown that
simultaneous exposure to ozone, NOx and PM10 and pollen increases the purchase of
medication against other allergic symptoms, using data from Skåne and Västra Götaland.
In a pilot study, we tested the possibility to examine grass-allergen contents of pollen
(ELISA) sampled by impaction from 200- 5000 liter of ambient air. Allergens was detected in
200 liters of air, when the outdoor levels were high. The agreement between pollen-level and
allergen-levels were relatively poor and the allergen concentrations showed very high
variability within each category of “pollen-level”.
Plan for scientific publication and spreading of information to the public
The results will be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals we plan at least
four publications related to the specific aims. The results will also be presented at
International conferences such as Europrevent, European Respiratory Society and American
Thoracic Society, which are yearly conferences.
We will also present the results for a public audience at seminars held at Occupational and
Enviromental Medicine in Gothenburg, where local environmental authorities from both
Gothenburg and Umeå and the local counties (Västra Götaland and Väster Norrland) will be
invited. In connection with the seminar a press conference will be arranged.
We hope that this project also will stimulate and contribute to the formation of a local
warning system for pollen and air pollution in Gothenburg, even if this application does not
cover this activity. Contacts have already been established with local environmental
authorities as well as with “Center for Urban Future” in Gothenburg. Funding for this part of
the project will be applied for elsewhere.
A successful conclusion of this project implies that we identify air pollutants that increase
symptoms during pollen season, and the time-courses for these effects. The results will
substantially contribute to the development of a sensitive warning system for exposure to
pollen and air pollutants. For individuals with allergy and asthma this is of high importance,
as avoidance of exposure is the most effective way to reduce symptoms, as well as early and
prompt medication is crucial.
An overall reduction of exposure is of course the ultimate goal, and increased awareness of
the risks with exposure may contribute to this in a longer perspective. The project will also
imply a continuation of the evaluation of PEx as an instrument to assess health effects in
epidemiological studies. This is important as easy methods to assess adverse health effects of
various exposures also are missing and asked for to enhance risk-assessment after various
National and international collaborations
This project will be addressed in the research group of Anna-Carin Olin, where senior
specialists from different scientific fields are present and a cross-disciplinary approach is
important. The novel method to sample lung lining fluid has been developed within this
group, and have gained interest in the international research community and is now set up in
Glenfield Hospital, UK (Ian Pvord), Iceland (T Gislasson), and Skövde (P Gustafsson).
Partners and their responsibilities in this specific project;
Exposure: Lena Elfman (co-applicant), Bo Strandberg (co-applicant), Susanna Lohman (PhD
–student), Sara Janehall (co-applicant), Ingrid Liljelind and Åslög Dahl
Health effects: Anna-Carin Olin, Jonas Brisman, Mona Lärstad (Post-doc, MD).
Chemical analyses of biomarkers: Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya (co-applicant), Göran Ljungkvist,
Per Larsson (PhD)
Environmental monitoring: Bertil Forsberg (co-applicant), Lars Modig, Hanne Krage-Olsen
(PhD-student )
Statistical analyses: Oscar Hammar
User participation: Siw Törnström, Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association
Contact with the local environmental authorities have also been established;
Katarina Envall, Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland and Hung N. Nguyen and Linus Theorin,
Miljöförvaltningen Göteborgs Stad.
We also have collaborations with Håkan Pleijel (PI for another application to Formas
“Integrated biological and chemical weather forecast - the combined risk from allergenic
pollen, air pollution and meteorology “ ) where the planned activities within the two projects
complement each other.
Existing equipment
We have all instrumentation for analyses of biomarkers, measurement of PEx and FENO.
Some equipment such as passive samplers for personal measurements of NO2 need to be
purchased , but most of it will be borrowed or rented.
Gender and ethical aspects
We will examine both men and women in our panel-study, and both sexes are also
participating in the Intergene- Adonix cohort. The research and project group includes both
sexes, although with a predominance of women.
There is an ethical approval of the Intergene-Adonix study. An ethical application will be sent
to Umeå and Gothenburg Ethical Committees. There seem not to be any major ethical
dilemmas in the project, as only non-invasive methods will be used without any known sideeffects.
Bartra J, Mullol J, del Cuvillo A, et al. Air pollution and allergens. J Investig Allergol
Clin Immunol 2007;17 Suppl 2:3-8.
Strand V, Rak S, Svartengren M, Bylin G. Nitrogen dioxide exposure enhances
asthmatic reaction to inhaled allergen in subjects with asthma. Am j respir crit care med
Diaz-Sanchez D, Tsien A, Fleming J, Saxon A. Combined diesel exhaust particulate and
ragweed allergen challenge markedly enhances human in vivo nasal ragweed-specific
IgE and skews cytokine production to a T helper cell 2-type pattern. Journal of
immunology 1997;158:2406-13.
Morgenstern V, Zutavern A, Cyrys J, et al. Atopic diseases, allergic sensitization, and
exposure to traffic-related air pollution in children. Am j respir crit care med
Oftedal B, Brunekreef B, Nystad W, Nafstad P. Residential outdoor air pollution and
allergen sensitization in schoolchildren in Oslo, Norway. Clin Exp Allergy
D'Amato G, Baena-Cagnani CE, Cecchi L, et al. Climate change, air pollution and
extreme events leading to increasing prevalence of allergic respiratory diseases.
Multidiscip Respir Med 2013;8:12.
Klein T, Kukkonen J, Dahl A, et al. Interactions of physical, chemical, and biological
weather calling for an integrated approach to assessment, forecasting, and
communication of air quality. Ambio 2012;41:851-64.
Olin AC. Induced sputum, exhaled nitric oxide, and particles in exhaled air in assessing
airways inflammation in occupational exposures. Clin Chest Med 2012;33:771-82.
Moreira A, Palmares C, Lopes C, Delgado L. Airway vascular damage in elite
swimmers. Respir Med 2011;105:1761-5.
Heeley EL, Hohlfeld JM, Krug N, Postle AD. Phospholipid molecular species of
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after local allergen challenge in asthma. Am J Physiol
Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2000;278:L305-11.
Almstrand AC, Ljungstrom E, Lausmaa J, Bake B, Sjovall P, Olin AC. Airway
monitoring by collection and mass spectrometric analysis of exhaled particles. Anal
Chem 2009;81:662-8.
Badorrek P, Dick M, Emmert L, et al. Pollen starch granules in bronchial inflammation.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2012;109:208-14 e6.
Wilson DR, Merrett TG, Varga EM, et al. Increases in allergen-specific IgE in BAL
after segmental allergen challenge in atopic asthmatics. Am j respir crit care med
Bredberg A, Gobom J, Almstrand AC, et al. Exhaled endogenous particles contain lung
proteins. Clin Chem 2012;58:431-40.
Schober W, Lubitz S, Belloni B, et al. Environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) enhance allergic inflammation by acting on human basophils. Inhal Toxicol
2007;19 Suppl 1:151-6.
Bohlin P, Jones KC, Strandberg B. Field evaluation of polyurethane foam passive air
samplers to assess airborne PAHs in occupational environments. Environ Sci Technol
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix B (Budget B1 and B2)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Appendix B1: Costs applied for
Guidelines (see also Formas Handbook 2013, chapter 10.2)
Fill in all direct costs items applied for from Formas (excluding VAT/moms) under the 4 categories (SUHF http://www.suhf.se ) 1.Salaries (Please
note that Formas’ grants do not include yearly salary increase.), 2.Running costs, 3.Equipment depreciation costs (i.e. costs for equipment with
more than 3 years economic life and an acquisition cost above a certain amount, use the practice at your institution) and 4. Premises costs.
Under each year, fill in ONLY the column with" Direct costs". A calculation will be done automatically of the total costs, including indirect costs,
when the column with "OH%" is filled in. The percentage rate, and the direct cost categories (Salaries OR Salaries + Running costs) on which the
percentage rate should be added, depends on where (which institution/department) the cost belongs. The practice of each institution/department
need to be followed.
The sum of costs per year "Direct costs" and "Amount applied for (including indirect costs) should be transferred to the Formas Direct application
More items can be included by inserting rows into the excel sheet (Note! The applicant is responsible for checking that the actual sums
of costs applied for are correct). Note that total budget description, including financing from other sources, should be described in
appendix B2. Word/text format , max 2 pages.
Specification Costs- Direct (in 1000SEK)
Year 1
Total costs
1. Salaries (incl. Social fees/LKP)
Anna-Carin Olin, 10%
Lars Modig, 10%
Susanna Lohman, 20%
Mona Lärstad, 5%
Lena Elfman, 5%
Sara Janhäll, 5%
Oscar Hammar, 5%
Annika Claesson, 40%
Helen Bertilsson, 50%
Marianne Andersson, 5%
Susanne Viktor,20%
Ekaterina Mirogordskaya
Sum salaries:
2. Running cost (incl.equipment <500kSEK)
IT- personal in Gothenburg
FENO measurements
Pex measurements
SP-A analyses
Analyses of Lipid profile
Analyses of specific IgE
Lab consumables
Allergen measurements
Cyclones, 5 ex
NO2- personal measurements
Public seminar
Publication in open access
Sum Running costs:
3. Equipment depreciation costs
Pex and analytical instruments
Year 2
Total costs
Year 3
Total costs
4. Premises costs
Sum Equipment and Premises costs:
AMOUNT APPLIED FOR (incl. Indirect costs):
Appendix B2: Budget and motivation of costs
In the project there will be two Phd-students working (Susanna Lohman and Hanne Krage Olsson,
latter financed by other sources) and one post-doc working (Mona Lärstad) all working part-time in
the project. Responsibilities for persons with academic degree are presented in the table below.
