C1 Revision Food additives. • Make food look and taste better, and last longer. • Anti-oxidants stop the food from reacting with oxygen. • Emulsifiers help oil and water mix. – Hydrophobic and hydrophilic. • The E means it has passed a safety test, the number tells you what it does. Cooking. • Proteins denature. – Heat changes their shape permanently. • Starch grains burst. • Cooking is an irreversible chemical change. • NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O Perfume. • Acid + Alcohol → Ester and Water. – Easily evaporates. – Non toxic. – Doesn't react with water. – Doesn't irritate your skin. – Insoluble in water. Solutions. • A solute dissolves in a solvent making a solution. • Its all about attraction. – The solvent needs to be able to break the bonds of the solute and make stronger bonds with them. What is oil made of??? •Oil is a Mixture of Hydrocarbons •They are called: • Alkanes and • Alkenes Chemicals • Name chemical formula display formula H methane, CH4 H C H H 3d shape. An example of an alkane • Methane • All single bonds • Saturated an example of an alkene • Ethene • Contains a double bond • unsaturated Alkanes and alkenes. • Alkanes: – C-C – ‘saturated‘ – CnH2n+2 – Can’t make polymers. – Very unreactive. – Does nothing to bromine water. • Alkenes: – C=C – 'unsaturated' – Cn H2n – Used to make polymers. – Very reactive. – Turns bromine colourless. Naming hydrocarbons NO. OF CARBONS NAME 1 Meth- 2 Eth- 3 Prop- 4 But- 5 Pent- Fractional distillation. • Hydrocarbon molecules contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms. • Crude oil can be separated by fractional distillation, – because they have different boiling and condensation points. • The crude oil is heated to vapourise it (evaporated or boiled). • The most volatile fraction, i.e. the molecules with the lowest boiling points, boil or evaporate off first and go to the top of the column. How do we separate this mixture?? • Fractional Distillation • As you go up the column to the: – Boiling point decreases – Intermolecular forces decrease – Volatility/ignition increases Hydrocarbon Bonds. • Down the pic above the molecule gets ... • ... bigger as the carbon atom number in the molecule increases. • ... more viscous as the intermolecular forces between molecules increases. • ... higher melting point as more energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the molecules together. • ... higher boiling point as more energy is needed to overcome the increasing intermolecular forces between the liquid molecules. • ... less flammable as they become less volatile, again due to increasing intermolecular forces. How do we make the fractions more useful?? • What process is used to break long carbon molecules (like tar) into smaller, more useful molecules (like petrol)? • Cracking • Need a catalyst • High pressure Cracking. • In the catalytic cracker long chain molecules are split apart or ‘cracked’. • This is another example of thermal decomposition. H H H H H H H H H C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H hexane Heat pressure H H H H H H H C C C C C C H Used as H H H H H H Octane catalyst H + H C C a fuel C8H18 C6H14 + C2H4 H H ethene Ethene is used to make plastics Polymers. • Monomers stick together and make polymers. • Unsaturated monomers have a double bond between 2 carbons. H H H H H H H H H H And H H H C C C C C C C C C C lots C C more.. H H H H H H H H H H H H 1 2 3 4 5 thousands This is called addition polymerisation and is written as: H n H C C ethene H H Pressure high temperature catalyst H H poly(e)thene C C H H n Making Polymers • What do we start with??? • An AlKENE Making Polymers • The DOUBLE bond is broken leaving: Polypropene • Ethene is only one alkene. Other unsaturated molecules such as propene, vinyl chloride and styrene can also be polymerised to produce a range of plastics. E.g. propene n H H H C C C H propene H H H CH3 Poly(propene) C C H H n • PVC n Cl H C C H H Vinyl chloride H Cl C C H H pvc n Fuels. • Oil is running out, and is none renewable. • Oil slicks, acid rain, and green house problems. • Things that are important about choosing fuels are: – How – How – How – How – How much energy it gives out. much it costs. easy it is to store. poisonous it is. much pollution it gives off. Burning fuels. • Burning hydrocarbons always gives off water vapour. • Enough oxygen allows