
Chapter 9
Nutrition for Sport and Exercise
Dunford & Doyle
Learning Objectives
 Classify minerals and describe their
general roles
 Explain how mineral inadequacies and
excesses can occur and why each might be
detrimental to performance and health
 Describe the factors that increase,
maintain, and decrease bone mineral
density, including a discussion of the
minerals associated with bone formation
and their effects on performance and health
Learning Objectives
 Describe the role of iron in red blood cell
formation and the impact of low iron intake
on performance and health
 Describe the roles of minerals in the
immune system
 Compare and contrast minerals based on
their source—naturally occurring in food,
added to foods during processing, and
found in supplements—including safety
and effectiveness
Introduction to Minerals
Minerals differ from vitamins in many ways
Inorganic (non-carbon containing) compounds
Not well absorbed
Not easily excreted
Medical tests can help measure amount in the
21 Essential Minerals
Classification of Minerals
 2 categories based on amount found in
• Macrominerals – found in large amounts
• Microminerals – found in small amounts
• Also known as “trace” minerals
Classification of Minerals
 Functionality
• Proper bone formation
Ex/ Ca, Phos, Mg, Fl
• Electrolytes
Ex/ Na, K, Cl
• Red blood cells
Ex/ Iron
• Enzyme-related functions
Ex/ Zn, Se, Cu
Recommended Daily Mineral Intake
 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
• How much is enough?
 Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
• How much is too much?
 DRI’s established on 15 minerals
 UL established for 16 minerals
 Each mineral needed for proper
physiological functioning and good health
 DRI is the standard for athletes
DRI and UL for Adult Males and Adult,
Nonpregnant Females
The Influence of Exercise on Mineral
 Mineral loss in sweat and urine may be
greater in athletes
• Ex/ Sodium, chloride, potassium
 Some minerals may be conserved by body
and not as much will be lost in sweat
 Small to moderate losses can be offset by
dietary intake
 Larger losses may need supplementation
 Consumption of excess minerals can be
detrimental to athlete
• Ex/ Iron, zinc
Average Mineral Intakes by Sedentary
Adults and Athletes
 Men typically consume more minerals than
 Many men and women do not consume an
adequate amount
 In athletes, adequate mineral intake is
associated with adequate caloric intake
 Likely if deficient in iron and zinc, that also
deficient in other trace minerals (Martinez et al, 2011)
 If restricting caloric intake, mineral-fortified
foods are helpful
Average Mineral Intake in U.S.
Mineral Deficiency and Toxicity
 Homeostasis is generally maintained by
the body by adjusting absorption and
• If storage is high, absorption decreases
• If storage is low, absorption increases
 Hormonal and other mechanisms are also
• Ex/ Calcium – absorption, excretion,
resorption all are regulated by hormones
Factors Influencing Mineral Absorption
 Minerals can compete with each other for
• Divalent cations (two positively charged ions)
use same binding agents and cellular receptor
Phytates, Oxalates, and Insoluble Fiber
 Phytates and oxalates inhibit absorption of
iron, zinc, calcium, manganese by binding
with the mineral and blocking absorption
• Spinach, Swiss chard, seeds, nuts, legumes
 Insoluble fiber decreases absorption of
calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc by
decreasing transit time
• Contents of GI move more quickly through GI
tract resulting in less contact time with
mucosal cells
Clinical and Subclinical Mineral
 General characteristics
• Deficiencies develop over time
• No signs or symptoms initially
• Signs or symptoms are subtle and nonspecific when they first occur
• Specific symptoms associated with severe
Prevalence of Subclinical Mineral Deficiencies
 Ex/ Iron deficiency without anemia
• Subclinical iron deficiency
• In U.S., 14% of children (aged 1-2 yrs), 4% of
children (aged 3-5 yrs), 9% of females (aged
12-49 yrs) (CDC 1012)
• Estimates in female adolescent and adult
athletes range from 25-36% (Auersperger et al, 2013)
• Prevalence may be higher in female
• Effect on performance not known, but it is
prudent to avoid this condition
Prevalence of Subclinical Mineral Deficiencies
 Ex/ Osteopenia
• Subclinical calcium deficiency
• Low bone mineral density
• In U.S., 49% of women and 30% men >50 yrs
old (Looker et al, 2010)
