Cluster Models and Nuclear Fission Alberto Ventura (ENEA and INFN, Bologna, Italy) In collaboration with Timur M. Shneydman and Alexander V. Andreev (BLTP, JINR Dubna, Russian Federation) Cristian Massimi and Gianni Vannini (University of Bologna and INFN, Bologna, Italy) Debrecen, March 27, 2012 1 Cluster Models - 2 Motivation of theoretical research Analysis of neutron-induced fission cross sections and angular distributions of fission fragments measured by the n_TOF (neutron TIME-OF-FLIGHT) Collaboration at CERN, Geneva, since 2002. The n_TOF facility is dedicated to the measurement of neutron capture and fission cross sections, the former of main interest to nuclear astrophysics, the latter to reactor physics. 2 Cluster Models - 3 The n_TOF Facility Neutrons with a broad energy spectrum ( ~10-2 eV < En < ~ 1 GeV) are produced by 20 GeV/c protons from the CERN Proton Synchrotron impinging on a lead block surrounded by a water layer acting as a coolant and a moderator of the neutron spectrum. Neutron energies are measured by the time-of-flight method in a ~ 187 m flight path; hence the name of the collaboration. The neutron beam is used for measurements of radiative capture and fission cross sections. 3 Cluster Models - 4 4 Cluster Models - 5 5 Cluster Models - 6 In the first experimental campaign (2002-2004) fission cross section measurements were performed on actinides of the U-Th fuel cycle (232Th, 233-234-235236U), natural lead, 209Bi and minor actinides (237Np, 241-243Am and 245Cm). In the current campaign, started in 2008, cross section measurements are planned for 240-242Pu and minor actinides (231Pa) , as well as on angular distributions of fission fragments (232Th(n,f), 234-236U(n,f)) up to high incident neutron energies ( ~ 1 GeV). 6 Cluster Models - 7 Fission cross sections can be calculated with upto-date versions of nuclear reaction codes, such as Empire-3.1 ( and Talys-1.4 (, whose fission input admits multiple-humped fission barriers and barrier penetrabilities depending on discrete as well as continuum (level densities) spectra at the humps and in the wells of the barriers. 7 Cluster Models - 8 In particular, fission barriers can be given either in numerical form or parametrized with a set of smoothtly joined parabolas, as functions of an appropriate coordinate along the fission path k 1 Vk V0 k 2 2 k 2 , 2 ( k 1, N humps wells ) , with 0.054A5 / 3 MeV-1 8 Cluster Models - 9 Heights V0k and curvatures ħωk can be either evaluated by a microscopic-macroscopic method (liquid drop model with Strutinsky’s shell and pairing corrections) or by a fully microscopic method (non-relativistic HartreeFock-Bogoliubov approximation or relativistic mean-field approximation). In general, however, theoretical values do not reproduce experimental fission data and need to be adjusted. 9 Cluster Models - 10 In addition to barrier parameters, also discrete states and level densities at the humps and in the wells of the barrier are basic ingredients of the statistical model of nuclear fission and can be evaluated by microscopic-macroscopic or fully microscopic methods (at least in principle, in the latter case). Purpose of this work is to investigate the possible use of nuclear cluster models in the description of the fission process. 10 Cluster Models - 11 The description of nuclear fission in terms of cluster models dates back to the seventies of past century and is mainly due to the Tűbingen School (K. Wildermuth, H. Schultheis, R. Schultheis, F. Gönnewein). See, in particular, the book by Wildermuth and Tang, A unified theory of the nucleus, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1977. Starting point of the formalism is the representation of the time-dependent wave function of the fissioning nucleus as a linear superposition of two-cluster wave functions : 11 Cluster Models - 12 h h r1 ,...,rA0 , t aijk t ijk r1 ,...,rA0 , with h ijk h ijk ˆ r1 ,...,rA0 A i Ah j Al k R , where i Ah : wave functionof thei th internalstateof theheavycluster ( Ah Z h