The role and functions of miRNAmediated circuits in the human regulatory network Anacapri 29/5/2012 Michele Caselle – University of Torino and INFN Plan of the talk 1. Introduction: Gene Regulation and Regulatory Networks 2. Bioinformatic analysis: construction of mixed Feed Forward Loops (FFL) 3. FFL Assessment: Network motifs and GO analysis 4. FFL Function: Stochastic equations and noise damping effect 5. Examples: c-Myc, PTEN… Work in progress: 6. MiRNA mediated self-loops 7. Sponge loops References • D. Cora’, A. Re, D. Taverna and M. Caselle “Genome-Wide Survey of MicroRna-Transcription Factor Feed-Forward Regulatory Circuits in Human” Molecular BioSystems. 2009 Aug; 5(8):854-67. • M.Osella, C. Bosia, D. Cora’ and M. Caselle “The role of incoherent microRNA-mediated FFL in noise buffering PloS Computational Biology (2011) 7(3): e1001101 • M. El Baroudi, D. Cora’, M.Osella, C. Bosia, and M. Caselle “A curated database of miRNA mediated Feed Forward Loops involving MYC as Master Regulator” PloS ONE (2011) 6(3):e14742 • F. Eduati, B. Di Camillo, M.Karbiener, M Scheideler, D. Cora’, M. Caselle, G. Toffolo “Dynamic modeling of miRNA-mediated FFLs” J Comput. Biol. 2012 Feb;19(2):188-99 Gene Regulation Gene expression is tightly regulated. All cells in the body carry the full set of genes, but only express about 20% of them at any particular time. Different proteins are expressed in different cells (neurons, muscle cells....) according to the different functions of the cell. Among the various regulatory steps the most important ones are: transcriptional control, by Transcription Factors. post-transcriptional control, by microRNAs. Alberts, Molecular Biology of the Cell Transcription Factors and miRNAs • Regulation of gene expression mainly mediated by: Transcription Factors (TFs): proteins binding to specific recognition motifs (TFBSs) usually short (5-10 bp) and located upstream of the coding region of the regulated gene. Wassermann, Nat. Rev. Genetics MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a family of small RNAs (typically 21 - 25 nucleotide long) that negatively regulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level, (usually) thanks to the “seed” region in 3’-UTR regions. MicroRNAs as regulatory genes MiRNAs expression is regulated by the same TF which regulate all the other genes Regulation by miRNAs is a combinatorial process. Each miRNA is expected to control from one to hundreds of targets while a given mRNA can be under control of many different miRNAs. Usually miRNA binding sites are overrepresented in the 3’-utr sequence of target genes. Transcription Factors and miRNAs share very similar regulatory strategies. The main difference between the two is that while TF act as a sort of on/off switch, it seems that the miRNA role is to fine tune the gene expression. Regulatory Networks 1 Key 1 --> TFs are themselves proteins produced by other genes, and they act in a combinatorial way, resulting in a complex network of interactions between genes and their products. --> Transcriptional Network miRNAs also act in a combinatorial and one-to-many way, and, moreover, are transcribed from same POL-II promotes of TFs. --> Post-Transcriptional Network miRNA X Gene E Gene F QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare q uest'immag ine. Protein E Regulatory Networks 2 Key 2 --> Biological functions are performed by groups of genes which act in an interdependent and synergic way. A complex network can be divided into simpler, distinct regulatory patterns called network motifs, typically composed by 3 or 4 interacting components which are able to perform elementary signal processing functions. TF miRNA target gene .... MiRNA mediated FFLs Several methods exist to study, separately TF-related and microRNA-related regulatory networks, but comparable information is lacking to explicitly connect them. The main goal of our project is to infer and then combine the two networks looking in particular for Mixed Feed-Forward Regulatory Loops --> a network motif in which a master Transcription Factor (TF) regulates a miRNA and together with it a set of Joint Target coding genes. TF QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. Joint Target Hornstein E, Shomron N, Nat Genet 38 Suppl:S20–4 (2006). miR Pipeline human core promoters human 3’-UTR exons non-redundant set of human core promoters -900 / +100 around TSS non-redundant set of full length 3’-UTRs (protein-coding