Role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Crohn’s disease Presented by JIANPING LI Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim Autophagy termed by Christian de Duve in 1963 Greek word, auto- “ self” and phagein “ to eat” A suicide process? (Suicide Pie by Dr. Hypercube, Sep 10th , 2010) Autophagy Conservative catabolic pathway Bulk degrade cellular contents Highly regulated by (Shvets et al, 2008 Autophagy 4: 621-628) autophagy related proteins (Atgs) Basal autophagy maintain cellular homeostasis Defective autophagy: disease Autophagy LC3 I LC3 II (Adopted from Maiuri et al., Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 8, 741-752) Monitor autophagy and autophagic flux LC3 II: membrane protein in autophagosome Number of LC 3 II correlated linearly with autophagosome Accumulation of LC 3 II: blockage of the fusion of autophagosome and lysosome, e.g. Bafilomycin A1, LAMP2-RNAi (Iovanna et al., 2010, DOI: 10.3998/panc.2010.13) Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Genetic association linked defective ATG16L and IGRM to the susceptibility to Crohn’s disease (Hampe et al., 2007, Nat. Genet. 39, 207–211) Autophagy related gene, Nod2 was identified as ‘risk’ allele for Crohn’s disease (Kanneganti et al., 2007, Immunity 27, 549–559) Sirolimus (rapamycin) treatment improved symptoms of refractory Crohn’s disease in clinic (Massey et al., 2008, Gut 57(9):1294-6). A lot of animal model with defective function of Atgs pointed out autophagy might involve in the pathogenicity of Crohn’s disease What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease (Adopted from Herbert W Virgin & Beth Levine, 2009, Nature Immunology 10, 461 – 470) Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim Paper 1 Background and hypothesis of Paper 1 Abnormal colonization of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) in ileal lesions of CD patients AIECs multiply in gut epithelium and macrophagy after invasion. Defective autophagy decrease the ability of AIEC replication in the gut epithelium Hypothesis: impaired autophagy allows intramacrophagic mutiplication of AIEC and promotes inflammatory cytokine response. Fig 1. determine autophagy induced in response to AIEC infectionin human THP-1 macrophages Conclusion: autophagy was induced in response to infection of different AIEC strains Fig 1(Cont’d). determine autophagy induced in response to AIEC infectionin human THP-1 macrophages Conclusion: AIEC bacteria were targeted by autophagy for degradation Fig. 2 determine whether AIEC persist within autophagosomes at late time point post infection Fig. 2 (Cont’d) determine whether AIEC persist within autophagosomes at late time point post infection Conclusion: LF82 targeted early by autophagy was rapidly degraded whereas bacteria escaped from autophogosoms persist in phagolysosomal structures within macrophagy Fig. 3 determine impact of impaired expression of ATG16L, IRGM or NOD2 on persistence of AIEC within macrophagy Fig. 3 (Cont’d) determine impact of impaired expression of ATG16L, IRGM or NOD2 on persistence of AIEC within macrophagy Conclusion: impaired autophagy by disrupting ATG16L, IRGM favors survival of AIEC Fig 4. determine impact of IRGM overexpresssion on AIEC intramacrophagic persistence Conclusion: Overexpressed IRGM increased autophagy flux The intramacrophagic AIEC decrease by the enhanced autophagic activiy Fig 4. (cont’d) determine impact of IRGM overexpresssion on AIEC intramacrophagic persistence Conclusion: Overexpressed IRGM induced cell death in dose-dependent manner Fig 5. determine AIEC intramacrophagic persistence in macrophages from NOD2 -/- mice Fig 5(cont’d) . determine AIEC intramacrophagic persistence in macrophages from NOD2 -/- mice Conclusion: Persistence of AIEC in NOD2 -/macrophages was enhanced as comparing to in the wildtype macrophages. Fig 6. Investigated pro-inflammatory cytokine response of macrophages displaying autophagy deficiency upon AIEC infection Conclusion: AIEC induced secretion of high level of TNFα and IL 6 Fig 6 (cont’d) . Investigated pro-inflammatory cytokine response of macrophages displaying autophagy deficiency upon AIEC infection Conclusion: impaired autophagy resulted in significantly increase of level of proinflammatory cytokine