N h ) j Al : wave functionof the j th internalstateof thelight cluster ( Al Z 0 Z h N 0 N h ) k R : wave functionof thek th stateof relativecollectivemotion ( R Rh Rl , vectordistanceof thecentresof mass of the two clusters) Aˆ : ant isymmetrizationoperator 12 Cluster Models - 13 The two-cluster expansion given above allows for any overlap of clusters. If the overlap is strong, the antisymmetrization operator washes out the effects of cluster decomposition. There are two regions where antisymmetrization effects play a minor role: 1) clusters well separated in momentum space → strong overlap in coordinate space ( R ≈ 0 ) → no connection with nuclear shape → peculiar role of Z = 82 and N = 126 shell closures in actinide ground states; 2) clusters well separated in coordinate space → higly excited state of relative motion → clusters in low-lying internal states of excitation → directly connected with nuclear shape (reflection asymmetry). 13 Cluster Models - 14 On the basis of the above considerations, the two-cluster expansion can be written as the sum of two terms r1 ,...,rA0 ; s I r1 ,...,rA0 ; s II r1 ,...,rA0 ; s , where s (1 , 2 ,...) is a set of collective coordinat es describing the nuclear shape, I r1 ,...,rA0 ; s : linear combination of two - cluster st at es wit h overlapping clusters interiorof theintermediate nucleus, II r1 ,...,rA0 ; s : linear combination of two - cluster st at es wit h clustersin touching configuration surface region of theintermediate nucleus. 14 Cluster Models - 15 With the separation given above, the total energy of the intermediate nucleus becomes E s I s Hˆ I s I s Hˆ II s II s Hˆ I s II s Hˆ II s , where I s Hˆ I s liquid drop energy II s Hˆ II s shell correction I s Hˆ II s and II s Hˆ I s small mixed terms which can be included in theliquid drop energy(wave functions with large magnitudesin differentpartsof configuration space shell effects averagedout ). 15 Cluster Models - 16 ΦII basically contains contributions from spatially separated clusters in their ground states and, therefore, in the highest excited state of relative motion allowed by the excitation energy of the intermediate nucleus and only upper single-nucleon states contributing to < ΦII |H| ΦII > contribute to the shell correction ΔE h h II a00 k max 00 k max , h ΔE a00 k max ΔE N h , Z h , 2 h h wit h ΔE N h , Z h theshell energy of thesphericalcluster N h , Z h and h a00 k max 2 theprobability tofind thecluster configuration N h , Z h in st at e II . In early works ΔE N h , Z h was approximated wit h theshell - energy values S N h , Z h of theMyers- Swiatecki mass formula 2 h estimatedby a variational procedureafterapproximating and theprobability a00 k max for a given set s of deformation paramet ers thenuclear surface by a large number of calot tesof sphericalclusters. 16 Cluster Models - 17 An application to the fission barrier of 236U is given by H. Schultheis, R. Schultheis and K. Wildermuth, Phys. Lett. 53B (1974) 325 17 Cluster Models - 18 The main results are : 1. the shell correction gives rise to two minima between the spherical shape and the shape corresponding to touching fragments ; 2. the ground-state minimum is associated with the presence of the doubly magic A = 208 cluster; 3. the second minimum is associated with the doubly magic A = 132 cluster; 4. at the barriers in the (R1/R2)2 = 1 case (with Ri the radii of the two spherical clusters) the doubly magic clusters are broken up; 5. on the fission path the deformation is symmetric up to the second minimum; 6. the second barrier is lowered by the inclusion of mass asymmetry; 7. between the second minimum and the scission point the path of minimum energy corresponds to those asymmetric deformations which leave the doubly magic A = 132 cluster largely unbroken. 