W. W. Norton & Company
Our Origins
Discovering Physical
Second Edition
Clark Spencer Larsen
Chapter 3
Clark Spencer Larsen
Our Origins
Chapter 3
Genetics: Reproducing Life and
Producing Variation
©2011 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
The Cell
 Two types of organisms
Prokaryote (one cell)
Eukaryote (many cells)
The Cell
 Two types of cells
Somatic (body) cells
Gamete (reproductive) cells
Figure 3.3f Somatic Cells—Skin Cells
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Figure 3.4a Gametes—Human Male Sex Cells
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The DNA Molecule
 Nuclear DNA
Contained within the nucleus of a cell
Makes up chromosomes
Complete set called genome
Figure 3.5a Chromosomes
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The DNA Molecule
 Mitochondrial DNA
Contained in organelles in cell’s
Inherited from the mother
The DNA Molecule
 DNA: the blueprint of life
Chemical template for every aspect of
Double helix, ladderlike structure
Ladder forms nucleotide
Ladder base made up of four types
Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
Complementary pairs (A&T, C&G)
Replicating the Code
 One function of the DNA molecule is
Part of cell division—meiosis or mitosis
DNA makes identical copies of itself
 Chromosome Types
Occur in homologous (matching) pairs
One in each pair from each parent
Figure 3.12a The Human Karyotype Consists of 46
Chromosomes of Various Sizes in 23 Pairs
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Replicating the Code
 Autosomes (nonsex chromosomes)
 Sex chromosomes
X, Y
Females carry only X chromosomes,
while males have one X and one Y
The father determines the sex of the
Mitosis: Production of Identical
Somatic Cells
 DNA replication followed by one cell
 Diploid cell (contains full set of
Figure 3.14a The Steps of Mitosis in Humans
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Meiosis: Production of Gametes
 One DNA replication followed by two
cell divisions
 Gametes are haploid (half the number
of chromosomes)
 Does not result in identical cell copies
 Errors can occur during meiosis
Nondisjunction, translocation
Figure 3.15 Meiosis
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Producing Proteins
 Proteins are chemicals that make up
 Also regulate functions, repair, and
growth of tissues
 Proteins are made up of amino acids
Twenty different types
Producing Proteins
 Structural proteins responsible for
physical characteristics
 Regulatory proteins responsible for
functions: enzymes, hormones,
 Protein synthesis involves two steps.
Transcription (unzipping, template for
Translation (template attaches to
Producing Proteins
 DNA in protein synthesis is coding DNA.
 Most of human DNA is noncoding.
Genes: Structural and Regulatory
 Structural genes are responsible for
body structures.
 Regulatory genes turn other genes on
and off.
Homeotic (Hox) genes
Master genes
Figure 3.21 Homeotic (Hox) Genes
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 Each gene has a specific physical
location (locus).
 Loci are valuable to understanding
genetic variation.
 Alleles on different loci are chemically
alternative versions of the same gene.
 Some genes have one allele, while
others have more
Mendel’s Law of Segregation: a parent
passes one allele to offspring
 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Make up variation between and within
human populations
Figure 3.23 Law of Segregation
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 Genotypes and phenotypes: genes and
their physical expression
Chemically identical alleles are termed
Chemically different alleles are
Dominant allele is expressed in the
For a recessive allele to be expressed,
there must be two copies.
Polygenic Variation and
 Much of genetics is based on the “one
gene, one protein” model.
 However, many traits are polygenic and
are determined by genes at more than
one locus.
Polygenic Variation and
 For some traits, only some of the
genetic variation can be calculated
Heritability ranges from 0 (none of the
variation is genetic) to 1 (all of the
variation is genetic).
Only heritable traits respond to natural
Polygenic Variation and
 Measurement of heritability is
complicated by pleiotropy, or a single
allele having multiple effects.
Most complex traits are both
pleiotropic and polygenic.
