CHAPTER 2 CORROSION PRINCIPLES Chapter Outlines 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 4/12/2015 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Standard Electrode Half- Cell Potentials Standard EMF Series Galvanic Cells With 1 Molar Electrolytes Galvanic Cells Not 1Molar Electrolytes 1 2.1 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions In metal, corrosion process is normally electrochemical @ electrochemistry (a chemical reaction in which there is transfer of electrons from one chemical species to another) 2 reactions that occur during corrosion process: i. Oxidation reaction ii. Reduction reaction 4/12/2015 Asyadi 2 i. Oxidation reaction @ anodic reaction Definition: the removal of one or more electrons from an atom, ion or molecule Equation: M Mn+ + ne- (in which M becomes an n+ positively charged ion and in the process loses its n valence electrons; e- is used to symbolize an electron) Zn Zn2 2e Example: Anode is the side at which oxidation takes place. 4/12/2015 Asyadi 3 ii. Reduction reaction Definition: the addition of one or more electrons to an atom, ion or molecule (because the electrons generated from each metal atom that is oxidized must be transferred to and become a part of another chemical species = reduction reaction) Equation: M+ + e- M(n-1)+ (some metals undergo corrosion in acid solutions, which have a high concentration of hydrogen (H+) and hydrogen gas (H2) is evolved) Cathode is the side at which reduction occurs 4/12/2015 Asyadi 4 There are 3 possibilities of reaction that can occur at cathode (reduction): First possibilities Cathodic half- cell reaction Condition Reaction : 2H 2e H2 (gas ) : if the electrolyte is an acid solution : hydrogen ions in the acid solution will be reduced to hydrogen atom to form diatomic hydrogen gas Second possibilities Cathodic half- cell reaction Condition Reaction 4/12/2015 O 4H 4e 2H2O : 2 : if the electrolyte also contain oxidizing agent : oxygen will combine with hydrogen ions to form water molecules Asyadi 5 Third possibilities O 2H O 4e 4(OH) Cathodic half- cell reaction : 2 2 Condition : if the electrolyte is basic or neutral and oxygen is present Reaction : oxygen and water molecules will react to form hydroxyl ions 4/12/2015 6 iii. Overall Electrochemical Reaction Consist of at least one oxidation (half reaction) and one reduction (half reaction), and will be the sum of them Example: (Zinc metal immersed in an acid solution) At some regions on the metal surface, zinc will experience Asyadi oxidation or corrosion 4/12/2015 7 Oxidation half reaction: Zn Zn2 2e Since Zn is a metal and good electrical conductor, these electrons may be transferred to an adjacent region at which the H+ ions are reduced. Reduction half reaction: 2H 2e H2 (gas ) Total electrochemical reaction: Zn Zn2 2e 2H 2e H2 (gas ) 4/12/2015 Zn + 2H+Asyadi Zn2+ + H2 (gas) 8 Zinc metal Chemical reaction: Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2 Ionic form: Zn + 2H+ Zn2+ + H2 Half- cell reaction: Zn Zn2+ + 2e- (oxidation) 2H+ + 2eH2 (reduction) hydrochloric acid Fig. Reaction of hydrochloric acid with zinc to produce hydrogen gas 4/12/2015 Asyadi 9 2.2 Standard Electrode Half- Cell Potentials Every metal has a different tendency to corrode in a particular environment E.g. ‘zinc is chemically attacked or corroded by dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas gold is not’ Method for comparing the tendency for metals to form ions in aqueous solution is to compare their half- cell oxidation or reduction potentials (voltages) to a standard hydrogen- hydrogen ion half- cell potential. 4/12/2015 Asyadi 10 Experimental Setup for the Determination of Half- cell Standard Electrode Potentials Experimental setup for the determination of the standard emf of zinc. In a beaker a Zn Electrode is placed in a solution of 1 M Zn2+ ions. In the other there is a 4/12/2015 Asyadi 11 standard hydrogen reference electrode consisting of a platinum electrode immersed in a solution of 1 MH+ ions which contains H2 gas at 1 atm. Standard Hydrogen Electrode Represent only differences in electrical potential and thus it is convenient to establish a reference point/ reference cell to which other cell halves may be compared. It consist of an inert platinum electrode in a 1M solution of H+ ions, saturated with hydrogen gas that is bubbled through the solution at a pressure of 1 atm and temperature of 25°C. The platinum itself does not take part in the electrochemical reaction: it acts only as a surface on which hydrogen atoms may be oxidized or hydrogen ions may be reduced. 