ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CHM 207 CHAPTER 3: ALKENES NOR AKMALAZURA JANI SUBTOPICS • Naming alkenes and cycloalkenes. • Physical properties of alkenes: i) boiling points and densities ii)polarity • Preparation of alkenes: i) dehydration of alcohols ii) dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes • Reactions of alkenes: i) Addition reaction: a) Catalytic hydrogenation b) Addition of halogens - In inert solvent - In water / aqueous medium c) Addition of hydrogen halides d) Addition reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid: hydration of alkenes e) Addition reaction with acidified water (H3O+): hydration of alkenes ii) Combustion of alkenes iii) Oxidation: a) epoxidation b)hydroxylation c)Ozonolysis iv) Polymerization • Unsaturation tests of alkenes: i) Reactions of alkenes with KMnO4 ii) Reactions of alkenes with bromine. • Uses of alkenes: i) PE ii) PVC iii) ethanol ALKENES • Also called olefins • Contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond (C=C) • General formula, CnH2n (n=2,3,…) • Classified as unsaturated hydrocarbons (compound with double or triple carbon-carbon bonds that enable them to add hydrogen atoms. • sp2-hybridized • For example: C2H4 - ethylene CH2 CH2 Naming Alkenes IUPAC RULES RULE 1. Select the longest continuous carbon chain that contains a double bond. This chain contains 6 carbon atoms RULE 2. Name this compound as you would an alkane, but change –ane to –ene for an alkene. This chain contains 8 carbon atoms Nameisthe This theparent longest continuous octene. compound chain. Select it as the parent compound. RULE 3. Number the carbon chain of the parent compound starting with the end nearer to the double bond. Use the smaller of the two numbers on the double-bonded carbon to indicate the position of the double bond. Place this number in front of the alkene name. IUPAC RULES This end of the chain is closest to the double bond. Begin numbering here. IUPAC RULES The name of the parent compound is 1-octene. 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 RULE 4. Branched chains and other groups are treated as in naming alkanes. Name the substituent group, and designate its position on the parent chain with a number. IUPAC RULES The is attached to carbon 4. Thisethyl is an group ethyl group. 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 4-ethyl-1-octene NEW IUPAC NAMES • Placing numbers (location of double bond) before the part of the name –ene. • Example: 1 2 3 4 CH2 C CH2 H CH3 Old naming system: 1-butene New naming system: but-1-ene 1 2 CH2 C H 1 CH3 C H 3 4 5 6 C CH2 CH2 CH3 H Old naming system: 2-hexene New naming system: hex-2-ene CH3 3 2 4 C CH3 H Old naming system: 3-methyl-1-butene New naming system: 3-methylbut-1-ene • A compound with more than one double bond. - Two double bond: diene - Three double bond: triene - Four double bond: tetraene * Numbers are used to specify the locations of the double bonds. 1 2 3 CH2 C H 4 C CH2 H 7 6 CH3 C C H H IUPAC names: 1,3-butadiene new IUPAC names: buta-1,3-diene 1 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 5 IUPAC names: 1,3, 5, 7-cyclooctatetraene new IUPAC names: cycloocta-1,3,5,7-tetraene 4 3 C H C H 2 C H 1,3,5-heptatriene hepta-1,3,5-triene 1 CH2 ALKENES AS SUBSTITUENTS • Alkenes names as substituents are called alkenyl groups. • Can be named systematically as ethenyl, propenyl, etc. or by common names such as vinyl, ally, methylene and phenyl groups. CH2 methylene group (methylidene group) -CH=CH2 vinyl group (ethenyl group) -CH2-CH=CH2 allyl group (2-propenyl group) CH=CH2 CH2 CHCHCH2CH CH2 3-methylenecyclohexene IUPAC name: 3-vinyl-1,5-hexadiene New IUPAC name: 3-vinylhexa-1,5-diene CYCLOALKENES • Contains C=C in the ring cyclopropene cyclohexene cyclobutene cyclopentene • Nomenclature of cycloalkenes: - Similar to that alkenes - Number the cycloalkane so that the double bond is between C1 and C2 and so that the first substituent has as low a number as possible. * Double bond always between C1 and C2. 