Keywords • • • • • • Derive from title Multiple word “keywords” e.g. polysilsesquioxane low earth orbit Brain storm synonyms Without focus = too many unrelated hits If you haven’t already, get it to me today. Research paper topics • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3D Stereolithography with polymers Plastic concrete – preparation, properties & applications. Biocompatibility of silicones Teflon and fluoropolymers –from Heaven or Hell? Piezoelectric polymers- how they are made, why they are piezoelectric , and applications. Plastic in the oceans. How long do plastics last and where do they end up? Plastic hermetic seals Gas separation membranes through phase inversion Thermally induced phase separation of polymeric foams. The strongest plastic Major catastrophe(s) due to a polymer Replacing ivory with plastic (comparison of composition, structure and properties) Plastic explosives and rocket fuels •Polymers from soybeans •Furan based polymers from corn •Bacterial and fungal attack on polymers •Conducting polymers, new metallic materials •Semiconducting polymers for PV •Semiconducting polymers for OLED’s •Polymers for stealth •Polymers for fire protection •Smart polymers that change properties with external stimuli •Reworkable, healable or removable polymers •Photoresists Homework • Name files with your last name, and HWK# • Within file, your name, HWK title, descriptive information (like the title of you paper topic) -Never make your audience work Bibliography homework • Due on 27th at 11:59 PM • Based on your keyword search • J. Am. Chem. Soc. format with title e.g. Doe, J., Smith, J. “Proper bibliographies for Professor Loy’s class,” J. Obsc. Academ. B. S. 2012, 1, 234. Recommend endnote or pages or biblio. Pseudoscience An established body of knowledge which masquerades as science in an attempt to claim a legitimacy which it would not otherwise be able to achieve on its own terms; it is often known as fringe- or alternative science. The most important of its defects is usually the lack of the carefully controlled and thoughtfully interpreted experiments which provide the foundation of the natural sciences and which contribute to their advancement. Johathan Hope: Theodorus' Spiral (2003) Examples of pseudoscience: Intelligent design, polywater, cold fusion, N-rays, Creationism, holistic medicine, etc… Detecting Baloney 1. The discoverer pitches the claim directly to the media. • 2. The discoverer says that a powerful establishment is trying to suppress his or her work. The scientific effect involved is always at the very limit of detection. 3. • • 4. 5. 6. 7. No peer review or testing of claims is possible At signal noise & no one else can replicate Requires unique instrumentation or experience Evidence for a discovery is anecdotal. The discoverer says a belief is credible because it has endured for centuries. The discoverer has worked in isolation. The discoverer must propose new laws of nature to explain an observation. Polymer Phase Diagrams Solid: amorphous glass (below glass trans) or crystalline & Liquid (above melting point) Polymer Tacticity: Stereochemical configuration • typical for addition or chain growth polymers • not for typical condensation or step growth polymers Me H Me H Me H Me H H Me H H Me H H H Me H Me H syndiotactic isotactic Me Me Me H Me H atactic Me Me H Me H H Me H Me H Me Me Polymer Tacticity: Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) O Me O Me Me O O Me Free radical - atactic Anionic - isotactic n Me OMe O O Me isotactic Me Me O O Me O O Me O Me Me O Me O O Me