

The main idea of Chemistry

matter-anything that takes up space and has mass mass-the measure of the amount of matter an object contains property-the characteristics of matter and; how it behaves

element-a substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance compound-a chemical combination of two or more different elements joined together in a fixed proportion formula-a combination of chemical symbols that show what elements make up a compound and the number of atoms of each


qualitative-an observation made without measurement quantitative-an observation made with measurement


physical change-a change in matter where its identity does not change physical property-a characteristic of matter that is exhibited without a change of identity chemical change-the change of one or more substances into a different substances chemical property-a characteristic of matter that is exhibited with a change of identity


solution- a mixture that is the same throughout, or homogeneous solute-a substance that is being dissolved when a solution solvent-the substance that dissolves the solute when making a solution


Law of Conservation of Mass

• atoms don't just appear

• atomes don't just disappear

• in a physical or chemical change matter is neither created nor destroyed

• also called the law of conservation or matter


The capacity to do work endothermic-chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy exothermic-chemical reaction that gives off heat energy

Chemical vs


change in composition

• toxicity

• flammability

Chemical stability

• c o l o r

• hardness brittleness

• density

• mass l e n g t h



Know all the vocab

the law of conservation of mass

the difference between physical and chemical properties


Chapter 2 and 3.1

by: Ariel Gonzalez, Danielle Rabe,

Matt Nickolescu

2.1 vocab

• atom- smallest part of anything

• atomic theory- idea that everything is made of small pieces

• atomic number- how many positively charged particles are in the center of an atom

• mass number- number of neutral and positively charged particles in the center of an atom

2.2 vocab

• electromagnetic spectrum- all types of electrical radiation

• electron cloud- space outside of the center where negative particles are found

• valence electron- a negatively charged particle in the last energy level of an atom

• lewis dot diagram- a drawing of dots around an element symbol

3.1 vocab

• periodicity- when something happens over and over

• periodic law- the law that physical and chemical properties re-occur when the atomic number increases

• electronegativity- how much power an atom uses to attract negatively charged particles

2.1 Review

I. Early ideas

- greek philososphers thought that important elements where air, water, earth, and fire.

II. Development of the modern atomic theory, conservation of matter

- French chemist, Antoine Lavoisier, came up with the law of conservation of matter by sealing a container of 2g of hydrogen and

16g of oxygen which gave 18g of water

III. Daltons atomic theory

- all matter is made up of atoms

- atoms are indestructible and cannot be divided into smaller particles (false)

- all atoms in one element are exactly alike, but they are different from other atoms

IV. Discovery of the atomic structure

- everyone thought that the atom was a solid ball

- JJ. thomson discovered electrons a.used cathode-ray tube and turned on a light that and placed a magnet towards it which pushed the ray away.

V. Rutherford's gold foil experiment

- He shot a ray of light towards gold foil and some of the particles went through some shot back and others deflected in other directions

- Discovered that the atom has space around the nucleus with electrons orbiting around the nucleus

VI. Atomic number

- Is how many protons and neutrons are in an atom

- Found above the element symbol

VII. Atomic mass

- How much an atom weighs

- Only measures the mass of protons and neutrons (electrons don't weigh as much)

2.2 Review

I. Electron movement

- As we learned in the previous section atoms are mostly empty space that is occupied by electrons

- Considering that electrons are negative and that an atom's nucleus contains positively charged protons, why arent the electrons pulled into the nucleus and held there?

 Neils Bohr, a danish scientist who worked with rutherford, proposed that electrons have enough energy to keep them in constant motion around the nucleus

 The model based on this theory was called the planetary model because the electrons behaved like planets in orbit of the sun

II. The electromagnetic spectrum

- Waves transfer energy and are produced when something vibrates back and forth

- Electromagnetic waves have the same characteristics as mechanical waves

- There are different types of waves

- Each wave is identified by its wavelength or the distance between the corresponding points on two consecutive waves

Electromagnetic Spectrum

III. Energy levels

- Electrons are found on different energy levels as they orbit around the nucleus

- Electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels

- When electrons move down one energy level they release energy

- Energy levels are S, P, D, F

3.1 Review

I. Search for a periodic table

- copper, silver & gold are all coinage metals

- lithium, sodium, & potassium are all alkaline metals

- chlorine, bromine, & iodine are all halogens

II. Mendeleev's table

- Elements in horizontal rows first displayed similar properties

- Elements in vertical columns are similar

- He came up with the theory of periodicity and the modern periodic table

III. Modern periodic table

- Transition elements occupy center of the periodic table

- Noble gases fill column 18 and have 8 valence electrons

- The Elements in the periodic table are arranged by atomic # and not atomic mass

- Atomic number is the amount of protons in the nucleus

- Each period (horizontal row) begins with a metal and ends with a nobel gas, with the exception of period 1


Atoms are mostly made up of empty space

Atoms consist of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons

Electrons are in constant motion around the nucleus similar to planets orbiting the sun, and exist on different energy levels

There are many types of electromagnetic waves; they each have different wavelengths\

Each period on the periodic table has different properties for the elements but they have an increasing periodicity

The old periodic table displayed horizontal rows all with similarities and the modern table has similarities in the vertical columns called groups

3.2, 7.2, 8.1

Tony Delgado and Kelly


3.1 Vocab

Period- horizontal row on the periodic table

Group- consists of the elements in a vertical column.

Noble Gases- full complement of valence electrons

Metals- have luster, conduct heat and electricity, and usually bends without breaking

3.1 Review

Relationship of the periodic table to atomic structure

• elements are arranged according to the atomic number

• if elements are ordered in the periodic table by atomic number, then they are ordered according to the number of electrons they have.

• only 2 electrons can occupy the 1st energy level in an atom.

• groups are numbered from left to right.

7.2 vocab

Inner Transition Metals- the 2nd row beneath the main body of the periodic table are lanthanides. (atomic # 58-71) and the actinides (atomic # 90-103). These 2 series are called "itm" because their last electron occupies inner-level 4f orbitals in the 6th period and the 5f orbitals in the 7th period

7.2 Review

Patterns of Atomic Structure

• electrons occupy energy levels by filling the lowest level first and continuing to higher energy levels in numerical order.

• valence electrons of the main group elements occupy the S and P orbitals of the outermost energy level.

Orbitals; s,p,d,f

7.2 Review Continued

The Size of Orbitals

Group 1 elements each have single valence electrons in an S orbital.

3 orbitals differ from another, as you move down the column, the energy of the outermost sublevel increases the higher energy, the farther the outermost electrons are from the nucleus.

Orbital Diagram

8.1 Vocab

Alkali Metals- group 1 elements- Lithium(Li),

Sodium(Na), Potassium(K), Rubidium(Rb),

Cesium(Cs), Francium(F Sr).oft, silvery-white metals. Good conductors of heat and electricity.

Alkaline Earth Metals- group 2 elements-

Beryllium(Be), Magnesium(Mg), Calcium(Ca),

Strontium(Sr), Barium(Ba), Radium(Ra). They are denser and harder and have a high melting point.

Halogens- Fluorine(F), Chlorine(Cl),

Bromine(Br), Iodine(I), Astatine(At).

8.1 Review

Ionic Size

• determines how ions behave in solutions and the structures of solid ionic compounds.

The outermost electrons of the ion are in a lower energy level than the valence electrons of the neutral atom.

Nuclear charge doesn't increase with the # of electrons.


Periodic tables are being used all the time by chemists, its already reference on information about the element, make predictions and plan experiments based on those predictions. The Periodic Table is divided into blocks that show the sublevels and orbitals occupied by the electrons of the atoms.















Octet rule - atoms can be stable by having 8 electrons in outer layer

Ion - atom or group of combined atoms that has a charge due to gain or loss of an electron

Ionic compound - a compound composed of ions

Ionic bond - a strong attraction between ions of opposite charge

Covalent bond - the attraction of 2 atoms for a shared pair of electrons

Ch 4 Vocabulary (pg 2)

Covalent compound - a compound whose atoms held together by covalent bonds

Electrolyte - any compound that conducts electricity when heated or melted or dissolved in water.


- salt is the most popular food additive

-chemist refer to it as sodium chloride (NaCl)

- salt occurs naturally underground and is dissolved in the worlds ocean

- carbon dioxide is a colorless gas partially in the air

- you exhale 100 times more CO2 than the air you breathe in

- like salt CO2 is stable

- plants use CO2 in photosynthesis



- in the reaction of elements, the collision of atoms determine what kind of compound will be formed

- the nucleus is compared to the atom's electron cloud is very small

- electron arrangement determines chemical properties

- elements of vertical groups on the periodic table have like arrangements of valence electrons



- atoms combine because it increases stability of the atom

- the octet rule states that atoms can be stable if they have 8 electrons in their outer cloud










Binary compound - compound containing 2 elements

Oxidation number - charge of the ion

Polyatomic ion - group of atoms covalently bonded

Distillation - method of separating substances through evaporation

Organic compound - compounds containing carbon

Hydrocarbon - more complex organic compounds


- ionic compounds are made of oppositely charged ions held together strongly in organized units

- the ions in which they are made of will determine the properties they have

- binary ionic compounds can contain more than one ion from each element but not composed of 3 or more elements

- to name a binary ionic compound write the name of the positively charged ion (usually a metal) then add the name of the negatively charged ion (usually nonmetal)


- molecular substances have covalent bonds rather than ionic bonds

- usually molecular substances have lower melting points and most are not as hard as ionic compounds

- the properties of molecular substances are different enough that their differences can be used to classify the elements and separate them








Electronegativity - the ability of atoms in a bond to attract electrons

Polar covalent bond - the bond that forms when electrons are not shared equally

Conductivity - how easily electrons can move through a material to make an electric current

Polar molecule - a molecule that has a positive and negative pole


-atoms are often more stable when bonded in compounds

-chemical bonding share electrons

-electronegativity decreases as you go down the columns in the periodic table, while it increases as you go across the rows

-when electrons are shared, if they're unequal they're polar. like batteries



-water molecule as a whole has a positive and negative pole

-water is an example of molecular geometry and how it acts together to affect the properties of compounds

-CO2 has strong polar covalent bonds, its a nonpolar molecule


- there are many types of compounds covalent, and ionic.

- ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds

- molecular substances are covalent bonds rather than ionic

- molecular substances are different enough that you can separate them and classify them easily

- atoms are more stable in compounds

- octet rule states when atoms have 8 electrons in their outer cloud they are stable

Chapter 6

By: Melissa, Haillie, Elizabeth

Vocab you need to know

Synthesis : the name applied to a reaction in which 2 or more substances combine to form a single product.

3rd grade:sugar + lemon juice=lemonade

Combustion: a substance rapidly combines with oxygen to form 1 or more oxides.

3rd grade:1 + air we breathe= more

Single Displacement : 1 element takes the place of another in a compound.

3rd grade: the rabbit takes the spot of the bunny.

continued vocab

Double Displacement: Type of reaction where the positive and negative portions of 2 ionic compound are interchanged; at least 1 product must be water or a precipitate.

3rd grade: + & at least water

Product: When reactants undergo a chemical change, each new substance is formed.

3rd grade:if paper were to burn into ash

continued vocab

Reactant: A substance that undergoes a reaction.

3rd grade: cookie dough cooking until it is a crisp cookie

Decomposition: Compound breaks down into 2 or more simpler substance.

3rd grade: a cookie breaking into crumbs.

Continued vocab

Equilibrium: No net change occurs in the amount of reactants and products.

3rd grade:no change

Reversible reaction: When a reaction completely changes its direction

3rd grade: East to West, or North to South.

Chemical Equations

Reactant: A substance that undergoes a reaction.

Product: When reactants undergo a chemical change,each new substance i formed.

Word equations are a way of writing chemical changes, just in all words no numbers.

(same thing as chemical)

Balancing Equations

C + O2 = CO2

Coefficient: Placed in front to indicate how many units are involved.

~To write an equation~

1) Analyze: write names of reactant, draw arrow, then write name.

2) Setup: replace with chemical formulas, add symbols to represent physical state of each compound.

Continued Balancing Equations

3)Solve: count # of atoms on each side of arrow

4)Check: make a final check on all of your work.

Example: C (1 carbon atom) + O2 (1 oxygen molecule)--->CO2 (1 molecule carbondioxide)

All about Reactions

Decomposition: A compound breaks down into 2 or more simpler substances.

There are many different types of reactions, you can classify them by the patterns that occur in them. Also, you can determine exactly what elements make up the substances that react & form.

Continued Reactions

~Recognizing Chemical Reactions~

-Color change


-Odor changes

-Gas release

-Energy changes

*These are only a few ways to recognize a chemical reaction!

Reversible/Rate of Reaction

Equilibrium: no net change occurs in the amount of reactants & products.

Activation Energy: Amount of energy the particles must have when they collide.

Dynamic equilibrium: opposite actions are taking place at the same rate.

-Many reactions can change direction (base on energy flow)

-In equilibrium reactants never fully used up because they are constantly being formed from products (like passangers getting on/off a subway train.)

Reversible/Rate of Reaction continued

*To determine how fast a reaction is taking place,you can measure how quickly one of the reactants disappears or how fast one of the products appears.

*The rate of reaction is important to a chemical engineer designing a process to get a good yield of product.


So..the faster the rate-->more product that can be made in a fixed amount of time. (which helps food not to spoil).

~4 Major factors affect this rate~

1)Activation energy

2)Speed of reaction

3)effect of temperature..most reactions are faster at higher temperature

4)Matter on concentration.


Chemical Equations: Equation word+same thing.

You can determine exactly what elements make up the substances that react and form.

Balancing Equations: To write an equation..analyze, set up,solve, then check.

Coefficient: Placed in front to indicate how many units are involved. * Atoms do NOT change in a chemical reaction, they just rearrange!

Continued conclusion

Reactions: Many different types, can classify by pattern. Synthesis-The name applied to a reaction in which 2 or more substances combine to form a single product.

DecompositionCompound breaks down into 2 or more simpler substance.

Single Displacement-1 element takes the place of another in a compound.

Double DisplacementPositive and negative of

2 ionic compounds are interchanged; at least

1 product must be water.


Reversible/Rate of Reactions: Most reactions can change direction, eventually reactants/products form at same rate.

~4 Major factors affect this rate...activation energy, speed of reactions, effect of temperature, and its matter of concentration.

Chapter 10

Chris Tomlin

Darex Nabong

Important Vocabulary

Absolute Zero:

The lowest temperature theoretically possible, at which the motion of particles that constitutes heat would be minimal.

Amorphous Material:

A material that lacks the long-range atomic periodicity that is characteristic of a crystalline solid.


Water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.

Important Vocabulary


Movement of a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion is a result of the kinetic properties of particles of matter


The process by which molecules undergo the a spontaneous transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase .

Freezing Point:

The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid


The settling of particles or sediment onto a surface

Important Vocabulary

Boiling Point: The temperature at which a liquid boils and turns to vapor.

Melting Point :The temperature at which a given solid will melt

Important Vocabulary


S tate of matter characterized by particles arranged such that their shape and volume are relatively stable



The particles in a liquid are free to flow, so while a liquid has a definite volume , it does not have a definite shape.


Consisting of particles that have neither a defined volume nor defined shape.

Important Vocabulary

Sublimation: A change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid.

Pressure: Pressure is a measure of the force applied over a unit area.

Kinetic Theory of Matter


• A theory that matter consists of small particles in rapid random motion

• The energy of moving objects is called

Kinetic Theory

States of Matter

The three most common States of Matter consists of:

Solid: Definite shape

Liquid: Definite volume but an indefinite shape.

Gas: No definite volume or shape.

States of matter

Changing of State

Evaporation: is the process by which particles of a liquid form a gas by escaping from the surface.

Sublimation: The process by which particles of a solid escape from its surface and form a gas.

Condensation: Gaseous particles come closer together and form a liquid.

Temperature and Particle Motion

Kinetic theory

According to the kinetic theory, the temperature of a material is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in the material.


The kinetic theory of matter explains the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and explains changes of states in terms of interparticle forces and energy. It also quantitatively relates the pressure, volume, and temperature of gases. By studying how gases behave under different conditions, you will soon begin to understand how all matter behaves.


Chemical Quantaties

By: Dan Mateos, Maritza Figueiras, Tyler


Important Vocabulary

Stoichiometry- measure amounts of substances in chemical reactions and relate them to one another.

3rd Grade Def- amounts of ingredients in chemical reactions

Mole- Unit of measurement to count numbers of atoms, molecules, or molarity.

3rd- unit of measurement

Avogadro constant- 6.022x10^23

3rd- method of finding molecules or atoms in one mole.


mportant Vocabulary

Molar mass-mass of 1 mole, of pure substance.