• Estiamtes of athletes range from 11-22%
(Hoch et al, 2009)
• May be as high as 50% of amenorrheic
female distance runners and ballet dancers
 Subclinical deficiencies of other minerals
not well documented
Prevalence of Clinical Mineral Deficiencies
 Ex/ Iron-deficiency anemia
• Clinical iron deficiency
• In U.S., 3% of females 12-49 years old (CDC, 2012)
• Prevalence in female athletes estimated to be 3%
or more
• Prevalence in male athletes very low, but not zero
• Results in fatigue and impaired performance d/t
reduced aerobic capacity and endurance
• Iron deficiency anemia in distance runners higher
than general population (Malczewska et al., 2000)
Prevalence of Clinical Mineral Deficiencies
 Ex/ Osteoporosis
• Clinical calcium deficiency
• In U.S., 8 million women and 2 million men >50
years old (Nat’l Osteoporosis Foundation, 2010)
• Loss of calcium from bone exacerbated when
estrogen production declines d/t menopause
• Amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation) can occur
d/t prolonged low kcal intake
• 10-13% of female distance runners <30 years of
age with amenorrhea (Khan et al., 2002)
• 6-7% of amenorrheic female elite distance runners
under 40 yrs have osteoporosis (Pollock et al, 2010)
Subclinical and Clinical Deficiency
 Clinical mineral deficiencies can negatively
affect performance and undermine the
athlete’s health
 Subclinical mineral deficiencies can impair
an athlete’s ability to train or perform and
put athlete’s health at risk
 “The best defense is a good offense”
 Important to consume nutrient-dense foods
in sufficient quantities to meet caloric needs
 Mineral toxicities are rare, but do occur
 Mineral supplementation has grown d/t:
• Link between minerals and chronic diseases
• Increased advertising for supplements
 Supplement carefully to avoid toxicity
 More people supplementing with single
minerals in higher amounts than would
occur naturally in foods
 More foods now fortified with minerals
Multimineral Supplement
Bone-forming Minerals
 At least 8 minerals involved in bone formation
 80-90% of bone mineral content is calcium
and phosphorus incorporated into
hydroxyapatite crystals
 Small amount of fluoride
 Several minerals have indirect roles
• Magnesium – helps regulate bone metabolism
• Iron, zinc, copper – part of enzymes needed for
collagen synthesis
Bone Growth and Turnover
 3 major bone growth processes:
1. Growth
Longitudinally (in length) and radially (in
thickness) – in children, adolescents
2. Modeling
Bones are reshaped in response to mechanical
force (weight-bearing activities) – mostly in
children, adolescents
3. Remodeling
Old bone that has been microdamaged is
replaced by new bone – mostly in adults
Bone Remodeling
 Skeletal mass consists of:
1. Cortical bone
• ~ 80% of skeleton
• Shafts of the long bones and on the surface
• Compact in concentric circles
2. Trabecular bone
~ 20% of skeleton
Ends of the long bones and under the surface
Honeycomb-like structure
Greater surface volume, metabolic activity, and
turnover (Sherwood, 2013)
Trabecular and Cortical Bone
Bone Remodeling
 Rate
• 1-2% of entire skeletal mass in adults is being
remodeled at any given time, but 20% of the
trabecular bone is being remodeled
• 10,000-20,000 new remodeling sites each day
• 1 million sites active at any given time
• Adult’s skeleton will have been completely
remodeled over 10 years’ time
Bone Remodeling
 Length of time for remodeling at a certain
site (Heaney, 2001)
In children → weeks
In young adults → ~3 months
In adults → ~6-18 months
Most of time is spent in bone formation, not
Bone Remodeling
 “Bone turnover” is constant throughout life
• Process of existing bone being resorbed and new
bone being formed
 Osteoclasts are cells that resorb bone
• Stimulated by physical activity and microfractures
• Stimulated by hormones – PTH and calcitriol
 Osteoblasts are cells that form bone
 Osteoclast/osteoblast balance
• In children and adolescents, deposition is favored
• In young adults, balance generally exists
• In middle aged to older adults, resorption is favored
Peak Mineral Density (PMD)
 PMD is the highest bone mineral density
achieved during one’s lifetime
 ~ 40 to 60% of PMD is genetically determined
 Increased mineral content until ~ age 35
• 95% adult skeleton formed by age 20
• 5% formed age 20-35 years (Rizzoli et al, 2010)
• PMD of trabecular bone achieved b/w 20-30
years of age