Me O O Me syndiotactic O Me O Me O Me Why is this important? • Tacticity affects the physical properties – Atactic polymers will generally be amorphous, soft, flexible materials – Isotactic and syndiotactic polymers will be more crystalline, thus harder and less flexible • Polypropylene (PP) is a good example – Atactic PP is a low melting, gooey material – Isoatactic PP is high melting (176º), crystalline, tough material that is industrially useful – Syndiotactic PP has similar properties, but is very clear. It is harder to synthesize Step Growth Configurations H N n O Nylon-6 O 3 HN H N O 5 1 2 4 O H N 6 O N H Step Growth Configurations O H N N H n O Nylon 6,6 mp 265 °C tg 50 °C O H N 1 N H O 3 5 O 6 4 2 NH O NH H N 6 4 O HN O 3 5 O O N H 2 1 N H Chapter 2: Synthesis of Polymers Two major classes of polymerization mechanisms 1) Step Growth 2) Chain Growth Step Growth Polymerization: Condensation HO2C CO2H terephthalic acid HO O O O O n OH ethylene glycol 1:1 monomer ratio Poly(ethylene terephthalate) or PET or PETE = polyester Two equivalents of water is lost or condensed for each equivalent of monomers Dacron if a fiber Step Growth Polymerization: Condensation HO2C CO2H terephthalic acid O O OH HO -H2O HO O OH ethylene glycol O O OH HO O O HO -H2O HO O OH O OH Biaxially stretched PETE is “Mylar” O Step growth systems • • • • • • • • • Epoxies Polyurethanes & ureas Nylon & polyesters Kevlar Polyaryl ethers (PEEK) Polysulphones Polyimides Polythiophenes & Photovoltaic polymers Polysulfides and polyphenyl ether Mechanics of Step Growth: • Many monomers • All are reactive Mole fraction Conversion = 1 – [COCl]/[COCl]0 BB AA O H2N R NH2 Cl R' Cl O N H R Each has functionality of 2; Can make two bonds O H N R' O n Linear, soluble Nylon polymer Mechanics of Step Growth: O O Cl R' Cl H2N R NH2 Cl O H2N R NH2 Cl R' O Cl R' Cl Cl O O H2N H2N R H2N NH2 Cl R' H2N Cl R' Cl O R Cl Cl R' Cl Cl R' Cl O O O H2N R NH2 NH2 H2N R O Cl O Cl Cl Cl R' O H2N R NH2 R NH2 O O O O O H2N R NH2 H2N R' H2N R NH2 NH2 R' Cl O Cl R' Cl R' Cl O O O O O H2N R NH 2 NH2 H2N R Cl Cl R' Cl O R NH2 Cl NH2 R O O O H2N R NH2 Cl R' Cl H2N R NH2 O H2N R NH2 Cl R' O O Cl Cl Cl R' O R' O O Cl 34 COCl groups; p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 0 conversion Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer & Dimers O O HN O R NH2 Cl O H2N R NH2 Cl R' O Cl R' Cl O H2N H2N R O H2N O NH2 Cl R' Cl R' Cl O Cl R' O O O H2N R NH2 H2N R NH2 R O Cl Cl R' Cl Cl R' O O H2N R NH2 R NH2 NH2 H2N R O Cl H2N R NH O O Cl O Cl O H2N R' Cl R' Cl O NH2 O O O NH2 H2N R Cl Cl R' Cl R' R NH2 Cl H2N Cl H2N R NH O NH2 R O O O H2N R NH2 Cl R' Cl H2N R NH2 Cl R' Cl R' HN R NH2 Cl R' O Cl R' O O Cl R' O Cl O O 30 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-30/34 = 0.11 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer & Dimers & Trimers O O HN O R' O O R NH H2N R Cl R' Cl Cl R' H2N R NH O O HN R HN H2N R H2N R' O O Cl O Cl R' H2N R NH O H2N O NH2 R' Cl NH2 R O NH2 H2N R NH2 Cl R' HN R NH2 O R NH2 O NH2 HN R O R' HN R NH O Cl O Cl R' Cl O R' O O O Cl HN O R R' Cl R' NH2 O HN R NH2 H2N H N R H2N Cl R' O O NH O R' O Cl O R Cl HN R NH2 Cl R' O Cl R' O O Cl R' O Cl O 19 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-19/34 = 0.44 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, & Tetramers O O R' HN R NH O R' H N R NH2 O O H2N R NH O H2N R Cl R' Cl O HN R O NH2 NH2 R' R' O O Cl HN N H O Cl R' H2N R NH R H2N NH2 HN R R NH2 R Cl R' HN R HN O H2N O O O R' NH2 O R' O O Cl O HN R NH HN R NH O O Cl R' Cl Cl R' O O HN R' R O O O R' O NH R' Cl Cl O H N R H2N