Research group
Roberto Botta, Giancarlo Bounous, Sergio Lanteri, Cristiana Peano, Ezio Portis, Gabriele Beccaro, Giovanna Giacalone.
(Contact: Roberto Botta)
The rescue, characterization and preservation of the germplasm of nut and fruit tree species represent cultural strategies to valuate the resources strictly linked to the natural environment. Besides the commercial value of the genotypes, the conservation of the biodiversity is a tool in breeding programs to improve the obtention of new varieties, more resistant to the major pests and diseases, aimed at enlarging the basis of the cultivated germplasm.
Several activities of the research group involve the study and the exploitation of biodiversity: germplasm search, characterization and description; breeding and selection of new cultivars; fruit and nut quality characterisation in different genotypes; application of post-harvest techniques.
Diversity is evaluated both by the analysis of molecular markers and by morpho-phenological traits in species such as chestnut, hazelnut, walnut and apple.
Genetic traits are the basis of diversity and of cultivar and selection performance. Genetic maps are being developed for chestnut and hazelnut segregating for several traits of interest: resistance to pests, nut quality, phenological (budburst, flowering) and physiological (vigour, sucker aptitude) characters.
Trascriptome analysis and advanced genetic studies are carried out in sinergy by Horticulturists and
Nut and fruit quality is evaluated considering its variation among genotypes (mainly apple, hazelnut, walnut, plum, cherry, chestnut) and characteristics of nutraceutical interest such as antioxidant capacity and phenolics content, in order to expand the local produce supply and satisfy the ever growing consumer requirements.
The aim of post-harvest research is to improve the sustainability of the fruit supply chain by optimizing their quality and shelf life through the use of post harvest technology. The driver of all research's activity is the adoption of innovation in the management of fruit production and process that can be able to fulfil sustainability criteria (economical, ecological and social). Smart integration of multidisciplinary aspect such as physiological, safety, and instrumental and sensory quality measurement concepts is essential to develop the most effective handling procedures and innovative technologies for maintaining quality and shelf stability of fruit products.
Recent publications
Boccacci P., Aramini M., Valentini N., Bacchetta L., Rovira M., Drogoudi P., Silva A.P., Solar A., Calizzano F.,
Erdo วง an V., Cristofori V., Ciarmiello L.F., Contessa, C., Ferreira J.J., Marra F.P., Botta R. 2013. Molecular and morphological diversity of on-farm hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) landraces from southern Europe and their role in the origin and diffusion of cultivated germplasm. Tree Genetics and Genomes 9 (6):1465-1480.
Barchi L., Lanteri S., Portis E., Valè G., Volante A., Pulcini L., Ciriaci T., Acciarri N., Barbierato V., Toppino L.,
Rotino G.L. 2012. A RAD tag derived marker based eggplant linkage map and the location of QTL determining anthocyanin pigmentation. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43740
CONEDERA M. (2012). Insights in the chestnut genetic diversity in Canton Ticino (Southern Switzerland).
SILVAE GENETICA, vol. 61 (6), p. 292-300
Canterino S., DONNO D., MELLANO M.G., BECCARO G.L., BOUNOUS G. (2012). Nutritional and sensory survey of Citrus sinensis (L.) cultivars grown at the most Northern limit of the Mediterranean latitude.
JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, vol. 35, p. 108-118
Chiabrando V., Giacalone G. 2013. Effect of different coatings in preventing deterioration and preserving the quality of fresh-cut nectarines (cv Big Top). CYTA: Journal of Food, 11, pp 285-292.
Contessa C., Mellano M.G., Beccaro G.L., Giusiano A., Botta R. 2013. Total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic and anthocyanin contents in fruit species grown in Northwest Italy. Scientia Horticulturae
BOUNOUS (2012). Application of sensory, nutraceutical and genetic techniques to create a quality profile of ancient apple cultivars. JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, vol. 35, p. 169-181
Giacalone G., Chiabrando V. 2013. Effect of different treatments with calcium salts on sensory quality of fresh-cut apple. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52, pp 79-86.
Giacalone G., Chiabrando V. 2013. Modified atmosphere packaging of sweet cherries with biodegradable films. International Food Research Journal, 20, pp 1263-1268.