6 5 4 1 2 1 CH3 3 1-methylcyclohexene 5 4 6 2 CH2CH3 1 3 2 1,5-dimethylcyclopentene 5 3 4 IUPAC name: 2-ethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene New IUPAC name: 2-ethylcyclohexa-1,3-diene NOMENCLATURE OF cis-trans ISOMERS H3C H C C CH2CH3 H cis-2-pentene H3C H H C C CH2CH3 trans-2-pentene • cis – two particular atoms (or groups of atoms) are adjacent to each other • trans – the two atoms (or groups of atoms) are across from each other PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALKENES Boiling points and densities: - Most physical properties of alkenes are similar to those alkanes. - Example: the boiling points of 1-butene, cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene and n-butane are close to 0oC. - Densities of alkenes: around 0.6 or 0.7 g/cm3. - Boiling points of alkenes increase smoothly with molecular weight. - Increased branching leads to greater volatility and lower boiling points. Polarity: - relatively nonpolar. - insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents such as hexane, gasoline, halogenated solvents and ethers. - slightly more polar than alkanes because: i) electrons in the pi bond is more polarizable (contributing to instantaneous dipole moments). ii) the vinylic bonds tend to be slightly polar (contributing to a permanent dipole moment). Alkyl groups are electron donating toward double bond, helping to stabilize it. This donating slightly polarizes the vinylic bond, with small partial positive charge on the alkyl group and a small negative charge on the double bond carbon atom. For example, propene has a small dipole moment of 0.35 D. Vinylic bonds H3C H C H H3C C CH3 C H propene, μ = 0.35 D H H3C C H C H H C CH3 Vector sum = Vector sum = 0 propene, μ = 0.33 D propene, μ = 0 cis-2-butene, bp 4oC trans-2-butene, bp 1oC C • In a cis-disubstituted alkene, the vector sum of the two dipole moments is directed perpendicular to the double bond. • In a trans-disubstituted alkene, the two dipole moments tend to cancel out. If an alkene is symmetrically trans-disubstituted, the dipole moment is zero. H H3C C CH3 C H H H3C C H C H H C CH3 Vector sum = Vector sum = 0 propene, μ = 0.33 D propene, μ = 0 cis-2-butene, bp 4oC trans-2-butene, bp 1oC C • Cis- and trans-2-butene have similar van der Waals attractions, but only cis isomer has dipole-dipole attractions. • Because of its increased intermolecular attractions, cis-2-butene must be heated to a slightly higher temperature (4oC versus 1oC) before it begins to boil. H H3C C CH3 C H H H3C C H C H H C CH3 Vector sum = Vector sum = 0 propene, μ = 0.33 D propene, μ = 0 cis-2-butene, bp 4oC trans-2-butene, bp 1oC PREPARATION OF ALKENES Dehydration of alcohols Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes PREPARATION OF ALKENES • Alkenes can be prepared in the following ways: i) Dehydration of alcohols R-CH2-CH2-OH conc. H2SO4 R-CH=CH2 + H2O ii) Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes R-CH2-CH2-X NaOH/ethanol reflux NaOH can be replaced by KOH R-CH=CH2 + HX • Saytzeff rule: - A reaction that produces an alkene would favour the formation of an alkene that has the greatest number of substituents attached to the C=C group. Dehydration of alcohols CH3CH2-CH-CH3 OH H+ CH3CH2-CH=CH2 + H2O 1-butene + H CH3CH=CH-CH3 + H2O 2-butanol 2-butene major product Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes CH3CH-CH-CH2 H Br H 2-bromobutane KOH alcohol reflux CH3CH=CH-CH3 2-butene (major product) CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-butene REACTIVITY OF ALKENES More reactive than alkanes because: i) A carbon-carbon double bond consists of a σ and a π bond. It is easy to break the π bond while the σ bond remains intact. ii) The π electrons in the double bond act