O O R' O Cl HN R NH2 HN R' R O NH R' O O Cl 13 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-13/34 = 0.62 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, Tetramers & Higher O HN R NH O R' H N R' R NH2 H2N R O O H2N R NH O NH O HN R HN Cl R' O O NH O R' R' N H O O R R' O H2N HN R R R' O HN NH2 R' Cl NH R O O O HN R NH HN R NH O O NH Cl R' O O Cl O Cl R' O R' O O HN R' HN R NH R' O R' NH2 HN R O NH R NH O R O O NH R' Cl O O HN R NH2 HN R' R H N O R' O O Cl 7 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-7/34 = 0.80 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, Tetramers & Higher O H2N R NH R' NH O HN R HN R O R' HN O O O NH R' R N H O R' NH R NH O O R' NH HN R O R' O Cl R' O O N H R H N R R' H R N R' O NH O Cl R' O O NH R' O HN R R O HN HN O R' O Cl H R N O O N H R NH2 NH R' O R' R' R' R NH O O HN HN NH R O R' O O HN N H R NH H2N O O HN O O N H O R 3 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-3/34 = 0.91 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, Tetramers & Higher O R' NH H2N R NH O HN R HN R O R' HN O O O NH R' R N H O O HN R NH O R' HN R NH NH R NH O O R' R' Cl O HN O O R' R' O R O N H HN O R' R HN NH R O O NH R' O O HN R NH O HN O R O R' HN NH R HN O NH O R R' O N H HN R R' O NH R NH O O NH R' O R' HN O R' R' O N H O R 1 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-1/34 = 0.97 Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, Tetramers & Higher O R' NH H2N R NH O HN R HN R O R' HN O O O NH R' R N H O O HN R NH O R' HN R NH NH R NH O O R' R' Cl O HN O O R' R' O R O N H HN O R' R HN NH R O O NH R' If R = R’ = Phenylene = Kevlar Mw = 4014 g/mol O O HN R NH O O HN R O R' HN NH R HN O NH O R R' O N H HN R R' O NH R NH O O NH R' O R' HN O R' R' O N H O R 1 reactive groups p = 1 - [COCl]/[COCl]0 = 1-1/34 = 0.97 Step-Growth Polymerization • Because high polymer does not form until the end of the reaction, high molecular weight polymer is not obtained unless high conversion of monomer is achieved. Degree of Polymerization 1000 Xn = Degree of polymerization p = mole fraction monomer conversion Xn 1 1 p 100 10 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Mole Fraction Conversion (p) 0.9 1 Degree of Polymerization for step growth polymers X = [COCl]0/[COCl] = 1/1-p Mechanics of Step Growth: Monomer, Dimers, Trimers, Tetramers & Higher O R' NH H2N R NH O HN R HN R O R' HN O O O NH R' R N H O O HN R NH O R' HN R NH NH R NH O O R' R' Cl O HN O O R' R' O R O N H HN O R' R HN NH R O O NH R' If R = R’ = Phenylene = Kevlar Mw = 4014 g/mol O O HN R NH O HN R O R' HN NH R HN O NH O R R' O N H HN R R' O NH R NH O O R' HN O R' R' O N H O R X or DP = 1/(1-p) = 1/1-0.97 = 1/0.03 = 33 NH R' O O Impact of percent reaction, p, on DP Degree of Polymerization, D.P. = No / N = 1 / (1 - p) Assuming perfect stoichiometry if p = 0.5 DP = 2 0.7 0.9 0.95 3.3 10 20 0.99 0.999 100 1000 DPmax= (1 + r) / (1 - r) where r molar ratio of reactants if r = [Diacid] / [diol] = 0.99, then DPmax= 199 Effect of Extent of reaction on Number distribution Effect of Extent of reaction on weight distribution Problems in Achieving High D. P. 1. Non-equivalence of functional groups a. Monomer impurities 1. Inert impurities (adjust stoichiometry) 2. Monofunctional units terminate chain b. Loss of end groups by degradation c. Loss of end groups by side reactions with media d. Physical losses e. Non-equivalent reactivity f. Cyclization . Unfavorable Equilibrium Constant Impact of Thermodynamics • Esters from Acids and alcohols Keq = 1-10 • Amides from Acids and amines Keq = 10-1000 • Amides or esters