Chapter 7 CELLULAR STRUCTURE & FUNCTION Chapter 7 Vocabulary Word, Definition, Sentence, Picture (Worth 136 pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. active transport cell cell theory centriole chloroplast cilium cytoplasm cytoskeleton diffusion dynamic equilibrium Endocytosis endoplasmic reticulum eukaryotic cell exocytosis facilitated diffusion Flagellum fluid mosaic model 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Golgi apparatus hypertonic solution hypotonic solution isotonic solution lysosome mitochondrion nucleolus nucleus organelle osmosis phospholipid bilayer plasma membrane prokaryotic cell ribosome selective permeability transport protein vacuole 9/13—9/17 Daily Warm Up 1. What is the basic type of microscope used to view cells and processes such as mitosis and meiosis? Compound Light Microscope 2. List the two types of cells. One type of cell has two sub-groups, name them as well. Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Animal Plant 9/13-9/17 Daily Warm Up 1. What is a cell? The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. 2. Hypothesize the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Organelles separate the 2 from each other. 9/13-9/17 Daily Warm Up 1. What are the 3 theories in the cell theory? 1. All living organisms are composed of 1 or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure in an organism. 3. Cells can only arise from pre-existing cells. 2. If you were trying to observe the water vacuoles in a plant cell, which microscope would you use? Compound Light 9/13-9/17 Daily Warm Up Thursday no warm up 9/13-9/17 Daily Warm Up 1. What is the theory that 2. What are the names of states that prokaryotic cells further developed eukaryotic cells? Endosymbiotic theory the two electron microscopes? (Give abbreviations) TEM-Transmission Electron Microscope SEM-Scanning Electron Microscope Table of Contents Week Title on Assignment 6 1. 9/13-9/17 Daily Warm Up- 8 stamps 6 2. Chapter 7 Vocabulary- 136 points (153 if colored) 6 3. Chapter 7 Section 1 Notes- 25 T of C- 9 Titles- 3 Points on Assignment-169 Total Points- 181 Page # Chapter 7 Opening Activity All cells have a: And are grouped into two broad categories: Words you can use: •Animals •bacteria •chloroplasts •Eukaryotes •a large central vacuole •plants •plasma membrane •prokaryotes Which are mainly: Some contain yeast and algae Which contains unique structures such as: Cell walls Section 1 CELL DISCOVERY & THEORY Words you can use: •Animals •bacteria •chloroplasts •Eukaryotes •a large central vacuole •plants •plasma membrane •prokaryotes Chapter 7 Opening Activity All cells have a: Plasma membrane And are grouped into two broad categories: prokaryotes eukaryotic Which are mainly: bacteria plants animals Some contain yeast and algae Which contains unique structures such as: Cell walls chloroplasts A large central vacuole History of the Cell Theory A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living things. The first to observe cells was Robert Hooke, who made a simple microscope, and looked at a piece of cork. Cork= the dead cells of Oak bark Later, Anton van Leeuwenhoek advanced Hooke’s findings and developed an even better microscope called a light microscope. Cork Cells VanLeeuwenhoek’s Microscope The Cell Theory Observations from Schleiden, Schwann & Virchow summarized the theory of the cell. 1. All living organisms are composed of 1 or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure in an organism. 3. Cells can only arise from pre-existing cells. Microscope Technology Microscope technology paved the way to the development of the cell theory and the discovery of cells. As we continue to grow in technology, so do the details in the images we see of cells. As detail increases, so do the magnification and resolution on the microscope. Microscopes Compound Light Microscope Glass lenses Uses visible light to produce a magnified image Uses 2 lenses that can magnify 10x, therefore the total magnification would be 100. Often dyes are used to see an image Light limits the resolution of these images Electron Microscopes Transmission Electron Magnet beams Can magnify 500,000x Specimen can be living Sliced thin Scanning Electron Produces a 3D image Black & White image Non-living Stained w/heavy metals Compound Light Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope Checkpoint Explain how the development and improvement of microscopes changed the study of living organisms. With more sophisticated tools, scientists have been able to learn much more detail about the cell and its structures. Compare & Contrast a compound light microscope and an electron microscope. Light microscopes use visible light and glass lenses. Electron microscopes use beams of electrons and magnets, and can be used to view whole specimens. Basic Cell Types Cells differ based on