Issues in Biotechnology: The Way We Work With Life Dr. Albert P. Kausch life Medical Biotechnology Lecture 25 Part Ib. Stem Cells - Therapy and Medical Research © life_edu Issues in Biotechnology: The Way We Work With Life Dr. Albert P. Kausch Kimberly Nelson OnCampus Live BCH 190, MIC 190, AFS 190, NRS 190, PLS 190 OnLine BCH 190 A Sweeping General Survey on Life and Biotechnology A Public Access College Course The University of Rhode Island Issues in Biotechnology: Biotechnology, Our Society and Our Future life Issues in Biotechnology: The Way We Work With Life Dr. Albert P. Kausch life BCH 190 Section II. The Applications of Biotechnology A Sweeping General Survey on Life and Biotechnology © life_edu The University of Rhode Island Stem Cell Research What is involved? What is the potential? What are the downsides? Who decides? What, for you, divides our thinking about stem cell research? (A) support for the research that may result in human cloning (B) uncertain research, not near clinical trials (C) lack of application, still unproven results (D) right to life issues (E) lack of information on the topic 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? (A) yes (B) no (C) yes, but with restrictions 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Therapeutic vs Reproductive Cloning Embryonic Stem Cells vs Adult Stem Cells vs iPS Cells Stem Cell Research Obama lifts the ban of Federal funding for Stem Cell Research New research will bring innovation Stem Cell Basics Embryonic, Adult and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Stem Cell Basics What is a Stem Cell? What Are the Different Types of Stem Cells? Stem Cell Therapy: How will this be used? What is the progress? What are the controversies? What is a stem cell? Characteristics of Stem Cells: A capacity for extensive self-renewal Developmental potential (The ability to differentiate) The type of stem cell is defined both by its origin (site, species, age) and by its differentiation abilities Examples of types of stem cells based on age of organism at time of derivation • Embryonic • Fetal • Newborn • Adult • iPSc Stem cells give rise to specialized cells residing in organs Stem Cells Stem Cell Self-renewal 1 stem cell 2 stem cells Symmetric Cell Division (Proliferation) Stem Cell Differentiation 1 stem cell 1 stem cell + 1 differentiated cell Asymmetric Cell Division (Proliferation) Stem Cells Stem Cells Totipotency Types of Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Cells (ES Cells)--Derived from early embryos (blastocysts) ES cells are totipotent--they can form all the cell-types in an adult ES cells are embryonic stem cells and immortal (unlimited proliferation in dishes) hES cells are Human embryonic stem cells Adult Stem Cells - Derived from pluripotent adult tissues (i.e. bone marrow transplants) IPS Cells - Induced pluripotent cells are derived from adult tissues and genetically modified with genes that override the cell division pathways to become stem cells capable of then differentiating Embryonic Stem Cells (ES cells) Preimplantation Development Zygote Morula Extraembryonic progenitors Blastocyst ICM Preimplantation Development Zygote Morula Extraembryonic progenitors Blastocyst ICM Derivation of Embryonic Stem Cells Zygote ES cells Morula Blastocyst Totipotency of ES cells Zygote ES cells Morula Blastocyst How embryonic stem cell lines are produced Dissociate blastocyst into single cells Grow in the presence of growth factors Only rarely does a single cell continue to grow indefinitely How embryonic stem cell lines are validated Ectoderm Skin Neurons Mesoderm Muscle Blood Bone Grow cells under different conditions to stimulate differentiation into multiple different cell types Endoderm Pancreas Lung Liver Immuno-rejection Solutions to immuno-rejection Personalized Stem Cells Somatic cell nuclear transfer Unfertilized egg cell Cell from patient These cells can also be genetically engineered Remove nucleus from the egg cell and replace it with that of Use newly formed stem cells the patient for therapeutic purposes Specific to the patient In addition, ES cells can be genetically engineered Stem Cells can be Genetically Modified Genetic constructs could be used in stem cell therapy Promoter Coding Sequence Terminator Your favorite gene Controlled expression Cell and developmentally specific Insulin Anti-cancer Tay-sachs many others Stop transcription Message stability Nuclear Transfer Stem Cell Therapy Advantages: No Rejection (Complete tissuetype match) Complete Cures Versatile-Genetic Modification Disadvantages: Controversial Expensive Requires supply of oocytes ES Cell Technology is Well Established in Mice Zygote ES cells from mice can be made genetically engineered and established in recipients Use of ES technology is well established in the mouse model Morula Extraembryonic progenitors Blastocyst ICM The same Technology Could be Applied to Humans Zygote The same technology could be used to clone a human Therapeutic vs Reproductive Cloning Morula Blastocyst Embryonic Stem Extraembryonic Cells progenitors vs Adult Stem Cells vs ICM iPS Cells Adult Stem Cells Types of Stem Cells: Adult Stem Cells--A small subpopulation of specialized stem cells present within some adult organs capable of self renewal Adult stem cells are pleuripotent--They have more limited potential Adult stem cells cannot divide indefinitely Adult Stem Cells Adult Stem Cells pluripotency Some examples of types of stem cells based on their differentiation abilities • Hematopoietic stem cells are capable of differentiation into all mature peripheral blood cells • Liver stem cells are capable of differentiation into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes • Neural stem cells can differentiate into neurons, astroglia and oligodendrocytes