Name, % working in project
Anna-Carin Olin, 10%
Bertil Forsberg
Lars Modig, 10%
Ass prof
Project leader, supervision of PhD
Responsible for panel study in Umeå
Responsible modeling air-pollution
Post-doc, MD, supervision of PhD,
responsible panel study Gothenburg
Responsible allergen analyses
Responsible exposure to PM2.5 and PM10
Responsible statistical analyses
Responsible biomarker analyses
Mona Lärstad, 5%
Lena Elfman, 5%
Sara Janhäll, 5% (year 1 and 3)
Oscar Hammar, 5%
Ekaterina Mirogordskaya, 5%
Ass prof
Clinical examination in the panel-studies
The costs for the specific examinations are described below;
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide: Costs for 300 measurements, including calibration-gases x2,
and filter to NO instruments 35 000 SEK
PEx measurements; 300 measurements, gas for the instruments, filters, calibrationgas, etc
50 000 SEK
Surfactant protein A: ELISA kit for 300 samples 41 000 SEK
Analyses of lipid profile in PEx include costs for LC analyses and columns, gas 300 samples
120 000 SEK
Specific IgE in serum and PEx for grass and birch, 3 times per subjects = 720 samples a 200SEk
per sampled (reduced prize).( In addition 200 samples will be analyzed from the IntergeneAdonix study)
Lab consumables: pipets, solvents
Exposure measurements
Allergen measurements: costs for one ELISA test: 300 SEK per sample (reduced prize), 240
personal samples, 80 historical samples, 180 samples from stationarly measurements, in all
500 samples.
PAHs: 120 samples a´ 250 SEK each
Ozone: personal sampler: each 800 SEK, 2 measurements per individual
NO2 : 1575 SEK/sampler: one measurement per individual , 60 samplers
Cyclones: we have to purchase 5 new cyclones a´ 5000 SEK
Yearly meeting of the project group a’ 20 000 SEK
Presentation of the results on international conferences will mainly be covered by travel
grants from other sources, but to allow other member of the team to join the conferences
( 2 nurses, technical staff and statistician) 100 000 SEK is asked for.
Public seminar
To present the final results from the study. Costs for travel for invited guests and project gruop,
coffee, lecture hall: 20 000 SEK
Publication in open access
Within the project period we hope to publish at least three amnuscripts in op-access journals, casts
around 30 000 SEk per manuscript.
A-C Olin, project coordinator
L Modig
S Lohman
M Lärstad
L Elfman
S Janehall
O Hammar, statistiker
Techn assistant
Techn assistant
E Mirogrodskaya
Costs for personel
IT, 4% (staff in Gothenburg)
Clinical examination
Specifikt IgE
Lab consumables
Exposure measurements
International conferenses
Open access
Seminarium + pressconf
Non-personal costs
Premises costs
Intrumentation and PEx devices
Total costs
OH part
1,28 0,05
1,21 0,05
2 0,05
1,28 0,05
1,35 0,05
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix C (CV)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Short CV of Bertil Forsberg
Born: 1956-Oct-02
Academic Degrees:
- BSc in Environmental Health (Umeå University, 1981)
- PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health (Umeå University, 1997); Urban air quality and indicators of
respiratory problems, supervisor prof Stig Wall, Umeå University
Associate Professor:
Environmental Medicine at Umeå University, 2005
Present position:
Professor of Environmental Medicine, Director of Division of Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University
Previous Jobs:
During 1981-1985 I was working as assistant, 1986-1998 lecturer and 1999 senior lecturer at the
Department of Environmental Health, Umeå University.
2000-2010 I was a senior lecturer at Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå
University, and since December 2010 a full professor (chair).
I have been the main supervisor for three PhD projects Lars Modig (May 2009), Hans Orru (Dec 2009)
and Joacim Rocklöv (May 2010), and are currently the main supervisor for four PhD students. I have
been co-tutor for two PhD students and am now co-tutor for two more.
In 2007 was opponent at the medical faculty in Copenhagen (PhD thesis on respiratory effects of air
pollution by Zorana Andersen), in 2008 at the medical faculty in Oslo (PhD thesis on Asthma-allergy
and air pollution by Bente Oftedal), in December 2009 in Lund (PhD thesis on Stroke and air pollution
by Anna Oudin), and in June 2010 at Karolinska institutet (PhD thesis on noise and CVD by Jenny
Scientific work:
I have been involved in several studies on the associations between air pollution and health in
Swedish and international projects collecting and using longitudinal cohort data, panels of asthmatics
or register data such as EU funded PEACE, APHEA2, APHEIS/ENHIS and ECRHS. I was also a
partner in the EU projects PHEWE on temperature effects on health and participate in the ongoing
HENVINET on health effects of global environmental change where I am topic leader for effects on
asthma/allergies. I am a partner in the EU FP7 air pollution project ESCAPE and the health impact
assessment project APHEKOM. I am involved in two projects on climate change and health ClimateTRAP and PHASE. Recent and current Swedish projects lead by me are funded mainly by EMFO
(Health effects of soot and traffic related particles) and The Swedish EPA (SCARP and
CLIMATOOLS) and CMF. These projects are focussing on effects of short-term or long-term exposure
to pollutants from traffic, wood burning and long-distance transported air pollutants. Methods for
environmental health monitoring and health impact assessment in environmental assessments are
other research fields. I currently lead a joint Formas/SVU project on climate change, drinking water
quality and acute GI illness. I have been awarded grants from FAS for a project (2012-2013) on air
pollution and cognitive decline and more recently on health impacts of transferring journeys from car to
bicycle (2013-2014). I am the coordinator of a starting ERANET project, “ACCEPTED” (2013-2015) on
future air quality and heralth impacts in cities
Expert missions:
I am often contracted as a national or international advisor and member of several expert groups on
air pollution and health impact assessment, and co-author of several recent WHO reports and books.
I am a member of the European Respiratory Society Environment and Health committee.
I have been the secretary of the scientific assembly for Occupational and Environmental Medicine
within The Swedish Society of Medicine 2000-2011. I act as a reviewer for several scientific journals.
CV of Bo Strandberg
Address (work):
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska
Academy at University of Gothenburg
Box 414, Medicinaregatan 16, SE 405 30 Göteborg,
Phone (work): +46-31-786 2892
E-mail: bo.strandberg@amm.gu.se
Fax: +46-31-409728
Date of birth: 11th of March, 1960
Nationality: Swedish
Family: Married to Lidia Strandberg and one child (son) Johan Strandberg
School Education and Professional Experience
Master of Science of Chemical Engineering (Civilingenjör), Institute of Technology,
Lund University, Lund, September 1992.
Ph. D. (Teknologie Doktor), Institute of Environmental Chemistry, Umeå University,
Umeå, October 1998.
Associate professor (docent) Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg,
Göteborg, April, 2004
Research Engineer at the Institute of Environmental Chemistry, Umeå
University, Umeå, Sweden.
1994-1998 PhD student program at the Institute of Environmental Chemistry,
Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
1999-2001 Post-doctoral Research Associate at the School of Public and
Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
2002-present Environmental Chemist, Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden
2007-present Head of laboratory, Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Principal supervisor for PhD Pernilla Bohlin graduated 2010 (Passive sampling of
PAHs and some trace organic compounds in occupational and residential air).
Doctoral Thesis, ISBN 978-91-628-8066-8.
Summary Bo Strandberg
Bo Strandberg is PhD (teknologie doktor) and associate professor (docent) in
environmental chemistry. He has since 1989 been working on environmental
analytical chemistry in connection with environmental chemistry issues such as
concentration, distribution and fate of persistent organic compounds (POP).
Important contributions as a PhD student was the work on the development of semi
permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) as an environmental sampling technique as
well as an analytical clean up tool for POPs from lipid rich (biological) samples.
Moreover, Bo used those devices in several studies, for instance accumulation
studies of POPs in food webs in the Baltic Sea and the accumulation of POPs in to a
forest canopy in mid Sweden. Bo was a postdoctoral researcher for two years at
Indiana University, USA. In that research group he conducted several studies and
published four papers. An important contribution was a study focused on the
distribution of brominated flame retardants (PBDEs) in the Great Lake region, which
was among the first studies conducted on PBDEs in air, and in the US. Currently Bo
is working on the development of diffusive samplers for volatile organic compounds
(VOC), PAHs and POPs in regard to occupational and environmental medicine
issues. Totally Bo has over 90 publications of which 47 are full-length peer-reviewed
research papers.
Lena Elfman Tooke
Work address:
Mobile phone:
25/10/1949, married with 2 children
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Uppsala University Hospital,
SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden
+46 18 6113653
+46 733 46 11 13
1968 Graduated from school with Mathematics and Natural Sciences as main subjects
1973 BSci in Mathematics, Computer science and Chemistry
(Specialising in Organic chemistry and Biochemistry)
1982 PhD from University of Stockholm in Neurochemistry/Biochemistry/Immunology with
a thesis titled " Biochemical and immunological characterisation of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata electric organ".
2009 Associate professor at Uppsala University in Experimental Occupational and
Environmental Medicine
2012-10-01 Manager at Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Uppsala University
Hospital, Uppsala
2004-2012 Senior Research Scientist at Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala
2002-2004 Senior Research Scientist at Dept Medical Sciences, Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Uppsala University
1999-2001 Research Manager at Pegasus Lab AB, Uppsala
1989-1999 Research Manager at Pharmacia & Upjohn, Diagnostics AB, Uppsala
1986-1988 Research Manager at Pharmacia Biotechnology, Uppsala
1985-1986 Research Manager at Dept of Oncology, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK
1983-1984 Post-doc at Dept of Clinical Biochemistry, Addenbrooke´s Hospital, and
Visiting Research Associate at Dept of Biochemistry, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, UK
1980-1982 Research ass at Dept of Biochemistry, Stockholm University and Dept of
Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
1980-1982 Temporal leave for PhD studies at University of Stockholm
1973-1982 Research Scientist at the National Defence Research Institute, Stockholm
2002 – Running my company Allergena HB, as a consultant in allergen analysis and
models for dispersal of allergen in indoor and outdoor air.