the function they perform for the organism. HOWEVER, all cells have at least one physical trait in common: their plasma membrane. The plasma membrane helps control what enters and leaves the cell. Cells have a variety of functions based on specific organelles found inside. Most cells have genetic material that provides instructions for making substances that the cell needs. The genetic material is copied to the daughter cells (offspring of the cell). There are two different types of cells: Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic Differences b/w the 2 types of cells Eukaryotic Prokaryotic Larger Smaller Contains membrane Does not contain bound organelles Contains a nucleus membrane bound organelles No nucleus Checkpoint Differentiate the plasma membrane and the organelles. The plasma membrane helps control what goes in and out of the cells. Organelles carry out specialized functions in the cell. Origin of Cell Diversity According to the endosymbiotic theory: Prokaryotic cells lived within eukaryotic cells. Which means cells came from a simple prokaryotic cell composed of few organelle structures may have evolved further from the multi-cellular eukaryotic cell to have its own identity. At the end of NOTES… Answer questions 1-7 (you DO NOT have to write out the question) on page 211. Make sure you create 4 questions on the left side of your notes. Write a summary for your notes…at least 5 sentences in length. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up 1. What is an example of a 2. What are the prokaryotic cell? Bacteria differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Size Nucleus Organelles 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up 1. Describe how the 2. Explain how the inside plasma membrane helps maintain homeostasis in the cell. By controlling what enters & leaves the cell. of a cell remains separate from its environment. The phospholipid bilayer provides a barrier from the environment outside of the cell. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up 1. What do carbohydrates 2. (Without looking at the do in reference to the cell membrane? Recognize foreign pathogens & transmits chemical signals. book or notes) List 5 organelles found in cells. Nucleus Ribosomes E.R. Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up 1. Work on your story if you didn’t finish… Chapter 7 Section 2 THE PLASMA MEMBRANE NOTE: THE PLASMA MEMBRANE IS THE SAME AS THE CELL MEMBRANE! Function of the Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane is responsible for maintaining the organisms internal environment through selective permeability. This is called homeostasis. Function of the Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane’s function is to allow waste and other products to leave the cell and nutrients to enter, & maintains the proper internal environment. Selective permeability is the property of the plasma membrane that allows some substances to pass through while keeping others out. Example: Think of a fish net. Structure of the Plasma Membrane Most molecules in the plasma membrane are lipids. Lipids are large molecules composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acids. A phospholipid forms when a phosphate group replaces a fatty acid. A phospholipid bilayer contains two layers of phospholipids arranged tail to tail. The arrangement is present so that the plasma membrane can exist in a watery environment. Structure of the Plasma Membrane The phospholipid bilayer The bilayer structure is critical for the formation and function of the plasma membrane. Polar Head: P Phosphate Group Attracted to H2O Hydrophilic Non-polar Tail: Fatty acid chains Repel H2O Hydrophobic The phospholipid bilayer The 2 layers make a sandwich with the fatty acid tails forming the interior of the p.m. and the phospholipid heads facing the watery environments found inside and outside the cell. The phospholipids are arranged in such a way that the polar heads can be closest to the water molecules and the nonpolar tails can be farthest away from water molecules. The plasma membrane can separate the environment inside the cell from the environment outside the cell. Other components of the plasma membrane Major components: Cholesterol, proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins Found on the outer surface of the p.m. proteins called receptors transmit signals to the inside of the cell. Proteins on the inner surface anchor the p.m. to the cells internal support structure, giving it shape. Carrier proteins are located throughout the cell to move substances and/or waste materials. Cholesterol Cholesterol helps to prevent the fatty-acid tails of the phospholipid bilayer from sticking together, which allows for fluidity. Avoiding a high cholesterol diet is recommended because just enough is needed for cellular function. If you