Topic/s number/s: SFS-2B-2015: Sustainable crop production - Assessing soilimproving cropping systems Project Description: Alleviating drought stress: The role of Aquaporins in regulating hydraulic conductivity in response to drought and ABA in selected crop species. Partners search: UK experts in plant abiotic stress tolerance, especially drought stress, water and ion channels (aquaporins, transporters); experts in the evolution of plant drought stress tolerance. Organization: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot Contact person: Dr. Menachem Moshelion (Senior Lecturer) – PI Professor (Emeritus) Arie Altman - The Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture, and Food and Environment, Rehovot, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Alleviating drought stress tolerance: The role of Aquaporins in regulating the bundle sheath and endodermis hydraulic conductivity in response to drought and ABA Dr. Menachem Moshelion (Senior Lecturer) – PI and Professor (Emeritus) Arie Altman Abiotic stress tolerance, especially drought and salinity, is nowadays the single most important trait of relevance to sustainable crop production. It is a complex trait to breed for, however solvable in part The complexity of plant responses to abiotic stress Stress-associated genes and proteins Signaling pathways, Transcription Factors Plant Breeding and Molecular markers HSP’s/ chaperones and LEA proteins Ion and water transporters, aquaporins ROS scavenging and detoxification Acquired Plant Stress Tolerance (e.g.QTL’s) Osmolytes, Osmoprotectants Hormones, Polyamines, ROS scavengers Carbon, Amino acid, Fatty acids metabolism Genetic transformation Other stressresponse mechanisms (eg.Apoptosis) Stress-associated metabolites Vinocur and Altman (2005) Current Opinion in Biotechnology Unique anatomic structure implies the role of two tissues controlling plant water conductance The root endodermis The shoot bundle sheath (BS) BS )Taiz and Zeiger, 2002( The main mediators: Aquaporins – water channels Trans-membrane water channels proteins which facilitate the transport of water and/or small neutral solutes (urea, glycerol, boric acid) . In plants, AQPs are classified into 4 subfamilies (PIPs, TIPs, NIPs, SIPs). (Maurel C. 2007) Their function is regulated by several processes, such as gene expression, protein activity and protein trafficking. Aquaporins involvement in leaf hydraulic conductance regulation It is most likely that AQPs evolution across plant species is of great relevance their water transport efficiency The radial hydraulic conductivity of the leaf - Kleaf Kleaf determined as the ratio of water flow rate through the leaf to the flow driving force. Kleaf decreases dramatically in response to many environmental and abiotic stresses. (AQPs involvement). Logically, the anatomical location of the BS layer should expose it to long-distance signals coming from the roots. In dehydrated plants, the concentration of the stress phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) progressively increased in the xylem sap. BS Hypothesis The bundle sheath cells (BSCs) and endodermis play a key role in controlling leaf and root hydraulic conductivity (K) in response to ABA stress signal, going through the vascular system. Vein ending tracheid The root endodermis Bundle sheath Mesophyll )Taiz and Zeiger, 2002( Objectives To understand AQPs evolution across relevant crop plants by: Characterizing the transcript levels of all (35) aquaporins expresed in the BSc and endodermis cells under wellirigated and drought conditions. Characterize their expresssion profile in response to ABA added directly to the protoplasts. Examine the BSc and endodermis role in the regulation of K in response to drought and ABA. Identify, by silencing, those BSCs AQPs which mediate Kleaf decrease in response to xylem application of ABA All experiments are assessed by both genotyping and phenomics, thus bridging the genotype to phenotype gap Selected Publications (M. Moshelion et al.) Sade et. al., (2009) New Phytologist. 181: 651–661. Shatil-Cohen et. al,.(2011) The Plant Journal 67: 72–80. And more…