Girgenti V., Peano C., Baudino C., Tecco N. 2014. From "farm to fork" strawberry system: Current realities and potential innovative scenarios from life cycle assessment of non-renewable energy use and green house gas emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 473-474, pp. 48-53. of chestnut fruits. Italian Journal of Food Science, 23 (1), pp. 60-66
Peano C., Baudino C., Giuggioli N.R., Girgenti V. 2014. The use of a modified atmosphere during the storage
Scaglione D., Acquadro A., Portis E., Taylor C.A., Lanteri S., Knapp S.J. 2009 Ontology and diversity of transcript-associated microsatellites mined from a globe artichoke EST database. BMC Genomics 10:454
Scaglione D., Acquadro A., Portis E., Tirone M., Knapp S.J., Lanteri S. 2012. RAD tag sequencing as a source of SNP markers in Cynara cardunculus L. BMC Genomics, 13:3
Sottile F., Peano C., Giuggioli N.R., Girgenti, V. 2013. The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the physical and chemical quality of fresh yellow plum cultivars. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment,
11 (3-4), pp. 363-367.
Torello Marinoni D., Akkak A., Guaraldo P., Boccacci P., Ebone A., Viotto E., Bounous G. Ferrara A.M., Botta
R. 2013. Genetic and morphological characterization of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) germplasm in
Piedmont (North-western Italy). Tree Genetics & Genomes. 9 (4):1017-1030.
Main international collaborations
• CTIFL Lanxade, France
• Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, USA
• East Malling Research, UK
• Genome Center, University of California, Davis, USA
• INPL-INRA Agronomie Environnement di Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Francia
• IRTA – Institut de Recerca y Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, Tarragona, Spain
• Oregon State University, Department of Horticulture, Corvallis, USA
• Plant Research International - settore Bioscience, Wageningen, Olanda
• Postharvest Technology Center, UC Davis, USA
• Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Bellinzona, Switzerland
• Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
Univerza v Ljubliani, Biotehniška Fakulteta, Ljubliana, Slovenia
• Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Laboratories and facilities
ANALYTICAL LABS : used for manipulation, qualitative and routine analysis of fruits. Equipped with Diode
Array HPLC, centrifuges and preparatory tools.
MOLECULAR LAB: equipped for molecular biology technique applications. Equipped with 3130 Genetic analyser, thermal cyclers, centrifuges.
COLD ROOMS: used for the storage of fruit samples and propagation materials.
CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE ROOMS: there are four controlled atmosphere cells used for post-harvest storage experiments on different species of fruit.
GREEN-HOUSES: used for propagation and plant physiology experiments.
EXPERIMENTAL FARM: Germplasm collections are available for apple, hazelnut, chestnut
Main research projects
Securing gene conservation, adaptive, breeding potential and utilization of a model multipurpose tree species (Castanea sativa Mill.) in a dynamic environment (UE Contract no. EVK2-1999-00065 - 2000-2004).
Ecological, Biological, Silvicultural and Economical Management for Optimisation of Chestnut Wood and
Alimentary Production within a Sustainable Development Frame (EU contract QLK5-2001-00029, 2002-
Evaluation of susceptibility to gall wasp in Castanea spp. cultivars and molecular mechanisms of response to infestation (Regione Piemonte, 2003-2012).
Construction of models for quality valorization and traceability of fruit and nut crops grown in Piemonte
(Regione Piemonte – CIPE 2004, 2006-2009).
Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources - (SAFENUT, EU contract 068 AGRI GEN RES 870/2004
– 2007-2010).
The hazelnut chain: agronomical and technological aspects for the improvement of production in Piedmont
(Regione Piemonte, 2008-2011).
Safeguard of the chestnut ecosystem (Interreg Alcotra, 2010-2012).
Development of quality and process innovation including research in hazelnut (Italian Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Forestry 2012-2013).
Vivopack New integrated biodegradable and compostable conditioning system VIVOPACK for the valorisation of Made in Italy agro-food products. (MISE – Ministero Sviluppo Economico – Bando Made in
Italy - 2010-2013).
BIRD EU-ACP project "Biodiversity integration and rural developement in Madagascar"
F&F Biopack ( Regione Piemonte – Fondi FEARS FERS – Bando Piattaforma Agroalimentare - 2011-2014)
Feed & Food packaging. ( Regione Piemonte – Fondi FEARS FERS – Bando Piattaforma Agroalimentare -
Afnia Alternative Food Networks: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. (Strategic Research Grant – Compagnia
S.Paolo - 2013-2015).