18 Cluster Models - 19 In these pioneering works, the shell correction to the fission barrier, albeit in qualitative agreement with Strutinsky’s prescription, was somewhat oversimplified. In present day applications of cluster models to fission, one usually adopts a hybrid procedure in which the Strutinsky approach to shell and pairing corrections is applied to the mononucleus configuration dominant in early stages of fission (up to about the second minimum of the barrier) as well as to the separated clusters appearing at larger deformations. From now on, the nuclear system corresponding to clusters in touching configuration will be defined as Dinuclear Model System (DNS). The mononucleus configuration can be included in the DNS on the formal assumption that it is coupled with a light cluster of zero mass. 19 Cluster Models - 20 To begin with, one defines the mass asymmetry coordinate η = (A1-A2)/ (A1+A2) (mononucleus: η = ± 1; symmetric fission: η = 0) or, more commonly ξ = 1- η = 2A2 / (A1 +A2) (mononucleus: ξ = 0,2 ; symmetric fission: ξ = 1) and, correspondingly, the charge asymmetry coordinate ηZ = (Z1 –Z2 )/ (Z1 +Z2 ) → ξZ = 1- ηZ = 2Z2 / (Z1 +Z2 ) Cluster effects are all included in the ΦII function ; neglecting antisymmetrization, II r1 , r2 ,... a r1 , r2 ,... , with ( LM ) ( l1 ) ( l2 ) l 0 r1 , r2 ,... bijk i A1 j A2 g k R LM , where ijk l1 (l2 ) : angular momentumof cluster of mass A1 A2 , l0 : angular momentumof relative motion, L : totalangular momentumwith 3rd componentM . 20 Cluster Models - 21 In order to compute the fission barrier and the collective excitations of the fissioning nucleus at the humps and in the wells we need the wave function of the DNS at given elongation (separation of the cluster centres). In general, the DNS will be described by a set of mass and charge multipole moments, Q(c,m)λμ (λ = 0,…,3) , but, for simplicity’s sake, we assume an explicit dependence of the nuclear wave function, ΦLM, on quadrupole moment only. Moreover, the simplifying assumptions are made: The quadrupole deformations of the clusters are chosen so as to minimize the energy of the DNS. Intrinsic excitations of the clusters are not allowed. The relative distance, R, is not an independent variable and is fixed, for a given mass asymmetry, at the touching configuration of the clusters. Thus: 21 Cluster Models - 22 LM q2 ; r1 ,...,rA0 a q ; r ,...,r (0) 0 LM 2 A0 1 2 al0l1l2 A1 , 1 , Rm ; ri A2 , 2 , Rm ; rj 1 l0l1l2 Y Ω Y Ω Y Ω , with theconstraint ˆ q ; r ,...,r Q q ; r ,...,r q . l1 LM 2 1 A0 1 l2 20 LM l0 2 2 1 0 A0 LM 2 Here: (0) : LM wavefunctionof themononucleus, wit h angular momentumL, M k 1, 2 : w. f. of cluster of mass Ak , quadrupole deformation k , angular momentumlk and orientation given by Euler angle set Ωk l0 , Ω0 : angular momentumof relativemotionand orientation of thedistance vectorR, of (fixed)length Rm . 22 Cluster Models - 23 Considering the mass asymmetry ξ as a continuous variable, the sum over ξ is replaced with an integral and the wave function of the intrinsic state can be written in the Hill-Wheeler form LM q2 ; r1 ,...,rA0 b , ; r ,...,r d , int r 1 A0 with 1 , 2 , 0 and d an infinit esimal volumeelement; T he weight functionis b , al0l1l2 Yl1 1 Yl2 2 Yl0 0 LM l0l1l 2 and theintrinsicwave functionis int r ; r1 ,...,rA0 1 A1 , 1 , Rm ; ri 2 A2 , 2 , Rm ; rj . T he weight functioncan be derivedfrom theHill - Wheelerequation ; r ,...,r Hˆ E ; r ,...,r b , d 0 . int r 1 A0 int r 1 A0 23 Cluster Models - 24 On the assumption of a sharply peaked overlap integral the Hill-Wheeler equation can be rewritten in the form of a Schrödinger equation obeyed by the weight function b(ξ,Ω), depending on the collective coordinate ξ 2 1 d d 2M , E db , V b , Eb , , d where M , E is an effectivemass, 3 , with thereduced mass and thepotentialenergyis V int r , r1 ,...,rA0 Hˆ int r , r1 ,...,rA0 . Hˆ is thesum of theHamiltonians of the two clustersand of theirinteraction. One transforms from thelaboratoryframeto theintrinsiccoordinatesystems of the two clusters: ~ r R D r , (i 1,..., A ) r R D ~ r , (i A 1, ,..., A ) i 1 1 i 1 j 2 2 j 1 0 where D is a Wignerrotation matrix. 