from acid chlorides, Keq >104 Interfacial Polymerization: Nylon Rope trick Driving Reactions forward with physics O Cl Cl H2N O hexanedioyl dichloride NH2 hexane-1,6-diamine or adipoyl chloride O HN O N H n Adipoyl chloride in hexane Nylon 6,6 Diamine, NaOH, in H2O Biaxially stretched PETE is “Mylar” O O O O n Tg = 70 °C Tm = 265 °C O O O O Tg < 0 °C Tm = 50 °C n Step Growth Polymerization: Condensation O O HO O OH O HO -H2O O O O O O O O OH HO O OH O Each reaction occurs at approximately the same rate. Any monomer or growing oligomer can participate Step Growth Polymerization: Condensation O O O OH HO O HO -H2O O O O O O O HO Impurities will kill growth and limit molecular weight Delayed commercialization of condensation polymers The Guy who got the ball rolling Nylon Polyester Polychoroprene (Neoprene) Dr. Wallace Hume Caruthers Head of DuPont Organic research Labs 50 patents More Step Growth (Condensation) Polymers & their monomers Polyaramides HO2C CO2H terephthalic acid H2N Tg = NA Tm = 500 °C O HN NH O n NH2 diaminobenzene Kevlar Twaron (AKZO) Nomex and Technora H N Stephanie Louise Kwolek (DuPont) H N O O n Polyamides via Condensation -- Nylon 66 O H O O C-(CH2)4-C O H + NH2 CH2-(CH2)4-CH2 NH2 O O C-(CH2)4-C OONH3+ NH3+ CH2 CH2 (CH2)4 slight excess Nylon Salt 60% Slurry 200 C, 15 Atm. 1 hr O O NH3+(CH2)6-NH-C-(CH2)4-C-NH-(CH2)6-NH-C-(CH2)4-C O 8-10 O O mp. 265C, Tg 50C, MW 12-15,000 Unoriented elongation 780% 270-300 C, 1hr - H2O O NH-(CH2)6-NH-C-(CH2)4-C O Nylon 6 6 More Step Growth (Condensation) Polymers & their monomers Me HO OH Me Bisphenol A O Me O Me O Cl O Cl n Polycarbonate Lexan phosgene Two phase: interfacial polymerization Tg = 150 °C Tm = 267 °C More Step Growth (Condensation) Polymers & their monomers Me O O Na Me Na Me O -2n NaCl Cl O S O Cl O Me O S O Polysulfone Mw = 60-250K Tg = 200 °C; Films pressed at 250 °C Use temperature < 175 °C Stable in air to 500 °C Self-extinguishing n More Step Growth (Non-condensation) Polymers & their monomers isocyanates CNO ONC H N H N O O O HO OH O Polyurethane n Polyphenylene Oxide (PPO) Oxidative Coupling Process R1 R1 OH + n/2 O 2 R1 O O cat R2 R2 R2 + n H 2O cat = or N 10:1 CH3 N CH3 CH3 N CH3 Cu + Amine Complex 3 :1 Noryl is a blend with polystyrene Mn 30,000 to 120,000 Amorphous , Tg 210C Crystalline, Tm 270C Brittle point -170C Thermally Stable to 370C Step Growth Polymers • Polyesters, polyamides, engineering plastics such as polysulfones, polyetherether ketones (PEEK), polyurethanes. • Condensation often occurs. • Polymerization affords high MW late in the game Step-Growth Non-Condensation Polymerization Polyurethanes Me OCN NCO O HO Me O [RCO2]2SnBu2 N H OH 1,4-toluenediisocyanate + 1,3-propanediol O N H O n Functionalities > 2: Crosslinking into networks OCN NCO O OCN O O O NH O N H OH HO O O O HN O OH Polyurethanes (thermoset) O f=3 NH O N H HN O O O O O 1 1 Thermosets • • • • • Urethanes Epoxies Polyesters (2-stage) Formaldehyde-aromatic Melamine-formaldehyde Generally: Start as low viscosity liquids (low Mw) And set or cure to form glassy “vitrified” solids. Gelation: f > 2 • If f > 2 • No cyclics form then an infinite network is possible (unless it phase separates!!!) Functionality Higher than Two f=3 Phase separation = gels, glasses, or precipitates f=4 Due to chemica l bonding f=3 f=4 f=4 f=6 f=6 f=4 f=8 f=8 f=8 f = 14 Functionality = Two: Linear polymers f=2 f=2 f=2 f=2 f=2 f=2 Physical gels may form due to poor solubility of polymer Functionality = Three: Cyclization f - 14 f=8 Lowers functionality & delays (or even prevents) gelation Gel point = 