TNFα upon AIEC infection Fig 7 examine effect of forced activated autophagy on AIEC bacterial replication Fig 7 (cont’d) examine effect of forced activated autophagy on AIEC bacterial replication Conclusion: forced induced autophagy at early time post infection restrained AIEC replication and slowed down pro-inflammatory response induced by the bacteria Summaries from paper 1 Autophagy was rapidly induced upon AIEC infection within macrophages Autophagy restrain AIEC multiplication within macrophages and slow down pro-inflammatory cytokine responses induced by the bacteria Mutation of autophagy related genes, ATG16L, IRGM, NOD2, ‘risk’ susceptible alleles in Crohn’s disease, favors persistence of AIEC and stimulates proinflammatory cytokines response within macrophages Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim Paper 2 Background and hypothesis of paper 2 ubiquitin-mediated targeting in autophagy pathway: clear intracellular bacteria Ubiquitin ligase responsible for modifying surface of intracellular bacteria with ubiquitin Parkin: ubiquitin ligase, participating in mitophay, associated with susceptibility to infection of intracellular bacteria Hypothesis: parkin mediates resistence to intracellular pathogen via autophagy pathway. Fig 1. determine whether parkin involves ubiquintin mediated targeting M. Tuberculosis to autophagy Conclusion: ligase activity of parkin is essential to colocalization of ubiquitin with M. tuberculosis during infection Fig 1. extended data Quantification of parkin colocalization and effect of LRSAM1 knockdown in BMDMs Conclusion: ligase activity of parkin is essential to colocalization of ubiquitin with M. tuberculosis during infection Fig 2. Parkin mediates K63-ubiquitin colocalization of TB and recruitment of ubiqutinautophagy receptors Conclusion: Parkin mediating K63-linked polyubiquitin around TB and facilitates recruitment of multiple ubiquitinadaptors in the autophagy pathway Fig 2. extended data to confirmed K63-ubiquitin co-localization of TB Conclusion: most of co-localization of TB was mediated by K63-ubiqitin instead of K48-ubiquitin Fig 3. extended data address whether bacterial or host proteins become unbiquited Conclusion: parkin facilitates the linkage of K63-linked ubiquitin chains surrounding TB containing phagosomes Fig 3. to determine whether parkin mediates autophaic targeting of TB and restrains bacterial replication Conclusion: parkinmediated ubiquination leads to the autophagic targeting of TB and inhibits bacterial replication Fig 4. to determine whether parkin was required in vivo during TB of mice Conclusion: parkin is essential in vivo for controlling intracellular bacteria Fig 2. extended data to confirm the role of parkin in TB immunity in mice by analyzing human TB patients Parkin was highly expressed in granuloma lesions of human TB patiens, which agree with the results suggested in mice. Fig 5. to address whether parkin is conserved in immunity Conclusion: parkin play an evolutionarily conserved role in innate immunity Summaries from paper 2 Parkin facilitates co-localization with TB is required for TB autophagy Parkin was able to inhibited TB replication, suggesting a conserved mechanism fighting intracellular bacteria infection Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease No direct evidence point out that autophagy defects contribute to human crohn’s disease How autophagy regulate pro-inflammatory cytokine response in crohn’s disease patients is poorly understood? How gut commensal subvert autophagy pathway in crohn’s disease patients is obscured. Overview Background of autophagy What is know about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Paper 1 Paper 2 What is still poorly understood about the role of autophagy in the pathogenicity of Chron’s disease Hypothesis and specific aim Hypothesis and specific aim Hypothesis: dysfunctional interaction of autophagy and adherent-invasive Escherichia coli resulted from defective PARK2 gene promotes the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease Specific aim: to determine role of parkin fight for gut commensal intracellular bacteria AIEC in crohn’s disease model; to address whether parkin serve as cytokine modulator in macrophages upon AIEC infection Thank you