A Seminar On Validation Of Membrane Filteration

Validation Of Membrane Filtration
Quality Assurance Department
Maliba Pharmacy College
 Introduction
 Objectives
 Why validation needed
 Pre-requisites for validation
 Validation Study Element
 References
 Unit operation of filtration is the separation of solids from a
liquid by passage through a filter medium
 Membrane filtration is used for sterilization of drug product
and used in sterilization process
 There are two types of filter used in filtration process
(1) Depth filters: Consist of fibrous or granular materials so
packed as to form twisted channels of minute dimensions and
they are made of diatomaceous earth, unglazed porcelain
filter, sintered glass or asbestos.
(2) Membrane filters: These are porous membrane about 0.1
mm thick, made of cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate,
polycarbonate, and polyvinylidene fluoride, or some other
synthetic material.
Methods of Sterilization of Products
1. Heat
 Moist heat(Autoclave)
 Dry heat oven and tunnel
2. Gas
 Ethylene oxide
 Peracetic acid
 Vapor phase hydrogen peroxide
 Chlorine dioxide
3. Radiation
 Gamma
 Beta
 Ultraviolet
4. Membrane filtration
 Validation may be defined as Establishing documented
evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that
a specific process will consistently produce a product
meeting its pre-determined specifications and quality
 It has been made mandatory by the regulatory bodies to
prove the safety, efficacy, Purity & effectiveness of the
drug product, medical devices & biologics in the
marketplace & health system
 To establish documented evidence that the process
employed for validation of membrane filtration
method will produce the desired results consistently
when performed as per the sop
 For good business practice in which out of control
process increase the amount of cost
 To establish quality, safety, and consistency of
Why Validation is needed?
Validation is vital for
 Safety
 Fewer interruptions of work
 Lower costs
 Elimination of premature replacement
 Identification of high maintenance cost
 Reduction of variation in results
 Greater confidence in the reliability of results
Sr. No.
Development of Validation protocol
Name of the Department
Execution of this protocol
Approval of protocol and of the final report
Final determination of System Acceptability
Review and assembling of data into a final
In order to efficiently conduct validation of the
filtration method, ensure that the
following requirements are fulfilled
Validated aseptic facility to carry out the validation
All equipments to be used for validation are
qualified and operational SOP’s established and
All the equipments and culture media required for
the validation should be sterile.
Sterile 70% IPA solution
 Membrane filter :- Sterile individually packed
cellulose nitrate or cellulose acetate average pore
size 0.45m
 Validation tasks are to be carried out by trained
personnel using techniques and equipment, which
minimize the risk of accidental microbial
contamination of the test and of the testing
 Personnel conducting sterility testing or associated
aseptic manipulations should wear sterilized
Identification of critical
monitoring parameter
 Each lot of media used must be tested for its
growth promoting qualities as per SOP
 During validation carry out environmental
monitoring by settle plate and personnel
monitoring by and swab method as per SOP
 If any CFU observed during monitoring on swab
method, all CFU must be identified up to species
Validation study element
 Physical
 Reproducibility of filter
 Sterilization
 Integrity test
 Operating condition
 Shedding
 Microbial challenge test
 Chemical
Test for antimicrobial activities
Consistency and reliability
 Biological
 Endotoxin
 Toxicity
(1) Reproducibility of filter
 Membrane filters should be routinely discarded after
processing of single lot because there are chances of
contamination or cross contamination of product
 However in those instances when repeated use can
be justified the membrane filtration should
incorporate the maximum number of lots to be
 Factor that can affect in filtration process include
viscosity, surface tension of material to be filtered,
ph, flow rates, time, temperature, osmolarity etc.
(2) Sterilization
 Validation of sterilization method of filter is
necessary because filter it self cause contamination of
the product
 To validate use of sterilizing grade filter it is not only
prove that the filter is adequately sterilized but also
method does not damage the filter
 Most preferred method is moist heat sterilizing
 Variable like heat up, cool down, pressure,
temperature, time, if it is uncontrolled it lead to filter
(3) Integrity test
 It should be non destructive and provide an
indication of “ fitness for use ”
 This include bubble point test, diffusion test, pressure
hold test, water intrusion test
 This test of filter should be performed prior to
processing and should be performed routinely and
conducted after filtration to detect any filter leaks or
perforation that might have occurred during the
 In bubble point test filter medium wetted with a
liquid and test gas pressure is increase until steady
stream of bubble appears from tube which is
immersed in water
 The pressure at which the bubble first appear is
recorded as the bubble point
The aims of this series of tests were to:
 Determine the microbial removal efficiency of filters
in liquid challenge tests using Brevundimonas
diminuta (ATCC 19146)
 Determine integrity test parameters
 Water bubble point of filter should exceed the greater
than 50 psig
(4) Operating condition
The validation study must ensure that within
anticipated worst case operating condition the filter is
not compromised
Time :
 Long processing time could allow bacteria which
have been trapped by the filter
 Filter manufacturer can provide the data on the
retention tests that have been conducted for specific
membrane and generally suggest that filter should
retain bacteria excess of 48hr.