24 Cluster Models - 25 After putting R = Rm + δR and expanding the Hamiltonian to second order in δR one obtains the potential energy in the form V E1 , 1 , Rm E2 , 2 , Rm Vint , Rm , 1 , 2 2 2 ˆ2 2 ˆ2 1 ˆ2 , l l2 l1 0 0 2Rm2 2 I 2 2 I1 2 where thezero - pointenergyof vibrationin thedistance around the touchingconfiguration is C 2 d 2 1 2 int r , R 0 int r 2 2 2 d R 2 E1 and E2 are thebinding energies of the two clusters, I1 and I 2 their momentsof inertiaandVint theirinteraction energy. 25 Cluster Models - 26 The moments of inertia of the clusters can be calculated by means of the Inglis formalism. A similar formalism can be adopted for the effective mass, M(ξ,E), and is presented in : G. G. Adamian et al., Nucl. Phys. A 584 (1995) 205. The binding energies of the (deformed) clusters are evaluated in the Strutinsky’s microscopic-macroscopic approach, with shell and pairing energy corrections computed with the two-centre shell model, suited to the description of nuclei with large deformations ( J. Maruhn and W. Greiner, Z. Phys. 251 (1972) 431 ). 26 Cluster Models - 27 27 Cluster Models - 28 In the original version with harmonic oscillator potentials the Hamiltonian in cylindrical coordinates z, , is 2 2 H V , z VLS (r , p , s ) VL2 ( r , l ) , where 2m N 1 1 2 2 2 2 m z m N z1 N 1 , z z1 2 2 f 1 0 mN z21 z2 1 c1 z d1 z2 mN 21 2 1 g1 z2 2 , z1 z 0 2 V , z 2 f 1 0 mN z22 z2 1 c2 z d 2 z2 mN 2 2 2 1 g 2 z2 2 , 0 z z2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 m z m , z z2 N z2 N 2 2 2 with z z1 , z 0 z z z2 , z 0 28 Cluster Models - 29 T he model has five parameters( collectivecoordinates) 2 : mass asymmetry 1 zi ( i 1,2 ) : ellipsoidal deformations of the prefragment s i z 2 z1 : separation of the prefragment s (elongation) E0 : neck parameter,permittinga variable barrier height E 1 1 2 2 E mN z1 z1 mN z 2 z 2 2 2 29 Cluster Models - 30 The two-centre shell model is applied as it stands to the calculation of the Strutinsky shell correction to the liquiddrop energy of the deformed mononucleus configuration. For a configuration of two different clusters with neutron and proton numbers (N1,Z1) and (N2,Z2) the shell corrections to the energies of two fictitious mononuclei with nucleon numbers (2N1,2Z1) and (2N2,2Z2) are computed separately and the results divided by two in order to get the values of the shell corrections of the single clusters. In this way it is possible to treat clusters with different N/Z ratios. 30 Cluster Models - 31 Coulomb interaction between clusters When the symmetry axes of the two spheroidal clusters with major (minor) semiaxes ci (ai ) coincide with the line connecting the centres, at distance d (pole-to-pole configuration) the Coulomb interaction energy is Z1 Z 2 e 2 s1 s2 S 1 , 2 1 , with VC d d 2 2 c a i2 i 2 i and, for prolateellipsoids d 3 1 1 1 i 3 2 , (i 1,2) s i 3 ln 4 i i 1 i 2i S 1 , 2 2 j 2k ! 2 j 2 k . 3 3 1 2 j , k 12 j 12 j 3 ( 2k 1)(2k 3) 2 j !2k ! 31 Cluster Models - 32 Nuclear interaction between clusters The nuclear interaction is calculated in the form of a double-folding potential with Skyrme-type density dependent nucleon-nucleon δ forces (G. G. Adamian et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 5 (1996) 191 ). For separated clusters momentum and spin dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction are neglected. The final result is F Fex VN d C0 in 00 2 r 2 r d dr 1 r 2 r d dr 2 1 Fex 1 r 2 r d dr . Here, thenucleondensities 1 r and 2 r are approximated with Woods - Saxon forms, 00 0.17 fm-3 is thenucleondensityat thecentreof thenucleus, Finex f inex f 'inex N1 Z1 N 2 Z 2 , A1 A2 C0 300 MeVfm3 , f in 0.09, f ex 2.59, f in 0.42, f ex 0.54, fromfits to experimental data within the frameworkof the theory of finiteFermisystems. 