genes) (protein-coding + miRNA genes) Oligo analysis Oligo analysis sets of human genes mouse promoters sets of human genes mouse conserved overrepresentation conserved overrepresentation 3’-UTRs regulatory oligos in human promoters and 3’-UTRs relevance to cancer Mixed Feed-Forward regulatory Loops external annotations Gene Ontology Results Human Transcriptional Network --> Fixing 0.1 as FDR level, we obtained a catalogue of 2031 oligos that can be associated to known TFBSs for a total of 115 different TFs. --> target a total of 21159 genes (20972 protein-coding and 187 miRNAs) Human Post-Transcriptional Network --> Fixing 0.1 as FDR level, we obtained a catalogue of 3989 oligos (7-mers). 182 of them turned out to match with at least one seed present in 140 mature miRNAs. --> target a total of 17266 genes Human mixed FFLs catalogue --> We were able to obtain a list of 5030 different “single target circuits”, corresponding to 638 “merged circuits”. TF JT 1 --> involving a tTotal of 2625 joint target genes (JTs), 101 TFs and 133 miRNAs. miR JT 2 # of JTs ranged from 1 to 38. JT … Circuits assessment 1 functional analysis We analyzed each one of the 638 merged circuits looking for an enrichment in Gene Ontology categories in the set of their joint targets. To assess this enrichment we used the standard exact Fisher test with a p-value threshold p < 10−4. we end with a list of 32 merged mixed Feed-Forward Loops (corresponding to 380 single-target FFLs). These circuits involve a total of 344 JT protein-coding genes, 24 TFs and 25 mature miRNAs. QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare q uest'immagine. Circuits assessment 1 functional analysis QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare q uest'immagi ne. QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. --> various aspects of organism differentiation and development Circuits assessment 2: looking for cancer related genes In these last few years it is becoming increasingly clear that miRNAs play a central role in cancer development (e.g. Blattener Mol Syst. Biol. 2008). We filtered our results looking for FFLs containing at least two cancer related miRNA or target gene. Sources: oncomiRs reported in - Esquela-Kerscher and FJ Slack, Nat Rev Cancer 2006 - Zhang et al, Dev Biol, 2007 cancer genes reported in - Cancer Gene Census database. QuickTime™ e un decompressore TIFF (Non compresso) sono necessari per visualizzare q uest'immag ine. Circuits assessment 3: mixed FFLs as network motifs Elementary regulatory circuits (the so called ”network motifs”) were shown to be over-represented in transcriptional networks. (Milo et a., Science 2002, Shen-Orr et., Nat Genetics 2002) In order to quantify the overrepresentation of our mixed FFLs we perfomed various randomization tests. - Complete node replacement, Z = 9.2 - Random reshuffling of miRNA promoters and seeds, Z = 8.1 - Edge Switching, Z = 8.4 FFLs are over-represented Functional role of mixed FFLs Depending on the type of transcriptional regulation (excitatory or inhibitory) exerted by the master TF on the miRNA and on the targets, FFLs may be classified as • incoherent (“type I” FFLs), or • coherent (“type II” FFLs). Type I and II FFLs Possible biological role for mixed TF/miRNA network motifs: TF TF Joint Target miR Joint Target TF Joint Target miR TF miR type I circuits Joint Target miR type II circuits • Type II (coherent) circuits lead to a reinforcement of the transcriptional regulation at the posttranscriptional level and might be important to eliminate the already transcribed mRNAs when the transcription of a target gene is switched off. • Type I (incoherent) circuits allow for a fine tuning of gene expression, setting the optimal functional value of the protein through a miRNA repression Additional role: noise damping Fine tuning is useless without a tight control of cell to cell fluctuations. Type I (incoherent) FFLs can also stabilize the steady state production of the target protein by damping translational and transcriptional fluctuations. In a simple TF-target interaction any fluctuation of master TF could induce a non-linear increase in the amount of its target products. The presence, among the targets, of a miRNA which downregulates the other targets might represent a simple and effective way to control these fluctuations. Study of protein fluctuations via stochastic equations The only way to address this issue is to describe the FFLs in terms of stochastic