Biochemistry Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Professor Wu Yaosheng 2009-11 小船上的人定是不知道,自己竟也成了美景的一部分。 2 发现决定人类语言功能 关键基因 为什么人能说话而其生物学近亲黑猩猩却不能?英国《自然》杂志11月12日刊登 研究报告说,答案可能就在基因FOXP2上,这个基因的人类版本与黑猩猩版本仅有 两点小小的不同,但却因此赋予人类独特的语言能力。 美国加利福尼亚大学等机构的研究人员报告说,他们发现FOXP2基因在人类语言 功能形成过程中发挥着核心作用。这个基因会指导合成一种特殊蛋白质,这种蛋白质 又会与DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)结合,对其他基因的功能造成影响。因此,虽然实验显 示这个基因的人类版本与黑猩猩版本只有两处氨基酸不同,但在同样的培养环境下, 该基因的人类版本会增强61个基因的作用,同时抑制另外51个基因的作用。 在这些受影响的基因中,一些与大脑发育有关,FOXP2基因可以通过它们影响大 脑中的语言功能区域和神经网络。另一些受影响的基因与咽喉部位的软组织发育有关, FOXP2基因可以通过它们来影响与语言功能有关的器官结构 我国科学家首提“人类泛基因组” 人类基因组存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因 经过不懈研究和攻关,我国科研人员在人类基因组研究中获得新的重大进展―― 发现人类基因组中存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因。科研人员还 首次提出了“人类泛基因组”的概念。 由深圳华大基因研究院领衔,华南理工大学参与的研究论文《构建人类泛基因组 序列图谱》12月7日在国际著名科学期刊《自然—生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology)上发表。 在研究中,科研人员运用第二代测序技术和自主研发的基因组组装工具,对“炎 黄一号”基因组――首个亚洲人个人基因组进行了进一步的深度测序和拼接,发现人 类基因组中除原先公认的单核甘酸多态性、插入删除多态性和结构性变异以外,还存 在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因,例如主要在亚洲人群内特有的基 因序列。 我国科学家首提“人类泛基因组” 人类基因组存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因 科研人员同时对近两年发表的非洲人基因组和韩国人基因组进行了重新组装,也 得到类似结论。科研人员还首次提出了“人类泛基因组”的概念,即人类群体基因序 列的总和。 国际人类基因计划基于欧洲人DNA完成的参考基因组序列,是目前绝大多数人类 基因组学研究的数据基础。多年来,大多数科学研究都认为每个个体的基因组均与这 一参考基因组相似,仅有替换或重排性质的变化。 专家指出,这一研究树立了新的人类基因组测序标准,进一步证明自主构建中国 人群医学基因组学图谱、推进个人基因组研究和个体化医学研究的必要性,是中国科 学家在人类基因组研究领域的又一重要贡献。 在论文同行匿名审稿过程中,一名科学家评价说:“这是一篇激动人心,发人深 思,严谨清晰的文章。除了对新序列的检出和分类,这篇文章还通过使用相当有趣的 独创的分析方法,增强了我们对这些新序列中所能展示的种群多样性和进化保守性的 认识。” Chapter 11 RNA Biosynthesis 6 Two kinds of RNA biosynthesis in organisms: Transcription RNA replication 7 7 Transcription----to synthesize RNA with DNA single strand as template Introduction 1. Transcription is the first stage of the process of gene expression. 2. Transcription processes have to suffer strictly regulation to meet the need of development, morphogenesis and physiological functions of organisms . 3. The products of transcription are RNA 8 8 General picture of transcription 9 9 Main Contains ★ Overview of Transcription ★ Transcription in Eukaryotes ★ Processing of Eukaryotic RNA ★ Transcription in Prokaryotes ★ RNA Dependent RNA Synthesis 10 10 Key Points ★ Transcription characteristics ★ Transcription system ★ RNA polymerases ★ Transcription initiation ★ Postranscription modification 11 11 Section One Overview of Transcription 12 Transcription The process which RNA polymerase catalyzes the yield of RNA (tRNA, mRNA, rRNA ) with one of double strands of DNA as template, NTPs as precursors, in the light of the rule of complementary base pairing. DNA RNA 13 13 The requirements of transcription Precursors : NTP (ATP, UTP, GTP, CTP) Template : DNA (one strand ) Enzyme: RNA polymerase, RNA-pol Other proteins (transcriptional factors et al ) 14 14 Comparison of Replication and Transcription Comparison Replication Transcription Template Both strands of DNA One strand of DNA Precursors dNTP NTP Base pairing A→T, G→C A→U, T→A, G→C Polymerase DNA polymerase RNA polymerase Products DNA tRNA, mRNA, rRNA Primers Needed No need 15 15 1. General characters of transcription • Only one strand of DNA molecule serves as template • Asymmetric transcription • No primer needed • Initiation at promoter site 16 16 DNA Transcription plot 5’……GCAGTACATGTC…………3’ 3’……c g t c a t g t a c a g…………5’ DNA transcription 5’……GCA GUA CAU GUC………3’ mRNA translation N…... Ala Val His Val.. ………….C peptide Note:capital letters means the code strand, small letters means the template strand 17 17 Some important concepts DNA template Template