as a source of electrons (Lewis base). Alkenes are reactive towards electrophiles which are attracted to the negative charge of the π electrons. iii) π bond will broken, each carbon atom becomes an active site which can form a new covalent bond with another atom. One π bond is converted into 2 σ bonds. REACTION OF ALKENES i) Addition reaction: a) Catalytic hydrogenation b) Addition of halogens - In inert solvent - In water / aqueous medium c) Addition of hydrogen halides d) Addition reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid: hydration of alkenes e) Addition reaction with acidified water (H3O+): hydration of alkenes ii) Combustion of alkenes iii) Oxidation: a) epoxidation b)hydroxylation c)Ozonolysis iv) Polymerization REACTIONS OF ALKENES Catalytic hydrogenation: - hydrogenation: addition of hydrogen to a double bond and triple bond to yield saturated product. - alkenes will combine with hydrogen in the present to catalyst to form alkanes. C C H H Pt or Pd o 25-90 C C C H H - Plantinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd) – Catalysts - Pt and Pd: temperature 25-90oC - Nickel can also used as a catalyst, but a higher temperature of 140oC – 200oC is needed. EXAMPLES: H2C CH2 ethylene CH3CH2CH2CH2CH CH2 hexene H2 H2 Pt low pressure Pt low pressure H3C CH3 ethane CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 hexane Addition of halogens: i) In inert solvent: - alkenes react with halogens at room temperature and in dark. - the halogens is usually dissolved in an inert solvent such as dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) and tetrachloromethane (CCl4). - Iodine will not react with alkenes because it is less reactive than chlorine and bromine. inert solvent C C X C CThe reaction will produced - Fluorine isX very reactive. X X explosion. X X = halogen such as Br or Cl 2 Inert solvent = CCl4 or CH2Cl2 2 EXAMPLES: H H H C C H H H H C C H Br Br inert solvent (CCl4) Br Br ethene 1,2-dibromoethane * the red-brown colour of the bromine solution will fade and the solution becomes colourless. Br2 CCl4 Br 1,2-dibromocyclohexane cyclohexene CH3CH=CH2 propene Br Cl2 CCl4 Cl Cl CH3CH CH2 1,2-dichloropropane Addition of halogens: ii) In water / aqueous medium: - chlorine dissolves in water to form HCl and chloric (l) acid (HOCl). Cl2 (aq) + H2O(l) HCl(aq) + HOCl (aq) - same as bromine Br2 (aq) + H2O(l) HBr(aq) + HOBr(aq) * Reaction of alkenes with halogens in water (eg. chlorine water and bromine water) produced halohydrins (an alcohol with a halogen on the adjacent carbon atom). EXAMPLES: CH3CH=CH2 + Br2 H 2O propene CH3 CH CH2 CH3 CH CH2 Br Br OH Br 1-bromo-2-propanol 1,2-dibromopropane (major product) (minor product) * Br atom attached to the carbon atom of the double bond which has the greater number of hydrogen atoms. CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-butene Cl2, H2O CH3 CH2 CH CH2 OH Cl 1-chloro-2-butanol Addition of hydrogen halides: - Addition reaction with electrophilic reagents. - Alkenes react with hydrogen halides (in gaseous state or in aqueous solution) to form addition products. - The hydrogen and halogen atoms add across the double bond to form haloalkanes (alkyl halides). - General equation: C C alkene HX H X C C haloalkane - Reactivity of hydrogen halides : HF < HCl < HBr < HI * Reaction with HCl needs a catalyst such as AlCl3 H2C CH2 HCl AlCl3 CH3CH2Cl EXAMPLES: H-I cyclopentene CH3CH=CHCH3 + H-Br 2-butene I iodocyclopentane Br CH3CH2CHCH3 2-bromobutane MARKOVNIKOV’S RULE • There are 2 possible products when hydrogen halides react with an unsymmetrical alkene. • It is because hydrogen halide molecule can add to the C=C bond in two different ways. H H CH3 C C H H H H-I CH3 C C H H I 1-iodopropane H H CH3 C C H H H H-I CH3 C C H I H 2-iodopropane (major product) Markovnikov’s rules: - the addition of HX to an unsymmetrical alkene, the hydrogen atom attaches itself