32 Cluster Models - 33 As a function of elongation (distance of cluster centres) the interaction potential has a minimum at a value slightly larger than the sum of the two major semiaxes Rm ≈ c1 + c2 + Δ , with Δ ≈ 1 fm, owing to the repulsive effect of the Coulomb interaction, superimposed to the attractive nuclear interaction. The general dependence of the interaction potential on cluster orientations will be discussed later. Solving thecollectiveSchrodinger equationsatisfiedby b , 2 1 d db , 2 2 ˆ 2 2 ˆ2 li l 0 2 2 M , E d d 2 I 2 R i 1 i m E1 , 1 , Rm E2 , 2 , Rm Vint , Rm , 1 , 2 b , Eb , one extractsfromb , thecoefficients al0l1l2 corresponding to thecomponentsof thedifferentdinuclear configurations in theintrinsicwave function. 33 Cluster Models - 34 The method outlined above is applicable to only one generator coordinate (mass asymmetry ξ), but, since more collective coordinates are necessary to describe fission, it would become too cumbersome for practical use. It is more convenient to write down the classical Hamilton function appropriate to the model and then quantize it by standard procedures. If the classical kinetic energy is of the form T 1 g qq q 2 thequantum - mechanicalkineticoperatoris (P auli prescription) 2 Tˆ 2 1 det g q 1 det g g and the volumeelementis d q det g q . 34 Cluster Models - 35 An useful approximation before quantizing the kinetic terms of the cluster Hamiltonian : if the potential energy of the system vs. mass asymmetry ξ has a local minimum at ξ = ξ0 , the motion in ξ is considered a vibration around ξ0 and the mass parameters associated with collective coordinates are replaced by their values at ξ = ξ0 . The quantized kinetic energy then becomes 2 2 1 1 2 3 / 2 Tˆ R 3/ 2 2 2 B 0 2 R R R 2 2 ˆ2 3 l 2 n k ˆ2 l Tˆrot 0 2 n 2 R 2 n 1 k 1 I k n , n 2 2 1 4 1 1 sin 3 n n 4 2 n n sin 3 n n n n 1 Dn 0 n n 2 1 Tˆ int r 35 Cluster Models - 36 The dinuclear system is then described by 15 degrees of freedom : mass asymmetry ξ, elongation R, 3 Euler angles (Ω0) for rotation of the system as a whole, 6 Euler angles (Ω1, Ω2) for independent rotations of the two clusters, 4 Bohr coordinates (β1,γ1 and β2,γ2) for intrinsic quadrupole excitations of the two clusters. We have already assumed for charge asymmetry the values that minimizes potential energy at given mass asymmetry. Further simplifications are possible: If we are interested in the lowest-lying excitations of the system, we can either neglect intrinsic excitations of the two clusters, or, limit ourselves to the small oscillations of the heavier cluster around its equilibrium shape (β1 = β0 , γ1 = 0). In this way, Trot and Tintr are greatly simplified. 36 Cluster Models - 37 Potential energy and cluster orientation The interaction potential, previously given for co-linear clusters in a pole-to-pole configuration, depends in general on the mutual orientation of the two clusters and can be expanded into multipoles of their Euler angles Ω1 and Ω2 . Vint A1 , Z1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ; A2 , Z 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ; R m ll l 1 Vm m 1 , 1; 2 , 2 l1m1; l2 m2 12 1 2 lm Ylm 0 lm l1l 2 m1m1 m2 m2 Dml11m1 1 Dml22 m2 2 , are Wigner D - matrix elements. where D Neglecting rot at ionaland vibrat ional excit ations of thelight fragmentl2 m2 m2 0 and expandingthe potentialenergy around the minimumcorresponding to theequilibrium values of the i deformat ions of the clusters one obtainsa simpler formof Vint and, consequently, of Hˆ . 37 Cluster Models - 38 Hˆ Hˆ vib Hˆ rot Hˆ dns , where 2 2 ˆ2 1 L 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 ˆ H vib C C 0 , 2 2 2 2 2 D1 0 4 0 2 2 Hˆ rot 2 Lˆ20 2 ˆ2 ˆ2 m 2 2 L L C 1 Y D 3 rot m 0 m 0 1 , 2 2 R 2I 0 m Hˆ dns 2 1 3/ 2 2 1 2 R U 0 , R . 3/ 2 2 2 B 2 R R R 0 and I 0 refer totheheavycluster,as well as theangular momentumLˆ and its thirdcomponentLˆ3 . U 0 is thepotentialenergy for clustersin pole- to - pole configuration (1 2 0). 38 Cluster Models - 39 T he wave functioncan be writtenin theform lmK , , , R; 0 , 1 n g n K Al1l0lK , R l0 m0 ; l1m1 lm Yml00 0 Dml11K 1 . l0l1 m0 m1 K is the third componentof theangular momentuml1 of theheavycluster, while the third componentof the totalangular momentumis not strictlyconserved. n and g n K , which diagonalize the vibrational part of theHamiltonian, are expressed in termsof Hermiteand Laguerrepolynomial s, respectively. T heeigenvalues of Hˆ have the well - known form vib K 1 En n K n 2n 1 . 