strand, antisense strand, Watson strand Coding strand, sense strand, Crick strand Structural gene Asymmetric transcription 18 18 Direction of transcription: 5’ →3’ Direction of template reading: 3’ →5’ 19 19 Asymmetry transcription 5’ 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ 5’ Structure gene Template strand Coding strand Arrowhead means the direction of transcription 20 20 For asymmetric transcription, there are two meanings: (1) Only one strand of a gene can serve as template, the other which is complimentary to the template strand can’t be transcripted. (2) Not all the template strands of genes are found in the same strand on DNA molecule. 21 21 2. DNA Dependent RNA Polymerase The enzyme related to transcription is RNA polymerase, which is termed as DNA dependent RNA polymerase (DDRP) or RNA pol, or transcriptase. It catalyzes the following reaction: (NTP)n DNA template RNA pol Mg2+, Zn2+ pppN(pN)n-1 + (n-1)PPi 22 22 DNA template strand DNA template strand 5` direction 3` OH OH U U OH OH Transcription by RNA polymerase. In each step the incoming ribonucleotide selected is that which can base-pair with the next base of the DNA template strand. 23 23 A 3`-5`phosphodiester bond is formed, extending the RNA chain by one nucleotide, and pyrophosphate is released. Overall the RNA molecule grows in a 5`3`direction. 24 24 Eukaryotic RNA polymerase Class Pol I Pol II Pol III Mitochondrial Pol Location Nucleolus Nucleus Nucleus Mitochondria Transcripts Pre-rRNA (18, 5.8, 28S) Pre-mRNA, specialized RNAs tRAN, 5S rRNA, U6 snRNA Mitochondrial RNA Sensitive to α-amanitin Insensitive Strongly sensitive Sensitive Insensitive Sensitive to Refampicin Insensitive Insensitive Insensitive Sensitive Amanitin,鹅膏蕈碱;refampicin, 利福平 25 25 Prokaryotic RNA polymerase ( E. coli) Subunit Num. of subunit Functions α 2 Control transcription β 1 To catalyze the synthesis of RNA β’ 1 To bind to DNA template ω 1 Unclear σ 1 To recognize the start site (promoter ) 26 26 RNA polymerase in prokaryotes only one RNA pol has been found: α2ββ’ ω σ (holoenzyme ) α2ββ’ ω ( core enzyme ) Holoenzyme ω Core enzyme ω 27 27 Core enzyme: the RNA polymerase without the subunit is called core enzyme (2 ω). Holoenzyme: It can initiate transcription specifically at promoter sites and catalyze polymerization of two free NTPs. Core enzyme: It can not initiate transcription specifically at promoter sites but can catalyze RNA elongation. 28 28 There are more than one kind of factor in prokaryotes 70 carries out the promoter recognition process on their own, mainly responsible for the housekeeping gene expression. ‘Housekeeping’ genes are those that encode many proteins needed for routine cell functions and which are therefor expressed at low rates in all cells. 32 is responsible for the heat-shock gene expression under some emergent cases. 29 29 RNA polymerase binds to DNA at the Transcriptional start point How many kinds of RNA polymerase have been found in prokaryotesωor in eukaryotes? 30 30 Questions 1. The RNA polymerases that transcribe bacterial DNA or eukaryotic nuclear DNA are A. multisubunit enzymes and partially homologous. B. monomeric and very large. C. multimeric and interchangeable. D. only active inside the cell. E. highly glycosylated in their active forms. 