to the carbon atom (of the double bond) with the larger number of hydrogen atoms. Mechanism of electrophilic addition reactions: - C=C : electron rich part of the alkene molecule - Electrophiles: electron-seeking Step 1: Formation of carbocation. Attack of the pi bond on the electrophile to form carbocation. δ+ C C E δ- C C Y Y- E carbocation Step 2: Rapid reaction with a negative ion. The negative ion (Y-) acts as nucleophile and attacks the positively charged carbon atom to give product of the addition reaction. C C E Y- C C E Y ADDITION OF HYDROGEN HALIDES TO UNSYMMETRICAL ALKENES AND MARKOVNIKOV’S RULE CH3CHCH2 1 2 3 CH3CH=CH2 HCl H Cl 1-chloropropane Propene CH3CHCH2 Cl H 2-chloropropane (major product) according to Markovnikov's rules MECHANISM: Step 1: Formation of carbocation H H H H H CH3 C C H H C C C H or H C C C H H H H H H Cl less stable carbocation o (1 carbocation) o H H H Cl- more stable carbocation (2o carbocation) o - 2 carbocation is more stable than 1 carbocation. - 2o carbocation tends to persist longer, making it more likely to combine with Cl- ion to form 2-chloromethane (basis of Markovnikov's rule). Step 2: Rapid reaction with a negative ion H H H H C C C H H H H H H Cl- H C C C H H Cl H 2-chloromethane (major product) Addition reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid: hydration of alkenes - the alkene is absorbed slowly when it passed through concentrated sulfuric acid in the cold (0-15oC). - involves the addition of H atom and HSO4 group across the carbon-carbon double bond. - follows Markovnikov’s rule. H H H C C H H H H OSO3H (H2SO4) H C C H H OSO3H ethyl hydrogensulphate (CH3CH2HSO4) When the reaction mixture is added to water and warmed, ethyl hydrogensulphate is readily hydrolysed to ethanol CH3CH2OSO3H + H-OH CH3CH2OH + H2SO4 (H2O) *ethene reacts with concentrated H2SO4 to form ethanol* or *alkene reacts with concentrated H2SO4 to form alcohol* Addition reaction with acidified water (H3O+): hydration of alkenes • Hydration: The addition of H atoms and –OH groups from water molecules to a multiple bond. • Reverse of the dehydration reaction. • Direct hydration of ethene: - passing a mixture of ethene and steam over phosphoric (v) acid (H3PO4) absorbed on silica pellets at 300oC and a pressure of 60 atmospheres. - H3PO4 is a catalyst. CH2=CH2 (g) H2O (g) ethene C C alkene H3PO4 o 300 C, 60 atm H2O H+ CH3CH2OH (g) H OH C C alcohol ethanol • Markovnikov’s rule is apply to the addition of a water molecule across the double bond of an unsymmetrical alkene. • For examples: CH3 CH3 C CH2 CH3 + H 25oC H OH CH3 C 2-methylpropene CH2 OH H tert-butyl alcohol CH3CH=CH2 + H2O propene H+ CH3CHCH3 OH 2-propanol H+ = catalyst MECHANISM OF ACID CATALYSED HYDRATION OF ALKENES Step 1: Protonation to form carbocation H H CH3 C C H H H H + H H C C C H H H more stable carbocation (2o carbocation) Step 2: Addition of H2O to form a protonated alcohol H H H H C C C H H H CH3CHCH3 H O O H H H Step 3: Loss of a proton (deprotonated) to form alcohol CH3CHCH3 O H H CH3CHCH3 OH H+ H+ = catalyst ANTI-MARKOVNIKOV’S RULE: FREE RADICAL ADDITION OF HYDROGEN BROMIDE • When HBr is added to an alkene in the absence of peroxides it obey Markovnikov’s rule. • When HBr (not HCl or HI) reacts with unsymmetrical alkene in the presence of peroxides (compounds containing the OO group) or oxygen, HBr adds in the opposite direction to that predicted by Markovnikov’s rule. • The product between propene and HBr under these conditions is 1-bromopropane and not 2-bromopropane. CH3CH=CH2 HBr peroxide CH3CH2CH2Br 1-bromopropane (major product) anti-Markovnikov's orientation • Anti-Markovnikov’s addition: - peroxide-catalysed addition of HBr occurs through a free radical addition rather than a polar electrophilic addition. - also observed for the reaction between HBr and many different alkenes. - not observed with HF, HCl or HI. Formation