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
Human and chimpanzee DNA is about _____
a) 100%
b) 98%
c) 90%
d) 75%
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
If one side of the DNA ladder includes the
sequence CTAATGT, the complementary base
configuration for this sequence will be:
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
The human karyotype consists of ______ pairs of
a) 23
b) 46
c) 48
d) 24
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
Blocks of genetic material that do not recombine
and are passed on for generations are called:
a) phenotypes.
b) genotypes.
c) karyotypes.
d) haplotypes.
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
Regulatory or functional proteins include:
a) lactase.
b) testosterone.
c) antibodies.
d) All of the above
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
In protein synthesis, ___________ refers to
“unzipping” the DNA and ____________ refers
to the formation of polypeptide chains.
a) division; replication
b) transcription; translation
c) meiosis; mitosis
d) translocation; nondisjunction
Chapter 3: Clicker Questions
Prokaryotes have multiple cells while eukaryotes
have one.
a) True
b) False
Art Presentation Slides
Chapter 3
Chapter Opener
Our Origins, 2nd Edition
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Figure 3.1 Cells and Their Organelles
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Figure 3.2a Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
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Figure 3.2b A Bacteria that Aids Digestion in the Intestines
of Mammals, Including Humans
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Figure 3.2c The Eukaryotic Cells of a Primate’s Kidney
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Figure 3.3a Somatic Cells—A Heart Muscle
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Figure 3.3b Somatic Cells—Brain Tissue
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Figure 3.3c Somatic Cells—Motor Neurons (Nerve Cells)
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Figure 3.3d Somatic Cells—Red Blood Cells (the Larger Cells Are
White Blood Cells, and the Small Dots Are Platelets)
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Figure 3.3e Somatic Cells—Osteocyte (Bone Cell)
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Figure 3.3f Somatic Cells—Skin Cells
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Figure 3.4a Gametes—Human Male Sex Cells
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Figure 3.4b Gametes—A Human Female Sex Cell
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Figure 3.4c Gametes—Ovum
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Figure 3.5a Chromosomes
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Figure 3.5b Number of Chromosomes
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Figure 3.6 Nuclear DNA
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Figure 3.7 Mitochondrion
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Figure 3.8 The Structure of DNA
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Figure 3.9 Nucleotide
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Figure 3.10 The Steps of DNA Replication
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Human Chromosome 3
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Normal Bone, on the Left, and Osteoporotic Bone, on the Right
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DNA from 4,000-Year-Old Human Hair
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Figure 3.11 Chromosome Pairs
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Figure 3.12a The Human Karyotype Consists of 46
Chromosomes of Various Sizes in 23 Pairs
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Figure 3.12b In this Karyotype, the Pair Labeled “XY”
Belong to a Human Male
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Figure 3.13 Embryonic Development
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Figure 3.14a The Steps of Mitosis in Humans
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Figure 3.14b A Human Skin Cell Undergoing Mitosis, Dividing
into Two New Daughter Cells
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The Skeletons of Native Americans
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Figure 3.15 Meiosis
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Figure 3.16a The Law of Independent Assortment, Asserts
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Figure 3.16b Hair Color, for Example, Is Inherited
Independently from Eye Color
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Figure 3.17 Linkage
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Figure 3.18a Structural Proteins—Keratin
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Figure 3.18b Structural Proteins-Collagen
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Figure 3.19a Protein Synthesis
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Figure 3.19b Protein Synthesis
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Figure 3.20a The Hand on the Right Shows Normal Finger Growth.
The Hand on the Left Has Much Longer and Thinner Fingers.
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Figure 3.20b Marfan Syndrome
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Figure 3.21 Homeotic (Hox) Genes
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Figure 3.22a Antibody–Antigen System
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Figure 3.22b Antibody–Antigen System
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Figure 3.23 Law of Segregation
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Figure 3.24 Polygenic Traits and Pleiotropic Genes
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Our Origins
Discovering Physical Anthropology
Second Edition
Clark Spencer Larsen