31 31 Questions 2. RNA chain elongation can be inhibited by A. Repressors. B. Rifampicin (a Rifamycin derivative). C. Actinomycin D. D. RNases. E. 0.5 M NaCl. 32 32 Section Two Transcription in Eukaryotes 33 The process of transcription is generally divided into three steps: Initiation Elongation Termination 34 34 Requirements of transcription initiation RNA pol, promoter, TFs, precursors (NTP) Transcription factors and promoters RNA pol (location) Transcription factors Promoters RNA pol I (nucleolus) TF I Class I promoter RNA pol II (nucleus ) TF II Class II promoter RNA pol III ( nucleus) TF III Class III promoter 35 35 1. Synthesis of mRNA in Eukaryotes RNA polymerase II is responsible for biosynthesis of mRNA in eukaryotes It contains 12 subunits: The largest one contains carboxylterminal domain, CTD Rbp2 Rbp1 Rbp4 Rbp3 Rbp7 Rbp5 Rbp6 Rbp12 Rbp11 Rbp9 Rbp8 Rbp10 RNA pol II 36 36 Structures of gene in eukaryotes: Promoter, cis-action elements, exon, intron Structural gene Promoter CAAT -110bp GC TATA - 40bp -25bp AATAA exon intron Enhancer Initiation site Modification site (A point for cutting and adding a tail ) Real termination site 37 37 Genes in eukaryotes are split gene (断裂基因) A gene consists of exons and introns. enhancer P E1 I1 E2 I2 Promoter structure: 5’ 3’ -110 CAAT box - 40 GC box Upstream elements RNA pol II E3 +1 -25 TATA box T YYAN YY A BRE 3’ 5’ Inr Class two of promoter BRE (TF II B recognition element ); Inr (initiator) TF II 38 38 Class and functions of TF II Class Functions TF II A To stabilize the combination of TF II B and TBP to promoter TF II B To bind with TBP and serve as a bridge between other factors and pol II TF II D(TBP) To recognize specifically and to bind with TATA box TF II E To recruit TF II H, it has ATPase and helicase activity TF II F To bind to TF II B, and Pol II to prevent the wrong binding of pol II with nonspecific DNA sequence TF II H Helicase activity 39 39 1.1 Initiation of mRNA Synthesis ◆To form pre-transcription initiation complex(PIC) First, a closed complex (闭合复合物),Secondly, an open complex ( 开放复合物) ◆ To form a transcription bubble (转录泡)---transcription initiation complex ◆ To join two nucleotides to form pppGpNOH with first phosphodiester bond 40 40 The forming of transcription initiation complex (1) TFIID binds to the TATA box. The key subunit of TF II D is TBP(TATA box-binding protein). (2) TFII A binds, followed by TF II B. (3) RNA polymerase II, which has already complex with TFIIF,binds followed by the binding of TFIIE,H. (4) The transcription begins when forming of transcription initiation complex. (5) It is a basal transcription apparatus. Transcription is only at a low rate. For a high rate of transcription, other transcription factors are required. 41 41 TATA TF II D D TATA TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIIF, RNA polymerase II D Pol II A TATA B F TFIIE, TFIIH, TFIIJ D Pol II A TATA B F E H Transcription starts Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. TFIID binds to the TATA box followed in order by the binding of TFIIA,TFIIB and a preformed complex of TFIIF-RNA polymerase II. Subsequently TFIIE, TFIIH bind in order and transcription then starts about 25 bp downstream from the TATA box. Note that the placement of the the various factors in this diagram is arbitrary; their exact position in the complex are not yet known. PIC formation in order: TFIID→A →B →F →pol II →E →H 42 42 43 43 1.2 Elongation of mRNA transcription Elongation When the transcription initiation complex is formed, the transcription begins and the elongation of the RNA chain continues until termination occurs. 