Teaching experience
Tutor for 6 BSci-students from Uppsala University and 13 BSci-students from Swedish
University of Agriculture, Uppsala, performing their research projects
Co-supervisor for 2 PhD students graduating in 2002 and 2007, respectively, at Department of
Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Other commissions
I have served as faculty member of the examination board during the defence of a PhD thesis
in Örebro.
Referee for several scientific papers.
Board member of Ulandsföreningen för arbetarskydd 2010-2013.
Board member of Section for Occupational and Environmental medicine, Svenska
Läkaresällskapet, 2012Member of Steering group HICAHS International Dairy Research Consortium, Ft Collins,
Colorado, USA, 2010-.
Ongoing Research projects
Sjuka lägenheter och sjuka barn – förbättras barnens hälsa när fukt och mögelskador i
miljonprogrammets lägenheter saneras? FORMAS, 2011-2013, PL Kristina Jacobsson, Dept
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University Hospital
Kurera Allergi och Astma, Ehrling Persson fond, 2013-2014, PL Hans Grönlund, Inst för
klinisk neurovetenskap, Center for Molecular medicine, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset
Astma och allergiprevention för nyanlända anhöriginvandrare, Europeiska Integrationsfonden,
2013-2015, PL Lena Elfman, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Uppsala University
Curriculum vitae, Mona Lärstad
Social security number:
Place of birth:
Marital status:
Mona Anna Elisabet Lärstad
Sambo Micael, two children: daughter born in 2007, son born in 2010
Fyrskensvägen 8
423 39 Torslanda
work: 031 – 786 62 92, home 031 – 82 79 19, mobile 0733 – 40 56 81
mona.larstad@amm.gu.se or mona.larstad@vgregion.se
1. University education:
Master of Science (MSc), 1997, chemistry/biology.
Medical doctor (MD), 2008.
Separate courses in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Inflammation, Asthma,
Statistical methods, Experimental design, Chemical and biological investigation methods
(Mass spectrometry, Liquid chromatography, Cell culture etc).
2. Doktorsexamen (Doctoral degree), 2005, Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
”Exhaled markers of oxidative stress in the airways”, main supervisor professor Kjell Torén,
co-supervisors docent Anna-Carin Olin and PhD Göran Ljungkvist.
3. Present position, resident (research-ST), Occupational and Environmental Medicine, until
April 2019, including full-time research 3.5 years (ALF-LUA) and 15% research time.
Main research area, ongoing projects: Particles in exhaled air, from patients with lung
inflammation (asthma, COPD, infection, smoking).
Research-collaboration with Krefting Research Centre, in vitro cell models of lung
4. Previous positions
Medical intern, research-AT, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Sahlgrenska 090831121012
Physician, Respiratory medicine and Allergology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
/Sahlgrenska 090107-090830, part-time 50%.
Physician, LFG-clinic/Allergy and Respiratory research, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
090107-090830, part-time 50%.
Researcher/physician, LFG-clinic/Allergy and Respiratory
University Hospital 081208-090106, part-time 80%.
Physician, Geriatrics, Palliative department, and emergency care, Sahlgrenska University
Hospital and Högsbo Hospital 080602 – 080815.
Physician, Medicine, Lidköping Hospital, 070611-070803.
Assistant physician, Medicine, Lidköping Hospital (4 weeks) and Guldvingens Vårdcentral
(2 weeks) 060710-060820.
Researcher Dept of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at
Göteborgs University, 980201 – 050228, summer -05, June -06
Laboratory engineer, Dept of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 970201980131.
Laboratory assistant, Analycen Nordic AB, Skara and Lidköping, 940818-941223. Plant
and microbiology dept.
Practicant, Dept of Drug Delivery Research, Astra Hässle AB, Mölndal, 940606-940812.
Absorption studies of drugs in vitro (bowel segments).
5. Teaching and Lecturing: Supervisor using Problem Based Learning, course in occupational
and environmental medicine, medical students; Lecturer within chemistry courses,
Supervision of Master Thesis
6. Parental leave
Parental leave, two children: October 2007 – April 2008, November 2008, and January 2010 –
June 2010.
7. Research interest:
- Human health, with focus on airways
- Particles in exhaled air: mechanisms behind formation and the use of PEx substances as
effect biomarkers
- Cell biology
- Inflammation
- Immune system, with focus on defense mechanisms
- Multidisciplinary and translational research
8. Special merits: Biological, chemical as well as clinical education.
Knowledge of in vitro cell methods and models, chemical analysis methods, study design,
clinical issues, statistical methods.
9. Publications: writer/cowriter to 10 peer-reviewed papers, about 20 proceedings from
international conferences
Sara Janhäll, PhD
Curriculum Vitae for Sara Janhäll
PhD Sara Ingeborg Janhäll
VTI, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Olaus Magnus väg 35
581 95 Linköping
tel. +46 31 7502619
University Degrees:
- Doctor of Technology in Environmental Science with emphasis on Physics: The urban
aerosol – sources and atmospheric processes, University of Gothenburg, 2005
- Licentiate in Environmental Science with emphasis on Physics: Urban air pollution
and emissions, University of Gothenburg, 2003
- University courses in economy, human ecology, environmental issues etc. at
University of Gothenburg
- Master of engineering physics, at Chalmers University of Technology, 1996
Postdoctoral stay:
- 2005-2007 Göteborg University, with Dr. David Simpson, MET-NO and Dr. Mattias
- 2007-2010, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Biogeochemistry Department, with
Dr. Ulrich Pöschl and Prof. Meinrat O. Andreae
Teaching and Lecturing (parts as PhD and parts as PhD student):
- Supervisor using Problem Based Learning in Applied Environmental Measurement
Techniques, CTH
- Lecturer within courses – Aerosols and Environmental modeling and Environmental
calculus and Sea traffic emissions (teaching master students of environmental science,
GU or engineering automatization, CTH)
- Supervision of Master Thesis – Annika Perlander, Åsa Hildeson, Marianne
Samuelsson, Gopi Appalaneni, Elham Lakelayeh, Bernard Duah Asabere, Emma
Björkman, Anna Mooe, Maria Strömvald, Malin Hedlund (on-going)
- Public lectures
- Radio and TV interviews
Experimental experience:
- Particle counting by Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) and Scanning
Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS)
- Aerosol sampling by filters, cascade impactors, virtual impactors and cyclones
- Sample analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Flourescence (EDXRF), Total reflection
X-Ray Flourescence (TXRF), Ion Chromatography (IC)
- Salt particle counting by surface ionization technique (SID)
- Gas sampling by denuder technique
- Gas measurements by standard methods
- Emission inventories and modeling, e.g. VETO, PHEM, HBEFA
- Meteorological modeling with WRF from UCAR, AUSTAL
- Air quality dispersion modeling with ENVIMAN, MISKAM
- Chemical air quality modeling using FACSIMILE
- Calculations using matlab, excel, FLUENT, fortran, etc.
Sara Janhäll, PhD
Employments (parts):
- Researcher at VTI, the Swedish
National Road and Transport Research
Institute, 2010 – present
WSP Group, 2009 – present
Post-doctor at Max Planck Institute for
Chemistry in Mainz, Biogeochemistry,
1 June 2007 – 1 Aug 2010
Associated Coordinator of Gothenburg
Atmospheric Science Center 2007 –
Researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg
University, 2005 – 2007
PhD studies at Gothenburg University,
including teaching, supervision and
research, 1996-2004
Research, atmospheric modeling and
Environmental Research Institute, IVL,
 Air quality modeling in urban air,
related to climate adaption and city
planning, exhaust and non-exhaust
particles from traffic
 Air Quality Consultant
 Parameterization
emissions from wildfires, both
 Supporting collaboration between
researchers of different disciplines
within atmospheric science.
 Initializing regional air quality
modeling, managing the Göte2005
and traffic emission research.
Teaching university environmental
courses, modeling and calculus.
 Problem Based Learning and
traditional teaching in elaborations,
lectures and supervision. Traffic
emitted particles, mainly field studies
and emission factor calculations.
 Chemical modeling of tropospheric
ozone formation and air craft
Maternal leave:
Maternal leave for three children born 1994, 1997 and 2000
Research interest:
- Relating particle emissions and air concentrations
- Traffic emissions – focus particles in exhaust and non-exhaust
- Particle measurements, analysis and modelling
- Abatements strategies
- Multidisciplinary research
Peer Reviewer:
- Atmospheric Environment
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Boreal Environment Research
- X-Ray Spectrometry
- Building and Environment
- Science of the Total Environment
- Writer/cowriter to 12 peer reviewed papers, more than 20 reports and 30 proceedings
from international conferences
CV, E. Mirgorodskaya, 700916-5403
Curriculum vitae Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya (700916-5403)
Current employment:
Research scientist, Chemist
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact information:
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Box 414, 405 03 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone (work): +46 (0)31 7866267
+46 (0)31 409728
Email: ekaterina.mirgorodskaya@amm.gu.se
1. HigherEducation degree:
1994 M.S., Physics, St. Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Thesis title: “Application of ESI-MS to analysis of mixture of amino acids and
2. Doctoral degree:
1999 Ph.D., Molecular Biology, Odense University, Denmark Thesis title: “Studies of
protein glycosylation by mass spectrometry” Supervisor: Prof. Peter Roepstorff
3. Postdoctoral posistions:
2001 – 2008
Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics,
Berlin, Germany
1999 – 2001
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Boston University
School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
4. Docent level: 5. Specialist certificateion or equivalent: 6. Present position
2008 –
Research scientist,Chemist,
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska
University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Full time, permanent position with 80% of time dedicated to the reaseach.
