Electrical Properties of Materials (전기물성) Prof. Kil-Sou Kim kks2072@hanmail.net, 010-2476-2072 School of Engineering Chungbuk National University http://www.cbucc.com 2013/9/1 Chapt. 1 Atoms and Aggregates of Atoms Atoms and Aggregates of Atoms • The hydrogen atom according to the old and new quantum mechanics • Nomenclature pertaining to electronic states • The electron configuration of atoms • The nature of the chemical bond and the classification of solids • Atomic arrangements in solids • Crystal structure and lattice defects Hydrogen Atom • 원자/많은 실험결과 – 양자(proton),전자(electron),중성자 (neutron)로 구성,중성 – 전기적 중성,전자수=양자수=원자 번호 – 전자 전하량 e=1.6*10-19[C] – 전자 m= 9.107*10-31[kg] – 양자 m=1.672*10-27[kg] – 원자크기 Ao 10-10[m] order – 핵(nucleus)크기 10-15m order – 원자 묘사; empty (classical) continuous charge distribution (전 자,wave mechanical) • Hydrogen atom (Bohr’s model) – 힘의 평형(쿨롬인력=원심력) m v2 r e2 40 r 2 -e +e m v2 r = e2 40 r 2 1 2 e2 e2 W mv 2 4 0 r 8 0 r – -W (-energy)의미 – Unstable model – Bohr postulated a quantum number condition • Quantum number condition – Circular orbits are stable for which the angular momentum is equal to an integer times h 2 h(Planck’s const)=6.62*10-34 J m vr nh 2 sec n=1,2,3… ( pdq nh ) 0h2 2 10 2 rn n 0 . 529 10 n m m e2 m e4 1 13.6 Wn 2 2 2 2 eV 8 0 h n n Spectrum of hydrogen • Frequency condition – Transition of the electron from Wn1 to Wn2 is associated with emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a frequency n hn Wn1 Wn2 Particle or wave ? • 물질의 파동성에 대한 예 • 광의 입자성에 대한 예 – Tunnel 효과 – Electron wave 회절, 간섭 – 기타 – 광전효과;한계파장(진동수) – Compton 효과 – 기타 Particle or wave ? 계의 크기 (=h/p) •Wave mechanics, quantum mechanics 태동 -미시입자의 거동; 고전역학(뉴턴역학)이 아닌 파동역학으로 기술 -Schrodinger wave equation ; * dxdydz 1 * de Broglie 관계 p h E hn 8 2 m 2 ( E E p ) 0 h 2 * ;probability, charge distribution • 파동방정식의 해(파동함수)는 다음 의 특정 정수 조합에서 존재 – 주양자수; n=1, 2, 3, … – 각운동량양자수;l= 0,1,...(n-1) – 자기양자수;ml=l,(l-1),..0…-(l-1),-l •Electronic state(전자상태) n 1 2 l 0 0 1 3 0 1 2 • Wave function ml 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1, 0, -1 2,1, 0, -1, -2 l=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 … s p d f g …-state n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. K L M N O -shell 주양자수 n일 때 총 상태수 l n 1 (2l 1) n l 0 2 L shell with two subshells Nucleus 1s K L 2s 2p 1s22s22p2 or [He]2s22p2 The shell model of the atom in which the electrons are confined to live within certain shells and in subshells within shells. Electron configuration of atoms and periodic table of elements Pauli exclusion principle A given quantum state determined by three quantum numbers n,l,ml can be occupied by not more than two electrons • Chemical properties of atoms are determined mainly by the outer electron configuration - Transition elements - Alkali metal - Halogen group - Rare gas The nature of the chemical bond and the classification of solids Type of chemical bond • Ionic crystals(NaCl, KF, alkali halide) -W(r0) r • Valence crystals(diamond,Si,Ge,SiC) • Metals(Cu,Ag,Fe) W (r ) r n r m (dW / dr)r r0 o mn • van der Waals crystals(solid argon, organic crystals) d 2W ( 2 ) r r0 0 dr •대부분의 결합이 4유형으로 엄격히 구분되 는 것은 아니고 중간유형 또는 환경에 따라 서도 달라짐 ro r= Molecule FR = Repulsive force (a) Force vs r Attraction Potential Energy, E(r) Attraction FN = Net force Interatomic separation, r Repulsion Force FA = Attractive force ro 0 + Separated atoms ER = Repulsive PE E = Net PE 0 Repulsion + Eo r ro EA = Attractive PE (b) Potential energy vs r (a) Force vs interatomic separation and (b) Potential energy vs interatomic separation. Ionic bond Cl Na 3s 3s 3p Closed K and L shells Closed K and L shells (a) Cl- ClNa+ Na+ FA FA r (b) 3s 3p ro (c) The formation of an ionic bond between Na and Cl atoms in NaCl. The attraction is due to coulombic forces. Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- (a) Cl- Cl- Na+ ClNa+ (b) (a) A schematic illustration of a cross section from solid NaCl. NaCl solid is made of Cl- and Na+ ions arranged alternatingly so that the oppositely charged ions are closest to each other and attract each other. There are also repulsive forces between the like-ions. In equilibrium the net force acting on any ion is zero. (b) Solid NaCl. Cl 0 -6 -6.3 Cl r= + Na 1.5 eV 0.28 nm Cohesive energy Potential energy E(r), eV/(ion-pair) 6 Cl r= Separation, r Na + Na ro = 0.28 nm Sketch of the potential energy per ion-pair in solid NaCl. Zero energy corresponds to neutral Na and Cl atoms infinitely separated. Covalent bond H-atom H-atom Electron shell 1s 1s Covalent bond H-H Molecule 2 1 2 1 1 2 Formation of a covalent bond between two H atoms leads to the H2 molecule. Electrons spend majority of their time between the two nuclei which results in a net attraction between the electrons and the two nuclei which is the origin of the covalent bond . 가전자의 공유로 왜 에너지가 저하 하는가? (양자역학적 이해) * 1s (rA ) 1s (rB ) CH4, sp3, sigma bond 109.5° Covalent bond H H H H C H L shell C H C K shell H H H H covalent bonds H H (a) (c) (b) (a) Covalent bonding in methane, CH4, involves four hydrogen atoms sharing electrons with one carbon atom. Each covalent bond has two shared electrons. The four bonds are identical and repel each other. (b) Schematic sketch of CH4 on paper. (c) In three dimensions, due to symmetry, the bonds are directed towards the corners of a tetrahedron. The diamond crystal is a covalently bonded network of carbon atoms. Each carbon atom is bonded covalently to four neighbors forming a regular three dimensional pattern of atoms which constitutes the diamond crystal. 2(sp2+p) Metallic bond Spatial distribution of an electron in a metallic solid Electrons and nuclei in a metal 가전자를 모든 원자핵(양이온)과 공유 공유결합과 같은 점, 다른 점(4족에서 공유결합/금속 diamond, Si, Ge, Pb) 도체 Positive metal ion cores Free valence electrons forming an electron gas In metallic bonding the valence electrons from the metal atoms form a "cloud of electrons" which fills the space between the metal ions and "glues" the ions together through the coulombic attraction between the electron gas and positive metal ions. van der Waals bond A van der Waals bond in polar molecules van der Waals force ; dipole-dipole, quadruple-quadruple, dipole-quadruple간의 힘 van der Waals force에 의한 결합, 매우 약한 결합 H Cl B A B A (a) (b) (c) (a) A permanently polarized molecule is called a an electric dipole moment. (b) Dipoles can attract or repel each other depending on their relative orientations. (c) Suitably oriented dipoles attract each other to form van der Waals bonds. H O H (a) (b) The origin of van der Waals bonding between water molecules. (a) The H2O molecule is polar and has a net permanent dipole moment. (b) Attractions between the various dipole moments in water gives rise to van der Waals bonding. diamond 반데발스 이온 Atomic arrangements in solids • Crystalline, single crystal, polycrystalline • Semi-crystalline • Amorphous • Perfect crystal • Lattice defect (lattice imperfection) - vacancy, interstitial atom, impurities, grain boundary, dislocation Crystal Structures A three-dimensional lattice showing translational symmetries 결정 : 원자나 이온이 주기적으로 배열된 고체 원자나 이온 사이에 일정한 간격이 있고 결정방향으로 병진 시키면 같은 원자나 이온이 다시 나타남 Fourteen Bravais lattices Crystal Structures Cubic FeS2, iron sulfide, or pyrite, crystals. The crystals look brasslike yellow (“fool’s gold”). |SOURCE: Photo by SOK Galena is lead sulfide, PbS, and has a cubic crystal structure |SOURCE: Photo by SOK FCC Unit Cell (a) 2R a a a (b) a (c) (a) The crystal structure of copper is Face Centered Cubic (FCC). The atoms are positioned at well defined sites arranged periodically and there is a long range order in the crystal. (b) An FCC unit cell with