44 44 1.3 Termination of mRNA transcription Unlike RNA polymerase in prokaryotes, RNA polymerase II does not terminate transcription at specific sites but rather transcription stops at varying distances downstream of the gene. Adding of poly A tail AAAAA------AAAA 5’ 5’ Termination site Cleavage site Modification signal 3’ 5’ TTATTT RNA pol II 5’ 3’ 45 45 Transcription termintation and adding of tail at 3’-end in eukaryotes 46 46 2. Synthesis of rRNA in Eukaryotes rRNA is synthesized in nucleolus. Each transcriptional unit contains sequence for 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNA. Several hundred copies of transcriptional units occur tandem in chromosome. Transcriptional units are separated by gene spacer sequences(基因间隔序列) DNA Transcription Pre-RNA 5’ 3’ 18S rRNA 5.8S rRNA 28S rRNA Class I promoter and RNA pol I are required 47 47 3. Synthesis of tRNA and 5S rRNA in Eukaryotes RNA pol III and TF IIIs are required One unusual feature of RNA pol III action is the location of TF III binding site within DNA sequence called as “internal control region”(内部控制区) The internal promoter of tRNA gene is split into two parts: box A and box B but those of 5S rRNA gene split into three parts: box A, a short intermediate element, box C Box A Box B tRNA gene 5S rRNA gene Box A Intermediate element Box C 48 48 Questions What are requirements for mRNA biosynthesis in eukaryotes ? Specially for initiation stage? 49 49 Questions 1. A promoter is A. a manager for a sports team. B. a specific sequence of DNA to which RNA polymerase binds. C. a specific sequence of DNA to which a catabolic repressor binds. D. a specific DNA sequence to which a restriction endonuclease binds. E. not found in eukaryotic cells. 50 50 Questions 2. When σ subunit dissociates from an initiated RNA polymerase, A. it can bind a core enzyme to reform holoenzyme. B. it leaves behind an elongating species complexed with Rho factor. C. it hydrolyzes ATP until rebound by core enzyme. D. it remains bound to the promoter consensus sequence. E. None of the above are correct. 51 51 Section Three Processing of Eukaryotic RNA 52 1. Processing of Eukaryotic mRNA Including: ◆Capping of mRNA at 5’-end ◆ Adding of poly A tail at 3’-end ( polyadenylation ) ◆ Removal of introns from mRNA precursor ◆ Alternative pre-mRNA splicing ◆ mRNA editing 53 53 Expression of a protein-coding gene in eukaryotes Exon 1 promoter Exon 2 Intron1 Exon 3 termination region Intron2 Primary RNA transcript (hnRNA) 5`ppp 5`cap added 3`poly(A) added 5` cap AAAA200 3` poly(a) tail RNA slicing 1 5` Cleavage by endonuclease and addition of poly(a) tail 2 3 AAAA200 3` Transport to cytoplasm via nuclear pore 54 54 1.1 Capping of mRNA at 5’-end Cap structure of mRNA at 5’-end: Guanine 55 55 Process to form cap structure Phosphotase 5 pppGp… 5 ppGp… Pi pppG ppi Guanosin e transferas e 5 GpppGp… SAM Methyl transferase 5 m7GpppGp… 56 56 57 57 The roles of capping A. Protecting mRNA from degradation by ribonuclease that have specificity for 3`-5` phosphodiester bonds and cannot hydrolyze the 5`-5` bond in the cap structure. B. The cap plays a role in the initiation step of protein synthesis in eukaryotes. 58 58 1.2 Adding of poly A at 3’-end of mRNA Polyadenylation The endonuclease cleaves the RNA transcript at a site approximately 10-30 nucleotides on the 3’-side of a AAUAAA sequence that is called a polyadenylation signal. Poly(A) polymerase then adds 100-200 adenosine monophosphate residues to the new 3’-end using ATP as precursor. 