have too much your body’s cells have to compensate. Carbohydrates Stick to proteins and help cells identify chemical signals. Example: carbs might help disease-fighting cells recognize and attack a potential harmful cell. Fluid Mosaic Model The phospholipids in the bilayer create a “sea” in which other molecules can float. Example: like floating apples in a barrel of water. Clip dAssetId=1424FB3E-0E64-4DDD-BB7579262A7DC58B&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S Cell Walls & Cell Membranes dAssetId=21221A8A-DAFF-4F48-B6898EE84E82B549&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S Cell Membranes & Cell Walls Check Point Identify the molecules in the plasma membrane that provide basic membrane structure, cell identity, and membrane fluidity. Basic Membrane Structure: Phospholipids Cell Identity: Proteins & Carbohydrates Membrane Fluidity: Cholesterol A __________ is the basic structure molecule making up the plasma membrane. Phospholipid The ___________ is the component that surrounds all cells. Plasma Membrane Check Point ___________ is the property that allows only some substances in and out of the cell. Selective Permeability Hypothesize how a cell would be affected if it lost the ability to be selective in its permeability. Couldn’t maintain homeostasis & it would die. What might happen to a cell if it no longer could produce cholesterol? It would become less fluid. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes Make sure you have the checkpoint questions in your notes…they could be potential quiz & test questions. Make sure you have 4 ?’s on the left hand side of your Cornell Notes. Write a summary—at least 5 sentences. The more the merrier…you have a lot information in this section of notes. Work on Chapter 7 Section 2 Worksheet Both are DUE TOMORROW! Section 3 STRUCTURE & ORGANELLES Eukaryotic: Animal Cell Eukaryotic: Plant Cell Prokaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Function: A flexible boundary that controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Key word: Selective permeability. Cell Type: All cells Analogy: __________ Gate Nucleus Function: The nucleus contains the cells DNA, stores information used to make proteins For cell growth, function & reproduction. Key Word: Control Center Cell Type: All Eukaryotic Cells Analogy: ____________ Headquarters (City Hall) Golgi Apparatus Function: It’s a flattened stack of membranes that modifies, sorts & packages proteins into sacs. Key Word: Packing & Sorting Cell Type: All Eukaryotic Cells Analogy: ____________ Post Office Endoplasmic Reticulum Function: It contains folded sacs & interconnected channels serves as a site for protein & lipid synthesis. Key Word: Conveyor Belt Cell Type: All Eukaryotic Cells Analogy: ____________ Factory/Freeway Chloroplasts Function: Capture light energy & convert it into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Key Word: Producer of energy Cell Type: Euk. Plant cell Analogy: ____________ Power Plant (Recycling center) Mitochondria Function: It converts fuel particles (mainly sugar) into usable energy. Key Word: Powerhouse Cell Type: All Eukaryotic Cells Analogy: ____________ Energy Generator (Nuclear Powerplant) Lysosomes Function: Processes enzymes that digest excess or worn out organelles or food particles. Key Word: Gets rid of waste Cell Type: Euk. Animal Cells Analogy: ____________ Disposal Service Cell City: 1. Hydraulic Dam (Mitochondria) 2. Special Carts (Ribosomes) 3. Town Hall (Nucleus) 4. Small Shops (E.R.) 5. Postal Office (G.A) 6. Widget (Protein) 7. Fence (Cell Membrane) 8. Scrap yard (Lysosomes) 9. Carpenter’s Union (Nucleolus) Cell Analogy Story: Using the terms: Mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, protein, cell membrane, and lysosomes. Create a story about a school (preferably OHHS). At a local high school called Oak Hills, the main export and production product are students who exemplify integrity & academic excellence… Identify what each organelle is within your story: Students=Protein Table of Contents Your Name Week Title on Assignment 7 1. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up- 6 7 2. Chapter 7 Section 1 Review Worksheet- 5 7 3. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes- 25 7 4. Chapter 7 Section 2 Review Worksheet-20 7 5. Chapter 7 Section 3 Notes (Cellular Organelles/Cell City Analogy) & Cell Story Analogy-25 7 6. Chapter 7 Section 3 Review Worksheet-17 Page # Table of Contents Your Name Week Title on Assignment 7 1. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up- 6 7 2. Chapter 7 Section 1 Review Worksheet- 5 7 3. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes- 25 7 4. Chapter 7 Section 2 Review Worksheet-20 7 5. Chapter 7 Section 3 Notes (Cellular Organelles/Cell City Analogy) & Cell Story Analogy-25 7 6. Chapter 7 Section 3 Review Worksheet-17 Page # Check their table of contents, make sure all 6 assignments are in order in the notebook. If they have week 7 for all assignments, the 7 assignments and pages #’s for each assignment it is worth 18 pts. Table of Contents Your Name Week Title on Assignment 7 1. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up- 6 7 2. Chapter 7 Section 1 Review Worksheet- 5 7 3. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes- 25 7 4. Chapter 7 Section 2 Review Worksheet-20 7 5. Chapter 7 Section 3 Notes (Cellular Organelles/Cell City Analogy) & Cell Story Analogy-25 7 6. Chapter 7 Section 3 Review Worksheet-17 Page # Check to see if there are titles for all 6 assignments, if there is, 6pts possible. Table of Contents Your Name Week Title on Assignment 7 1. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up- 6 7 2. Chapter 7 Section 1 Review Worksheet- 5 7 3. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes- 25 7 4. Chapter 7 Section 2 Review Worksheet-20 7 5. Chapter 7 Section 3 Notes (Cellular Organelles/Cell City Analogy) & Cell Story Analogy-25 7 6. Chapter 7 Section 3 Review Worksheet-17 Page # Count the points they received on each assignment. There is a max of 98 pts. Table of Contents Your Name Week Title on Assignment 7 1. 9/20-9/24 Daily Warm Up- 6 7 2. Chapter 7 Section 1 Review Worksheet- 5 7 3. Chapter 7 Section 2 Notes- 25 7 4. Chapter 7 Section 2 Review Worksheet-20 7 5. Chapter 7 Section 3 Notes (Cellular Organelles/Cell City Analogy) & Cell Story Analogy-25 7 6. Chapter 7 Section 3 Review Worksheet-17 Points Possible for this notebook were 122. Page # Week 8 Table of Contents Week Title on Assignment 8 1. 9/27-10/1 Daily Warm Up 8 2. The “Ultimate” Cell (Summary of Organelles, Picture & Steps of Protein Synthesis 8 3. Chapter 7 Section 4 Notes Page # Summary of Cell Structures (Organelles) Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Animals Cell Eukaryotes Plant Cell Summary of Cell Structures (use page 192, 199) Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Animals Cell Eukaryotes Plant Cell • With the following organelles: put the organelle if it can be found in that specific cell. *Note: some cells will have the same structures (organelles) •Cell Wall, Centrioles, Chloroplast, Cilia, Cytoskeleton, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Flagella, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosome, Mitochondria, Nucleus, Plasma Membrane, Ribosomes, Vacuole •If all 3 cells have the organelle circle them red. •If both Plant & Animal cells have that organelle circle them blue. Summary of Cell Structures Prokaryotes • Cell wall • Centrioles • Cilia • Flagella • Plasma Membrane • Ribosomes Eukaryotes Animals Cell Eukaryotes Plant Cell • Centrioles • Cilia • Cytoskeleton • Endoplasmic Reticulum • Flagella • Golgi Apparatus • Lysosome • Mitochondria • Nucleus • Plasma Membrane • Ribosomes • Vacuole • Cell Wall • Chloroplast • Cytoskeleton • Endoplasmic Reticulum • Flagella • Golgi Apparatus • Mitochondria • Nucleus • Plasma Membrane • Ribosomes • Vacuole *Red: its found in all 3 cells *Blue: comparing organelles in animal & plant cells. The “Ultimate” Cell Using your Summary of Cell Structures chart, draw the “ultimate” cell. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Include all the organelles: Cell Wall Centrioles Chloroplasts Cilia Cytoskeleton Endoplasmic Reticulum Flagella Golgi Apparatus Lysosome Mitochondria Nucleus Plasma Membrane Ribosomes Vacuole For the organelles circle them as follows: Animal—blue Plant—green Prokaryote—red All cells must be colored and labeled to receive full credit! This is an in-class project…so you need to be working! Use pages 192, 199 9/27-10/1 Daily Warm-Up (Monday) What is the function of the chloroplast and the mitochondria? How do these two organelles differ from each other? They both produce energy Chloroplasts exist in plant cells, whereas mitochondria exist in both plant & animal cells. List some of the essential processes the cell goes through. Organelles perform protein synthesis, energy transformation, digestion of food, excretion of wastes, and cell division. FYI on PowerSchool 1.Go to 2. Click on Power School 3. Under Log in: Their User name is their ID number 4. Their password is their birth date MD19xx (NO leading 0's in the month or day, so August 7, 1993 would be 871993 5. They then click submit and they should be in. If they have any questions or problems have them come by counseling. 