closed packed spheres. (c) Reduced sphere representation of the FCC unit cell. Examples: Ag, Al, Au, Ca, Cu, -Fe (>912°C), Ni, Pd, Pt, Rh a a b Examples: Alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb), Cr, Mo, W, Mn, -Fe (< 912 C), -Ti (> 882 C). Body centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure. (a) A BCC unit cell with closely packed hard spheres representing the Fe atoms. (b) A reduced-sphere unit cell. Layer B Layer A Layer B Layer A Layer A (a) Layer A (b) c a (c) (d) Examples: Be, Mg, -Ti ( < 882°C ), Cr, Co, Zn, Zr, Cd The Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) Crystal Structure. (a) The Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) Structure. A collection of many Zn atoms. Color difference distinguishes layers (stacks). (b) The stacking sequence of closely packed layers is ABAB (c) A unit cell with reduced spheres (d) The smallest unit cell with reduced spheres. C a a a The diamond unit cell is cubic. The cell has eight atoms. Grey Sn (-Sn) and the elemental semiconductors Ge and Si have this crystal structure. Silicon A silicon ingot is a single crystal of Si. Within the bulk of the crystal, the atoms are arranged on a well-defined periodical lattice. The crystal structure is that of diamond. |Courtesy of MEMC, Electronic Materials Inc. S a Zn a a The Zinc blende (ZnS) cubic crystal structure. Many important compound crystals have the zinc blende structure. Examples: AlAs, GaAs, GaP, GaSb, InAs, InP, InSb, ZnS, ZnTe. Ratio of radii = 1 Ratio of radii = 0.75 25¢ 1¢ 1¢ Nearest neighbors = 6 Nearest neighbors = 4 25¢ 1¢ Unit cell A two-dimensional crystal of pennies and quarters Packing of coins on a table top to build a two dimensional crystal. Cl Na - + A possible reduced sphere unit cell for the NaCl (rock salt) crystal. An alternative unit cell may have Na+ and Cl - interchanged. Examples: AgCl, CaO, CsF, LiF, LiCl, NaF, NaCl, KF, KCl, MgO Cl . Cs + A possible reduced sphere unit cell for the CsCl crystal. An alternative unit cell may have Cs+ and Cl interchanged. Examples: CsCl, CsBr, CsI, TlCl, TlBr, TlI. 1/ th of an atom 8 Half of an atom R 2R a R a a The FCC unit cell. The atomic radius is R and the lattice parameter is a Lattice Directions and Lattice Planes Miller indices : specify the planes in a crystal 1) Find intercepts of the plane or the crystal axes : p, q, r 2) Take reciprocals of the intercepts & clear fractions 1/p : 1/q : 1/r = qr : rp : pq 3) Divide by the same ration h = qr/n, k=rp/n, l=pq/n 4) (hkl) for a plane {hkl} : equivalent planes (hkl) : plane <hkl> : equivalent direction indices [hkl] : direction indices z c c O Unit cell zo b b a z Unit Cell Geometry [121] P c y xo a a yo y b x x (a) A parallelepiped is chosen to describe geometry of a unit cell. We line the x, y and z axes with the edges of the parallelepiped taking lower-left rear corner as the origin (b) Identification of a direction in a crystal [001] [111] [010] [010] -y [100] [110] [110] [111] [111] -a x y a [111] [111] (c) Directions in cubic crystal system [111] [111] [111] [111] Family of <111> directions z z intercept at b Miller Indices (hk ) : x intercept at a/ 1 1 2 c 2 1 1 1 (210) y a Unit cell x y intercept at b (a) Identification of a plane in a crystal z z (010) (010) (010) (010) (010) y y x x (110) (001) (100) z z (111) (110) (111) y -y y x x -z (b) Various planes in the cubic lattice Labelling of crystal planes and typical examples in the cubic lattice z FCC Unit cell (012) a2 a y = Ða a z = 1/2a O a y a A = a22 A = a2 x (a) (012) plane (b) (100) plane (c) (110) plane The (012) plane and planar concentrations in an FCC crystal. Amorphous Solids and Thin Films Atomic structures for crystalline and polycrystalline solids 비정질 고체는 원자나 이온이 전체적으로 불규칙적 배열 Dangling bonds 와 void들이 발생 Polymers A long chain of solid