59 59 Termination of mRNA transcription Unlike RNA polymerase in prokaryotes, RNA polymerase II does not terminate transcription at specific sites but rather transcription stops at varying distances downstream of the gene. Adding of poly A tail AAAAA------AAAA 5’ 5’ Termination site Cleavage site Modification signal 3’ 5’ RNA pol II TTATTT 5’ 3’ 60 60 The roles of polyadenylation ◆To protect the 3’-end of the final mRNA against ribonuclease digestion and hence stabilizes the mRNA. ◆To increase the efficiency of translation of the mRNA. 61 61 1.3 Removal of Introns from mRNA Precursors RNA splicing (RNA 剪接) To remove introns and to ligate exons together, making hnRNA become mature mRNA Spliceosome (剪接体)is required for RNA splicing Spliceosome snRNP(小核核蛋白) snRNA (U1,U2,U4,U5,U6 ) more than 50 proteins 62 62 U2 U1 spliceosome UCCAUACAUA AGGUAUGU 5’ P P P -G3m Exon1 P P P -G3m AUGUUGU UACUACA 3’ AG Exon2 Intron 5’donor junction 3’acceptor junction pre-mRNA GpGU 2’-OH A GpGU OH A G--OH U G P A Exon 1 5’-Cap 5’-Cap 5’-Cap Exon 2 AGp An-3’ Step 1 AGp An-3’ 2’,5’-phophodiester bond AGp An-3’ Step 2 5’-Cap Gp An-3’ + U G P A 63 AG-OH 63 The splicing chart of ovalbumin transcript (hnRNA) 64 64 1.4 Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing Differentially splicing transcripts Approximately two-thirds of genes in a genome give rise to differentially spliced transcripts So, one gene can be transcripted and differentially spliced to produce several transcripts Tropomyosin (原肌球蛋白) pre-mRNA 10 of 13 exons used in striated muscle (横纹肌) 9 of 13 exons used in smooth muscle (平滑肌) 65 65 Primary transcript E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 3’ 5’ Striated poly (A) site Smooth poly (A) site Striated mRNA Smooth mRNA E1 E3 E5 E6 E8 E9E10E11E12 An E1E3 E4 E5 E6 E8 E9 E10E13 An Alternative splicing of tropomyosin primary transcrip results in family of tissue-specific mRNA 66 66 Calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP) Calcitonin (降钙素) 67 67 1.5 mRNA Editing A base in mRNA is altered enzymatically The nucleotide sequence on an mRNA molecule may be changed by several reactions other than RNA splicing. Therefore, the codons on mRNA would be changed to create alternative polypeptide transcripts from the same gene in different cell types. apoB Apolipoprotein B apoB100 be synthesized in liver apoB48 be synthesized in intestine Because CAA is turned to be UAA (a terminal codon) 6666 68 68 apo B gene 6666 C→U CAA→UAA (glutamine) apo B mRNA ( liver) apo B100 (Mw 500 000) 4,536 AA apo B mRNA ( small intestine) apo B48 (Mw 240 000) 2,152 AA 69 69 2. Processing of Eukaryotic rRNA Primary transcript from rRNA gene is 45S rRNA ◆location in nucleolus ◆self-splicing intron called group I intron ◆ ribozyme involved in this splicing ◆ snoRNAs (小核仁RNA) ◆ snoRNPs (small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins, 小核 仁核蛋白) 70 70 Processing of Eukaryotic rRNA 71 71 3. Processing of Eukaryotic tRNA To form a special cloverleaf structure ◆tRNA molecules from all organisms are base-paired internally to give a ‘clover-leaf’ structure ( secondary structure). This consists of three stem-loop. Each tRNA has a 5`-phosphate group and the nucleotide sequence CCA at its 3` end with a 3`-OH group. ◆ The cloverleaf structure folds further into an Lshaped conformation (tertiary structure). 72 72 ◆To cut out excess sequences from 3’-end, 5’-end, and middle part ◆ To add CCA-OH to 3’-end ◆ To modify some bases on special sites to create rare bases in tRNA molecule 73 73 Questions 1. mRNA in eukaryotes is similar to that in prokaryotes as follows A. the 5' ends of the primary transcript are triphosphorylated. B. the 5' ends become capped with 7-Methyl G. C. a polyA tail is added to the 3' end. D. the RNAs are spliced to form mature mRNA. E. the mRNAs are translated before completion of RNA synthesis. 