7. Previous positions and periods of appointments:
1995 – 1999
Ph.D. student at the Department of Molecular Biology, Odense University,
CV, E. Mirgorodskaya, 700916-5403
1994 – 1995
Research assistant, Institute of Cytology, St. Petersburg, Russia
8. Interaptions in research
Parental leave: 2005: 9 month, 2007 – 2008: 9 month
9. Supervision
2008- 2011
Charlotte Almstrand (co-tutor, dissertation April 2011)
2007- Anna Bredberg (main tutor from 2010)
2010- Per Larrson (main tutor)
10. Other information
Grants co-applicant
Formas: “New method to detect and monitor airway inflammation”, 2010-12, 4 900 kkr
FAS: ”Prediktion av exacerbationer av kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) i
arbetande befolkning exponerad för damm, rök och irritanter, 2013-2015,3 050 kkr (coapplicant)
Curriculum vitae Anna-Carin Olin (600712-2549)
Department of Occupational Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy at
Göteborg University, Box 414, 405 03 Göteborg, Sweden
Telephone + 46 (0)31 786 62 91 e-mail anna-carin.olin@amm.gu.se
Bachelor of Medicine (Med Kand), University of Gothenburg (GU)
Examination as a medical doctor (Leg läk)
Doctor of Medicine (PhD) (Medicine doctor)
Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Associate Professor (Docent) in Medicine, esp. Occupational Medicine.
Specialist in Allergology
Previous and Current Positions
1994-2003 Resident, Dept of Occupational Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy
2003Consultant, Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
1999-2009 Part time, in total corresponding to about 2 years full time employment,
resident at Allergy Clinic at the Department of Allergology and Respiratory
Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
2008Senior consultant, Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Exhaled Nitric Oxide in epidemiological and experimental studies,
Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University
Scientific supervisison
2006 -2010 Christina Keen, main tutor, dissertation June 2010
2005- 2011 Charlotte Almstrand, main tutor, dissertation April 2011
2003-2005 Mona Lärstad, co-tutor, dissertation Jan 2005
2006Cecilia Alexandersson, main tutor
2007Anna Bredberg , co- tutor
2008Santosh Dahgam, co-tutor
David Bates Award “for outstanding contribution to the field of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine” (American Thoracic Society)
”Premio de Investigacion Medica Pediatrica “Aaron Saenz 2009”” for the
project “Air pollution, Airway inflammation and Lungfunction in a Cohort
of Mexico City Schoolchildren”.
1:a pris i Lärosätena i Väst Idétävling (LIV) and Gothenburg University`s
”The best idea 2011”
Cancer and Allergy Foundation Sweden ”The Prize for Environmentalmedical research 2012”
o Scientific auditor for The Vårdal Foundation - for Health Care Sciences and Allergy
Research 2008o Member of the American Thoracic Society´s Task force on clinical evaluation of
measurement of exhaled nitric oxide 2007-2010
o Assign by SBU – The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care, to
evaluate the clinical efficacy of measurement of exhaled nitric oxide 2006-2008.
o Board member of the Section for Occupational and Environmental Medicine within
the Swedish Medical Association 2006-, and vice- president 2012Patent
Pending patent P1758SE00 Partiklar i utandningsluft
Pending patent ”Partiklar i utandningsluft för monitorering av patienter med
mekanisk ventilation”
Post-doctoral international cooperation
o Consultant in the project “Physical and Social Environmental Factors in Adult
Asthma” in San Fransisco, (PI: Pl Blanc, University of California San Fransisco) 2007o Salman Sadiqqui, Glenfield Hospital Leicester, UK, on particles in exhaled air (PEx)
o Swedish Heart-Lung foundation, Stipendium as Research-fellow 2012-2014 (50%,
2 025 kkr)
o ALF “New method to detect and monitor airway inflammation”, 2011-14, 2 300 kkr
o Naturvårdsverket. “Nitric oxide in exhaled air and exposure to air pollution”, 2001012, 900 kkr,
o Swedish Heart-Lung foundation, “New methods to detect and monitor airway
inflammation”, 20012-13, 1 200 kkr
o Formas, “New method to detect and monitor airway inflammation”, 2010 12,
4 900 kkr
o FAS ”Prediktion av exacerbationer av kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) i
arbetande befolkning exponerad för damm, rök och irritanter (3 050 kkr)
o VINNOVA 2013-14 ”PExA- a new method to monitor small airways ( 2000 kkr)
Selected publications
o Almstrand AC, Josefson M, Ljungstrom E, Lausmaa J, Bredberg A, Sjovall P, Larsson P, Olin
AC. TOF-SIMS analysis of exhaled particles from patients with asthma and healthy controls.
Eur Respir J 2012;39:59-66.
o Bredberg A, Gobom J, Almstrand A-C, Larsson P, Blennow K, Olin A-C, Mirgorodskaya E.
Exhaled endogenous particles contain lung proteins. Clin Chem 2012; 58:431-40.
o Larsson L Mirgorodskaya E, Andersson L, Bake B, Almstrand A, Bredberg A, Olin A-C
Surfactant protein A and albumin in particles in exhaled air. Respir Med 2011; 106:197-204
o Holmgren H, Ljungström E, Almstrand A-C, Bake B, Olin A-C. Size distribution of exhaled
particles in the range from 0.01 to 2.0 μm. Journal of Aerosol Science 2010;41:439-446
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix D (Publications)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
Publication list, E. Mirgorodskaya, 700916-5403
Publication List
1. Larsson P, Mirgorodskaya E, Samuelsson L, Bake B, Almstrand AC, Bredberg A, Olin AC
(2012) Surfactant protein A and albumin in particles in exhaled air. Resp Med, 106, 197-204.
2. Holtta M, Zetterberg H, Mirgorodskaya E, Mattsson N, Blennow K, Gobom J (2012)
Peptidome Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid by LC-MALDI MS. PloS one, 7, e42555.*
3. Habermann K, Mirgorodskaya E, Gobom J, Lehmann V, Muller H, Blumlein K, Deery MJ,
Czogiel I, Erdmann C, Ralser M, von Kries JP, Lange BM (2012) Functional Analysis of
Centrosomal Kinase Substrates in Drosophila melanogaster Reveals a New Function of the
Nuclear Envelope Component Otefin in Cell Cycle Progression. Mol Cell Bio, 32, 3554-69.
4. Bredberg A, Gobom J, Almstrand AC, Larsson P, Blennow K, Olin AC, Mirgorodskaya E
(2012) Exhaled endogenous particles contain lung proteins. Clin Chem, 58, 431-40.*
5. Muller H, Schmidt D, Steinbrink S, Mirgorodskaya E, Lehmann V, Habermann K, Dreher F,
Gustavsson N, Kessler T, Lehrach H, Herwig R, Gobom J, Ploubidou A, Boutros M, Lange
BM (2010) Proteomic and functional analysis of the mitotic Drosophila centrosome. Embo J,
29, 3344-57.*
6. Almstrand AC, Bake B, Ljungstrom E, Larsson P, Bredberg A, Mirgorodskaya E, Olin AC
(2010) Effect of airway opening on production of exhaled particles. J Appl Physiol, 108,
7. Zerck A, Nordhoff E, Resemann A, Mirgorodskaya E, Suckau D, Reinert K, Lehrach H,
Gobom J (2009) An iterative strategy for precursor ion selection for LC-MS/MS based
shotgun proteomics. J Proteome Res, 8, 3239-51.
8. Singh BN, Hayes GR, Lucas JJ, Sommer U, Viseux N, Mirgorodskaya E, Trifonova RT,
Sassi RR, Costello CE, Fichorova RN (2009) Structural details and composition of
Trichomonas vaginalis lipophosphoglycan in relevance to the epithelial immune function.
Glycoconj J, 26, 3-17.
9. Bilikova K, Mirgorodskaya E, Bukovska G, Gobom J, Lehrach H, Simuth J (2009) Towards
functional proteomics of minority component of honeybee royal jelly: the effect of posttranslational modifications on the antimicrobial activity of apalbumin2. Proteomics, 9, 21318.
10. Mirgorodskaya E, Wanker E, Otto A, Lehrach H, Gobom J (2005) Method for qualitative
comparisons of protein mixtures based on enzyme-catalyzed stable-isotope incorporation. J
Proteome Res, 4, 2109-16.*
11. Mirgorodskaya E, Braeuer C, Fucini P, Lehrach H, Gobom J (2005) Nanoflow liquid
chromatography coupled to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry:
sample preparation, data analysis, and application to the analysis of complex peptide
mixtures. Proteomics, 5, 399-408.*
12. Gade D, Theiss D, Lange D, Mirgorodskaya E, Lombardot T, Glockner FO, Kube M,
Reinhardt R, Amann R, Lehrach H, Rabus R, Gobom J (2005) Towards the proteome of the
marine bacterium Rhodopirellula baltica: mapping the soluble proteins. Proteomics, 5, 365471.
13. Kersten B, Possling A, Blaesing F, Mirgorodskaya E, Gobom J, Seitz H (2004) Protein
microarray technology and ultraviolet crosslinking combined with mass spectrometry for the
analysis of protein-DNA interactions. Anal Biochem, 331, 303-13.
Recent publications
Lena Elfman Tooke
1. Kim JL, Elfman L, Mi Y, Johansson M, Smedje G, Norbäck D. Current asthma and
respiratory symptoms among pupils in relation to dietary factors and allergens in
school environment. Indoor Air 2005;15(3):170-182.