2 2 T he wave functionAl1l0lK , R is obtained by numerical diagonalization of Hˆ rot Hˆ dns . 39 Cluster Models - 40 Bending approximation An approximate analytical solution of the DNS Hamiltonian is obtained in the frame of the so-called bending approximation: The Hamiltonian is written in the DNS-fixed coordinate system, with z axis along the vector R of separation of the two centres, and the Euler angles Ωi = (φi , εi , αi) ( i = 1,2) defining the orientations of the two clusters reduce to Ωi = (φi , εi , 0) if the clusters are stable with respect to γ deformations. The mass asymmetry is fixed at the value ξ = ξ0 of the most probable dinuclear configuration corresponding to a minimum or a maximum of the fission barrier. On the above approximations, the lowest-collective modes correspond to the rotation of the DNS as a whole and the oscillations in the bending angle ε1 of the heavy fragment around its equilibrium position in the DNS. Cluster Models - 41 Cluster Models - 42 Cluster Models - 43 This seems to be a good approximation for the collective states at the humps of a fission barrier (transition states), not for the states in the wells Cluster Models - 44 Application to 233U(n,f) The cross section of the neutron-induced fission of 233U has been measured by the n_TOF Collaboration in the energy range 0.5 < En < 20 MeV (F. Belloni et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 47 (2011) 2) and has been studied by means of the Empire-3 code (M. Herman et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 108 (2007) 2655), using in the fission input of the code the parameters of the threehumped fission barrier predicted by the DNS approach as a first guess, together with the collective bands computed in the same model for the secondary wells and the humps of the barrier. In the latter case (transition states) use is made of the bending approximation, valid for reflection-asymmetric shapes. Cluster Models - 45 Calculated collective bands of 234U at ground-state deformation Both the ground-state band and the higher bands contain contributions of the 234U mononucleus and of the 230Th4He dinuclear system. Intrinsic excitations of the mononucleus configuration ( beta- and gamma- bands) are omitted. Cluster Models - 46 Calculated collective bands of 234U at the second saddle point ( bending approximation ) 46 Cluster Models - 47 Most probable dinuclear configurations for 234U at large deformation Deformation Dinuclear configuration + 194Os Q2 (e fm2) Q3 (e fm3) J (ħ2/MeV) 48.45 32.59 241.93 2nd hump 40S 3rd well 102Zr + 132Te 69.20 15.57 298.86 106Mo + 128Sn 78.05 13.70 324.87 3rd hump Cluster Models - 48 In order to compute also the contributions of secondchance fission, 233U(n,n’f), and third-chance fission, 233U(n,2nf), the DNS model has been applied to the evaluation of the fission barriers and collective spectra at barrier humps and wells for the fissioning nuclei 233U and 232U, respectively. The theoretical spectra have been kept fixed, but the calculated humps and wells have been adjusted so as to reproduce the experimental fission cross section. Cluster Models - 49 Expt: F. Belloni et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 47 (2011) 2. Cluster Models - 50 VA ħωA VB ħωB VC ħωC VII ħωII VIII ħωIII (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) Empire 3 humps 5.35 0.90 5.70 0.80 5.59 0.80 1.40 0.50 2.85 (exp. 3.1± 0.4) 0.60 Empire 2 humps 5.35 0.90 5.80 0.80 - - 1.40 0.50 - - RIPL-3 (Maslov 4.80 0.90 5.50 0.60 - - - - - - 1997) Cluster Models - 51 The experimental energy of the ground state in the hyperdeformed well of 234U is taken from A. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Lett. B 461 (1999) 15. The heights of humps used in the fit of the fission cross section are (not surprisingly) close to the experimental RIPL-3 systematics (Maslov, 1997), but somewhat different from the values predicted by Strutinsky-type calculations performed in the frame of the present work, as well as from other theoretical predictions in the literature: Go-08 : S. Goriely et al., RIPL-3 (2008) VA ħωA VB ħωB VII ħωII (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) 5.38 0.66 6.15 0.45 - - Go08 3.80 - 4.89 - 3.22 - Mö09 7.41 - 6.12 - 2.18 - Mi11 (Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation) Mö-09: P. Möller et al., Phys. Rev. C 79 (2009) 064304 (Strutinsky method) Mi-11: M. Mirea and L. Tassan-Got, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 9 (2011) 116 (Strutinsky method) Cluster Models - 52 Conclusions on the 233U(n,f) reaction On the basis of the (n,f) cross section of a fissile nucleus like 233U it is, of course, not possible to decide on the structure of the barrier: evidence for a three-humped structure comes from the (d,pf) measurements (J. Blons et al., Nucl. Phys. A 477 (1988) 231, reanalyzed by A. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 2073, and A. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Lett. B 461 (1999) 15). The fit of the (n,f) cross section gives indications in favour of a reflection-asymmetric shape of the transition states built on the main peak of the fission barrier. Cluster Models - 53 Preliminary study of 240Pu Even if the 239Pu(n,f) cross section is not in the plans of the n_TOF collaboration, we have applied the dinuclear model to the study of 240Pu as a compound fissioning nucleus, owing to the detailed experimental information on the spectrum in the second well of the barrier (as reviewed by P. G. Thirolf and D. Habs, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 49 (2002) 325 ). The following figures compare experimental and calculated spectra in the ground-state well and in the isomeric well: in both cases calculated states are mainly superpositions of the 240Pu mononucleus and the 236U-4He dicluster configurations. Cluster Models - 54 Ground-state well Cluster Models - 55 Ground-state well - continued Cluster Models - 56 Isomeric (superdeformed) well Cluster Models - 57 But the model predicts also a third (hyperdeformed) well with a spectrum characteristic of a reflection-asymmetric system (treated in bending approximation) Cluster Models - 58 Here are the parameters of the predicted three-humped barrier: VA = 5.27 MeV, VII = 3.09 MeV, VB = 6.30 MeV, VIII = 2.65 MeV ( I = 307 ħ2 / MeV, most probable DN configuration : 82Ge + 158Sm ), VC = 3.30 MeV (most probable DN configuration : 90Kr + 150Ce ). In order to evaluate the neutron-induced fission cross section up to En = 20 MeV, analogous calculations are needed for 239Pu (second-chance fission) and 238Pu (third-chance) ; they are in progress. Cluster Models - 59 Angular distributions of fission fragments in the scissionpoint model Angular distributions of fission fragments can be evaluated in the scission-point limit, where the fissioning nucleus can be considered as a system of two separated interacting prefragments in thermal equilibrium, which can be described by the dinuclear model at finite temperature. The model permits to describe: 1. 2. 3. 4. Change of mass and charge asymmetries by nucleon transfer between the two clusters. Change of deformation of the clusters. Angular oscillations around the equilibrium pole-to-pole configuration. Motion in relative distance of the two clusters. The basic formulation of the scission-point model was given by B. D. Wilkins, E. P. Steinberg and R. R. Chasman, Phys. Rev. C 14 (1976) 1832. Cluster Models - 60 T heprobability w of formationof a system of two clusters wit h ci m asses and charges( Ai , Z i ) and deformations βi (i 1,2) ai at tempera tureT is proportion al to a Bolt zmann factor dependingon theenergyU of thesystem(internalenergiesand interaction energy of theclusters) U A1 , Z1 , 1 , A2 , Z 2 , 2 , E * w A1 , Z1 , 1 , A2 , Z 2 , 2 , E exp , * T E where T is relatedto theexcitationenergy E * by theFermi- gas formula * E* A A2 T , with theleveldensit y parametera 1 MeV-1. a 12 E * is takenin thedeepest minimumof