of anti-Markovnikov alcohol • Alkenes goes to hydroboration reaction to form antiMarkovnikov alcohol. H2O2, -OH B2H6 C C C C H OH anti-markovnikov examples: CH3CH=CH2 H2O2, -OH B2H6 CH3CHCH2-OH propene CH3 CH3 C CH2 propanol B2H6 CH3 H2O2, -OH CH3 CH CH2 OH isobutyl alcohol isobutylene CH3 CH3 CH C CH3 2-methyl-2-butene - B2H6 H2O2, OH CH3 CH3CHCHCH3 OH 3-methyl-2-butanol Combustion of alkenes: The alkenes are highly flammable and burn readily in air, forming carbon dioxide and water. For example, ethene burns as follows : C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O OXIDATION • Oxidation: reactions that form carbonoxygen bonds. • Oxidation reaction of alkenes: i) epoxidation ii)hydroxylation iii)Ozonolysis EPOXIDATION OF ALKENES • Epoxide / oxirane: a three-membered cyclic ether. O C C R C alkene O C C O OH peroxyacid O R C OH epoxide (oxirane) acid • Examples of epoxidizing reagent: O CH3 C O O H peroxyacetic acid O C O O H peroxybenzoic acid (PhCO3H) O Cl O H O m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (MCPBA) Examples: MCPBA o O CH2CI2, 25 C cyclohexene 1,2-epoxycyclohexane MCPBA o O CH2CI2, 25 C cycloheptene 1,2-epoxycycloheptane HYDROXYLATION OF ALKENES • Hydroxylation: - Converting an alkene to a glycol requires adding a hydroxyl group to each end of the double bond. • Hydroxylation reagents: i) Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) ii)Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) C C OsO4 H2O2 (or KMnO4, -OH) C C OH OH glycol CH2 CH2 KMnO4 (aq), OHcold, dilute ethene CH2 CH2 MnO2 OH OH 1,2-ethanediol CH3 CH CH2 KMnO4 (aq), OHcold, dilute propene CH3 CH CH2 OH OH 1,2-propanediol * Also known as Baeyer’s test MnO2 OZONOLYSIS OF ALKENES • Ozonolysis: - The reaction of alkenes with ozone (O3) to form an ozonide, followed by hydrolysis of the ozonide to produce aldehydes and /or ketone. - Widely used to determine the position of the carbon-carbon double bond. - Ozonolysis is milder and both ketone and aldehydes can be recovered without further oxidation. R R' O3 C C R H R O R' (CH3)2S C C R O O H or H2O, Zn/H+ ozonide R R' C O R ketone O C H aldehyde EXAMPLES: i) O3 ii) (CH3)2S 3-nonene CH3O H OCH3 H i) O3 ii) (CH3)2S O H O CH3O H OCH3 O O O O H H REACTIONS OF ALKENES WITH HOT, ACIDIFIED KMnO4 R R' C C R'' R'' H R' C O R O C R'' OH ketone C C H OH OH R R'' R R' KMnO4/H+ C O O C H aldehyde ketone acid R CH=CH2 R' KMnO4/H+ R COOH + CO2 + H2O Example: + KMnO4/H C 4-methyl-4-octene O 2-pentanone HO C O butanoic acid POLYMERIZATION OF ALKENES • Polymer: A large molecule composed of many smaller repeating units (the monomers) bonded together. • Alkenes serves as monomers for some of the most common polymers such as polyethylene (polyethene), polypropylene, polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride) and etc. • Undergo addition polymerization /chain-growth polymer: - a polymer that results from the rapid addition of one molecule at a time to a growing polymer chain, usually with a reactive intermediate (cation, radical or anion) at the growing end of the chain. repeating unit CI H H H H vinyl chloride CI C C C C C C H CI H H H H H CI H Cl H Cl C C C C C C H H H H H H n poly(vinyl chloride) SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ADDITION POLYMERS POLYMER Polyethylene Polypropylene POLYMER USES Bottles, bags, films Plastics, olefin fibers MONOMER FORMULA POLYMER REPEATING UNIT CH2=CH2 CH2 CH2 n H CH3 C C H Polystyrene Plastics, foam insulation H CH2 CH n H C C Poly(isobutylene) Specialized rubbers CH3 H H H CH3 H C C CH3 H2C C H n CH3 CH2 C CH3 n UNSATURATION TESTS FOR ALKENES 1) Reactions of alkenes with KMnO4 - KMnO4 is a strong oxidising agent. - alkenes undergo oxidation reactions with KMnO4 solution under two conditions: a) Mild oxidation conditions using cold, dilute, alkaline KMnO4 (Baeyer’s test). b) Vigorous oxidation conditions using hot, acidified