2. Zhao ZH, Elfman L, Wang ZH, Zhang Z, Norbäck D. A comparative study of asthma,
pollen, cat and dog allergy among pupils and allergen levels in schools in Taiyuan
city, China, and Uppsala, Sweden. Indoor Air 2006;16(6):404-413.
3. Kim JL, Elfman L, Norbäck D. Respiratory symptoms, asthma and allergen levels in
schools - comparison between Korea and Sweden. Indoor Air 2007;17(2):122-129.
4. Kim JL, Elfman L, Mi Y, Wieslander G, Smedje G, Norbäck D. Indoor moulds,
bacteria, microbial volatile organic compounds and plasticizers in schools associations with asthma and respiratory symptoms in pupils. Indoor Air
5. Elfman L, Brännström J, Smedje G. Detection of horse allergen around a stable. Int
Arch Allergy Immunol 2008;145(4):269-276.
6. Riihimäki M, Raine A, Elfman L, Pringle J. Markers of respiratory inflammation in
horses in relation to seasonal changes in air quality in a conventional racing stable.
Can J Vet Res 2008;72:432-439.
7. Elfman L, Hogstedt C, Engvall K, Lampa E, Lindh C. Acute health effects on planters
of conifer seedlings treated with insecticides. Ann Occup Hyg 2009;53:383-390.
8. Elfman L, Riihimäki M, Pringle J, Wålinder R. Influence of horse stable environment
on human airways. J Occup Med Toxicol 2009;4:10.
9. Kim J-L, Elfman L, Wieslander G, Ferm M, Torén K, Norbäck D. Respiratory health
among Korean pupils in relation to home, school and outdoor environment. J Korean
Med Sci 2011;26:166-173.
10. Wålinder R, Riihimäki M, Bohlin S, Hogstedt C, Nordqvist T, Raine A, Pringle J,
Elfman L. Installation of mechanical ventilation in a horse stable – effects on air
quality and human and equine airways. Environ Health Prev Med 2011;16:264-272.
11. Elfman L, Tooke N, Patring JDM. Detection of pesticides used in rice cultivation in
streams on the island of Leyte in the Philippines. Agricultural Water Management
12. Merritt A-S, Emenius G, Elfman L, Smedje G. Measurement of horse allergen (Equ
cx) in schools. ISRN Allergy 2011/doi:10.5402/2011/57425
Research publications, Mona Lärstad
I. Ljungkvist G, Lärstad M, Mathiasson L. Specific determination of benzene in urine using
dynamic headspace and mass-selective detection. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed
Life Sci 1999;721: 39-46.
II. Ljungkvist G, Lärstad M, Mathiasson L. Determination of low concentrations of benzene in
urine using multi-dimensional gas chromatography. Analyst 2001; 126/1: 41-45.
III. Lärstad M, Ljungkvist G, Olin AC, Torén K. Determination of malondialdehyde in breath
condensate by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J
Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2002; 766/1: 107-114.
IV. Lärstad M, Loh C, Ljungkvist G, Olin AC, Torén K. Determination of ethane, pentane and
isoprene in exhaled air using a multi-bed adsorbent and end-cut gas-solid chromatography.
Analyst 2002; 127: 1440-1445.
V. Söderling AS, Ryberg H, Gabrielsson A, Lärstad A, Torén K, Niari S, Caidahl K. A derivatization
assay using gas chromatography/negative chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry to
quantify 3-nitrotyrosine in human plasma. J Mass Spectrom. 2003; 38: 1187-1196.
VI. Svensson S, Olin AC, Lärstad M, Ljungkvist G, Torén K. Determination of hydrogen peroxide in
exhaled breath condensate by flow injection analysis with fluorescence detection. J
Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2004; 809: 199-203.
VII. Lärstad M, Söderling AS, Caidahl K, Olin AC. Selective quantification of free 3-nitrotyrosine in
exhaled breath condensate in asthma using gas chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry. Nitric Oxide 2005; 13: 134-144.
VIII. Olin AC, Svensson S, Ljungkvist G, Lärstad M, Slabanja V, Bake B, Torén K. Factors influencing
levels of hydrogen peroxide in exhaled breath condensate. Microchemical Journal 2006; 82
(1): 17-21.
IX. Lärstad M, Bake B, Torén K, Olin AC. Determination of ethane, pentane and isoprene in
exhaled air – effects of breath-holding, flow-rate and purified air. Acta Physiol 2007; 189 (1):
X. Svensson S, Lärstad M, Broo K, Olin AC. Determination of aldehydes in human breath by onfibre derivatization, solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol
Biomed Life Sci 2007 Dec 1; 860 (1): 86-91.
XI. Lärstad M, Josefsson M, Olin AC. Increased levels of certain cytokines predicts new-onset
wheeze in a general population - evaluation using principal component analysis (PCA) and
orthogonal partial least squares (OPLS) (manuscript).
List of Publications Bo Strandberg
Peer reviewed articles in international journals (2005-2013) (in total; 46 peer reviewed
1. Bramming Jörgensen R, Strandberg B, Sjaastad A- K, Johansen A, Svendsen K (2013)
Simulated restaurant cook exposure to emissions of PAHs, mutagenic aldehydes and particles
from frying bacon. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene 10, 122-131
2. Stockfelt L, Sallsten G, Olin A- C, Almerud P, Samuelsson L, Johannesson S, Molnar P,
Strandberg B, Bergemalm-Rynell K, Barregard L. (2012) Airway effects by short-term
exposure to two kinds of wood smoke in a chamber study of healthy humans. Inhalation
Toxicology 24, 47-59
3. Martuzevicius D, Kliucininkas L, Prasauskas T, Krugly E, Kauneliene V, Strandberg B.
(2011) Resuspension of particulate matter and PAHs from street dust. Atmospheric
Environment 45, 310-317.
4. Kliucininkas L, Martuzevicius D, Krugly E, Molnar P, Strandberg B. (2011) Indoor and
outdoor concentrations of fine particles, particle bound PAHs and volatile organic compounds
in Kaunas, Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 182-191.
5. Bohlin P, Jones KC, Levin J-O, Lindahl R. Strandberg B. (2010) Field evaluation of a
personal passive sampler for PAH exposure in workplaces. Journal of Environmental
Monitoring 12, 1437-1444.
6. Bohlin P, Jones KC, Strandberg B. (2010) Field evaluation of polyurethane foam passive air
samplers to assess airborne PAHs in occupational environments. Environmental Science and
Technology 44, 749-754.
7. Moeckel C, Nizzetto L, Strandberg B, Lindroth A, Jones K. (2009) Air-boreal forest transfer
and processing of polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Science and Technology 43,
8. Moeckel C, Harner T, Nizzetto L, Strandberg B, Lindroth A, Jones K. (2009) Use of
depuration compounds in passive air samplers: Results from active sampling-supported field
deployment, potential uses, and recommendations. Environmental Science and Technology
43, 3227-3232.
9. Bohlin P, Jones KC, Tovalin H, Strandberg B (2008) Observations on persistent organic
pollutants in indoor and outdoor air using passive polyurethane foam samplers. Atmospheric
Environment 42, 7234-7241.
10. Bergemalm-Rynell K, Strandberg B, Andersson E, Sällsten G (2008) Laboratory and field
evaluation of a diffusive sampler for measuring halogenated anesthetic compounds. Journal of
Environmental Monitoring 10, 1172-1178.
11. Bohlin P, Jones KC, Strandberg B. (2007) Occupational and indoor air exposure to
persistent organic pollutants: A review of passive sampling techniques and needs. Journal of
Environmental Monitoring 9, 501-509.
12. Gustafson P, Barregard L, Strandberg B, Sällsten G (2007) The impact of domestic wood
burning on personal, indoor and outdoor levels of 1,3-butadiene, benzene, formaldehyde and
acetaldehyde. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 9, 23-32.
13. Strandberg B, Sunesson A-L, Sundgren M, Levin J-O, Sällsten G, Barregard L. (2006)
Field evaluation of two diffusive samplers and two adsorbent media to determine 1,3butadiene and benzene levels in air. Atmospheric Environment 40, 7686-7695.
14. Sällsten G, Gustafson P, Johansson L, Johannesson S, Molnar P, Strandberg B, Tullin
C, Barregard L. (2006) Human experimental wood smoke exposure. Inhalation Toxicology,
18, 855-864.
15. Strandberg B, Gustafson P, Söderström H, Barregard L, Bergqvist P- A, Sällsten G.
(2006) The use of semipermeable membrane devices as passive samplers to determine
persistent organic compounds in indoor air. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 8, 257-262.
16. Strandberg B, Sunesson A- L, Olsson K, Levin J- O, Ljungkvist G, Sundgren M, Sällsten
G, Barregard L (2005) Evaluation of two types of diffusive samplers and adsorbents for
measuring 1,3-butadiene and benzene in air. Atmospheric Environment 39, 4101-4110.
Short peer reviewed articles in international journals (2005-2012) (in total; 50 short peer reviewed
1. Tovalin H, Strandberg B (2007) Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of exposure to
benzene and 1,3-butadiene on workers and general population of Mexico City. Ciencia &
Trabjo 9, 26, 172-177 (in Spanish).
2. Johannesson S, Bergemalm-Rynell K, Strandberg B, Sällsten G. Indoor concentrations of
fine particles and particle-bound PAHs in Gothenburg, Sweden. INHALED PARTICLES X,
Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series 2009: 151:012006 DOI:10.1088/17426596/151/012006
Peer-reviewed conference contributions (2005-2012) (selected)
1. Bohlin, P., Jones, K. C., and Strandberg B. Polyurethane foam passive samplers as a
simplified tool for occupational PAH measurements – possibility for reducing the size and
exposure time, SETAC Europe, 19 annual meeting, June 2009, Gothenburg (Sweden).