1/(f -1) = 1/2 or 50% conversion If cyclics present, gel point is higher. Addition Polymerizations R n R 1) Catalyzed polymerization free radical cationic anionic coordination 2) Active group on end of polymer 3) MW increases more rapidly 4) Cheap & easier than step growth 5) Enthalpically favorable Free Radical Polymerizations • Initiators (catalyst): – Thermal: azo compounds, peroxides, – Redox: persulfates – Photochemical: azo, peroxides, amine/ketone mixtures • Monomers R R Polymerize fine R Usually polymerize R R R R Seldom polymerize R R R R R R R Almost never Almost never polymerize polymerize Free radical Mechanism Initiation: N2 NC NC N Ea = 140 – 160 kJ mol-1 NC N CN Kd = 8 x 10-5 s-1 t1/2 = 10 h at 64 °C or h Propagation: NC R p k p [M•][M] CN kp kp = 102 - 104 L/mol s R R R R Termination: CN NC R R R R R CN R R NC R R t 2k t [M•]2 kt = 106 - 108 L/mol s H CN NC R CN R H R R R R R R NC Free Radical Polymerization Kinetics Rp ∝ [M]; Rp ∝ [I]1/2 MW •MOST POLYMERS FORM IN SECONDS OR LESS • POLYMERIZATIONS TAKE HRS TIME Living Radical Polymerizations: MW increases linearly with time Narrow Mw distributions Block copolymers 1) Atom TransfeR Polymerization (ATRP) 2) Polymerization (RAFT) 3) TEMPO Lower concentration of propagating species Lower termination rate Cationic Polymerizations: Vinyl polymerization cat cat R cat R R R R -H+ cat cat R R R R = OR, NR2, Ph, vinyl, alkyl R Ring opening polymerization O H+ H O HO O O O n Anionic Polymerizations: cat = Alkyl or aryl Lithium, sodium naphalide, alkyl Grignard, some alkoxides cat Vinyl polymers n R R R = Ph, vinyl, CO2R, CN R cat R H, Me, n n R Diene polymers Anionic Polymerizations: H cat. O R O Polyacetals or carbonyls n R = H, Alkyl R cat O O R = H, Me R R n Poly ethers Anionic Polymerizations: Me Me O Si Me Si O Me O Si Me Si O Me Me Me Alkoxides Me Me Me MeMe MeMe Me Si Si Si Si O O O O Polysiloxanes n Coordination Polymerizations: Transition Metal Mediated Polymerizations -Ziegler Natta polymerizations (Early TM) -ring opening metathesis polymerization (metal Alkylidenes) -Insertion polymerizations (mid to late TM’s) Ziegler Natta Polymerizations TiCl4, AlMe3 R • • • • • n R ZN are heterogeneous; solid catalysts Catalytic polymerizations Early TM halide, AlR3 on MgCl2 Polypropylene and HDPE Highly productive: 106g polymer/gram catalyst-hour • 10,000 turn overs/second (enzyme like speed)-diffusion limited • Stereochemical control: iso or syndiotactic polymers Karl Ziegler (1898-1973) Giulio Natta (1903-1979) Ziegler Natta Monomers R -olefins styrenes R R = alkyl, aryl Not compatible with heteroatoms (O,N,S,etc) Polymers Synthesized with Complex Coordination Catalysts Plastics • Polyethylene, high density (HDPE) • Polypropylene, isotactic • Polystyrene, syndiotactic Bottles, drums, pipes, sheet, film, etc. Automobile and appliance parts, rope, carpeting Specialty plastics Ring Opening Metathesis • Strained Rings with C=C bonds • Metal alkylidene catalysts – Ti, Mo, W alkylidenes (Schrock catalysts) – Ruthenium alkylidenes (Grubbs catalysts) • Living polymerizations N N Cl Ru Ph Cl PCy3 n Examples of ROMP No strain, no polymer n O O n No Reaction Me R n R R ° OH, NH, CO2H, Acyclic Diene Metathesis Polymerization Schrock or Grubbs catalyst R R n -CH2=CH2 Coordination-Condensation polymerization Ethylene gas is produced Not commerciallized Redox Polymerizations anodic oxidative polymerization H N H N n H N H N H N [O] H N H N H H H N H H N -2H+ H N H N H N n H Polypyrrole H N Redox Polymerizations H NH2 -2H+ NH2 NH2 H N H N H NH2 H NH2 N NH2 n Polyaniline When acid