• PMD of cortical bone achieved b/w 30-35
years of age
Major Factors the Influence Peak Bone Mass
Figure 9-3 p339
 Nutritional factors affecting PMD
• Low calcium intake during childhood and
adolescence can reduce PMD by 5-10%
• Achieving PMD is critical to long-term health –
average life expectancy 78.7 yrs (Hoyert and Xu, 2012)
• Vitamin D
Severe deficiency can cause rickets, increased
fractures, impaired bone growth/deformities
• Adequate protein intake in children associated
with bone growth and PMD
Amino acids needed to build matrix around bone
 Mechanical factors affecting PMD
• Weight-bearing exercise stimulates bone to
increase bone mineral content over time
• Physically active people generally have
greater bone mineral density than those who
are sedentary
• Exercise-related factors that influence PMD:
Type, intensity, frequency of exercise
Age at which exercise was begun
Number of years exercise continues
• High impact activities should be encouraged
Having fun while building bone mass!
Figure 9-4 p340
Bone Loss is Associated with Aging
 Natural consequence of aging
 Slow mineral loss after ~ age 35
 Accelerated mineral loss in females when estrogen
production declines (menopause)
 Bone resorption increases with age and estrogen
• Incomplete bone formation occurs when bone resorption
outpaces bone formation
• Formation may not equal resorption during remodeling
 If dietary calcium is low, body must use calcium
reserves in bones to meet metabolic demands
Bone Loss is Associated with Aging
 In women →
0.5 – 1.0% bone loss yearly until age 50
 With estrogen deficiency (menopause) →
1 – 2% bone loss yearly
 In older men →
~ 1% bone loss yearly
Calcium Homeostasis
 Definition: Regulation of calcium in the
blood and extracellular fluid (ECF)
 Primarily controlled by PTH, also calcitriol
 Normal blood calcium 8.5-10.5 mg/dl
 Calcium level is tightly regulated by
hormones (PTH and calcitriol) since it is
critical for proper nerve and muscle function
 Half of calcium in blood is bound to proteins
and half is “free”, unbound – known as
ionized calcium (IC)
Calcium Homeostasis
 Calcium can be quickly moved into the
ECF when concentrations are low – known
as “fast exchange”
• PTH activates calcium pumps in membranes
surrounding bone fluid
• Calcium is mobilized from bone fluid (not
mineralized bone)
• PTH also stimulates calcium resorption in
kidney and activates calcitriol, which
stimulates increased GI absorption of calcium
Calcium Regulation
Calcium Balance
 Describes the body’s total absorption,
distribution, and excretion of calcium
 Different from calcium homeostasis, but
 Many people do not consume enough calcium
daily, which affects balance
 Absorption and excretion can be increased or
decreased as needed to maintain balance
 Bone turnover is balanced under normal
Calcium Absorption
 In adults ~30% of calcium entering the GI
tract is absorbed
• So, a 1,000 mg daily intake of calcium from
food will result in about 300 mg being absorbed
Amount absorbed regulated by vitamin D
Absorption in adults ~10-50%
Absorption in children as high as 75%
Absorption from supplements varies
depending on composition, ranges 25-40%
Long-Term Low Calcium Intake
 Bone turnover is not balanced
 “Slow exchange” of calcium
• Used to make available the calcium needed due to
inadequate dietary intake
• PTH stimulates dissolution of bone
• Increases osteoclastic activity and decreases
osteoblastic activity
• Calcium (and phosphate) released from bone
Calcium used to maintain blood calcium in normal range
Phosphate excreted in urine
• Over time, integrity of bone is decreased
Bone Loss is Associated w/ Lack of Estrogen
 Decrease in estrogen is associated with
an increase in osteoclast proliferation and
 Estrogen deficiency may be associated
with increased erosion depth in trabecular
 Estrogen deficiency d/t menopause (>50
years) or amenorrhea / oligomenorrhea
(absent or irregular menstruation)
• Distance runners, ballerinas, gymnasts at risk
Bone Loss is Associated w/ Lack of Estrogen
 When both energy and estrogen
deficiencies are present in exercising
women, bone formation is suppressed and
bone resorption is increased (De Souza et al, 2008)
• This predisposes women to failure to achieve
PMD, loss of calcium from bone, alterations in
bone structure, greater incidence of stress
fractures, osteopenia, and osteoporosis
(Ackerman et al, 2011)
• Estrogen deficiency not only associated w/ age!
