ASMS 2014-ABIRD_1_140612_Final

ABIRD - Active Background Ion Reduction Device
for nansopray ESI/MS
What will the Active Background Ion Reduction Device
(ABIRD) do for your nanospray-ESI MS system? ABIRD will:
• Reduce background ion signal in full MS during nanospray- ESI analysis.
• Isolate your instrument from variable spikes in lab air quality.
• Enhance signal-to-noise ratios across a wide mass range.
• Impart a consistent low level chromatographic baseline across full gradient.
• ABIRD can improve the identification of proteins in complex low level protein
ABIRD uses no supplied gasses, just eco-friendly high capacity chemical filters.
ABIRD has been fitted to a variety of source and instrument combinations including
Thermo Fisher, Waters, Bruker, Proxeon, New Objective, and Advion.
* ultimate results are sample, laboratory environment and operator dependent. With this in mind,
some of the top labs in the world use ABIRD on all their instruments.
This is the typical ABIRD effect
observed in an average lab on an
average day. (Left hand panel)
ABIRD off in the middle of this 5
minute chromatogram. 1 minute
summed scans on the right; no
ABIRD top, with ABIRD bottom.
Thermo LTQ-Orbitrap, New Objective
Picofrit column, more details if you ask.
ABIRD allows an ion trap to isolate
peptides at a lower signal level,
thus more PSMs were obtained
from the same amount of sample.
(Right hand panel) Without
background ions, the ion trap fills more
with interesting ions from peptides.
ABIRD on a Q-Exactive with an Easy Spray source.