9/27-10/1 Daily Warm Up (Tuesday) Which organelle What two structures aid (structure) is found in both plant & animal cells can be a site for temporary storage? Vacuole in the movement of cells and help the cell feed? Cilia Flagella Wednesday Warm Up What structure creates a What is found in the protein? (Page 199) Ribosomes cytoskeleton? (2 things) Page 191 Microfilaments Microtubules Thursday Warm Up Based off the definition Based off this analogy which organelle (listed on page 199) is always found in pairs? Centrioles which organelle (listed on page 199) resembles bones? Cytoskeleton Friday Warm Up Which organelles Which organelles function is similar to a conveyor belt? E.R. function is similar to a closet? Vacuole Chapter 7 Section 3 QUIZ 1. Cell Wall 2. Centrioles 3. Chloroplasts 4. Cilia 5. Cytoskeleton 6. Endoplasmic Reticulum 7. Flagella 8. Golgi Apparatus 9. Lysosome 10. Mitochondria 11. Nucleus 12. Plasma Membrane 13. Ribosomes 14. Vacuole Protein Synthesis 1. Begins in nucleus with the genetic information (DNA). 2. DNA is copied & transferred to another genetic molecule RNA. 3. RNA & Ribosomes leave the nucleus through the pores of the nuclear membrane. 4. Together RNA & Ribosomes manufacture proteins. Proteins made on the rough ER could become part of the plasma membrane, released from the cell or be transported to other organelles. Proteins made on the smooth ER are sent to the Golgi Apparatus. Peroxisome Site where toxic compounds are neutralized. pH neutralizer (keeps it a 7) Animal Cell REVIEW dAssetId=2856C74B-9BC5-4D13-AF58367F4FE3179D&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S dAssetId=82CCAC2F-3084-479C-9A505F81A2F0052D&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S Section 4 CELLULAR TRANSPORT Video dAssetId=2856C74B-9BC5-4D13-AF58367F4FE3179D&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S Diffusion & Osmosis dAssetId=9F4BCA98-9CE4-402C-9F57E3C871343CA9&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=U S Dynamic Equilibrium Diffusion Substances diffuse from areas of high concentration to low concentration. No energy due to the fact that the particles are already moving. Diffusion (Dynamic Equilibrium) Dynamic Equilibrium occurs when particles continue to move randomly, but no further change in concentration will occur. 3 Main factors affect the rate of diffusion: 1. Concentration 2. Temperature 3. Pressure As you increase these three things, so does the process of diffusion. Diffusion across the plasma membrane Water can diffuse across the plasma membrane, but most other substances cannot. Facilitated diffusion. This uses transport proteins to move other ions and small molecules across the plasma membrane. Channel proteins Substances move into the cell through a water-filled transport protein called a channel protein that opens and closes to allow the substance to diffuse through the plasma membrane. Carrier proteins These proteins helps substances diffuse across the plasma membrane Osmosis: Diffusion of Water The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis. Osmosis is important because it maintains the homeostasis of the cell. How Osmosis Works Solution: contains solute and solvent. Solute: substance Solvent: liquid solution The concentration of a solution decreases when the amount of solvent increases. Water molecules diffuse toward the side with the greater solute concentration. The water continues to diffuse until dynamic equilibrium takes place. Cells in Isotonic Solutions A cell in an isotonic solution has the same concentration of water and solutes—ions, sugars, proteins—in its cytoplasm as the fluid around it. Iso- comes from the Greek word equal. Water enters & leaves the cell at the same rate. Cells in Hypotonic Solutions A hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of solute (more solvent, water) than the cell’s cytoplasm. Hypo comes from the Greek word under. Water diffuses into the cell causing the membrane of the cell to swell, which could possibly cause the cell to burst. Cells in Hypertonic Solutions Hypertonic solutions occur when the concentration of the solute outside the cell is higher than the inside (less water outside the cell). Hyper comes from the Greek word above. Water diffuses out of the cell and cells shrivel because of the decreased pressure. Active Transport Sometimes substances move from a region of lower concentration to a region of high concentration against the passive movement of high to low. Some active transport pumps move one type of substances in one direction, while others move 2 substances in the same or opposite directions. Transport of Large Particles Some substances that are too large to move through the plasma membrane go through a different process. Endocytosis: Substances are taken into the cell Exocytosis: Substances are expelled or secreted out from the cell Week 8 NB Check Table of Contents- 12 (1 point for what’s displayed below) Titles on Assignments- 4 Points on Assignment- No more than 122. Possible Points 138. Week Title on Assignment 8 1. 9/27-10/1 Daily Warm-Ups- 10 8 2. The “Ultimate” Cell- (3 Column Chart, Picture & Steps of Protein Synthesis)- 70 8 3. Chapter 7 Section 4 Notes- 25 8 4. Chapter 7 Section 4 Review Worksheet- 17 Page #