doped: conducting polymer Polymerization Techniques • Bulk-no solvent just monomer + catalysts • Solution Polymerization-in solvent • Suspension-micron-millimeter spheres • Emulsion-ultrasmall spheres Less Common Polymerization Techniques • Solid state polymerization – Polymerization of crystalline monomers • Diacetylene crystals • Gas Phase polymerization – Parylene polymerizations • Plasma polymerization – Put anything in a plasma Plasma Polymerization Characterization of Polymers • 1H & 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) • Infrared spectroscopy (Fourier Transform IR) • Elemental or combustion analyses • Molecular weight Polymerization Techniques • Bulk-no solvent just monomer + catalysts • Solution Polymerization-in solvent • Suspension-micron-millimeter spheres • Emulsion-ultrasmall spheres Bulk Polymerizations Rare Overheat & explode with scale up No solvent-just monomer Polymer usually vitrifies before done Broad MW distribution Acrylic sheets by Bulk polymerization of MMA Storage of vinyl monomers in air = peroxide initiated polymerizations Tankcar of styrene 2005 in Ohio Solution Polymerization • Better control of reaction temperature • Better control of polymerization • Slower • Not very green-residual solvent Suspension Polymerization • Oil droplets dispersed in water • Initiator soluble in oil • Greener than solution polymerization Filter off particles of polymer Emulsion Polymerization Still oil in water (or the reverse) Initiator in water Smaller particles (latex) Excellent control of temp Solution turns white Polystyrene latex Suspension Monomer in oil Initiator in oil Emulsion Monomer in oil Initiator in water Mini-emulsion Micro-emulsion Monomer in oil Initiator in water Monomer in oil Initiator in water Less Common Polymerization Techniques • Solid state polymerization – Polymerization of crystalline monomers • Diacetylene crystals • Gas Phase polymerization – Parylene polymerizations • Plasma polymerization – Put anything in a plasma Solid State Polymerizations Heating Oligomeric Condensation Polymers Tg < X < Tm O O O HO O O O O O n O OH HO OH O O 250 °C O Tg = 67 °C and Tm = 265 °C Nylons, Polyesters Nylon 66 Tg = 70 °C and Tm = 264 °C O O O O n O Solid State Polymerizations Topological Polymerizations: Polymerization of crystals Quinodimethane polymerizations Di- and Triacetylene polymerizations In single crystals Solid State Polymerizations of Fullerenes Topological polymerization in 3-D Gas Phase Polymerization 1) Light olefins 2) Parylenes LIGHT OLEFINS Ethylene and propylene Film • Food Packaging • Hygiene & Medical • Consumer & Ind. Liners • Stretch Films • Agricultural Films • HDSS 2004 Global PE Demand: 136 Billion Pounds Types of Polyethylene HDPE (0.940-0.965) “High Density” LLDPE (0.860-0.926) “Linear Low Density” O O O C-OH O O O LDPE (0.915-0.930) “Low Density” O O O O O High Pressure Copolymers (AA, VA, MA, EA) Gas Phase Polymerization: Light olefins Oxygen initiator 2-3K atmospheres 250 °C Gas Phase Polymerization: Light olefins Fluidized bed polymerization MORE FLEXIBLE Gas Phase Polymerization: Paralene Gas phase Polymerizes on contact Conformal coatings Pinhole free Preserving artifacts (paper Microelectronics Medical devices Plasma Polymerization •500 Å - 1 micron thick films •Continuous coatings •Solvent free •High cohesion to surface •Highly cross-linked •Generally amorphous Plasma Polymerization Monomers: Hydrocarbons Double or triple bonds nice, not necessary Fluorocarbon Tetraalkoxysilanes (for silica) Plasma Polymerization Fig1. Bell-jar type reactors Fig 2. Tubular-type reactors P- pumps; PS-power supply; S-substrate M-feed gas inlet; G-vacuum gauge Plasma Polymerization Multi-layer bottles No loss of fizz PET [Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)] Characterization of Polymers • 1H & 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) • Infrared spectroscopy (Fourier Transform IR) • Elemental or combustion analyses • Molecular weight 13C NMR is a very powerful way to determine the microstructure of a polymer. 