 Filter manufacturer decide the time by performing
Temperature :
 Manufacture of filter recommended the limit and
these not exceeded
Pressure :
 Inlet pressure to the filter must be monitored to
ensure that there is no potential for structure damage
 The differential pressure across the membrane must
comply with the filter manufactures recommended
(5) Shedding
It includes particulates and fiber
Particulates :
It concern for the following reason
 Is the filter contributes to particular load of the
 Is the filter specified as reducing the particulate load
of the solution?
 USP limits when tested by light obscuration method
 For LVPs not more than 25 particulates per ml ≥ 10
µm and not more than 3 particulates per ml ≥ 25 µm
 For SVPs not more than 6000 particulate per
container ≥ 10 µm and 600 ≥ 25 µm
 Optical microscopy, light obscuration, light
microscopic image analysis, scanning electron
microscope are used in particulates count
 To measure removal of particulates by filter known
amount and size distribution of particulates filtered
and amount of retention is measured
Fiber :
 It concern for 2 reason
 Is the filter shedding fiber into the solution?
 Is the fiber function to remove fibers
 Fiber releasing filter may not be used in filtration
process unless it is not possible to manufacture such
drug product without the use of such filters
 If it is not avoidable than use subsequently 0.22 µm
mean porosity and 0.45 µm NFR filter
(6) microbial challenge test
 To ensure filter is not undergoing degradation
,deformation or some change under condition of use
 Drug product not cause in organism to shrink
resulting non sterilizing condition
 Sterilizing filter one that when challenged with 107
B.diminuta per cm2 of filter area will produce sterile
 Care should be taken that drug product should not be
toxic to organism
(7) Filter inertness
 There may be extraction and adsorption phenomena
 Various technique for determining inertness
extractable, weight change, adsorption, USP
oxidizable substance test etc
 Stability of the product should not be affected by the
 In gravimetric extractable test weight of the
extractable are measured when filtered are shocked
in ASTM grade water for 24 hr.
 USP oxidizable substance test amount of oxidizable
substance release from the filter in filtrate is measure
(8) A test for antimicrobial activity
 The test is performed to ensure that, any residual of
Antimicrobial Activity is satisfactory eliminated by
using the steps mentioned in this protocol
 An inoculums of viable cells of the specific bacteria
and fungi has been passed through the filter,
inoculate filter paper in FTM & incubate at 30 to
350C or in SCDM and incubate at 20 to 250C
 If conspicuous growth does not occur within 3 days
for bacteria and 5 days for fungi, the test procedure
is not valid and must be modified
(9) Endotoxin
 Validation must address filter does not add endotoxin
to drug product
 It depend on quality control process of the filter
manufacturer, water used in manufacturing, choice
of filter vendor, verification are not done properly
 Millipak filter unit contain less than 0.5 units of
endotoxin per ml as per USP bacterial endotoxin test
(10) Toxicity
 A validation study should determine that passage of
the drug product through a filter does not cause any
toxicological effects
 Construction material off filtration system should be
non toxic
 Manufacture provide relevant test data such a
compendial plastic test similar to USP class 6 test for
plastics and USP mouse safety test for all
construction materials
 In USP class 6 test was performed to conform that
filter are suitable and non-toxic with contact with
 Testing includes systematic and intracutaneous
injection as well as intramuscular implantation
 If no toxicity found then filter passes the test
 In USP mouse safety test mouse were injected with
filter unit extract, then monitored for sign for toxicity
Validation Report
Standard format
1. Executive summary
2. Discussion
3. Conclusions & recommendation
4. List of attachment
 Topic should be presented in the order in which
they appear in the protocol.
 Protocol deviation are fully explained & justified.
 The report is signed & dated by designated
representatives of each unit involved in water
system validation.
 R. A. Nash and A. H. Watcher “Pharmaceutical
process validation”; Third edition
 Agalloco James, Carleton J. Fredric “Validation
of Pharmaceutical Processes”; Third edition
 Pharmaguideline.blogspot.com
 www.milipore.com
 www.nsdl.niscair.res.in/bitstream