PHYS3321 Nuclear and Particle Physics Course coordinator Prof. Zhang Fu-Chun – – – – Head & Chair Professor Department of Physics Room 517 A, Chong Yuet Ming Building Tutor Mr. HUO Jia-wei – Address: Room 418, Chong Yuet Ming Building (Physics department) – Email: – Phone: 95106582 2012 2 PHYS3321 Textbook 2012 3 To the late Prof. C.D. Beling This lecture notes are based on the course materials by the late Prof. C.D. Beling, who taught this course over the past a few years in the physics department of HKU. 2012 4 PHYS3321 Course Assessment Four Assignments + mid-term test: Examination (3 hours): 30% 70% SCHEDULE Tuesdays 9:30 – 11:25 Thursdays 10:30 – 11:25 2012 MW322 MW702 5 Continuous Assessment • Four Assignments + 1 mid-term test + attendance – 30% of overall weighting Assignment Date to release Due date 1 2 3 4 Feb. 7 Feb. 16 Feb. 28 Mar. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 Mar. 22 Mid–term test: Mar. 1st 10:30-11:25 AM 2012 6 Course requirements • Four Assignments + 1 mid-term test + attendance – 30% of overall weighting • End of Semester Exam – 70% of overall weighting • Prerequisite: – Pass in PHYS2321(Introductory electromagnetism) and PHYS2322(Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics) and PHYS2323(Introduction to Quantum Mechanics) 2012 7 PHYS3321 course schedule 2012 8 PHYS3321 course schedule 2012 9 PHYS3321 course schedule (detailed) 2012 10 PHYS3321 course schedule (detailed) 2012 11 Where to get the course materials This course website will update every week You must check this website to download •lecture notes •Assignment questions •Assignment answers •Other information… 2012 12 This course Nuclear physics + Particle physics 2012 13 What will this course cover Nuclear physics • Rutherford Scattering • Electron scattering • Nuclear binding energy • Liquid drop model • Nuclear shell model • Alpha decay • Beta decay • Fission Schematic diagram of Rutherford Scattering What will this course cover Nuclear physics • Rutherford Scattering • Electron scattering • Nuclear binding energy • Liquid drop model • Nuclear shell model • Alpha decay • Beta decay • Fission What will this course cover Nuclear physics • Rutherford Scattering • Electron scattering • Nuclear binding energy • Liquid drop model • Nuclear shell model • Alpha decay • Beta decay • Fission What will this course cover Nuclear physics • Rutherford Scattering • Electron scattering • Nuclear binding energy • Liquid drop model • Nuclear shell model • Alpha decay • Beta decay • Fission What will this course cover Nuclear physics • Rutherford Scattering • Electron scattering • Nuclear binding energy • Liquid drop model • Nuclear shell model • Alpha decay • Beta decay • Fission What will this course cover Particle physics (see the next a few slides) • Particle Classification • Quark Composition of Hadrons • Conservation Laws • Particle Reactions and Decays • The standard model • Grand Unified Theory 2012 20 Fundamental building block of baryons and mesons Q 2 3 Q 1 3 Q 1 Q0 The six quarks 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 Large Hadron Collider Experiment Particle physics: The standard model The standard model The Standard Model of elementary particles, with the gauge bosons in the rightmost column From: The standard model Summary of interactions between particles described by the Standard Model. From: The Four Fundamental Forces Practical Applications • Nuclear fission for energy generation. – No greenhouse gases – Safety and storage of radioactive material. • Nuclear fusion – No safety issue (not a bomb) – Less radioactive material but still some. • Nuclear transmutation of radioactive waste with neutrons. – Turn long lived isotopes stable or short lived. • Every physicist should have an informed opinion on these important issues! 2012 28 *Slide by Tony Weidberg Medical Applications • Radiotherapy for cancer – Kill cancer cells. – Used for 100 years but can be improved by better delivery and dosimetery – Heavy ion beams can give more localised energy deposition. • Medical Imaging – MRI (Nuclear magnetic resonance) – X-rays (better detectors lower doses) – Positron emission tomography (PET) – Many others…see Medical & Environmental short option. 2012 29 *Slide by Tony Weidberg Medical Applications 3He magnetic resonance imaging of the lung Non-smoker Light smoker Mainz University and University hospital Mainz, 1999 Other Applications • Radioactive Dating – C14/C12 gives ages for dead plants/animals/people. – Rb/Sr gives age of earth as 4.5 Gigayear (1 Gigayear= 1×109 years). • Element analysis – Forenesic (eg date As in hair). – Biology (eg elements in blood cells) – Archaeology (eg provenance via isotope ratios). 2012 31 *Slide by Tony Weidberg Nuclear physics history History facts 1896 Bequerel Discovers natural radioactivity in Uranium salts. Conclusions – the Uranium atom is unstable 1897 J. J. Thompson Discovers the electron in “cathode rays” and measures e/me 2012 33 1898 Wein - Discovers the proton in the “Canal rays” of H2 discharge. A positive particle ~2000 times mass of electron. 1898 Mdm and Pierre Currie find new naturally occuring radioactive atoms – Polonium and Radium. 2012 34 1899 – 1903 Discovery of the α, β and γ components of nuclear radiation 4 He e 1900 – 1910 Thomson model of the atom prevailed Proton charge evenly distributed over size of 1Å. Electrons imbedded and oscillatory. 2012 35 1911 The Nuclear Hypothesis. Rutherford postulated that the positive charge of the atom lay in a “nucleus”. The electrons circulated around the nucleus to form the atom. Moreover Rutherford and his coworkers tested this model experimentally by scattering alpha particles from the nucleus. The data confirmed the nuclear model and not the Thompson model. Nuclear radius less than 15 10 m =1fm= 1 Fermi Charge on nucleus = atomic number =Z 2012 36 1913 Bohr publishes the first quantum theory of the H-atom based on the nuclear model 1911 – 1932 Electron + Protons model of nucleus During the 1920s this model came under criticism from many physicists. (i) How could the electrons be confined 6 3 Spin 2012 Li 1 7 3 Li 3 2 (ii) How could the spins of nuclei be accounted for? Rutherford suggested that there must be another particle called the Neutron inside the nucleus 37 1932 Neutron discovered by Chadwick 1932 Heisenberg - formalizes neutron + proton model of nucleus 2012 38 1939Discovery of Nuclear Fission – Hahn, Meitner and Strassman 1939 Liquid Drop Model completed 1942 First Controlled Fission 1945 First Fission Bomb 1947 Pi meson discovered by Powel 1949 Shell Model of Nuclear Structure completed (Mayer, Jensen, Haxel, Suess) 2012 39 Particle physics history Matter equates with Energy 2 E=mc Energy 2012 Mass 41 Cockroft and Walton •1931, First artificial splitting of nucleus •Also the first transmutation using artificially accelerated particles •And the first experimental verification of E = mc2 John Cockcroft Ernest Walton Nobel Prize 1951 Cockroft and Walton •1931, First artificial splitting of nucleus •Also the first transmutation using artificially accelerated particles •And the first experimental verification of E = mc2 1 7 4 4 1H 3 Li 2 He 2 He Energy 1 MeV Proton + Lithium 17.3 MeV Two alpha particles + Energy History of Particle Physics Hideki Yukawa (1907 – 1981) 2012 1935 Hideki Yukawa published his theory of mesons, which explained the interaction between protons and neutrons, and was a major influence on research into elementary particles. Yukawa’s theory predicted that there was a particle – the Pion – that mediated the strong nuclear force that bound neutrons and protons together in the nucleus 44 History of Particle Physics 1932 Carl Anderson working with high altitude cloud chamber discovers the positron (The anti-particle of the electron) as predicted by Dirac’s theory 1936 Anderson also discovers the Muon – Carl Anderson (1905 – 1991) (then known as the Mu-Meson) The Muon was originally thought to be the Yukawa particle (Pion) because it had a mass in the right range ~ 200 me. However the Muon did not interact with neutrons or protons. We now know the Pion is the parent of the Muon. Pions decay into two particles, a muon and a muon neutrino or antineutrino 2012 45 History of Particle Physics 1947 Cecil Powell and collaborators at Bristol University UK finally discovered the Pion in short tracks in nuclear emulsions. Cecil Powell (1903 – 1969) 2012 46 History of Particle Physics 1952First Proton Synchrotron 2.3GeV (Brookhaven) 1953 First production of Strange particles 1955 Anti-proton produced 1956 Parity violation discovered (C.S. Wu) 1964 Quark model proposed (Gell-Mann, Zweig) 1967 Electroweak model proposed (Weinberg, Salam) 1974 Charm quark discovered (Richter, Ting) 1977 Bottom quark discovered (Lederman) 1983 W and Z particles discovered (CERN) 1996 Top quark discovered (Fermi Lab) 2012 47 Today’s Particle physics Particle Physics: searching for Higgs Boson 2011 First hard evidence of God particle (Higgs boson) was found by CERN researchers --- yet to be confirmed in 2012 A typical 'candidate event' for the Higgs boson, including two high-energy photons whose energy (depicted by red towers) is measured by CMS. The yellow lines are the measured tracks of other particles produced in the collision 49 Particle Physics: searching for Higgs Boson The CMS detector weighs a staggering 13,000 tons. CMS is a particle detector that is designed to see a wide range of particles and phenomena produced in high-energy collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) . Like a cylindrical onion, different layers of detectors measure the different particles, and use this key data to build up a picture of events at the heart of the collision 50 Particle Physics: searching for Higgs Boson Higgs hunters: A graphic showing a collision at full power at the CMS detector control room BBC: 51 Particle Physics: searching for Higgs Boson 2012 BIG QUESTION FOR 2012: IS THE HIGGS BOSON REAL? The existence of the Higgs particle will either be confirmed or denied by the LHC in the next few months. 2012 will be the year when the final piece of the Standard Model puzzle slots into place. No more rumors, no more "tentative glimpses"; 2012 will answer the big question: Does the Higgs boson exist? 2012 52 Particle Physics This plot basically shows the energy of detected particles along the bottom (x-axis) and "confidence level" (CL) up the side (y-axis). The dotted, curved line (inside the green band), is the energy of the particles that would theoretically be detected if the Higgs boson doesn't exist. However, the dark wavy line represents the particles that the ATLAS detector has actually detected so far. As you can see, this line differs greatly from the theoretical line -- the bump skyrockets at around the 125 GeV (Giga-electronvolts), approximately 125-times the mass-energy of a single proton -- breaking the green barrier (representing "1-sigma") and the yellow barrier (representing "2-sigma"). In fact, this peak represents a "2.4 sigma" result. The 2.4-sigma result represents a 98 percent certainty that this bump is real and not experimental error. What's more, the bump lies right around the predicted energy of a "light" Higgs boson as predicted by the Standard Model -- the theory that governs all known particles and forces (except gravity). 53