74 74 Section Four Transcription in Prokaryotes 75 1. Proceeding of Transcription in Prokaryotes Initiation Elongation Termination 76 76 1.1 Initiation of transcription The transcriptional unit in prokaryotes is operon that consists of two regions on DNA Regulation region Operon Structural gene region 77 77 Operon structure Regulation region I P Structural gene region O 1 2 Inhibitor gene Promotor, the region Operator gene Inhibitive protein for binding of RNA pol substrate -50 -40 -30 TTGACA -20 -10 1 pppG TATAATPu Pribnow box 10 mRNA NH2 78 78 Initiation of transcription ◆Recognition of promoter ◆Start of synthesis During initiation, RNA polymerase recognizes promoter site, and then unwinds DNA locally to expose a single-stranded DNA template that can be transcripted. 79 79 The steps of transcription initiation (1) The sigma factor(σ) in holoenzyme of RNA pol recognizes the promoter and let the whole enzyme to bind with the promoter sequence. (2) To unwind the local region of promoter on DNA and to form a transcription initiation bubble . (3) To form a initiation complex of transcription. Holoenzyme- DNA-pppGpN-OH 80 80 81 81 Transcriptional start site +1 RNA pol 3’ -35 TTGACA pppGpN-OH -10 Transcriptional bubble Holoenzyme of RNA pol pppG-OH + pppN-OH pppGpN-OH + PPi 82 82 RNA pol -10 83 83 Two important sequence in prokaryotic promoters: -10 sequence: Located about 10 nucleotides upstream of where transcription will begin. -35 sequence: Located about 35 nucleotides upstream. 5` -35 -10 TTGACA TATAAT ? +1 Transcriptional start site By convention, the first nucleotide of the template DNA that is transcribed into RNA is denoted +1, the transcriptional start site. 84 84 Promoter Pribnow box Consensus sequence of promoter in E. coli 85 85 1.2 Elongation of transcription The elongation phase of RNA synthesis, which begins after formation of the first bond, is carried out by core enzyme. The transcriptional complex: Core enzyme of RNA pol-DNA template-new RNA 86 86 -subunit dissociates from the enzyme, once transcription has been initiated . Core enzyme(2) moves along the gene, synthesizes a complementary RNA copy to the DNA template, using four ribonucleoside 5` triphosphates (ATP,CTP,GTP,UTP) as precursors. 3`-OH at the end of the growing RNA chain attacks the phosphate groups of the incoming ribonucleoside 5` triphosphate to form a 3`5` phosphodiester bond. 87 87 Transcription bubble The complex of RNA polymerase, DNA template and new RNA transcript is called a transcription bubble. Because within it there is a region where the DNA double helix has opened up to allow transcription to occur. The RNA transcript forms a transient RNADNA hybrid helix with its template strand but then peels away from the DNA as transcription proceeds. 88 88 transcription bubble RNA-pol (core enzyme) ···· DNA ···· RNA 89 89 The DNA is unwound ahead of the transcription bubble, and after the transcription complex has passed , the DNA rewind. Direction : RNA is synthesized in the 5`3`direction. DNA template is read in the 3` 5` direction. 90 90 DNA template strand DNA template strand 5` direction 3` OH OH U U OH OH Overall the RNA molecule grows in a 5`3`direction. 91 91 1.3 Termination of transcription in prokaryotes There are two forms in termination (1) Rho () factor dependent termination (2) Rho () factor independent termination 92 92 (1) Rho () factor dependent termination Those that lack such a structure require an additional protein, called rho (), to allow recognition of the termination site and stop transcription. Rho (), can bind to the 3’ end of RNA and to change the conformation of RNA pol, therefore to loose the binding RNA pol with DNA template, then release out from the bubble. 