thepotentialenergy surface. Cluster Models - 61 From w one calculatesthe yield of a given pair of clusters by integration over cluster deformations * U A ,Z , , A ,Z , , E 1 1 1 2 2 2 Y A1,Z1,A2 ,Z 2 , E * Y0 exp T with Y0 a normalization factor. d d 1 2 T hecharge yield and themass yield are obtainedby furthersummation over mass and charge,respectively U A1,Z1,1 , A2 ,Z 2 , 2 , E * Y ( Z1 ) Y0 exp T A1 U A1,Z1,1 , A2 ,Z 2 , 2 , E * Y A1 Y0 exp T Z1 d d 1 1 d d 2 2 Cluster Models - 62 In the adjacent figure, the mass yield predicted by the scissionpoint model for the 239Pu(nth,f) reaction is compared with the experimental (pre-neutron emission) mass yield given by C. Wagemans et al., Phys. Rev. C 30 (1984) 218. Cluster Models - 63 Anotherquantitycomparablewith experiments is theaverage kineticenergy of fragments(assumed to be equal to theinteraction energy of thepre - scission configuration) TK A1 , Z1 , A2 , Z 2 U Ai , Z i , i T T A , Z , e d d e K i i i U Ai , Z i , T d1d 2 i 1 , 2 commonlygiven as a functionof themass of one of the two fragments TK U Ai , Z i , i T T A , Z , e A d d e K 1 Z1 i i i U Ai , Z i , T i 1 2 d1d 2 . Cluster Models - 64 Comparison of calculated and experimental average kinetic energy of fragments for neutron-induced fission of some U-Pu isotopes as functions of the mass number of the light fragment, from A. V. Andreev et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 22 (2004) 51. Cluster Models - 65 Let Hˆ dns be theDNS Hamiltonian containingtherotationalenergy termsof the two clustersand of theirrelativemotion,as well as the potentialenergy term dependingon cluster orientations Ω1 and Ω2 in thelaboratoryframe,while Ω0 ( , , ) is theorientation of the vectorconnectingthecentres. Diagonalizationof Hˆ yields eigenfunctions n dns and eigenvalues E nJMK Ai , Z i , i . JMK Ai , Z i , i , i , Ω0 n T heprobability of emittingfragments fromstateJMK between and d with respect tothenuclear symmetryaxis is n JMK dP sin d n JMK 2 dΩ1dΩ2 dd Cluster Models - 66 T heprobability of finding thefissioningnucleus n at thescission configuration ( A1 , Z1 ) A2 , Z 2 in stateJMK is n E n * JMK wK Ai , Z i , E A d1d 2 exp , * T E with A a normalization factor. T heangular distribution of fission fragment sin the J , M , channel E 2J 1 A , Z , E A 2 exp T E d at tempera tureT E * is WJM * i i nK n JMK * J MK J is a reduced Wignermatrixelement. where d MK 2 , One usually measuresangular anisotropies, e. g. rat iosof emission at 00 with respect to 900. Cluster Models - 67 A preliminary calculation of angular anisotropy of fission fragments in the 233U(n,f) reaction vs. incident neutron energy. Expt. data from J.E. Simmons and R. L. Henkel, Phys. Rev. 120 (1960) 198 and R. B. Leachman and L. Blumberg, Phys. Rev. 137 (1965) B814. Cluster Models - 68 The agreement with experiment at low incident energies might be improved by taking into account the contributions of rotational bands built on noncollective few-quasiparticle states. An alternative to the scission-point model in investigating angular anisotropies of fission fragments is the transition state model, based on the assumption that the quantum numbers of the states responsible for angular distributions are those at the outer saddle point, considered as frozen in the descent from saddle to scission. Both are static models, unable to describe angular distributions of fission fragments over the broad range of incident neutron energies covered by the n_TOF facility (almost 1 GeV): dynamical models should come into play. Cluster Models - 69 Planned improvements of the DNS model • Introduction of stable triaxial shapes for a more realistic evaluation of fission barrier parameters. • Consistent evaluation of the collective enhancement factor of nuclear level densities at large deformations. Planned calculations of fission cross sections Non-fissile actinides measured by the n_TOF collaboration, with particular reference to 232Th and 234U. Cluster Models - 70 That is all. Thank you for your attention !