(Poster presentation by Bohlin).
2. Bohlin, P., Jones, K. C., and Strandberg B. A new approach of using polyurethane foam
samplers – Mini-PUF: a passive sampler to determine PAH exposure in workplaces, 3
International passive sampling workshop and symposium, May 2009, Prague (Czech
Republic). (Oral presentation by Bohlin).
3. Bohlin, P., Jones, K. C., and Strandberg B. Polyurethane foam passive samplers as a tool
for occupational PAH measurements, Svenskt-Norskt Miljökemiskt möte, September 2008,
Sigtuna (Sweden). (Oral presentation by Bohlin).
4. Bohlin, P., Jones, K. C., and Strandberg B. (2008) Polyurethane foam passive samplers as
a tool for occupational and residential PAH measurements: calibration and monitoring,
SETAC, 5 world conference, August, Sydney (Australia). (Oral presentation by Bohlin).
5. Strandberg B, Bohlin P, Herbarth O, Jones KC, Cruz J, Tovalin H (2008) The use of
passive samplers to determine levels, and exposure on children, of 1,3-butadiene and
benzene in Mexico City metropolitan area. Airmon 2008, Sixth International Symposium on
Modern Principles of Air Monitoring and Biomonitoring, January, 2008, Geilo, Norway (oral
presentation by Strandberg).
6. Bohlin P, Strandberg B, Jones KC, Tovalin H (2008) The use of polyurethane foam passive
samplers for monitoring of indoor and outdoor air levels of persistent organic pollutants.
Airmon 2008, Sixth International Symposium on Modern Principles of Air Monitoring and
Biomonitoring, January, 2008, Geilo, Norway (oral presentation by Bohlin).
7. Tovalin H, Strandberg B, Blanco S (2007) Variation on children exposure to benzene, 1-3th
butadiene, ozone and PM2.5 in Mexico City Metropolitan Area. 19 Annual ISEE Conference,
Mexico City, Mexico.
8. Strandberg B, Bohlin P, Tovalin H, Cruz J (2007) The use of passive samplers to determine
levels, and exposure on children, of 1,3-butadiene and benzene in Mexico City Metropolitan
Area. Second MILAGRO/INTEX-B Science Conference, May 15-18, 2007, Mexico City,
Mexico. (Oral presentation by Strandberg).
9. Bohlin P, Strandberg B, Jones K, Cruz J, Hernandez M, Tovalin H (2007) levels of
persistent organic pollutants by polyurethane foam passive samplers in indoor and outdoor air
in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Second MILAGRO/INTEX-B Science Conference, May
15-18, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico. (Poster presentation by Bohlin).
10. Strandberg B, Sunesson A- L, Sundgren M, Levin J- O, Sällsten G, Barregard L (2006)
Field evaluation of two diffusive samplers to determine 1,3-butadiene and benzene levels in
air. International Conference on Environmental Epidemiology & Exposure ISEE/ISEA,
September, 2006, Paris, France. (Abstract P-064, page 169, poster presentation by
11. Strandberg B, Sällsten G, Barregard L (2005) Semipermeable membrane devices as
passive samplers to determine persistent organic compounds in indoor and outdoor air in
Göteborg. Göte-workshop, November, 2005, Göteborg, Sweden (oral presentation by
12. Sällsten G, Gustafson P, Molnar P, Johannesson S, Boman J, Strandberg B, Östman C,
Barregard L (2005) Personal exposures, indoor and outdoor levels in a residential wood
burning area.
Sara Janhäll
Telephone 031-750 26 19
E-mail: sara.janhall@vti.se
List of Publications
Traffic emission factors of ultrafine particles – Effects from ambient air
Janhäll S., Molnar P. and Hallquist M.: Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14, 24882496, 2012
Adapting cities to climate induced risks
Thorsson S., Andersson-Sköld Y., Lindberg F., Johnsson A., Janhäll S., Rayner D.,
Moback U. and Ovuka Andersson M., Climate and Construction, 173-180, 2011
Biomass burning aerosol emissions from vegetation fires: particle number and mass
emission factors and size distributions
Janhäll S., Andreae M. O. and Pöschl U., Atm. Chem. Phys., 10, 1427-1439, 2010
Elemental content of PM2.5 aerosol particles collected in Göteborg during the Göte2005 campaign in February 2005
Boman J., Gatari M., Janhäll S., Shannigrahi A. and Wagner A. in Atmos. Chem.
Phys., 9, 2597-2606, 2009
Assessment of inorganic content of PM2.5 sampled in a rural area North-East of Hanoi,
Gatari M., Boman J., Wagner A., Janhäll S. and Isakson J. in Science of the Total
Environment, Vol 368, Issues 2-3, pp 675-685, 2006
Evolution of the Urban Aerosol during Winter Temperature Inversion Episodes
Janhäll S., Andersson, P. U., Olofson, K. F. G., Pettersson J. B. C. and Hallquist M. in
Atmospheric Environment, Volume 40, Issue 28, pp 5355-5366, 2006
On-line Alkali analysis of individual aerosol particles in urban air
Svane M., Janhäll S., Hagström, M., Hallquist M. and Pettersson J. B. C. in
Atmospheric Environment, Vol 39, pp 6919-6930, 2005
A novel method for determination of size resolved, submicrometer particle traffic
emission factors
Janhäll S. and Hallquist M. in Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 39, Issue 19,
pp 7609-7615, 2005
Size Resolved Traffic Emission Factors of Submicrometer Particles
Janhäll S., Jonsson Å. M., Molnar P., Svensson E. A. and Hallquist M. in Atmospheric
Environment, Vol. 38, Issue 26, pp 4331-4340, 2004
Vertical gradients of air pollutants at the Gustavii Cathedral in Göteborg, Sweden
Janhäll S., Molnar P. and Hallquist M. in Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 37, Issue 2,
pp 209-217, 2003
Roadside measurements of fine and ultrafine particles at a major road north of
Molnar P., Janhäll S. and Hallquist M. in Atmospheric Environment,
Vol. 36, Issue 25, pp 4115-4123, 2002
Reports in Swedish
Trafikinformation och miljöeffekter – beräkning av omledningseffekter
Sara Janhäll, Annika Järgerbrand, Anders Genell, VTI-785, Statens väg- och
transportforskningsinstitut, Linköping, Sverige, 2013
Horizon 2020 – Möjligheter ur ett svenskt perspektiv
Anna Anund, Åsa Aretun, Annelie Carlson, Gunilla Franzén, Mattias Hjort, Robert
Hrelja, Sara Janhäll, Björn Kalman, Sogol Kharrazi, Robert Karlsson, Lena Nerhagen,
Hillevi Nilsson Ternström, Arne Nåbo, Andreas Tapani, Anna Vadeby, VTI, Statens
väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, Linköping, Sverige, 2012
Hur påverkar en samtidig exponering för pollen och luftföroreningar hälsan?
Dahl, Å., Grundström M., Janhäll S., Pleijel H., Olin A-C., och Upmanis H. Preliminär
rapport till Naturvårdsverket, 2011
Particle Emissions from Ships
Janhäll Sara for The Alliance for Global Sustainability, GMV, Chalmers, SE-412 96
Göteborg, Sweden, 2007
The urban aerosol – sources and atmospheric processes
Teknologie Doktor - Miljövetenskap med inriktning mot fysik, Göteborgs Universitet,
Urban air pollution and emissions
Teknologie licentiat - Miljövetenskap med inriktning mot fysik, Göteborgs Universitet,
Emission Inventory on NMVOC species in Sweden
Janhäll S. and Andersson-Sköld Y. for IVL B-1193, P.O. 210 60, S-110 31 Stockholm,
Sweden, 1996
Bertil Forsberg
Selcted publications in peer review journals 2009 -
1. Orru H, Jõgi R, Kaasik M, Forsberg B. Chronic traffic-induced PM exposure and
self-reported respiratory and cardiovascular health in the RHINE Tartu cohort.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2009: 6, 27402751.
2. Orru H, Kaasik M, Merisalu E, Forsberg B. Health impact assess¬ment in case of
peat – co-use of environmental scenarios and exposure-response functions. Biomass
& Bioenergy 2009: 33(8), 1080-1086.
3. Jacquemin B, Sunyer J, Forsberg B, Aguilera I, Bouso L, Briggs D, de Marco R,
García-Esteban R, Heinrich J, Jarvis D, Maldonado JA, Payo F, Rage E, Vienneau
D, Künzli N. Association between modelled traffic-related air pollution and asthma
score in the ECRHS. Eur Respir J. 2009 Oct:34(4):834-42.
4. Bråbäck L, Forsberg B. Does traffic exhaust contribute to the development of
asthma and allergic sensitization in children: findings from recent cohort studies.
Environ Health. 2009 Apr 16;8:17. Review.
5. Orru H, Teinemaa E, Lai T, Tamm T, Kaasik M, Kimmel V, Kangur K, Merisalu E,
Forsberg B. Health impact assessment of particulate pollution in Tallinn using fine
spatial resolution and modeling techniques. Environ Health. 2009 Mar 3;8:7.
6. Ayres JG, Forsberg B, Annesi-Maesano I, Dey R, Ebi KL, Helms PJ, MedinaRamón M, Windt M, Forastiere F; Environment and Health Committee of the
EuropeanRespiratory Society. Climate change and respiratory disease: European
Respiratory Society position statement. Eur Respir J. 2009 Aug;34(2):295-302.
7. Modig L, Torén K, Janson C, Jarvholm B, Forsberg B. Vehicle exhaust outside the
home and onset of asthma among adults. Eur Respir J. 2009 Jun;33(6):1261-7.
