Chemical and Physical Properties Cornell Notes

Essential Questions:
 1. What is the difference between chemical and
physical properties?
 2. How do you know when a physical change has
taken place?
 3. How do you know when a chemical change has
taken place?
Chemical and Physical Properties
Cornell Notes
Physical Properties: any characteristics of matter that can
be observed without changing the identity of the
material. Color, shape, smell, taste, mass, volume, what
state of matter it is (freezing point,melting point, etc…),
and density (mass/volume) are all physical properties.
Physical properties of bases: slippery, taste bitter, and
have a Ph level above 7. Properties of acids: taste sour, Ph
below 7, burns.
Chemical and Physical Properties
 Chemical Properties: characteristics of matter that
allow it to change to a different type of matter. These
properties have characteristics that cannot be
observed without altering the identity of the
substance (chemical bond has taken place).
 Examples of chemical properties:
 1. Is it combustible (will it react with air and accelerant
to create heat?)
 2. Is it flammable (will it burn?) 6. Is there a temp.
 3. Will it rust (is it reactive?)
change (up or
 4. Did a color change take place?
 5. Did it create a gas (bubbles?)
Chemical properties of acids and
Chemical properties of acids and bases: Strong acids react with and corrode
metals. Strong acids and bases are equally dangerous. An acid and a base will
combine to form salt.
Examples of Physical and Chemical
Physical Change:
crushing a can
melting an ice cube
boiling water
mixing sand and water
breaking a glass
dissolving sugar and water
shredding paper
chopping wood
mixing red and green marbles
sublimating dry ice
Chemical Change:
rusting of iron
combustion (burning) of wood
metabolism of food in the body
mixing an acid and a base, such
as hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
cooking an egg (burning any
digesting sugar with the amylase
in saliva
mixing baking soda and vinegar
to produce carbon dioxide gas
baking a cake
electroplating a metal
using a chemical battery