equations and to compare the results with those obtained with that of a standard transcription + translation process In both cases fluctuations are proportional to the mean number of proteins produced by a single mRNA. This number is a function of the miRNAmRNA affinity. Stochastic equations for gene expression: two steps model. (Shaharezaei V, Swain PS PNAS (2008) 105, 17256) This model assumes that the promoter is always active and so has only two stochastic variables: the number of mRNAs and the number of proteins The probability of having m mRNAs and n proteins at time t satisfies the master equation: The master equation can be rewritten as a differential equation using the generating function: Setting: and we find: If we assume that the protein lifetime is much longer than that of the mRNA then the equation simplifies (the mRNA is at steady state) and can be solved exactly: leading to an exact expression for the probability distribution: which at steady state becomes the well known negative binomial distribution: The corresponding mean value and fluctuations of the number of proteins are: Where b is the mean number of proteins produced by a single mRNA (burst parameter). Fluctuations only depend on the burst parameter b. The same analysis can be performed in the case of the inchoerent FFL, leading to a relevant reduction of noise The noise reduction can be traced back to two parallel mechanisms: - The different efficiency of the mRNA translation in the two cases: noise reduction is a function of the miRNA-mRNA affinity -The correlated fluctuations of miRNA and target under fluctuations in the transcriptional efficiency of the master Transcription Factor Master equation for the incoherent FFL TF miR Joint Target 5 Master Equation • The first two moments can be calculated with the moment generating function method. • Non linear model 6 Noise Buffering I 8 Noise Buffering II 10 Optimal noise reduction for intermediate values of miRNA/mRNA affinity FFLs with C-Myc as master TF We developed a parallel dataset of mixed FFLs, with C-Myc as master regulator in which each regulatory interaction is (independently) experimentally validated TF Joint Target TF miR miR Joint Target Zeller et al. Database ( TransmiR Database ( Diana Tarbase ( Enrichment test with experimentally validated interactions Example : regulation of PTEN Example 2: regulation of VEGF CircuitsDB We have developed a web-based graphical interface to get free access to the database of mixed FFLs. MiRNA mediated Selfloops The same analysis can be extended to the simplest possible mixed circuit: the miRNA mediated selfloop in which an intronic miRNA regulates its host gene. Also in this case we find fine tuning and noise reduction properties. Moreover this circuit, depending on the values of the parameters, is able to perform: acceleration of response times, stabilization of the switch on and off dynamics, fold-change detection Comparison of noise buffering properties of simple regulation, transcriptional selfloop and miRNA mediated selfloop “Sponge-like” interactions RNA transcripts can cross-talk by competing for common microRNAs. These transcripts act as “sponges” for the miRNAs thus inducing an indirect regulatory interaction on their partners Sumazin et al. Cell 2011 Cesana et al. Cell 2011 Tay et al. Cell 2011 Example of a sponge like interaction (from Cesana et al Cell 2011) “Sponge” loops miR TF Joint Target Two main functions: - Enhance and speed up target protein production - Correlate target-TF fluctuations: homeostatic effect Conclusions The main purpose of this work was to: --> systematically investigate connections between transcriptional and post-transcriptional network interactions, in the human genome. --> we designed a bioinformatic pipeline, mainly based on sequence analysis of human and mouse genomes, to obtain (and validate) a list of mixed Feed-Forward Loops and mixed selfloops. we have shown, solving the stochastic equation which describes these FFL that the effect of the interfering miRNA is to damp the intrinsic noise in protein production. The main outcomes of this work are available in a public database: Collaborators A. Riba, M. El Baroudi Dep. of Theoretical Physics University of Torino M. Osella P. & M. Curie Univ. Paris C. Bosia . HUGEF Torino D. Corà IRCC Candiolo (TO) A. Re CIBIO University of Trento D. Taverna Dep. of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry and M.B.C. University of Torino