8. Michelozzi P, Accetta G, De Sario M, D'Ippoliti D, Marino C, Baccini M, Biggeri
A, Anderson HR, Katsouyanni K, Ballester F, Bisanti L, Cadum E, Forsberg B,
Forastiere F, Goodman PG, Hojs A, Kirchmayer U, Medina S, Paldy A, Schindler
C, Sunyer J, Perucci CA; PHEWE Collaborative Group. High temperature and
hospitalizations for cardiovascular and respiratory causes in 12 European cities. Am
J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Mar 1;179(5):383-9.
9. Jacquemin B, Sunyer J, Forsberg B, Aguilera I, Briggs D, García-Esteban R,
Götschi T, Heinrich J, Järvholm B, Jarvis D, Vienneau D, Künzli N. Home outdoor
NO2 and new onset of self-reported asthma in adults. Epidemiology. 2009
10. Rocklöv J, Forsberg B, Meister K. Winter mortality modifies the heat-mortality
association the following summer. Eur Respir J. 2009 Feb;33(2):245-51.
11. Rocklöv J, Forsberg B. Comparing approaches for studying the effects of climate
extremes – a case study of hospital admissions in Sweden during an extremely
warm summer. Global Health Action 2009. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.2034
12. Johansson C, Burman L, Forsberg B. The effects of congestions tax on air quality
and health, Atmospheric Environment 2009;43: 4843–4854
13. Nawrot TS, Kuenzli N, Sunyer J, Shi T, Moreno T, Viana M, Heinrich J, Forsberg
B, Kelly FJ, Sughis M, Nemery B, Borm P. Oxidative properties of ambient PM2.5
and elemental composition: Heterogeneous associations in 19 European cities.
Atmospheric Environment 2009;43:4595-4602.
14. Orru H, Kimmel V, Kikas U, Soon A, Künzli N, Schins RP, Borm PJ, Forsberg B.
Elemental composition and oxidative properties of PM(2.5) in Estonia in relation to
origin of air masses - results from the ECRHS II in Tartu. Sci Total Environ.
15. Rocklöv J, Forsberg B. The effect of high ambient temperature on the elderly
population in three regions of Sweden. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010
16. Cecchi L, D'Amato G, Ayres JG, Galan C, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Gerritsen J,
Nunes C, Behrendt H, Akdis C, Dahl R, Annesi-Maesano I. Projections of the
effects of climate change on allergic asthma: the contribution of aerobiology.
Allergy. 2010 Sep;65(9):1073-81.
17. Hagenbjörk-Gustafsson A, Tornevi A, Forsberg B, Eriksson K. Field validation of
the Ogawa diffusive sampler for NO2 and NOx in a cold climate. J Environ Monit.
2010 Jun;12(6):1315-24.
18. Hedman L, Bjerg A, Sundberg S, Forsberg B, Rönmark E. Both environmental
tobacco smoke and personal smoking is related to asthma and wheeze in teenagers.
Thorax. 2011 Jan;66(1):20-5. Epub 2010 Nov 3.
19. Rocklöv J, Ebi K, Forsberg B. Mortality related to temperature and persistent
extreme temperatures: a study of cause-specific and age-stratified mortality. Occup
Environ Med. 2011 Jul;68(7):531-6.
20. Åström DO, Forsberg B, Rocklöv J. Heat wave impact on morbidity and mortality
in the elderly population: a review of recent studies. Maturitas. 2011 Jun;69(2):99105.
21. Lowe A, Bråbäck L, Ekeus C, Hjern A, Forsberg B. Maternal obesity during
pregnancy as a risk for early-life asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011
22. Lowe D., Ebi KL, Forsberg B. Heatwave Early Warning Systems and Adaptation
Advice to Reduce Human Health Consequences of Heatwaves. International Journal
of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2011; 8(12):4623-4648.
23. Andersson M, Modig L, Hedman L, Forsberg B, Rönmark E. Heavy vehicle traffic
is related to wheeze among schoolchildren: a population-based study in an area with
low traffic flows. Environmental Health 2011, 10:91.
24. Olsson D, Ekström M, Forsberg B. Temporal Variation in Air Pollution
Concentrations and Preterm Birth — A Population Based Epidemiological Study.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9(1), 272‐285.
25. Meister K, Johansson C, Forsberg B. Estimated Short-Term Effects of Coarse
Particles on Daily Mortality in Stockholm, Sweden. Environ Health Perspect. 2012;
120: 431-436.
26. Brunekreef B, Annesi-Maesano I, Ayres JG, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Künzli N,
Pekkanen J, Sigsgaard T. Ten principles for clean air. Eur Respir J. 2012
27. Oudin A, Forsberg B, Jakobsson K. Air pollution and stroke. Epidemiology. 2012
28. Henschel S, Atkinson R, Zeka A, Le Tertre A, Analitis A, Katsouyanni K, Chanel
O, Pascal M, Forsberg B, Medina S, Goodman PG. Air pollution interventions and
their impact on public health. Int J Public Health. 2012 57(5): 757-768.
29. Forsberg B, Bråbäck L, Keune H, Kobernus M, Krayer von Krauss M, Yang A,
Bartonova A. An expert assessment on climate change and health: with a European
focus on lungs and allergies. Environ Health. 2012 11(Supplement 1): S4.
30. Oudin A, Forsberg B, Strömgren M, Beelen R, Modig L. Impact of residential
mobility on exposure assessment in longitudinal air pollution studies: A sensitivity
analysis within the ESCAPE project. Scientific World Journal, 2012: 125818..
31. Bjerg A, Ekerljung L, Eriksson J, Ólafsdóttir IS, Middelveld R, Franklin KA,
Forsberg B, Larsson K, Lötvall J, Torén K, Dahlén SE, Lundbäck B, Janson C.
Higher risk of wheeze in female than male smokers: results from the Swedish
GA(2)LEN study. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(1): e54137.
32. Aström C, Orru H, Rocklöv J, Strandberg G, Ebi KL, Forsberg B. Heat-related
respiratory hospital admissions in Europe in a changing climate: a health impact
assessment. BMJ Open 2013, Jan 24; 3(1): e001842.
33. Orru H, Andersson C, Ebi KL, Langner J, Åström C, Forsberg B. Impact of climate
change on ozone related mortality and morbidity in Europe. Eur Respir J 2013, Feb:
41(2): 285-94.
34. Olsson D, Mogren I, Forsberg B. Air pollution exposure in early pregnancy and
adverse pregnancy outcomes: a register-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2013 Feb
5;3(2). doi:pii: e001955. 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001955.
35. Perez L, Declercq C, Iñiguez C, Aguilera I, Badaloni C, Ballester F, Bouland C,
Chanel O, Cirarda F, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Haluza D, Hedlund B, Cambra K,
Lacasaña M, Moshammer H, Otorepec P, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Medina S, Künzli
N. Chronic burden of near-roadway traffic pollution in 10 European cities
(APHEKOM network). Eur Respir J. 2013 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Publicationlist Anna-Carin Olin
Selected publications 20061. Olin A-C, Andelid K, Vikgren J, Rosengren A, Larsson S, Bake B, Ekberg-Jansson A.
Single breath N2-test and exhaled nitric oxide. Respir Med 2006; 100(6):1013-9
2. Lärstad M, Söderling A-S, Caidahl K, Olin A-C. Selective quantification of free 3nitrotyrosine in exhaled breath condensate using gas chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry. Nitric Oxide 2005, 13:134-144.
3. Horwath I, Hunt J, Barnes PJ, Alving K, Antszak A, Baraldi E, Becher G, Olin AC,
Silkoff P, Torén K, Vass G, Vogelberg C, Wirtz H: ATS/ERS Task force on exhaled
breath condensate. Exhaled breath condensate: Methodological recommendations and
unresolved questions. Eur Respir J 2005;26:523-548.
4. Olin AC, Rosengren A, Thelle DS, Lissner L, Bake B, Torén K. Height, age, and
atopy are associated with the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide in a large adult general
population sample. Chest 2006; 130:1319-25.
5. Larstad M, Torén K, Bake B, Olin A-C. Determination of ethane, pentane and
isoprene in exhaled air - effects of breath-holding, flow-rate and purified air. Acta
Physiol 2007; 189:87-98.
6. Keen C, Olin A-C, Edentoft A, Gronowitz E, Strandvik B. Airway nitric oxide in
patients with cystic fibrosis is associated with pancreatic function, pseudomonas
colonization, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chest 2007;131:1857-64.
7. Olin A-C, Bake B, Torén K. Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide at 50 mL/s: Reference
values for adult lifelong never smokers. Chest 2007; 131:1852-6.
8. Barregard L, Sallsten G, Andersson L, Almstrand AC, Gustafson P, Andersson M,
Olin AC. Experimental exposure to wood smoke: Effects on airway inflammation and
oxidative stress. Occup Environ Med. 2008;65:319-24.
9. Romieu I, Barraza-Villarreal A, Escamilla-Nunez C, Almstrand AC, Diaz-Sanchez D,
Sly PD, Olin AC. Exhaled breath malondialdehyde as a marker of exposure to air
pollution in asthmatic children. J Allergy Clin Immun 2008; 121:903-9.
10. Barraza-Villarreal A, Sunyer J, Hernandez-Cadena L, Escamilla-Nuñez MC, SienraMonge JJ, Ramírez-Aguilar M, Cortes-Lugo M, Holguin F, Diaz-Sánchez D, Olin
AC, Romieu I. Air Pollution, airway Inflammation and lung function in Mexico City
schoolchildren: the EVA Cohort Study”. EPH 2008;116:832-8.
