PURE CRETE - Pure One Environmental, Inc

Modern Road Technology
The product should be shipped, given ample time to clear customs, and
delivered to a storage facility.
The climate of the storage facility should be above freezing and less than
110 degrees Fahrenheit.
The product container should not be opened or tampered with.
Allot enough time to fulfill these logistical requirements before the training
and testing begins.
All persons related to the PURE CRETE project such as engineers, technicians,
supervisors, distributors, etc. should read and familiarize themselves with the
PURE CRETE manuals, CD, DVD, and the PowerPoint presentations. The
technical manual should be read by all technical personnel involved with the
Select the training site. The area should be close to a water source. There
should be ample room for the equipment to be staged and have the ability
to turn around and make passes on the road. The training road segment
should be planned and executed at a width of 7.6 meters.
Photographs of the area should be taken and forwarded to PURE ONE
Environmental, Inc.
Photos should include close up and wide shots of the road, shoulders and
the grade.
Obtain soil samples of the prospected project to determine the type and
composition of the soil. Pure Crete can be used with 80% of the soil types
due to it multi-enzyme properties.
Pure Crete is a not aggregate system that uses the native soil without the
requirement to bring in more aggregate unlike the traditional road base
construction method used today.
The area for training and demonstration should be at least a total of 2km or
more in length and close to a water source.
There should be security available for the equipment in all locations.
All permits and approvals to conduct the road constructions should be
applied for and completed well in advance of the beginning of training and
the demonstration road.
1 Bulldozer (D6, D8 or equivalent)
with rear scarifiers which are used
for the initial ripping of the soil.
2 Tractor pulling water trailers with a
variety of nozzle sizes to manage the
spray. This is an important part of the
water/product management.
Caterpillar or equivalent with 5 position rear
scarifiers and a 14 foot blade. The graders should
have rear scarifiers for ripping the soil. The
grader drivers should be the best and most
talented operators available. Two DAY 1 drivers
as well as Two DAY 2 drivers will be needed. The
DAY 1 drivers only performs Day one operations
and the DAY 2 drivers will only perform day two
2 Road Graders (H-140) equipped
with rear mounted scarifiers.
2 tractor pulling Disks are used in the DAY 1 mixing process to break up the soil into the
smallest consistency possible to create the greatest mixture of Pure Crete with the soil. This
is a piece of equipment that is readily available in any region of the world.
The water trucks should have a custom spray bar
built and fitted to the rear of the truck. The truck
should be 2000 gallon or 7500-8000 liter capacity.
The truck should be equipped to be filled very
quickly by having an onboard pump or an external
pump available to refill the truck. In a production
environment, up to 4 trucks may be required. It is
preferable that the regulator of the spray bar be the
driver. If this is not possible, an additional person
will have to ride on the back of the truck to turn the
water on and off at the precise moment needed.
The water truck operator should be the second most
skilled operator.
4 Water Trucks 2000 gallon capacity,
equipped with a custom rear sprayer
Photos containing the spray bar mount for the rear
of the truck will be provided in advance.
Pure Crete should be mixed with water in the water
truck at a dilution rate of 2000 to 1.
3 - 20 Ton Drum Compactors
The drum compactors should have a vibrating mode and a drum knife (to keep the drum clear of
soil build up). Three drum compactors are required for training and production. More than one
operator can be trained at a time on each piece of equipment. This piece of equipment is the
slowest process in the construction of the road base. These operators and pieces of equipment
are only used for DAY 2 operations.
2 – 15 Ton Sheep’s foot Compactors
This piece of equipment is the second slowest process in the road base
construction. Training more than one operator per compactor is recommended.
This operator and piece of equipment is only used in DAY 2 operations.
One or two – 6 to 10 Ton Pneumatic Tire finishing compactor with a water reservoir
and drum knife to keep drum clean of soil.
This is the easiest piece of equipment to operate and requires the least skill. It is used to finish
the surface of a PURE CRETE constructed road base that is not going to be finished with an
asphalt or chip coat finish. This equipment and operator are only used for DAY 2 operations.
1 Water Buffalo water
Supply Tank with top
filling port. This unit is
best positioned at the
source of the water
Pure Crete is poured into the water
trucks or trailers at a dilution rate of
2000 units of water to 1 unit of Pure
Water supply
(River or stream) and
pump to fill water
trucks and water
trailers quickly.