93 93 Mechanism of ρfactor action 94 94 95 95 (2) Rho () factor independent termination The simplest termination signal is a GC-rich region in the template that is a palindrome, followed by an AT-rich sequence. The RNA made from the DNA palindrome is selfcomplementary and so base-pairs internally to form a hairpin structure followed by a few U residues. 96 96 5`---------GCCGCCAGTTCGGCTGGCGGC-------ATTTT-OH 3` 3`---------CGGCGGTCAAGCCGACCGCCG-------TAAAA-OH 5` template Transcription 5`---------GCCGCCAGUUCGGCUGGCGGC-------AUUUU-OH 3` RNA C 5` U G U G A typical hairpin structure G•C formed by the 3` end of an A•U RNA molecule during C•G termination of transcription. C•G G•C C•G C•G G•C A-U-U-U-U-OH 3` 97 97 DNA 5TTGCAGCCTGACAAATCAGGCTGATGGCTGGTGACTTTTTAGTCACCAGCCTTTTT... 3 5`UUGCAGCCUGACAAAUCAGGCUGAUGGCUGGUGACUUUUUAGUCACCAGCCUUUUU... 3` RNA UUUU...… UUUU...… It’s a universal phenomena to terminate transcription by the formation of hairpin near terminal region and rho 98 independent. 98 rho () factor independent model The hairpin structure alters RNA pol conformation, transcription stop; Transcription complex is divided and RNA is released 99 99 100 100 2. Processing of Post Transcription in Prokaryotes mRNA: In prokaryotes, mRNA requires little or no modification prior to translation. rRNA: (1) Cleavage: the rRNA precursor molecule is cleaved by specific ribonucleases to yield mature 23s,16s and 5s rRNA. (2) Methylation of some bases and ribose moieties of rRNA also occurs. 101 101 DNA 5 RNA 3 RNA pol Ribosome 102 102 16S rRNA tRNA 23S rRNA 5S rRNA An RNA precursor molecule that is cleaved to yield the 23S, 16S and 5S rRNA and a tRNA molecule; the spacer RNA( open blocks) is degraded during these processing steps. 103 103 104 104 tRNA: (1) Cleavage: the tRNA precursor molecule is cleaved by specific ribonucleases . (2) Some tRNA molecules further require the addition of the three nucleotides CCA to the 3` end before they can function. 105 105 Questions What are differences of transcription between in eukaryotes and in prokaryotes? How to compare the two transcriptions? 106 106 Questions 1. During transcription initiation the template DNA strands are separated ("melted") from about positions A. -35 to +1 after chain initiation. B. -9 to +2 after chain initiation. C. -35 to +1 prior to chain initiation. D. -9 to +2 prior to chain initiation. E. -1 to +1 during ATP or GTP binding. 107 107 Questions 2. An operon is a transcriptional unit in bacteria that contains A. a promoter site, an operator site, and one or more regulatory genes. B. a promoter site, an operator site, and two or more structural genes. C. cis-acting elements adjacent to trans-acting factors. D. RNA polymerase loading zones. E. The 2nd and 3rd choices are both correct. 108 108 Section Five RNA-Dependent RNA Synthesis 109 It’s a process of RNA replication Specially for the genetic information transmission of RNA viruses. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is required. 110 110 RNA negative strand (-) RNA replication RNA positive strand (+) 111 111 112 112 Questions 1. Describe the process of transcription in prokaryotes, how does it be terminated? 2. Compare RNA polymerases in prokaryotes with those in eukaryotes 3. What are the characters of RNA transcription? 113 113 4. Compare transcription with replication from template, enzyme, precursors, baseparing, products, characters 5. How do the primary transcripts of mRNA genes be modified in eukaryotes? 6. How do the primary transcripts of tRNA genes be modified in eukaryotes? 7. What is asymmetric transcription? 114 114 此時無聲勝有聲…… 115