complete combustion giving off carbon dioxide as well. • Too little oxygen gives off carbon monoxide instead (and less oxygen). • Cobalt blue goes pink for water • Lime water goes cloudy for carbon dioxide. Burning hydrocarbons The apparatus below is used to test the products of combustion of a hydrocarbon. Suction pump icewater Candle wax is the hydrocarbon here Lime water Liquid collected can be tested with anhydrous cobalt chloride paper (bluepink). any hydrocarbon + oxygen water + carbon dioxide Incomplete Combustion of Alkanes • In the absence of an adequate supply of air, alkanes may react to form carbon monoxide and water. • Carbon monoxide is highly poisonous and this is one reason why gas boilers must be serviced regularly. A carbon monoxide detector Methane + oxygen water 2CH4 + 3O2 + carbon monoxide 4H2O + 2CO Energy. • Exothermic – Gives out energy – More bonds are made than broken • Endothermic – Takes in energy. – More bonds are broken than made. It takes 4.2 Joules of energy to increase the temp of 1g of water by 1C Energy transferred (J) = mass of water (g) x 4.2 x temp change (C) Energy of fuel (J/g) = energy transferred (J) / mass of fuel burnt (g) Energy for the Home Module P1 Revision • The thermal energy in a mass is the total energy of all the particles in the mass • Thermal energy (heat) is measured in joules (J) • The temperature is a measure of how hot something is (how fast the average particle is moving) • Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius (°C) Like water flowing downhill, from higher places to lower places • Thermal energy transfers from high temperature places to low temperature places • The bigger the temperature difference the quicker the heat energy transfers The Thermogram • Temperature is shown by the colour • Hot = red/yellow • Cold = blue Heating and Cooling • To raise the temperature of an object energy must be added (by heating it) • To lower the temperature of an object energy must be taken away (by cooling it) Specific Heat Capacity, SHC • The amount of energy added or subtracted to change the temperature of a substance depends on: • Its mass • The material • The temperature change Specific Heat Capacity, SHC • The Specific Heat Capacity of a substance is the energy needed to change the temperature 1 kg of the substance by 1o • The greater the SHC the more heat energy it can store Specific Latent Heat, SLH • When a solid melts or a liquid boils it requires energy, even though its temperature does not change • The energy is needed to break the bonds between the molecules Specific Latent Heat, SLH • When a liquid solidifies or a gas condenses energy is released even though the temperature does not change • The energy is released as the atoms or molecules join together and slow down Specific Latent Heat, SLH • The Specific Latent Heat, SLH, is the energy required or released by 1 kg of a substance when it melts or freezes, evaporates or condenses Changes of state 90 80 Temperature 70 CONDENSING BOILING 60 GAS 50 40 30 SOLIDIFYING MELTING LIQUID 20 SOLID 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time 7 8 9 10 11 12 Insulation • Air is a good insulator, (all gases are good insulators) Any material that traps pockets of air is a good insulating material Eg: Expanded polystyrene, fibreglass wool, Double glazing, feathers, fur Insulating the house • Loft insulation • Cavity Wall insulation • Double glazing • Carpets • Draught excluders Payback time • Payback time = Original cost ÷ annual saving Efficiency • The more efficient a machine or device is, the more of its INPUT energy is transferred into a USEFUL energy OUTPUT 90 J Light Energy USEFUL OUTPUT 100 J Electrical Energy INPUT 10 J Heat Energy WASTED OUTPUT Efficiency = 90/100 = 0.9 = 90% Payback time • Money spent on insulating your home is money well spent – but some methods are better than others: • Loft insulation may cost £500 to buy, and save £250 each year in heating costs • So it would take 2 years to save the original cost: Payback time is 2 Years Heat Energy Transfer (1) • CONDUCTION:- Transfer of Thermal Energy via particle to particle, atom to atom – Mainly occurs in solids – “Hotter” Particles/atoms vibrate faster, taking up more space so the solid expands – Best conductors are metals, due to free electrons enabling rapid transfer of energy Heat Energy Transfer (2) • CONVECTION:- transfer