Moisture Meter –
1-2 per team
Fuel Truck or available
fuel supply
12 - 2 way radios (If available)
Containers to dispense PURE CRETE
into water truck or trailer
Dynamic Cone
(DCP) for CBR
Day 1:
2 Graders
1 Water Truck
2 Tractors pulling water trailers
1 Tractor pulling disk
1 Bulldozer
1 Moisture Meter
Day 2:
2 Graders
4 Water Trucks
3 Drum Compactors
2 Sheep’s Foot Compactors
2 Pneumatic Tire Compactors
Day 1:
Day 2:
2 Grader Drivers
1 Water Truck Driver
2 Tractor Drivers pulling water
1 Tractor Driver pulling disk
1 Bulldozer Driver
2 Grader Drivers
4 Water Truck Drivers
3 Drum Compactor Drivers
2 Sheep’s Foot Compactor Drivers
2 Pneumatic Tire Compactor Drivers
Other Personnel:
1 Soil Technician (should be capable of training if necessary)
1 Civil Engineer (should be capable of training)
1 Operator Supervisor (should be familiar with the operation of the different pieces
of equipment and able to train)
Site has been selected
3 Training segments: 300, 300, 400 meters
Demonstration road: 1-3km
Soil has been sampled
Construction plan in place
Operators selected
Equipment selected and procured and staged
2-3 hour meeting with PURE CRETE trainer
Review procedures
Answer questions
All participants must be in attendance
Operator meeting
Instructions and equipment operating procedures during the PURE CRETE process
Staff Engineer, Technician, Supervisor Meeting
Training should be conducted in an area that is not going to be used as a demonstration of the final
Three separate segments of road are needed. The reason is that in our experience, it requires a team of
trainees to complete 3 separate segments of road in order to be certified to apply Pure Crete.
Operators should be able to teach others the operation of their individually assigned pieces of equipment.
It is recommended that each operator only operate one machine. This insures proficiency, efficiency and
learning retention of the operator. With each operator working at their most efficient level, a properly
equipped team can complete a kilometer per day after the first day. The road training segments are as
By having the operator doing the same thing over and over every day he gets better, faster and more
efficient. When each of the operators is working at their most efficient level, a properly equipped team
can complete a kilometer per day after the first day. Remember it take two days per segment. First day
mixing and the second day compacting.
The first step is the use a D6 Cat or an equivalent with a rear mounted scarifiers.
The soil is ripped with the Cat or with a Road Grader with rear mounted Scarifiers.
This is operation saves time and is very efficient. This the only function assigned to
the Cat Road Grader. The average ripping depth of this operation is 15 cm.
The Road Grader can perform the ripping operation in place of or in concert with
the D6 Cat. The Road Grader is used in the mixing process to move the soil into
windrows on the shoulders of the road. 2 Road Graders can easily rip up 1 km of
soil in a few hours.
Day 1 Operations - Mixing
The tractor pulling water trailer is the most efficient piece of equipment to disperse
the water treated Pure Crete on the soil that has been ripped and prepared for
mixing. The soil will be hydrated to a level of 15 to 18 % during the Day 1 mixing
operation. It is important to maintain the moisture content during this process.
There should be a water supply that is close to the project of a tanker or water
buffalo to be available to supply water to the water trailer. There are several nozzles
that can be used to adjust the spray pattern.
DAY 1 Operations- Mixing
Mix with a tractor pulling a disk behind the water trailer. This mixing operation breaks
the soil into a fine consistency and disperses the Pure Crete with the fine soil particles.
This facilitates the treatment of Pure Crete to cover a larger surface area on the soil
particles. The disc will process 15 cm deep soil very effectively. The piece of
equipment is only used on Day 1.
DAY 1 Operations- Mixing
After the first 15 cm of soil has been ripped and mixed with the disc, the road graders move
the soil to each side of the road in a windrow. All of the soil is moved to prepare for the next
15 cm of soil to be ripped by the D6 or Road Grader. The road graders follow the water trailer
during this process. The soil should maintain the recommended moisture level.
DAY 1 Operations
Repeat process as many times as required
This should total at least 45cm in depth and provide enough soil to compact on Day 2 to
achieve a 30cm compacted layer of PURE CRETE. The wind row should be wetted
sufficiently for the overnight aeration period.
DAY 1 Operations - Mixing
This should total at least 45cm in depth and provide enough soil to compact on
Day 2 to achieve a 30cm compacted layer of PURE CRETE. The wind row should
be wetted sufficiently for the overnight aeration period.
This concludes the DAY 1 of the Pure Crete mixing operation. If there is rain on
the Day 1 operation that is more than a shower, the Day 1 operation should be
A DAY 1 production team can easily process 1 km of road in each work day.
DAY 2 - Compaction
Compaction is a very important process in the Pure Crete function in constructing a
Pure Crete treated road base. One of the elements of the Pure Crete compacted
layer is the structure of the compaction of the soil. The strength of the Pure Crete
compacted layer system is majorly due to it’s construction patterned after the
construction of plywood.
Pure Crete treated soil is compacted at much thinner layers than is the traditional
way that road base is constructed. The natural bonding of the particles with Pure
Crete requires 20 ton compaction to achieve the desired compaction capacities.
This type of layered construction does not allow pot holes to form.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Thoroughly wet the soil that was left in a windrow over night from Day 1. If the soil dries out
overnight, one cycle of mixing with the Road Grader may be required. The water truck with a custom
spray bar is used to apply the Pure Crete.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Use the Road Grader to spread a loose soil layer 7-8cm thick over the entire surface of the road.
Two Graders can work together to achieve excellent production.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Each layer of soil that is being compacted should be maintained in the recommended moisture
content range of 12% to 14%.
The Sheep’s Foot compactor with vibrator is used first. This should be a 15 ton capacity
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Compact with the 15 ton Sheep’s Foot Compactor each layer before the 20 ton Drum
compactor completes the compaction of that layer. Water management is very important.
When compacting in tandem, the compaction lanes that the compactors follow, they should
offset their paths because following an inline track will create a tire track rut that will require
extra passes. An offset pattern will prevent this occurrence.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Wetting the soil in order to maintain the moisture level for each layer that is processed.
Each additional layer application process is repeated the same as the previous layers are
process. The multiple operators work in a coordinated fashion to accomplish the desired
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Deploy the Sheep’s Foot compactor to achieve maximum compaction before the Drum
compactor is engaged. The number of passes will vary with the type and characteristics of
the soil.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Deploy the drum compactor until the dimples created by the Sheep’s foot are at a minimum.
The dimples create a lock and key affect with each layer. The number of passes will vary with
the type and characteristics of the soil.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Compact the layer on both sides of the road and repeat the process until all of the processed soil is
compacted. The number of compacted layers that will make up the total thickness of the Pure
Crete compacted layer, will depend on the total desired or planned thickness which will determine
the load bearing limits.
DAY 2 Operations - Compaction
Use the vibrator mode with the Sheep's foot and Drum compactors on the first two layers or
50% of the number of total layers that are being processed. The final two compacted layers
are compacted with the Drum compactor only and without vibrator mode on.
DAY 2 Operations – Final Compaction
The pneumatic compactor is used to finish a Pure Crete road base when a final asphalt, chip coat thin
asphalt or concrete surface is not going to be applied immediately after the Pure Crete road base is
completed. This process will require multiple passes with wetting from the on board water reservoir
to reduce the surface alligator cracks due to variable drying coefficient of the last layer that is
compacted. The surface can also be finished with quarry dust to create a more pleasing appearance
and surface traction. This process is the very last application. For road projects that are going to be
finished with asphalt or chip coat, the surface does not require the use of a pneumatic compactors.
DAY 3 & 4 Asphalt application
For an asphalt application, hot oil can applied on DAY 3 in preparation for the asphalt or chip coat on DAY 4.
DAY 4 Asphalt application and finishing
A completed 40 ton Pure Crete road base capped with 3 inch asphalt finish layer
successfully completed in 4 days.
Recommended Testing Procedures
The recommended testing for the Pure Crete road base is the use of a Dual Mass DCP (Dynamic
Cone Penetrometer) to collect the data to compute a CBR (California Bearing Rate) value.
Testing information and recommendations
Previous testing results are available on request. Note that any testing in the lab must take into
consideration that to properly test the performance of Pure Crete the fact that the soil treated with Pure
Crete must be compacted to 20 tons of pressure and allowed to dry to reach its strength and strength
capacity. For best results in the lab, the CBR should be computed from the results of an in lab testing with
a DCP. Proctor and modified Proctor protocols don’t specify the level of compaction that is required for
testing Pure Crete.
Our experience has shown that a Proctor or modified proctor test result provides the potential properties
of soil compaction characteristics of conventional compaction processing. Where as the results of the
actual performance characteristics of soil treated with Pure Crete is best tested after application on the
project site with a DCP to compute the CBR.
Properly applied Pure Crete should provide CBR results of 70 to 100 and compaction of up to 105% can be
The application of Pure Crete can accomplish the production of at least one km of finished asphalt or
chip coat road in a total of 3 to 4 days.
Pure Crete is an organic enzyme formulation designed to maximize compaction and increase the
natural properties of soil to optimal conditions. An enzyme is a natural organic compound similar to
proteins, which act as a catalyst. Their large molecular structures contain active sites that assist
molecular bonding and interaction.
When mixed with water and applied prior to compaction, Pure Crete acts upon organic fines contained
in the soil through a catalytic bonding process, producing a strong cementation action. Unlike
inorganic or petroleum based products which temporarily hold soil together, Pure Crete causes the soil
to bond during compaction into a dense permanent base which resists water penetration, weathering
and wear. This process takes place 72 hours under normal summer conditions. Pure Crete’s
formulation increases the wetting action of water for increased penetration to assist compaction to
obtain greater soil densities. Also, Pure Crete accelerates cohesive bonding of soil particles, creating a
tight permanent stratum. Unlike inorganic or petroleum-based products with their temporary action,
Pure Crete creates a dense and permanent base, which resists water penetration, weathering and
Contact Information
Pure One Environmental, Inc.
3400 West Warner Ave Unit A
Santa Ana, CA 92630
714 641 1430
949 400 2066