2 1 1 2 13C NMR shift is sensitive to the two stereocenters on either side on sptectrometers > 300 MHz. This is called pentad resolution. r m m r m r mmrm pentad m = meso (same orientation) r = racemic (opposite orientation) 13C NMR spectrum of CH3 region of atactic polypropylene Infrared Spectroscopy: Bond vibrations C=C-H polystyrene C-H C=C stretch 2-16 Micron wavelength range Infrared Spectroscopy: Bond vibrations C-H bend C=O C-O C-H stretch Poly(methyl methacrylate) Types of Addition Polymerizations Anionic Ph C3H7 Li n Li+ C4H9 Ph Li+ C4H9 n Ph Ph Ph Radical PhCO2• Ph n Ph PhCO2 n Ph Cationic Ph Cl3Al OH2 PhCO2 Ph Ph n Ph H HOAlCl3 H Ph HOAlCl3 n Ph Ph Chemical Modification of Polymers 1) Hydrolysis polyvinyl alcohol Polyvinylacetate NaOH n O O 2) Oxidation n O H3C OH H2O O n CH3 Poly ethylene oxide O hv, O2 O H 3) Photochemistry (can be oxidation or not) 4) Chemical crosslinking Na+ Me n Polysilane R R R R Si Si Si Si Si R R R R R R H h: UV O2 S8 polybutadiene 5) Chemical modification See next slide H or ascorbic acid R R O Si R Si O R O Si R Si O R R R S S S Chemical Modification of Polyvinyl Alcohol to make Polyvinyl butyral for safety glass polyvinyl alcohol poly vinyl butyral CH3CH2CH2CHO OH OH OH O OH OH O OH O No PVB With PVB O Bullet Proof Glass Making bullet proof glass glass, laminates and polycarbonate sheets are interlaid in a clean room to ensure clarity. In our large autoclave, superheated steam seals the layers together. Polycarbonate is Strong Material Young's modulus (E) Tensile strength (σt) 2-2.4 Gpa 55-75 Mpa Exploding CD’s Mythbusters: > 23,000 rpm CD will shatter Scratches or defects are the culprit 52X drive -MAX: 27,500 rpm typical: 11,000 rpm 10,000 RPM = 65 m/s = 145 mph 7200 gravities of acceleration And approx. 5 MPa stress Yield Strength 60 MPa Nalgene Polycarbonate Properties Density: Young's modulus (E) Tensile strength (σt) Elongation (ε) @ break Glass transition (Tg) Melting (Tm) Upper working temperature $7.3-11/kg 1.2 g/cc 2-2.4 Gpa 55-75 Mpa 80-150% 150 °C 267 °C 115-130 °C Bisphenol and Endocrine System 100-250 g bisphenol per Liter water in water bottles 20 g/Liter per day can disrupt mouse development vom Saal, F.S., Richter, C.A., Ruhlen, R.R. Nagel, S.C. and Welshons, W.V. Disruption of laboratory experiments due to leaching of bisphenol a from polycarbonate cages and bottles and uncontrolled variability in components of animal feed. Proceedings from the International Workshop on Development of Science-Based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care, National Academies Press, Washington DC, 65-69, 2004. Immune system Antioxidant enzymes Decreases plasma testosterone Learning disabilities vom Saal, F.S., Nagel, S.C., Timms, B.G. and Welshons, W.V. Implications for human health of the extensive bisphenol A literature showing adverse effects at low doses: A response to attempts to mislead the public. Toxicology, 212:244-252, 2005. Nalgene Substitutes-food and water • • • • Glass (blender, pitchers, glasses) Metal (water bottles) Polyethylene (water bottles) Polyamide or Nylon (baby bottles)