ENZYMES FOR LIFE!© Young Living Connect, LLC “A person’s life span is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential. And the use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus, results in a longer, healthier, and more vital life.” Edward Howell, MD WHY ENZYMES? "Enzymes are substances that make life possible; they are the spark of life. No mineral, vitamin or hormone can do any work without enzymes". - Dr. Edward Howell, MD Pioneer of Enzyme Therapy PROBLEMS WITH DIGESTION Toxemia & Vicarious Elimination 1926 JH Tilden, MD Toxemia Explained Leaky gut syndrome − − − Undigested food due to lack of enzymes Food debris leaks through intestinal wall, creates widespread inflammation Foreign protein − − “itis” diseases Autoimmune diseases Milk – Devitalized, Enzymeless Food − − − − − − − All the enzymes have been removed by heating. From pasteurized milk we then get butter, ice cream, cheese, yoghurt, and milk These foods can’t be digested Undigested food goes all over the body and causes chronic lowgrade inflammation Milk is not a good source of calcium NO enzyme phosphatase Destroyed by pasteurization. (Douglass) PROBLEMS WITH DIGESTION Shelf Life Business − − − − − In 1910 Harvey Wiley, MD was the first head of the original FDA. Dr. Wiley was a big critic of food adulteration. He was against bleached flour, refined sugar, and the sale of adulterated, devitalized foods. Then Wiley actually began seizing shipments of bleached flour. A legal battle ensued and went all the way to the Supreme Court in 1913. Wiley won. Bleach was proven to be an empty filler whose main purpose was to kill bugs and bulk up the flour. This law has never been enforced, or reversed either. Soon thereafter the huge financial interests controlling food processing banded together and got Wiley thrown out of office. POISONS OF AMERICAN DIET Interfere with one or more major systems of the body Cause addiction to the poison itself Eventually kills the subject without ever being detected Decrease the amount of oxygen to the tissues Blocks the flow of blood No poison in history has achieved these goals on the scale that processed food has. ENZYME DEFICIENCY Heating > 118F Drugs Alcohol Fluoride Free radicals Food processing Canning Irradiation Genetic engineering Rotting Debris in Bloodstream − Deposited in practically any location of the body − Cause inflammation in any area where it becomes lodged − Can be the mechanism for just about any “itis” you can think of: arthritis, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, nephritis, myositis, bursitis, etc. − Triggers immune response: fatigue, stuffy nose, asthma sneezing, blocked sinuses, skin rashes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome ENZYME DEFICIENCY ALLERGIES! Reaction to undigested food has been implicated as the cause of over 90% of allergies ENZYME DEFICIENCY Aging − Undigested food clogs the digestive tract. − Food rots, creates toxins and free radicals − Free radicals destroy cells, causing premature aging of tissues − Causes them to shrivel up and dehydrate − Subjects the DNA to alteration − Large undigested molecules seep into the bloodstream from the intestine, gumming up the blood, blocking normal oxygen distribution to the body. − Cells are starved, causing premature cell death. − This is not even controversial – any pathology text documents Leaky Gut Syndrome, hypertension, and chronically blocked circulation as the result of undigested fats. Worse yet, much of the immune system depends on circulating white cells. When the blood gets all backed up with undigested sludge, these cells can’t circulate. Result: depressed immune function. Aging ENZYME DEFICIENCY Decreased Oxygen − − Shooting pains down the legs or arms are sometimes simply the result of muscles being forced to operate without sufficient oxygen Lack of available oxygen can cause degeneration and dysfunction of any organ or system of the entire body: arteries, heart, lungs, skin, kidneys, digestion The oxidized cholesterol crystals from all the hydrogenated foods that precipitate out of solution in the blood − Lodge in joints and muscles, and cause gallstones, gout, fibromyalgia, and arthritis Chronic Fatigue Chronic Indigestion PROCESS OF DIGESTION Three types of “food” All large molecules that need to be broken down Fats →→ Fatty Acids Protein →→ Amino Acids →→ Carbohydrates →→ Glucose →→ →→ Lipase Protease Amylase PROCESS OF DIGESTION Begins in mouth, 75% digestion completed Then goes to stomach where acids destroy enzymes Moves to small intestine where Pancreas secretes enzymes Nutrition moves into blood stream from small intestine Toxic waste moves to large colon for excretion ENZYMES Property of all living cells Bring about changes Specific proteins that are active in every cell of your body every second Inhibits Enzyme Production − − − − − − − − Aspirin Tylenol Ibuprofen Antibiotics Cleansing solvents Household cleansers Microwave radiation Heat over 120 degrees “Without enzymes, seeds would not sprout, fruit would not ripen, leaves would not change color, and you would not exist.” What is the Solution? Put enzymes back into the system Either 80% raw food diet or Whole food enzyme supplementation WHERE DO WE GET ENZYMES? Food Enzymes − Raw fruits and vegetables − Doesn’t require the body waste energy producing a lot of powerful digestive juices in order to change them into a usable form Metabolic Enzymes, (over 5,000) − − Cell life, nerve transmission, brain signals, hormone distribution, oxygen exchange, liver function, acid-base balance in the blood Worker protein molecules that keep this whole biochemical circus going Digestive Enzymes (22) − From the mouth, the stomach, the pancreas, the liver, and the intestine BENEFITS OF ENZYMES Facilitate transport of nutrition into cells Facilitate the building of compounds from the body’s raw material Detoxify the body Support hormone balance FDA has approved enzyme therapies for treating cancer, cardiovascular disease, removal of necrotic tissue Clean clogged arteries of plaque Empty stomach of undigested fat Prevent stroke and heart attack Eliminate old fat and proteins left deposited from years, causing cardiovascular problems Reduces inflammation processes and enhances circulation Effective in Weight regulation, overweight people are lacking in lipase Prevent allergies Overcome gluten and lactose intolerance Repair leaky gut, acid reflux and heartburn A subset of metabolic enzymes acts to neutralize poisons and carcinogens such as pollutants, DDT and tobacco smoke, changing them into less toxic forms that the body can eliminate ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION Essentialzymes-4 − Two different colors; grey and yellow − Grey: Pancreatin & Lipase (lipase-digesting fat) − − − − − − Vegetarians don’t get lipase They must supplement with lipase The fat free diet was promoted, but then no hormone production Pancreatin, bee pollen powder, lipase, fennel, lemongrass, ginger, tarragon, anise Lemongrass-attacks cancer. Limonene is an anti-blastic agent Yellow: Polyzyme and Carbozyme in one. − Amylase, cellulase, protease, lipase, phytase, bromelain, papain, peptidase, riboflavin ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION ESSENTIALZYME Pancreatin complex has both plant and animal enzymes, help regulate the pancreas − − − − − Cumin seed powder for enzymatic action. Production of pepsin in lower stomach Fennel works with stomach and is a hormone modulator Tarragon & clove, promotion of plant enzymes, protease, cellulose Peppermint- not for the flavoring but to be a modulator to reduce inflammation in the stomach DETOXZYME Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates into smaller sugar molecules Great for Detox! Amylase deficiency #1 cause of allergies today. If not nursed as baby, don’t have enough amylase People do not digest fiber (carbs), this leads to Candida DETOXZYME & ALLERZYME − − − − − Plant based enzymes Cleaning the colon and the liver Enzymes help clear the body of undigested proteins and meat Undigested starches, sugars, and carbs will ferment fats, turning them rancid Toxins create a host for disease such as Candida, leaky gut, brain fog, fatigue, hypoglycemia, depression, allergies and fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia: Hormonal deficiency, not metabolizing, enzyme deficiency POLYZYME Powerful vegetarian complex of protein-digesting enzymes that enhances absorption of nutrients and facilitates the breakdown of proteins into amino acids In addition to proteins, Polyzyme contains enzymes that support more complete digestion of high-fat foods such as nuts. Polyzyme – Protease complex: catalyze the breakdown of the protein shell of cancer cells. Everyone in the world has cancer