3rd- unit of measurement that takes up space.

Molecular mass-of a covalent compound is the mass in atomic mass units of 1 molecule.

3rd-unit of measurement of 1 molecule.

Formula mass- ionic compound is the mass in atomic mass in atomic mass units of 1 formula unit.

3rd-find the mass of 1 formula unit.

Important Vocabulary

molar volume- of a gas is a volume that a mole of gas occupies at a pressure of

1 atmosphere and temperature of 0.0 degrees Celsius.

3rd Grade Def-the amount of space that gas occupies at 0 degrees celsius.

Ideal Gas Law- PV=nRT finds volume, pressure, temperature, and number of moles of gas.

3rd Grade Def- helps finds the space or the substance that occupies a 3-D figure.


Grams A

Molecule A

Avogrados #

6.022 x 10^23

Molec/ mole

Mole A

Molecule B

Avogrado's #

6.022 x 10^23

Molec/ mole

Molar Ratio: mole/mole

Mole B

Molar Volume



Liters Compound A

Molar Volume



Liters Compound B

Grams B

example #1

25gKCl 74.55 mol KCl

1 gKCl


Step one: draw your train tracks

Step two: write in the equation with the corresponding units

Step three: since we are looking for the mole of 25gKCl, we must find the elements in the periodic table and add their atomic mass.

Step four: add their atomic mass and place it next to >mol KCl<

Step five: write >g KCl< at the bottom of >mol KCl<

Step six: cancel out >g KCl< and multiply 25gKCl by 74.55 molKCl.

Step seven: write the answer DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE THE UNITS!!

Molar Mass

The equation CO2(g) + 3H2(g) ------> CH3OH(g) + H2O(g), this equation relates molecules, not masses, of reactants and products.

Molar mass of an Element: The atomic mass unit is defined so that the atomic mass of an atom of the most common carbon isotope is exactly 12 u, and the mass is 1 mole of the most common isotope of carbon atoms is exactly

12 g. Molar mass is the mass in grams of the average atomic mass.

Example, oxygen exists as molecules composed of two oxygen atoms, so a mole of oxygen molecules contains 2 mol of oxygen atoms, so the molecules are twice the molar mass of oxygen atoms (2x16.00g=32.00g).

Molar mass of a compound: Covalent compounds are composed of molecules, ionic are composed of formula units. A covalent compounds molar mass is the mass in grams of 1 mol of its molecule. Ionic compounds molar mass is the mass in grams of 1 mole of its formula units.

Ideal Gas Law


Solving an equation: The value of the constant R can be determined using the definition of molar volume. At STP 1 mol of gas occupies 22.4L. Therefore, when P=101.3 kPa, V= 22.4L, n=1 mol, and T= 273 k equation: 101.3kPa x 2.4L=1 mole x R x 273 k

Solving for R.


101.3 kPa 22.4 L

1 mole


273 k


8.31 kPa x L mol x k

You can now find the volume, temperature, pressure, and number of moles of a gas.


In this chapter you learn about stoichiometry, molar mass, and the ideal gas law.

Stoichiometry measures amounts of substances in chemical reactions and relate them to one another( Train tracks). Also you learn about molar mass of compounds, molar mass of an element and what they are.

Another thing this chapter is about is the ideal gas law which is pv=nrt. You use this to find volume, pressure, temperature, and number of moles of a gas.

It's solutions

Chapter 13

By: Emily Ferguson

Leticia Martinez-



A. Solutions and their properties

1.Water is a universal solvent,and is hard to keep pure because it is an excellent solvent for numerous solutes

Ex.1) Tea, kool aid, sugar, salt

2.There is also a measurement on how much solute you put in the water, scientist use the terms concentrated or diluted to express how much is dissolved a.concentrated- for it being strong b.Dilute- for it being weak

C. specific terms

1. Unsaturated

2. Saturated

3. Supersaturated


A. unsaturated

1. If the amount of solute dissolved is less than the maximum that could be dissolved a. The oceans of earth are examples of unsaturated saltwater solutions.


A. Saturated

1. A solution that holds the maximum amount of solute.

2. Of an organic compound containing no double or triple bonds

3.Having each single bond attached to an atom or group

4. of an inorganic compound having no free valence electrons


A. supersaturated

1. A solute that contains more solute than the usual maximum amount and is unstable a. they cannot permanently hold the excess solute and may release suddenly

2. supersaturated solutions have to be prepared carefully a.Generally done by dissolving the solute at an elevated temperature, then slowly cooling the solution

Ex.1) Fudge






1.Molarity equation a.Molarity = mole of solute/liter of solution

2.Molarity Equations


Freezing and Boiling Point


. Freezing point / boiling point (Depression/ Elevation)

1. Freezing point - Depression a. Any Aqueous solution that will have a freezing point below >0 degree celsius b. The change in freezing temperature depends on concentration

Ex.1) Salt is used to melt ice on the sidewalk c. Ionic solutes create a greater depression

2. Boiling Point Elevation a. Any solution (Aq) having a boiling point greater than 100 degree celsius b. The solute must be volatile

3. Antifreeze a. anti freeze can be used as a coolant and "Antifreeze." It raises boiling point and also lowers freezing point

Like Dissolves Like

A. like dissolves like

1. Repent: water is universal solvent

2. Water is polar, meaning it has particle charged ends

Ex.1)Water and sugar have polar molecules, and sugar dissolves in water


1.oil and water do not mix oil just floats, but oils mixed with oils generally stay mixed


A. Osmosis

1. permeable- cell membranes that allow certain material to be able to pass through them

2. Just like gas particles, Liquid molecules have a tendency to diffuse from a high concentration to a lower concentration

Ex.1) Vegetables that are sprayed daily have water in them already mixed with sugars and salts, because of the solutes the pure water will diffuse in the vegetable

Summary Slide

A. Water

1. Solubility- Being the strength of concentration

2.Solutions- molarity solving molarity solutions

Formula: Mole of solute/ liter of solution

3. Boiling point/ Freezing point- How solutions increase or decrease the freezing point and boiling points

4. Osmosis- how water moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration

Acid: is something that is sour and burns

(ex.. vinegar and lemon juice)

Base: a bitter water

(ex.. milk, soap, and bleach)

Ionization: it is when ions make a close bond

PH scale: scale that shows if a substance is an acid or base

(ex.. 0-6 Acid, 7 neutral, and 8-14 base

Strong acid/base completely mixed with small bit of water

Weak acid/base completely mixed with a lot of water

Salt the mixture of an acid and a base

Ionic equation the math used for ions

Neutralization reaction when an acid and a base stop from reacting

Salt the mixture of an acid and a base

Ionic equation the math used for ions

Neutralization reaction when an acid and a base stop from reacting

Buffer is a solution that won't change

Titration shows if it is an acid or a base

Standard Solution is the most you can mix the solution with

Acids are commonly known by their sour taste, acids also reacts with bases.

Bases are known by their bitter taste and slippery feel.

• the way you can test for a acid or base is by using lithium.

If you mix acid with water it makes covalent compounds.

All acids and bases do not ionize or dissociate to the same extent. This leads to the statement that acids and bases are not all of equal strength H and OH ions and no solution.

The terms "strong" and "weak" give the indication of the strength of a an acid or based

When an acid and base are placed together, they react to neutralize the acid and base properties, producing a salt.

The combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide produces common table salt




Acids and Bases are used in so many ways like in soap and drinks.

You can use Acids in covalent compounds.

Salts are made of Acids and Bases.

Acids and Bases can be identified by using lithium.

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14.

Chapter 18

Organic Chemistry

By: Marc Paran and Oskar Woloch

Important Vocabulary

Hydrocarbon- an organic compound that consists of only hydrogen and carbon

Saturated Hydrocarbon- A hydrogen with all the carbon atoms connected to each other by single bonds

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon- A hydrocarbon that has one or more double or triple bonds between carbon atoms

Important Vocab

Alkane- Single bonded hydrocarbons

Alkene- Double bonded hydrocarbons

Alkyne- Triple bonded hydrocarbons

Important Vocabulary

Monomer- monomers are the building blocks of more complex molecules called polymers

Polymer- Large molecule that consists of many smaller repeating units which are usually joined by covalent bonds

Important Vocabulary

Thermoplastic- Some plastics will harden and soften repeatedly as they are heated and cooled

Thermosetting- Other plastics hardened permanently when molded, because they are set permanently in the shape they form