polyethylene Polymers는 긴 반복된 연결을 가진 고체 대부분의 폴리머는 부분적으로는 결정이고 부분적으로는 비정질이 될 수 있는 탄소 골자임 Crystal Imperfections 결정 결함 결정 결함은 결정 내에 존재하는 결함과 불순물로 인해 발생 불순물 : 고체에 있는 이질적인 원자나 이온 결함과 불순물은 여러 방면에서 서로 연관되며 고체의 성질을 변화시킬 수도 있음 구조적 결함 결함은 격자 퍼텐셜을 붕괴시켜서 움직이는 전자의 산란 확률을 증가 고체의 전기적 성질의 변화 기대 구조적 결함은 불순물의 재분포에 기여 Point defect 구조적 결함의 분류 Line defect Plane defect • Crystal Imperfections (a) Perfect crystal without vacancies (c) An atom in the bulk diffuses to fill the vacancy thereby displacing the vacancy towards the bulk. (b) An energetic atom at the surface breaks bonds and jumps on to a new adjoining position on the surface. This leaves behind a vacancy. (d) Atomic diffusions cause the vacancy to diffuse into the bulk. Generation of a vacancy by the diffusion of an atom to the surface and the subsequent diffusion of the vacancy into the bulk. (a) A vacancy in the crystal. (b) A substitutional impurity in the crystal. The impurity atom is larger than the host atom. (c) A substitutional impurity in the crystal. The impurity atom is smaller than the host atom. (d) An interstitial impurity in the crystal. It occupies an empty space between host atoms. Point defects in the crystal structure. The regions around the point defect become distorted; the lattice becomes strained. Schottky defect Frenkel defect (a) Schottky and Frenkel defects in an ionic crystal. Substitutional impurity. Doubly charged (b) Two possible imperfections caused by ionized substitutional impurity atoms in an ionic crystal. Point defects in ionic crystals Edge dislocation line (a) Dislocation is a line defect. The dislocation shown runs into the paper. Compression Tension (b) Around the dislocation there is a strain field as the atomic bonds have been compressed above and stretched below the islocation line Dislocation in a crystal is a line defect which is accompanied by lattice distortion and hence a lattice strain around it. A C D Dislocation line (a) A screw dislocation in a crystal. Dislocation A line B Atoms in the upper portion. Atoms in the lower portion. D C (b) The screw dislocation in (a) as viewed from above. A screw dislocation involves shearing one portion of a perfect crystal with respect to another portion on one side of a line (AB). Dislocation line A mixed dislocation. New molecule S cre w dis loca tion a ids crys ta l growth be ca us e the ne wly a rriving a tom ca n a tta ch to two or thre e a toms ins te a d of one a tom a nd the re by form more bonds . Crystallite Nuclei Liquid (a) (b) Grain Grain boundary (c) Solidification of a polycrystalline solid from the melt. (a) Nucleation. (b) Growth. (c) The solidified polycrystalline solid. For simplicity, cubes represent atoms. Foreignimpurity Self-interstitial type atom Void, vacancy Strained bond Grain boundary Broken bond (dangling bond) The grain boundaries have broken bonds, voids, vacancies, strained bonds and "interstitial" type atoms. The structure of the grain boundary is disordered and the atoms in the grain boundaries have higher energies than those within the grains. H 2O Dangling bond Surface Reconstructed surface Absorbed Oxygen H H2 O Surface atoms Bulk crystal At the surface of a hypothetical two dimensional crystal, the atoms cannot fulfill their bonding requirements and therefore have broken, or dangling, bonds. Some of the surface atoms bond with each other; the surface becomes reconstructed. The surface can have physisorbed and chemisorbed atoms. Edge Atom on surface Step Hole Crevice Corner Screw dislocation Typically a crystal surface has many types of imperfections such as steps, ledges, kinks, crevices, holes and dislocations. X-Ray Diffraction 회절 : 입사하는 파장과 같은 거리로 공간을 차지하는 중심의 규칙적인 배열에 의해 산란 되는 빛의 결과 X-ray diffraction in a crystalline solid Bragg 법칙 : 2dsin(Θ) = nλL (d : 면간 간격, Θ : 입사각, λL : X선(빛) 파장, n : 회전차수 )