HGA CONFERENCE Conference and Farm Walks 12 – 13 October

Conference and Farm Walks 12 – 13 October 2013,
Hazelnut Financials & Bio-Security Farm Plan Workshop Monday 14 October
Silver Sponsors Antonio Carraro Oceania, Tornado/Town and Country Tractors and Machinery.
HGA Annual Conference has been funded by HAL using voluntary contributions from industry and matched funds from
the Australian Government.”* “
Closing date for Conference Registration
Close of Business Friday, 4th October
Names of Participants: ……………………..........................................……………………………………………………………………...
Address: ………………………………………..……………..…………………………………….………….….................................................
Email: ……………………………………….........................Phone: ……………………………… Mobile: ……………………………………..
HGA Member Non-member
Full Conference Registration
Saturday Conference and Dinner, Sunday Farm Walks
NB: Full Conference does not include optional Monday Workshop
 Saturday ONLY - including lunch, morning and afternoon tea
 Conference Dinner ONLY – Saturday 6.30pm for 7.00pm
 Sunday ONLY – coach, morning & afternoon tea and lunch
 Monday Workshop ONLY
Total Payable
Will you be using the conference bus on Sunday? Yes/No Number of persons ………….
Any Special Requirements – eg Vegetarian …………………………………………………………………........…………………………………………
Are you a Potential grower?
New grower?
Experienced grower?
or other interested person?
What interests you most about the conference program?
Registering by mail? NB HGA is not registered to for GST
Please make cheque payable to HGA Inc. Mail the completed form (with cheque) to:
Mrs Mattia Ringe, Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc, 473 Kancoona South Road, Kancoona Vic 3691 Tel: 02 6028 9119
Registering by Email?
Pay by Direct Credit to the HGA Bank Account:- Westpac BSB 032 814 A/c No. 195114 quote “Conf & your surname”.
Email the completed registration form to mattiaandrew@harboursat.com.au
Hazelnut Growers of Australia Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference
Venue:- Savoy Sporting Club, Great Alpine Road, Myrtleford.
8.30 am Registration commences
9.00 am – 9.45 am
Annual General Meeting.
10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Conference Sessions
Speakers and Topics:Richard Bennett, Product Integrity Manager, H.A.L.: A Food Safety breach (microbiological or chemical residue)
can bring not just an enterprise but a whole industry to its knees. Richard helps 43 horticultural industries plan
to ensure traceable product integrity from paddock to plate.
Darren Baguley freelance journalist, technical writer, hazelnut grower:- Darren’s profession takes his readers to
the cutting edge of modern communication trends and technology. Social media is powerful promotional tool –
how will hazelnut growers’ handle the sharp side of the social media sword in a Food Safety Crisis?
Peter dal Santo principal AgAware Consulting. AgAware works with various agricultural industries to solve
their pest management issues. Peter outlines why agrochemicals are registered, the benefits of the
minor-use permit system to small industries, and consequence to growers and industry of illegal use.
Stephen Dibley, Program Manager (Training and Biosecurity Preparedness) Plant Health Australia. Stephen will
outline the benefits and preparations of signing the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) with PHA.
Peter Ahne, Belmore Partners Chartered Accountants – establishing a set of Accounts, taxation considerations.
Round Table - planning a hazelnut enterprise – markets, main-crop/pollinizers, spacing, costs and returns.
Brad Wells, Manager R&D Strategy Implementation, HAL - Brad’s role is to increase the value of HAL’s R&D
investment within the nut industries and identify where industry and individuals share common goals.
Round table – goals and strategies to achieve hazelnut research and Industry development priorities.
CONFERENCE DINNER - Savoy Sporting Club - 6.30 drinks for 7pm
Sunday 13 October –
HAZELNUT FARM WALKS - includes BBQ lunch, morning tea and coach transport.
Mount Buffalo Hazelnuts, Porepunkah – courtesy David and Kass Batt. Planted in 1997, Mt Buffalo is
Australia’s largest established orchard. Topics - canopy management, thinning, hazelnut processing.
Tractor & Equipment demonstrations – Town and Country Tractors and Machinery.
Ovens Hazelnut Trial block, Vic DEPI – planted in 1996 under the RIRDC funded ‘Evaluation of
Hazelnut Varieties for S E Australia’ this orchard is still cropping yet not managed since 2006.
Hillsborough Quality Nuts, Stanley – courtesy Andrew and Anita Cook. One year old and ‘just
planted’ orchards.
Monday 14 October.
Hazelnut On Farm Bio-security Plan Workshop – Limited places, materials and workbooks provided,
facilitated by Trevor Ranford. Develop an individual Bio-Security Plan and Bio-Security Awareness material to
protect your property. Workshop hazelnut financials, inputs, rates of work and yields with like-minded
growers. The cost of this workshop is heavily subsidised.
More information on HGA website www.hazelnuts.org.au
For all queries concerning the conference program – Vanessa Cox 02 6372 3224 or email hazelnuts@hwy.com.au