Alkanes- Single bonds, Saturated hydrocarbon,

Highly combustible

• suffix -ane







Ethane C









Butane C










Hydrocarbons Continued

Alkenes- Double bonds, Unsaturated hydrocarbon

• suffix -ene

Name Molecular formula

Ethene C




Propene C




Butene C














Hydrocarbons Continued

Alkynes- Triple bonds,Unsaturated

• suffix -yne

Name Molecular Formula

Ethyne C




Propyne C




Butyne C




Pentyne C




Hexyne C




Carbonyl and Amino group

Carbonyl Group: a functional group composed of a carbon atom doublebonded to an oxygen atom

Amino Group: a functional group composed of a hydrocarbon bonded to a nitrogen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

The 6 functional groups

Alcohol- formula

• formula-(ROH)

• suffix- ol

Carboxylic Acid-

• formula- (RCOOH)

• suffix- oic acid

The 6 functional groups continued


• formula- (RCOR')

• suffix- one


• formula- (RCHO)

• suffix- al

6 functional groups cont.


• formula- (RCOOR')


• formula- (ROR')

Amine and Amide

Amine- Amino group(-NH2)

Properties: organic compounds, very polar, and they have high boiling points

Amine and Amide

Amide- Carbonyl group bonded to an amino group(-CONH2)

Properties: neutral compounds, high boiling and melting point.

Ketone and Aldehyde

Ketone- carbonyl group(-CO) bonded with two hydrocarbons

Properties- very reactive, distinctive odors

Uses- Solvents, manufacture of plastic and adhesives also flavorings( vanilla, cinnamon and almond flavoring)

Ketone and Aldehyde

Aldehyde- functional group- hydrocarbon bonded w/ a carbonyl group and a hydrogen atom.

Properties- distinctive smell, very reactive

Uses- Formaldehyde can be used to preserve dead animals. Benzaldehyde is an almond extract.


Hydrocarbon: saturated, and unsaturated

Alkanes,Alkenes, and Alkynes

Carbonyl and Amino group

The 6 Functional groups


Chapter 21

Taylor Smith, Shannon McElwee

Period 3

Radioactivity:The spontaneous emission of radiation by an unstable atomic nucleus.

Half Life: The time it takes for half of a given radioactive isotope to decay (into a different isotope or element)

Fusion: The process in which two or more nuclei combine to form to larger nucleus.

Fission: The process in which atomic nucleus splits into two or more large fragments.

Alpha Radiation: A helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons.

Beta Radiation: A high-energy electron with a

1- charge.

Gamma Radiation: A high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation with no charge and no mass.

Transmutation: The process of changing from one form, substance, nature, or state to another.

Geiger Counter: Measures the amount of radioactive energy.


Henri Becquerel discovered that when Uranium is exposed to sunlight and then placed on a photographic plate, it releases the energy it absorbed from the sun through xrays.

Pierre and Marie Curie began experimenting with their own radioactive elements. They came up with the term "radioactivity".

Both Becquerel and the Curie's won several Nobel Prizes.

Types of Radiation

Alpha Radiation (alpha a)

- Can be stopped by paper or skin

- Don't eat or inhale

- Don't travel very far or penetrate very deep

Beta Radiation

- Electrons don't have much mass

- More penetration

- Stopped by wood

Gamma Radiation

-No mass or electrical charge

-Extremely penetrating

Half Life

- Half life of Carbon-14 is 5,730 years.

- Carbon-14 is used to determine the ages of fossils y = 100(½) x x represents the interval between half lives y = the current amount

If a radioactive substance has a half life of 1 day, and there is 100 grams of this substance

• to find the amount in 1 day o current amount= (starting amount)(½) (days passed) o current amount= 100(½)¹ = 50 grams

• to find the amount in 2 days o current amount = (100)(½) 2 = 25 grams

• to find the amount in 5 days o current amount = (100)(½) 5 = 3.125 grams


Discovered by Henri

Bequerel (1896) and The

Curies (1898).

Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation (weakest to

• strongest). •

Radioactivity comes from many different sources.

For human use, radiation is used in medicine, academics, and industry, along with generating electricity. •

It's also used in fields such as agriculture, archaeology

(carbon dating), space exploration, law enforcement and geology (including mining).