KMnO4. a) Reaction of alkenes with cold, dilute, alkaline KMnO4 (Baeyer’s test) - the purple colour of KMnO4 solution disappears and a cloudy brown colour appears caused by the precipitation of manganese (IV) oxide, MnO2. - test for carbon-carbon double or triple bonds. - a diol is formed (containing two hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbon atoms). - C C KMnO4 (aq), OH cold, dilute C C OH OH a diol MnO2 2) Reactions of alkenes with bromine - A solution of bromine in inert solvent (CH2CI2 or CCI4) and dilute bromine water are yellow in colour. - The solution is decolorised when added to alkenes or organic compounds containing C=C bonds. C C Br2 CH2CI2 C C Br Br C C Br2(aq) H2O C C OH Br C C Br Br DETERMINATION OF THE POSITION OF THE DOUBLE BOND a) Ozonolysis of alkenes: - For example, ozonolysis of an alkene produces methanal and propanone. CH3 H H C O methanal O C CH3 propanone remove the oxygen atoms from the carbonyl compounds and joining the carbon atoms with a double bond. H H C CH3 C CH3 H H CH3 C C CH3 2-methylpropene b) Reaction of alkenes with hot, acidified KMnO4 - by using hot, acidified KMnO4, the diol obtained is oxidised further. - cleavage of carbon-carbon bonds occurs and the final products are ketones, carboxylic acids or CO2. CH3 CH3 C CH2 2-methylpropene KMnO4/H+ CH3 CH3 C O propanone (ketone) CO2 + H2O • Example: An alkene with the molecular formula C6H12 is oxidised with hot KMnO4 solution. The carboxylic acids, butanoic acid (CH3CH2CH2COOH) and ethanoic acid (CH3COOH), are produced. Identify the structural formula of the alkene. i) cleavage of the double bond gives a mixture of carboxylic acids H H R C C R' KMnO4/H+ OH OH R C O O C R' ii) location of the double bond is done by taking away the oxygen atoms from the carboxylic acids and then joining the carbon atoms by the double bond. RCOOH and R'COOH CH3CH2CH2COOH butanoic acid and RCH=CHR' CH3COOH ethanoic acid CH3CH2CH2CH=CHCH3 2-hexene USES OF ALKENES • Ethylene and propylene are the largest-volume industrial organic chemicals. • Used to synthesis a wide variety of useful compounds. H H H H n CH2 ethylene oxide H + H 2O CH2 CH2 OH OH ethylene glycol CH3 C OH H acetaldehyde polymerize H 2C oxidize CH3 C polyethylene O O O C C acetic acid oxidize O2 H Ag catalyst H H C C ethylene H Cl2 CH2 CH2 CI CI ethylene dichloride H 2O catalyst CH3 CH2 OH ethanol NaOH H H C CI C H vinyl chloride POLYETHENE (PE) • The most popular plastic. • Uses: i) Grocery bags ii)Shampoo bottles iii)Children's toy iv)Bullet proof vests v)Film wrapping vi)Kitchenware POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) HH H C C CI vinyl chloride polymerize H C H CI H C C H H CI H C C H n H poly(vinyl chloride) PVC, "vinyl" CI C H USES OF PVC: Clothing - PVC fabric has a sheen to it and is waterproof. - coats, shoes, jackets, aprons and bags. As the insulation on electric wires. Producing pipes for various municipal and industrial applications. For examples, for drinking water distribution and wastewater mains. As a composite for the production of accessories or housings for portable electronics. uPVC or Rigid PVC is used in the building industry as a low-maintenance material. Ceiling tiles. USES OF ETHANOL • Motor fuel and fuel additive. • As a fuel to power Direct-ethanol fuel cells (DEFC) in order to produce electricity. • As fuel in bipropellant rocket vehicles. • In alcoholic beverages. • An important industrial ingredient and use as a base chemical for other organic compounds include ethyl halides, ethyl esters, diethyl ether, acetic acid, ethyl amines and to a lesser extent butadiene. • Antiseptic use. • An antidote. • Ethanol is easily miscible in water and is a good solvent. Ethanol is less polar than water and is used in perfumes, paints and tinctures. • Ethanol is also used in design and sketch art markers. • Ethanol is also found in certain kinds of deodorants.