“The Lamp at Noon” by Sinclair Ross On your own, brainstorm ideas to the following questions. After formulating your answers, we will discuss as a class. Be prepared to share. • What do you know about the Canadian prairies? • When did the Great Depression occur? • What do you know about the Depression or this time period? • A severe drought coincided with the Great Depression. What do you think life was like for the farmers on the prairies at this time? The “Dust bowl” Think/Pair/Share: • Assume that no rain fell in your community for 3 years. How would your life change? Consider life on a farm while suffering from poverty and a severe drought… Keeping this is mind, read the story “The Lamp at Noon”, by Sinclair Ross Find a copy of the text on the following url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6J4WNtT4yZFUExlVlNZMVpLaWs/edit?pli=1