11. Almstrand AC, Ljungstrom E, Lausmaa J, Bake B, Sjovall P, Olin AC. Airway
monitoring by collection and mass spectrometric analysis of exhaled particles. Anal
Chem. 2009; 81:662-8.
12. Malinovschi A, Janson C, Hogman M, Rolla G, Toren K, Norback D, Olin A-C. Both
allergic and nonallergic asthma are associated with increased FE(NO) levels, but only
in never-smokers. Allergy. 2009;64:55-61.
13. Keen C, Gustafsson P, Lindblad A, Wennergren G, Olin AC. Low levels of exhaled
nitric oxide are associated with impaired lung function in cystic fibrosis. Pedriatic
pulmonology 2010;45:241-8.
14. Keen C, Olin AC, Eriksson S, Ekman A, Lindblad A, Basu S, Beerman C, Strandvik
B. Supplementation with fatty acids influences the airway nitric oxide and
inflammatory markers in patients with cystic fibrosis. J Ped Gastr Nutr 2009,
15. Almstrand AC, Bake B, Ljungström E, Larsson P, Bredberg A, Mirgorodskaya E,
Olin AC. Effect of Airway Opening on Production of Exhaled Particles. J Appl
Physiol 2010;108:584-8
16. Olin AC, Rosengren A, Thelle D, Lissner L, Torén K. Increased level of fraction of
exhaled nitric oxide predicts onset of wheezing in a prospective general-population
study. Am J Crit Care Med. 2010;181:324-7.
17. Holmgren H, Ljungström E, Almstrand A-C, Bake B, Olin A-C. Size distribution of
exhaled particles in the range from 0.01 to 2.0 μm. Journal of Aerosol Science
2010;41, 439-446
18. Holmgren H, Bake B, Olin A-C, Ljungström E. Realtion between humidity and size
of exhaled particles. Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv 2011;24;254-60
19. Repapi E, Sayers I, …… Naluai AT, Olin AC, Torén K, …, Hall IP, Tobin MD.
Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung function.Nat
Genet. 2010;42:36-44
20. Riise GC, Torén K, Olin A-C. Sujects in a population-based study with high levels of
FENO have associated eosinophilic airway inflammation. ISRN Allergy 2011. In
21. Berg CM, Thelle DS, Rosengren A, Lissner L, Torén K, Olin AC. Decreased exhaled
nitric oxide (FENO) in obese with asthma symptoms: Data from the population study
INTERGENE/ADONIX. Chest. 2011;139(5):1109-16
22. Ekerljung L, Bossios A, Lötvall J, Olin AC, Rönmark E, Wennergren G, Torén K,
Lundbäck B. Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
epidemiology. Eur Respir J. 2011;38:825-32
23. Almstrand AC, Josefson M, Ljungstrom E, Lausmaa J, Bredberg A, Sjovall P,
Larsson P, Olin AC. TOF-SIMS analysis of exhaled particles from patients with
asthma and healthy controls. Eur Respir J 2011, In Press
24. Modig L, Dahgam S, Olsson D, Nyberg F, Forsberg B, Olin A-C. Short-Term
Exposure to Ozone is Associated with Increased Alveolar Nitric Oxide. 2:nd revised
version sent Epidemiology 2013.
25. Keen C, Olin AC, Wennergren G, Gustafsson P. Small airway function, exhaled NO
and airway hyper-responsiveness in paediatric asthma. Respir Med.
26. Dweik RA, Boggs P. B, Erzurum S C, Irvin CG, Leigh MW, Lundberg JO, Olin AC,
Plummer AL, Taylor DR. An Official ATS Clinical Practice Guideline: Interpretation
of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels (FENO) for Clinical Applications. Am Respir Crit
Care Med 2011;184(5):602-615.
27. Soler Artigas M,Wain LV, ……, Naluai AT, Olin AC…, Hall IP, Tobin MD,
SpiroMeta Consortium. Effect of five genetic variants associated with lung function
on the risk of COPD, and their joint effects on lung function. Am J Respir Crit Care
Med 2011;184:786-95.
28. Artigas MS, Loth DW…… Morris AD, Olin A……Gudnason V, Tobin MD.
SpiroMeta Consortium. Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies
16 new loci influencing lung function. Nat genetic 2011, 43:1082-90.
29. Larsson L Mirgorodskaya E, Andersson L, Bake B, Almstrand A, Bredberg A, Olin
A-C Surfactant protein A and albumin in particles in exhaled air. Respir Med 2011;
30. Almstrand AC, Josefson M, Ljungstrom E, Lausmaa J, Bredberg A, Sjovall P,
Larsson P, Olin AC. TOF-SIMS analysis of exhaled particles from patients with
asthma and healthy controls. Eur Respir J 2011, ;39:59-66.
31. Bredberg A, Gobom J, Almstrand A-C, Larsson P, Blennow K, Olin A-C,
Mirgorodskaya E. Exhaled endogenous particles contain lung proteins. Clin Chem
2012; 58:431-40.
32. Dahgam S, Nyberg F, Modig L, Naluai AT, Olin AC. Single nucleotide
polymorphisms in the NOS2 and NOS3 genes are associated with exhaled nitric
oxide. J Med Genet. 2012 Mar;49(3):200-5
33. Malinovschi A, Janson C, Högman M, Rolla G, Torén K, Norbäck D, Olin
AC.Bronchial Responsiveness Is Related to Increased Exhaled NO (FE(NO)) in NonSmokers and Decreased FE(NO) in Smokers. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35725.
34. Holmgren H, Gerth E, Ljungström E, Larsson P, Almstrand AC, Bake B, Olin AC.
Effects of breath holding at low and high lung volumes on amount of exhaled
particles. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013;185:228-34.
35. Alexanderson C, Olin AC, Dahlman-Höglund A, Finizia C, Torén K. Nasal nitric
oxide in a random sample of adults and its relationship to sensitization, cat allergen,
rhinitis, and ambient nitric oxide. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2012;26:99-103.
36. Riddervold IS, Bønløkke JH, Olin AC, Grønborg TK, Schlünssen V, Skogstrand K,
Hougaard D, Massling A, Sigsgaard T. Effects of wood smoke particles from woodburning stoves on the respiratory health of atopic humans. Part Fibre Toxicol.
37. Stockfelt L, Sallsten G, Olin AC, Almerud P, Samuelsson L, Johannesson S, Molnar
P, Strandberg B, Almstrand AC, Bergemalm-Rynell K, Barregard L. Effects on
airways of short-term exposure to two kinds of wood smoke in a chamber study of
healthy humans. Inhal Toxicol. 2012;24:47-59.
Pending patent
Pending patent P1758SE00, Partiklar i utandningsluft (A method for sampling
and chemical analysis of exhaled particles)
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix K (Climate and environmental data)
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se
ECDS Data Publication Plan Template
Declaration to publish metadata through ECDS
We will publish environmental and climate data created by the proposed project through the ECDS
metadata portal using the ECDS metadata profile1
1. Description of the data collected
Summary (short description of data set)
We will create a dataset on allergen and pollen exposure as well as exposure to ozone, NO2 , PM2.5 and
PM10 in Umeå and Gothenburg for the pollen-period of 2014 (mid April to end of June). The dataset
will contain data from central monitoring stations, but we will add to more measurement points for data
on allergen exposure.
In addition there will be data on personal exposure from 60 individuals during this period of ; allergens
(2 x 12 hours per individual) , PAHs (2x 1 week per individual), NO2 and ozone (2x 24 hours per
individual. The samples will be collected during the indicated period, but time for analyses will
postpone the publication-date.
2. Plan for data collection and data publication
Begin Date of Data Set
End Date
Data format name (e.g. netcdf, txt, excel, …)
Data format version (if known):
Expected data publication date (justification needs to be given for delayed publication)
Note that ECDS is an infrastructure aimed at environment and climate data. For other themes there may be
other relevant national and/or international organs for data collection (e.g., Global Change Master Directory,
GBIF, LifeWatch, ICOS…). If you plan to publish your data through one of those initiatives instead, you should
make this clear in your data publication plan and adjust the publication declaration section accordingly or
choose another template.
1.19536!ECDS Data Publication Plan 2013_aco – Latest revision date 2013-04-16
3. Budget for data publication
Budget figures for data publication justified along with the other budgeted items in the application.
We plan tree publications in open access journals during the study period, approximate cost 10 000
4. Contact information regarding the dataset
Individual name
Anna-Carin Olin
Organisation name
Arbets- och miljömedicin, Box 414, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Additional information (optional)
We have already previously contributed information on environment and climate data through the
ECDS-portal. [Give example(s) if appropriate].
We also plan to publish additional environment and climate data produced outside the scope of the
proposed project through the ECDS-portal. [Give example(s) if appropriate]
Name of Applicant
Olin, Anna-Carin
Date of birth
Registration date
Announced grants
Formas annual open call 2013 for research and development project grants
Title of research programme
Airway inflammation- combined effects of exposure to pollen and airpollution
Appendix S (Signatures)
A signature on the application is required not only from the applicant but also from the
authorised representative of the host university/institution or equivalent (normally the head of
the department or establishment where the research is to be conducted). The signature
confirms that the department can accommodate the project (or equipment or network); that
the costing in the application, including the indirect cost, is approved for the department's part,
and that any proposed experimentation on human or animal subjects has been reported, and
that the applicant has reported any secondary occupations and commercial ties (s)he may
have, and nothing inconsistent with good research practice has thereby emerged. The
applicant must have discussed these conditions with the representative of the university/
institution or equivalent before the latter approves and signs the application.
Main applicant
Head of department/corresponding
Clarification of signature
Formas, Box 1206, SE-111 82 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 775 40 00, registrator@formas.se