Adult Stem Cell Therapy Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Biopsy In vitro culture of Adult Stem Cells In vitro expansion or differentiation (If needed) Genetic modification (as needed) Engraftment Bone Marrow Transplantation Plasticity: The ability of cells to change developmental fate Engraftment Genetic Modification GFP (Lymphoid + Myeloid) Donor Bone Marrow (Contains Hematopoetic Stem Cells) Repopulation of “Lethally” Irradiated Host Adult stem cell differentiation has been demonstrated Adult Stem Cell Therapy Advantages: No Immuno-Rejection (if from self) Not Controversial Disadvantages: Many organs do not contain adult stem cells Stem cells may be absent or defective in the affected organs Use of Plasticity and transdifferentiation is unproven Adult Stem Cells Self Renewal (symmetric cell division) Adult Stem Cells Adult Stem Cells Self Renewal Adult Stem Cells Activation, Proliferation (asymmetric cell division) Adult Organs Organs With Adult Stem Cells Bone Marrow/ Blood Skin Liver Pancreas Intestine Testes Brain ( but limited) More to come? Probably! And these can be genetically modified to suit a specific disease or disorder Question about Plasticity Plasticity: The ability of cells to change developmental fate Engraftment GFP + (Lymphoid + Myeloid) Donor Bone Marrow (Contains Hematopoetic Stem Cells) Repopulation of “Lethally” Irradiated Host Neurons (a few!) True Plasticity GFP+ Engrafted Cells Donor Bone Marrow (Contains Hematopoetic Stem Cells) Neurons (a few!) (Lymphoid + Myeloid) Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) Induced pluripotent stem cells, commonly abbreviated as iPS cells or iPSc, are a type of pluripotent stem cell artificially derived from a non-pluripotent cell, typically an adult somatic cell, by inducing a “forced” expression of certain genes that regulate the cell division cycle thus making them immortal. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells are believed to be identical to natural pluripotent stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells in many respects, such as the expression of certain stem cell genes and proteins, chromatin methylation patterns, doubling time, embryo formation, teratoma formation, viable chimera formation, and potency and differentiability, but the full extent of their relation to natural pluripotent stem cells is still being assessed. IPScs were first produced in 2006 from mouse cells and in 2007 from human cells. This has been cited as an important advancement in stem cell research, as it may allow researchers to obtain pluripotent stem cells, which are important in research and potentially have therapeutic uses, without the controversial use of embryos. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Basics A scheme of the generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. (1) Isolate and culture donor cells. (2) Transfect stem cell-associated genes into the cells by viral vectors. Red cells indicate the cells expressing the exogenous genes. (3) Harvest and culture the cells according to ES cell culture, using mitotically inactivated feeder cells (4) A small subset of the transfected cells become iPS cells and generate ES-like colonies. INDUCED PLURIPOTENT Stem Cell Lines Derived from Human Somatic Cells Junying Yu 1*, Maxim A. Vodyanik 2, Kim Smuga-Otto 1, Jessica Antosiewicz-Bourget 1, Jennifer L Frane 3, Shulan Tian 4, Jeff Nie 4, Gudrun A. Jonsdottir 4, Victor Ruotti 4, Ron Stewart 4, Igor I. Slukvin 5, James A. Thomson 6 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1151526 Stem Cell Therapy: Recent Progress Stem Cell Therapy Human Degenerative Disorders: Many diseases are characterized by organ failure or cell loss: Degenerative disease states (unknown etiology or autoimmune disease) Age-related degenerative disease Cell or organ destruction due to genetic or infectious disease Stem Cell Therapy: Stem Cell Therapy is the replenishment of cells or organs lost to degenerative disease or loss of function with new cells derived from stem cells Stem Cell Therapy is Experimental (Except Bone Marrow Transplantation) Stem Cell therapy should be free of pharmaceutical toxicity Cellular Pharmaceutical Stem Cell Therapy Stem Cell Therapy offers a method to treat degenerative disorders A Cellular Pharmaceutical Diseases amenable to Stem Cell Therapy Diabetes Spinal chord injury Alzheimer’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease Heart Disease Many more…..but not overnight Stem Cell Therapy Established Stem Cell Therapies: Bone Marrow Transplantation--Restores blood system with hematopoetic stem cells (1950s) (many variations) Simplest Diseases to cure next involve secretory cells: Parkinson’s Disease--Dopamine Secretion Type I Diabetes--Insulin Secretion (Type II is difficult due to insulin insensitivity) in vitro: ES cell Therapy (Parkinson’s Disease) in vivo: Dopamine Production Restored ES cells Engraftment Dopaminergic Neurons Parkinson’s Disease-Experimental Therapy From Lindvall et al., Nat. Med. 2004, S42-S50. Stem Cell Therapy Criticisms and Controversies Embryogenic Stem Cell Criticisms I. Destruction of human embryos II. A slippery slope to: • Human Genetic Engineering • Human cloning Somatic cell nuclear transfer techniques are the same as those that could be applied to cloning Unfertilized egg cell Cell from patient These cells can also be genetically engineered Remove nucleus from the egg cell and replace it with that of Use newly formed stem cells the patient for therapeutic purposes Specific to the patient In addition, ES cells can be genetically engineered Where is DNA in a cell? • All of the information for each protein in a cell is in it’s DNA • All of the information that codes for a complete organism is in DNA 7. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPCs) are made by the introduction of genes that cause the normal cell cycle to remain in the cell division mode, ensuring that they will divide in culture indefinitely. Two or more cloned genes are inserted into the genome of adult differentiated cells; these genes are similar to those involved with tumor genesis that override normal cell division. These cells can then be triggered to become any adult cell type, thereby obviating the controversy about using cells derived from human embryos. The process of inserting genes into cells is called: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) eugenics carcinogenics transgenics genomics idiomics 8. Stem cell research in humans is controversial, in part, because of the so-called ‘slippery slope’ argument. It is suggested that the same technology that is developed for hES stem cells and therapeutic cloning could easily be extended to: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) determining who can have children reproductive cloning of humans increased abortions a policy of ethnic cleansing the creation of bioweapons 9. The defining characteristic(s) of adult stem cells are that: (A) they are pluripotent - they have a limited potential to differentiate to other cell types (B) all of these answers are appropriate (C) they are seen as a potential source for therapeutic purposes that will not be controversial (D) they are unable to divide indefinitely (E) they can be genetically engineered to carry and express foreign genes 10. Adult Stem Cells are: (A) outlawed in every country in the world as part of a wide ban on cloning (B) from a small subpopulation of specialized stem cells present within some adult organs and capable of self renewal and limited capacity to differentiate (C) an artifact that was famous for being fraudulently reported (D) unable to differentiate into any other cell type (E) unable to be genetically altered the way hES cells are 11. Degenerative diseases that result in cell death or function, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, injuries that may result in damages cells and tissues, such as spinal cord injuries, and the lack of available human donor organs for transplant has motivated scientists to investigate new ways to replace the functions of diseased organs. Promising approaches to these problems that have received considerable research are: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) xenotransplantation and tissue engineering all of these approaches gene therapy creation of artificial biomedical devices stem cells 12. Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hES Cells) are: (A) derived from adult bone marrow as leukemia treatments (B) derived from early (five day old) embryos (blastocysts) (C) outlawed in every country in the world (D) made with great ease at the Seoul National University in South Korea (E) were funded through vast amount of Federal dollars in the US from 2001-2008 13. The history behind the development and therapeutic applications for adult stem cells includes that they: (A) have been used to reproductively clone primates and in one case an adult human being (B) have been derived from every tissue type in the human body and have been shown to have equal developmental plasticity compared with hES cells (C) have been shown to be more useful than embryonic stem cells for any applications, demonstrating the importance of hES cells (D) have been used to treat leukemia using bone marrow since 1956 and have been used successfully without controversy for many years (E) in spite of their great promise, because of serious errors will never be successful in clinical trials to treat any disease and have resulted in many fatalities 14. Many diseases are characterized by organ failure or cell loss. These types of disease are attractive candidates for stem cell therapy and include: (A) disease states that require gene therapy (B) only degenerative disease of unknown etiology or autoimmune disease (C) only age-related degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (D) only cell or organ destruction due to genetic, environmental or infectious disease, such as diabetes (E) all of the disease states described in the other answers 15. Stem cells give rise to specialized cells residing in organs. One of the hallmark characteristics of stem cells is a prolonged capacity for self-renewal. Another hallmark characteristic of stem cells is their: (A) origin exclusively in embryos that are five days old (B) developmental potential (their ability to differentiate in any cell type) (C) inability to be genetically engineered (D) inability to grow in culture (E) ability to be cultured back to cloned human beings 16. The production of human embryonic stem cells is controversial because: (A) they have been used to clone President George W. Bush (B) a three month old fetus must be aborted in order to produce them (C) a blastocyst stage embryo usually must be ‘dissociated’ to recovery ICM (Inner Cell Mass) cells in order to produce them in culture (D) these types of cells can be used only for reproductive cloning (E) they have been shown to cause delusions in NIH researchers about the prospects of receiving federal funding for this important work 17. Stem Cell Research: (A) was banned from receiving federal funding in the US in August 2001 under the Bush Administration until recently but is still in contention by many public opponents (B) has resulted in human cloning by a group in the Netherlands as reported on the internet (C) is an established science since first applied to a dog skull bone in the 1600s (D) has no scientific basis and because of this should not receive federal funding (E) is a scientific ruse developed by a fraudulent researcher in South Korea named Dr. Woo Suk Wong