Preventing or Reducing Bone Loss
Associated with Aging
 Loss of calcium can be slowed by 1% per
yr b/w attainment of PMD and menopause
via adequate intake of calcium
• Bone calcium loss reduced/prevented in many
middle-age men and women if calcium intake
is adequate (Bonura, 2009)
 Calcium when supplemented w/ vitamin D
may reduce risk for fracture in elderly
(DIPART, 2010)
Preventing or Reducing Bone Loss
Associated with Aging
• In women after age 70, calcium
supplementation is beneficial (Morgan, 2001)
• Calcium intake is usually inadequate
• Reduced vitamin D absorption/conversion
 Exercise-related
• High-intensity weight-bearing activities
• Resistance training
• Other types of exercise are beneficial, but do
not slow bone loss
It is Important to Meet the Recommended
Dietary Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D
Recommended Dietary Intakes of Calcium
 Calcium – DRI updated in 2010
• Greatest amount needed for ages 9 to 18 yrs
DRI is 1,300 mg/day
• Substantial need throughout adulthood
DRI is 1,000 to 1,200 mg/day
Average adult female intake is ~ 650 mg/day
from food (only ~30% absorbed)
Average adult male intake is ~ 925 mg/day
• Tolerable upper intake
• 2,500 mg/day for age 50 and less
• 2,000 mg/day for age 51 and up
• At risk for kidney stones if exceed TUL (IOM, 2010)
Dietary Strategies for Adequate
Consumption of Bone-Related Minerals
 Calcium sources
• Milk and milk products
8 oz glass of milk = 300 mg Calcium
• Yogurt, cheese, ice cream
• Reduced lactose or lactase-treated milk
• Some green leafy vegetables
Cabbage, broccoli, greens
• Calcium-fortified foods
OJ, cereal, sports bars, soy milk
• Calcium supplements
Milk and milk products are excellent sources of
Those with lactose intolerance may use some of the
products shown, which allows them to include
calcium-dense dairy foods in their diets.
Dark green vegetables are good nondairy sources of
calcium. 1 cup broccoli = ~100 mg calcium.
Soy milk and rice drinks are often
fortified with calcium.