4/12/2015 Asyadi 12 4/12/2015 Asyadi 13 2.2 Standard EMF Series Electromotive force (EMF) series: is generated by coupling to the standard hydrogen electrode, std half- cells for various metals and ranking them according to measured voltage. Table 17.1- show the list of the standard halfcell potentials of some selected metals which represents the corrosion tendencies for the several metals 4/12/2015 Asyadi 14 Increasingly inert (cathodic) Increasingly active (anodic) 4/12/2015 Asyadi 15 those metals at the top (Au & Pt) --- are noble or chemically inert Moving down --- metals become increasingly more active (more susceptible to oxidation) (sodium & potassium) The voltages --- are for the half- reactions oxidation reaction: electron on the right hand side M1 Mn+ + ne- V1º reduction reaction: electron on the left hand side (sign of the voltage changed) M+ + e4/12/2015 M(n-1)+ Asyadi V2º 16 Overall cell potential ΔV° is: ΔVcell° = V° 4/12/2015 1 Asyadi + V° 2 17 GALVANIC CELLS Galvanic couple: Two metals electrically connected in a liquid electrolyte wherein one metal becomes anode and corrodes, while the other acts as a cathode 4/12/2015 Asyadi 18 2.4 Galvanic Cells With 1 Molar Electrolytes Can be constructed with two dissimilar metal electrodes each immersed in a 1M solution of their own ions The two solutions are separated by a porous wall to prevent their mechanical mixing, and an external wire in series with a switch and a voltmeter connects the two electrodes E.g.: zinc electrode immersed in a 1 M solution of Zn2+ ions and another of copper immersed in a 1 M solution of Cu2+ ions with the solutions at 25°C 4/12/2015 Asyadi 19 A macroscopic galvanic cell with zinc and copper electrodes. When the switch is closed and the electrons flow, the voltage difference between the zinc and copper electrodes 4/12/2015 Asyadi is -1.10V. The zinc electrode is the anode of the cell and corrodes. 20 Calculation of electrochemical potential of Zn- Cu galvanic cell From the Standard emf Series: Zn Zn2+ + 2eCu Cu2+ + 2e Oxidation half- cell reaction: Zn (ANODE) Zn2+ + 2e- E° = -0.763 Reduction half- cell reaction: Cu2+ + 2e- E° = -0.763 V E° = +0.340 V Cu V°1 (CATHODE) E° = -0.340 V°2 Overall reaction (by adding): Zn + Cu2+ 4/12/2015 Zn2+ + Cu Asyadi E°cell = V°1 + V°2 = -0.763 + (-0.340) = -1.103 V 21 Problem 1: A galvanic cell consist of an electrode of zinc in a 1M ZnSO4 solution and another of nickel in a 1 M NiSO4 solution. The two electrodes are separated by a porous wall so that mixing of the solutions is prevented. An external wire with a switch connects the two electrodes. When the switch is just closed: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) At which electrode does oxidation occur Which electrode is the anode of the cell? Which electrode corrodes? Write the equation for the half- cell reaction at the anode? Write the equation for the half- cell reaction at the cathode? What is the emf of this galvanic cell when the switch is just closed? 4/12/2015 Asyadi 22 Answer: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Oxidation occurs at the zinc electrode since the zinc half- cell reaction has a more negative E° potential of -0.763 V as compared to -0.250 V for the nickel half- cell reaction. The zinc electrode is the anode since oxidation occurs at the anode The zinc electrode corrodes since the anode in a galvanic cell corrodes. Zn Zn2+ + 2eE° = -0.763V Ni2+ + 2eNi E° =+0.250V The emf of the cell is obtained by adding the half- cell reactions together: Anode reaction: Cathode reaction: Zn Zn2+ Ni2+ + 2e- Overall reaction:Zn + Ni2+ 4/12/2015 + 2eNi Zn2+ + Ni Asyadi E° = -0.763 V E° = +0.250 V E°cell = -0.513 V 23 2.5 Galvanic Cells Not 1 Molar Electrolytes Most electrolytes for real corrosion galvanic cells are not 1 M, but are usually dilute solutions that are much lower than 1 M. If the concentration of the ions in an electrolyte surrounding an anodic electrode is less than 1 M, the driving force for the reaction to dissolve or corrode the anode is greater since there is a lower concentration of ions to cause the reverse reaction 4/12/2015 Asyadi 24 Nernst equation: E = E° + 0.0592 log Cion n Where: E = new emf of half- cell E° = standard emf of half- cell n = number of electrons transferred (for example, M Mn+ + ne-) Cion = molar concentration of ions 4/12/2015 Asyadi 25 Problem 2: A galvanic cell at 25ºC consist of an electrode of zinc in a 0.10 M ZnSO4 solution and another of nickel in a 0.05 M NiSO4 solution. The two electrodes are separated by a porous wall and connected by an external wire. What is the emf of the cell when a switch between the two electrodes is just closed? 4/12/2015 Asyadi 26 Answer: Zn Ni Half cell reactions: Zn2+ + 2eNi2+ + 2e- E° = -0.763V (ANODE) E° = -0.250V (CATHODE) Apply Nernst Equation: Ecell = E° + 0.0592 log Cion n Anode reaction: EA = -0.763 V + 0.0592 log 0.10 = -0.793 V 2 Cathode reaction: Ec = - (- 0.250 V + 0.0592 log 0.05) = +0.289 V 2 4/12/2015 Asyadi 27 Emf of the cell (Ecell) = EA + EC = -0.793V + 0.289 V = -0.505 V 4/12/2015 Asyadi 28