of heat energy through liquids and gases – “Hotter” particles/atoms move faster, so they take up more space and the gas or liquid expands and becomes less dense – “Hotter,” less dense, masses of water or air will rise – “Colder”, more dense, masses of water or air will sink • CONVECTION CURRENTS will develop, transferring energy everywhere else Heat Energy Transfer (3) • RADIATION:- EVERY object that is HOTTER than its surroundings will emit heat energy as INFRARED RADIATION until it is the same temperature as its surroundings • This can be seen by infrared cameras and sometimes felt by the skin INFRARED (1) • Black surfaces absorb infrared best – Black cars get hot in the sun, white ones stay cool • Black surfaces emit infrared best – Radiators should be black – but who wants black radiators? • White/silver surfaces reflect infrared – NEWS FLASH! Space tourists travel to the sun behind a giant mirror and survive! • White/silver surfaces emit least – So why is my radiator white?! INFRARED (2) • USED FOR: – Burglar alarms: “heat sensors” detect infrared – Cooking: infrared heats the surface of food, cooking it – Control: Remote controls for TVs, videos, DVDs – Information: transfer of data to/from computer mouse MICROWAVES • Have longer wavelength (lower frequency) than infrared, so transfer less energy. • Are reflected by metals, but go through plastics and glass • Used by mobile phones, satellites and radar • One particular wavelength used for cooking because it is absorbed by water molecules which then move more quickly (ie they get “hotter”) – this then cooks the food ANALOGUE SIGNALS • These are waves that continuously vary • They can have many different values • Any interference can not be removed: signal quality can only get worse DIGITAL SIGNALS • These are waves that only have two values: – High/Low On/Off 1 or 0 • Interference or distortion can be removed or is not recognised by the receiver • Signals can be boosted or amplified without increasing interference DIGITAL SIGNALS Surface of DVD disc Computer Binary Code Digital signal WAVES in general Wavelength Amplitude Frequency = number of cycles (0scilations) per second (Hertz) Speed of wave (m/s) = wavelength (m) x frequency (Hz) Wave Characteristics • There are two main types of wave – Longitudinal, e.g. Sound, P-waves – Transverse, e.g. Light, S-waves Vibrational direction Vibrational direction Energy flow Transverse Wave Energy flow LongitudinalWave Wave Characteristics • All waves can be REFLECTED The angle of reflection = the angle of incidence TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION Optical fibres can carry signals without losing as much energy Signals are more secure: more difficult to listen in Wave Characteristics • All waves can be REFRACTED • Because light SLOWS down in more dense materials like glass Wave Characteristics • All waves can be DIFFRACTED • When a gap or obstacle is the same width as the wavelength the waves spread out through it, or around it • When the wavelength is smaller the spreading is less obvious ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES • Electromagnetic waves are transverse • At the lowest energy, lowest frequency and longest wavelength are radiowaves • Next come microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays • At the highest energy, highest frequency and shortest wavelength are gamma rays LASERS • Laser light consists of lightwaves that are all in phase with each other • This makes a tight beam with great intensity • Can be used to cut wood, steel and flesh with great accuracy • Reflects precisely off CD and DVD discs Wireless Technology • Transmitter and receiver do not need to be physically connected • Available 24/7 • Radio waves can be reflected around the world through the IONOSPHERE (a layer of ionised air high in the atmosphere) Wireless Technology • Microwaves can be sent around the world by being RECEIVED and RE-TRANSMITTED from geostationary satellites • Microwaves can be transmitted from phone mast to phone mast if in line of sight NOT TO SCALE INTERFERENCE • Different TV and radio channels use different frequencies to broadcast their programs • If these frequencies are nearly the same the receiving TV or radio will get both programs – this is INTERFERENCE SEISMIC WAVES : P-WAVES • P-Waves = Primary waves = “Pressure” waves = longitudinal waves • Are transmitted through solids, liquids and gasses • The denser the substance the quicker they travel • Sound travels at – 330m/s in air 1500m/s in water 5000m/s in steel SEISMIC WAVES : S-WAVES • S-waves = Secondary waves = “sideways” waves = transverse waves • Only travel through solids or semi solid material • Travel more slowly through the Earth than PWaves Structure of the Earth This is what the interior looks like – we think! But how do we know? Structure of the Earth • If the Earth was simply solid all the way through – Then the waves from an earthquake would be felt everywhere around the world STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH What the S-Waves tell us • Observation: The S-Waves are not detected over nearly half of the Earth • Explanation: The waves are blocked by a Liquid Core STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH What P-Waves tell us • Observation: There is a shadow zone where P-Waves are not detected • Explanation: A liquid core causes refraction of the waves • • • • • • ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION UV radiation can damage DNA in skin cells Small amounts cause tanning Large amounts may cause skin cancer Dark skin absorbs some UV reducing the amount reaching the deeper layers of skin The OZONE layer absorbs some UV reducing the amount reaching the Earth’s surface CFCs reduce OZONE, CFCS have been banned from current use CLIMATE CHANGE • The Earth’s climate changes naturally as the sun changes • Volcanic dust and ash and man-made pollution can reflect sunlight away – cooling the planet • Greenhouse gases “trap” heat in – warming the planet • Greenhouse gases include CO2 , Methane and Nitrous Oxides (NOXs) That’s all folks • Remember – Read the question at least twice, or until you understand what it is asking you – If the question asks you to “Describe...” or “Explain…” then write a complete sentence for each mark that can be given – Read through your answers to make sure that they make sense – Nonsense award Examiners marks cannot for! Biology Unit 1 What’s the difference between fitness and health? • Fitness is ability to do physical activity • Health is being free from infection How can we measure fitness? • Strength • Stamina • Speed • Flexibility • Agility • Cardiovascular efficiency • How many words can you find that are to do with fitness and exercise? R B D A N P Q B S Z L D E E P E N E R G Y A O A S S T R T V W H C X J O P L M O N V A T Y Q C U I S W B P C I G A U L L R V T I D C E D L S A R A D D C A N B G E F K L T U D C U A N A E R O B I C I V U D X V S R B D O D A J B R E A T H E K N Your beating heart gives your blood pressure • Blood pressure can be: –Diastolic (When the heart relaxes) –Systolic (When the heart contracts) • What are the units for blood pressure? –mmHg Blood pressure too high?! • Burst blood vessels • Damage to brain • Stroke • Kidney damage Blood pressure too low?! • Dizziness • Fainting • Poor circulation •Blood pressure is affected by age and lifestyle (diet, smoking, alcohol…) RESPIRATION What’s the equation? GLUCOSE PLUS OXYGEN GIVES CARBON DIOXIDE PLUS WATER PLUS ENERGY •Can you remember it? •Try saying it to yourself! Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + (energy) FATIGUE •When we do hard exercise, we respire ANAEROBICALLY and LACTIC ACID builds up in our muscles. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION • Respiration without oxygen! • Glucose lactic acid + energy • MUCH LESS ENERGY RELEASED IN ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION BALANCED DIETS • Vary depending on age, gender and amount of activity • Carbohydrate – The body’s energy resource • Fat – An insulator and an energy resource • Protein – For growth and repair • Vitamins – Keep the body functioning • Minerals – Keep the body functioning • Fibre – Keeps food moving along the gut Can you remember the food types and what they are needed for? • Carbohydrate – The body’s energy resource • Fat – An insulator and an energy resource • Protein – For growth and repair • Vitamins – Keep the body functioning • Minerals – Keep the body functioning • Fibre – Keeps food moving along the gut CARBOHYDRATES Are made from… SIMPLE SUGARS (E.G. GLUCOSE) FATS • Are made from… • FATTY ACIDS AND GLYCEROL PROTEINS • Are made from… • AMINO ACIDS • Animal proteins are known as ‘first class’ proteins… • …because