Dietary Strategies for Adequate Consumption
of Other Bone-Related Minerals
 Phosphorus, fluoride, and magnesium
involved in bone health
• Phosphorus is abundant in food; deficiency
• Fluoride is added to vitamins or water
Contact local water agency for fluoride content of
tap water
• Magnesium is in green leafy vegetables, nuts,
beans, seeds, whole grains, hard water
Roles of Minerals in Blood Formation
 3 types of cells in blood:
• Erythrocytes – RBCs
• Leukocytes – WBCs
• Platelets – assists with clotting
 Functions of Erythrocytes
• Primary: Transport oxygen
• Secondary: Transport CO2, nitric oxide
Roles of Minerals in Blood Formation
 Hemoglobin
• “heme” = iron; “globin” = protein
• Iron-containing protein found in the RBCs that can
bind oxygen
• Iron (Fe) is at the center of heme portion
4 bonds with nitrogen
1 bond with amino acid
1 bond with oxygen
Each Hgb molecule contains 4 heme molecules
• Normal Hgb levels 15 g/dl (males), 14 g/dl (females)
• 30 trillion RBCs – each contains > 250 million molecules
of hemoglobin
Simplified Hemoglobin and Heme
Roles of Minerals in Blood Formation
 Sufficient oxygen-carrying capacity is
critical for athletes, especially endurance
 Hematocrit
• Amount of RBCs in total volume of plasma (%)
• 42% for women and 45% for men is normal
 Anemia
• Reduced oxygen-carrying capacity
• Hematocrit < 30%
• Nutritional or non-nutritional
Nutritional Anemia
 Nutritional anemias are a result of nutrient
deficiency d/t low intake or poor absorption
 Iron deficiency is the most prevalent
 25% of body’s iron is stored in liver,
spleen, and bone marrow
 Most adults have sufficient iron stores
• Some males with maximum iron storage could
sustain normal Hgb levels for up to 2 years
while consuming an iron-poor diet (Shah, 2004)
 Some adults may experience higher-thannormal blood loss resulting in iron deficiency
• GI bleed
• Surgery
• Menstruation
 Iron deficiency anemia results in decreased
number of RBCs, smaller cells, and lower
concentration of Hgb per cell
 Fatigue is most common symptom of iron
Figure 9-12 p351
 Ferritin
• Storage form of iron
• Amount of ferritin circulating in blood indicates
amount stored
• As amount of storage iron declines, the
amount of ferritin in the blood declines
• Repeated tests over time are valuable
• Ex/ An athlete has ferritin level checked every 6
mos: 120, 110, 85, 63
• Ferritin < 100 ng/ml may be referred to as
“functional iron deficiency”
Iron Deficiency, Iron-Deficiency Anemia,
and Performance
 Iron-deficiency anemia impairs performance
• VO2max (aerobic capacity) can decline 10-50%
due to impaired oxygen transport (Haas & Brownlie, 2001)
• Endurance capacity declines
 Aerobic capacity does not appear to decline
in iron deficiency without anemia
(subclinical deficiency) – normal Hgb, HCT
and oxygen transport is normal
 Recommendation is for athletes to maintain
a normal iron status
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency and
Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Athletes
 Unlikely in most males
• Occasionally seen in adolescent males or male
endurance athletes
 Female adolescent and adult athletes
• Research indicates range from 25-36% (Auersperger
et al, 2013)
 Some medications induce bleeding and
loss of iron (aspirin, ibuprofen)
 Greatest risk is for menstruating females
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency and
Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Athletes
 Athletes with low caloric intake at greater risk
 Be careful of false (runner’s) anemia – Hgb
is low d/t plasma volume expansion associated
w/ endurance training
• Actual Hgb amount is normal but is “diluted”
 High-volume endurance training results in
inflammation, which stimulates hepcidin
• Hepcidin = hormone that influences how much iron
absorbed and transported out of cells
• Hepcidin & iron decreased in female distance
runners engaged in high-volume training
(Auersperger et al, 2013)
Dietary Strategies for Adequate
Consumption of Blood-Related Minerals
 DRI for females aged 19-50 is 18 mg vs.
DRI for males aged 19-50 is 8 mg
• Females lose iron through menstruation and
must replace it via diet
 Adequate energy intake
 6-7 mg iron typically consumed for every
1,000 kcals (in U.S.)
 Variety of iron-dense foods
• Iron is found in many foods, but often in small
• Adequate dietary iron intake is associated with
adequate energy intake.
