Unit 3: Waves and Light Lesson 4: Interactions of Light

Unit 3: Waves and Light Lesson 4:
Interactions of Light
• How does matter transmit light?
1. Transparent: mediums that allow light to
completely travel through it; for example-glass,
water, and air
2. Translucent: mediums that allow some
light to pass through in many different
directions; for example-frosted glass, shaded
lamps and tissue paper
Unit 3: Waves and Light Lesson 4:
Interactions of Light
• What kind of matter can light absorb?
1. Opaque: does not let any light pass
through causing light to either be reflected or
absorbed; for example-wood, metal, brick, dark
colored clothing
Unit 3: Waves and Light Lesson 4:
Interactions of Light
• We see specific colors when an object reflects
that specific color and is reflected into our eyes.
• When an object reflects every color, the object
appears white.
• When an object absorbs every color, the object
appears black.
• When it comes to transparent or translucent
objects we see the color being absorbed rather
than the color being reflected.
Unit 3: Waves and Light Lesson 4:
Interactions of Light
• How does a medium affect the speed of light
• What wave interaction influences the
direction of light?
• How does the direction of light change with