they contain all the essential amino acids the body needs. • Lack of protein causes KWASHIORKOR • BMI (body mass index) = mass (g) (height (m))2 • BMI can be used to help us understand whether a person is underweight, normal, •A desire for perfection, low self-esteem and poor self image can lead to a poor diet and increased risks of poor health. DIGESTION •Chemical Chemicaldigestion digestionisis the the break break down of large insoluble down of large insoluble food food molecules into smaller molecules into smaller more more soluble ones by soluble ones by enzymes for enzymes for absorption into absorption the blood the blood into plasma or lymph. CAN YOU MEMORISE IT? plasma or lymph. •FOOD MOLECULES ARE BROKEN DOWN BY SPECIFIC ENZYMES. CARBOHYDRATES are broken down by CARBOHYDRASE PROTEIN is broken down by PROTEASE FAT/LIPID is broken down by LIPASE Where does digestion take place? • The mouth • The stomach • The small intestine • Stomach acid aids enzyme function. • Small molecules are absorbed into the blood in the small intestine by DIFFUSION. DISEASE Diseases and disorders can be caused by: • Infectious microbes • Genetic inheritance • Vitamin deficiency • Mineral deficiency DEFICIENCIES • No vitamin C Scurvy • No iron Anaemia BODY DISORDERS • Inability to control blood sugar level diabetes GENETIC DISORDERS • Red – green colour blindness • Diseases like MALARIA are caused by PARASITES. • MALARIA is spread when the parasite is carried from person to person by a mosquito (the vector). • How can knowledge of how vectors spread disease help to control infection Immunity to disease • Active: – The body remembers a pathogen invasion and white blood cells can respond quickly next time it happens! • Passive: – Injecting a person with antibodies (e.g. Protection from a snake bite) The immune response • The body’ white blood cells produce antibody, specific to the pathogen Can you order these pictures? 2 4 5 1 3 THE EYE Can you remember the labels? REFLEXES ARE... FAP A S T U T O M A T I C R O T E C T I V E CANA YOU REMEMBER THE LABELS? What is this? motor neurone away • Sensory neurones carry impulses ________ from a sense organ. • Motor neurones carry impulses to an effector _________ (muscle or gland) DRUGS What are the effects of the following types of drug? • Depressants • Hallucinogens • Painkillers • Performance enhancers • Stimulants • Depressants – slow down brain function • Hallucinogens- change what a person sees/hears • Painkillers – Stop nerve impulses so no pain is felt • Performance enhancers – develop muscles • Stimulants – speed up brain function The effects of drinking alcohol • Do silly things • Easily lose balance • Find it hard to talk clearly • Liver cirrhosis • Drink driving The effects of smoking tobacco • Nicotine is addictive • Carbon monoxide reduces oxygen absorption • Particulates collect and block lungs • Tar causes lung cancer HOMEOSTASIS • Keeping everything in balance – Water – Temperature – Blood sugar – Hormones •TOO HOT – HYPERTHERMIA (NORMAL BODY TEMPERATURE IS 37 DEGREES CELCIUS) •TOO COLD HYPOTHERMIA Female sex hormones, progesterone and oestrogen, are produced in ovaries the ________ The pancreas produces the hormone insulin which _______, controls blood sugar level The male sex hormone, testosterone, is produced in the testes ________ The genetic code is a set of instructions that provide each organism with its characteristics DNA is a double helix • It looks like a twisted ladder • The rungs of the ladder are made up of 4 bases. Females have 2 ‘X’ chromosomes Males have an X and a Y chromosome • Humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) • Human sex cells (gametes) contain 23 chromosomes • When two sex cells meet 23 +23 = 46! • THIS IS FERTILISATION How do we get our characteristics? • Genes are inherited • Humans show variation (we all have differences) • What causes variation? Causes of variation • Genes mixed up in gametes • Genes coming from two different parents (fertilisation) • Mutations – Radiation – Chemicals (mustard gas) Can you think of any conditions that are inherited? • Red – green colour blindness • Cystic fibrosis • Sickle cell anaemia • Haemophilia DOMINANT OR RECESSIVE? • Dominant characteristics: – A curved little finger – Ability to roll your tongue • Dominant characteristics tend to be more common than recessive characteristics.