Table 9-13 p353
Dietary Strategies for Adequate
Consumption of Blood-Related Minerals
 Heme sources are better absorbed (15-35%)
than nonheme sources (2-20%)
• Heme = animal
• Nonheme = plant
 Vitamin C increases nonheme iron absorption
 “MFP factor” – consuming animal food with
plant food enhances nonheme absorption
Dietary Strategies for Adequate
Consumption of Blood-Related Minerals
 Copper
• Copper-containing enzyme is needed for RBC
Necessary for conversion of iron from its storage
form (ferrous) to its transport form (ferric)
• Seafood, nuts and seeds are best sources,
also dried beans, whole grains and some
green leafy vegetables
• DRI is 900 mcg
• Excessive zinc can interfere with copper
Minerals and Immune System Function
 Intense training and prolonged exercise are
• Marathon runners have greatly increased risk
for URI (Nieman, 2008)
 Moderate exercise improves immune system
 Adequate protein and total energy intake
associated with proper immune system
 Also, inadequate intake of zinc, magnesium,
and selenium impairs immune response
Minerals and Immune System Function
 Zinc
• Cofactor in > 200 enzyme systems
• Involved in various immune functions
8 mg/day for females
11 mg/day for males
• Zinc deficiency results in damaged skin & GI cells
• Excessive intake of zinc decreases lymphocyte
response and inhibits copper and iron absorption
• Most endurance athletes (90%) do not meet DRI
• Sources: red meat, milk
Minerals and Immune System Function
 Selenium
• Involved in cellular and immune system
• Depressed immunity associated with
selenium deficiency
• Athletes not typically deficient in selenium
• Sources: meat, fish, poultry, whole grains,
and nuts
 Iron
• Plays important role in immune system
• Greater risk for infection if iron deficient
• Excessive iron impairs immune function
Adequate Intake of All Minerals
 Tips for obtaining minerals from food:
1. Consume adequate kcals daily
2. Eat a variety of nutrient dense foods that are
minimally processed
3. Consume adequate amount of calcium and
iron in diet
“Rule of thumb” – if Ca and Fe intake is sufficient
in diet then other minerals likely sufficient as well
4. Avoid high sugar/high fat diets – they often
do not meet daily mineral requirements
A nutritious diet contains adequate kilocalories and a
variety of foods, such as those shown here.
This dietary pattern is likely to provide sufficient
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
An Example of a High-Fat, High-Sugar,
Low-Fiber Diet
An Example of a Nutrient-Dense, WholeFoods Diet
Mineral Fortification or Supplementation
 Mineral-fortified foods
• Some foods have many minerals added
Cereals, energy bars
 Multimineral supplements
• Dosages may exceed the DRI or UL
• Degree of absorption is not known
• Minerals often decrease absorption of other
Supplementing with Individual Minerals
 “Food First, Supplements Second” philosophy
 Calcium and iron are most common
 Should be physician-prescribed, not selfprescribed
 Likely to affect absorption of other minerals
 High bioavailability may not be desirable
• Bioavailability refers to the degree to which a
substance is absorbed, utilized, and retained in the
• Goal is adequate bioavailability, not high
Chromium Supplements for Athletes
 Chromium picolinate is highly absorbable form
• More chromium absorbed than would be from food
 Enhances insulin sensitivity, glucose utilization
 Excess chromium can result in increased free
radical production, damage to cells
 DRI for adults 20 – 35 mcg (depends on
gender and age)
 Doses less than 200 mcg seem safe
 Effectiveness for increasing muscle mass and
decreasing body fat unclear
 Do minerals provide kcals?
 Do minerals provide energy?
 Does exercise increase mineral
requirements about what is recommended
for healthy adults?
 Does iron deficiency anemia impact
athletic performance?
 More than 20 minerals are needed for the
proper functioning of the body
 Extreme intakes – too little or too much –
are detrimental to health
 Athletes in training are unlikely to need
more than the DRI
 Adequate mineral intake is associated with
adequate caloric intake and a variety of
nutrient dense foods
• Adequate calcium intake is critical across
the lifecycle to maintain calcium
homeostasis, calcium balance, and bone
mineral density
• Iron-deficiency anemia impairs endurance
• A “food first, supplements second” policy
can serve athletes well