cells. What creates the overgrowth? Lack of Protease. SULFURZYME Sulfurzyme® combines wolfberry with MSM Naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies to maintain the − Structure of proteins − Protect cells and cell membranes − Replenish the connections between cells − Preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue MSM also supports − − − − Immune system Liver, circulation Proper intestinal function Scavenge free radicals Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur FOS is added to this formula to support normal digestive system health BUILD ENZYME RESERVE Build your enzyme reserves − − − − − After digestion is completed enzymes will break down They will pass into the blood stream as amino acids They become building blocks in the body Protease, amylase and other enzymes will enter the bloodstream to clean out foreign materials such as free radicals and potential allergens, which create gluten intolerance and other allergies Enzymes then make their way back to the liver and pancreas and are used again (providing you are continually feeding it) If you are depleted- it will take 3 to 5 years to build up again AMAZING ANSWERS Is a gluten free or a lactose free diet the answer? − “There is not a bread made on the market that is fit for human consumption unless you are growing it yourself and shocking it in the field and then you thrash it.” G. Young In this day and age, take bread out of your diet if you want good health. Should I eliminate all yeast products? − You may have to. It’s not the answer. B vitamins from yeast. Where will you get your B vitamin? Find B vitamin in your diet. Add Super B At night take 10-15 Detoxzyme before going to bed, and 1-2 Essentialzyme. Then you can handle that steak you had. Restless legs at night? Nightmares at night? Restless sleep at night? All indicators of enzyme deficiency. − Your body is wrestling with digesting the food. Don’t eat after 3 pm, you will sleep better. You can’t get in the 4th stage of sleep with enzyme deficiency. AMAZING ANSWERS When I use oils, I get a rash. Why? − − − − − − − − − − − − If you had a rash, did you have any of the following symptoms? Hyperactivity Red face and ear Aggression Headache Head banging Difficulty sleeping Autism Alzheimer’s Parkinsonism rheumatoid arthritis chemical sensitivities? These conditions have been blamed on high phenol foods, food dyes, apples, peanuts, bananas, oranges, cocoa, red grapes, colored fruits and milk You will have a rash with oils high in phenols. Common food additives and PST enzyme substrate, 17 alpha ethenylastrodiol, dopamine, sulfotransferase, catechin octyl gallate, tartrazine, yellow #5 and vanillin are potent inhibitors of human liver enzymes. AMAZING ANSWERS If you have a reaction to an essential oil, check what the phenol levels are. Leave those out of any treatment, even if it is raindrop. No one is allergic to pure oil, but they can develop allergies to phenols, because of all the chemicals and food additives. The sensitivity got created in the first place because of enzyme deficiency. AMAZING ANSWERS Anti-inflammatory drug inhibits the PST production in the liver. Clean the liver, and increase your enzyme activity. Cancer, same. Any complaint, same Notes from lecture by D. Gary Young Orlando Convention, Sept. 2011 AMAZING ANSWERS Phenolics all cause the inability to metabolize sulfur compounds in humans People low in PST or low sulfate have problems handling environmental chemicals, some phenolic medications, or even their own body chemicals Phenols are a necessary part of life. All foods contain some phenolic compounds, especially fruits and vegetables. Clean the liver!! Detoxzyme at night with some Juvatone AMAZING ANSWERS Gall Bladder & Liver GLF- the most important- cleanses the liver and gall bladder. Gall bladder to produce the enzymes for good digestion. Take a capsule of GLF before bed. (Go live forever GLF) GLF contains enzyme activity. − − − Take enzymes at night before going to bed Then the rest of the enzymes will work on digesting the toxins during the night and ready to eliminate Without effective enzyme action at night, toxic waste absorbed back into the bloodstream, re-circulating, taking out the oxygen in your blood If not getting benefit from enzymes, problem is the liver ENZYMES FOR LIFE! BEGIN TODAY TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH