Lecture Hours: Mon & Wed 4.05 AM – 5.20 PM SWEARINGEN 2A18

ELCT 774: Advanced Semiconductor
Dr. Goutam Koley
Room 3A12, 777-3469, koley@engr.sc.edu
Lecture Hours: Mon & Wed 4.05 AM – 5.20 PM
Office Hours: By appointment only
Other information: To be posted on the website
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Course Information
Objective: To learn advanced semiconductor materials
charcaterization techniques (special emphasis on nanoscale
materials and their characterization)
Reference books:
Semiconductor measurements and Instrumentation: W. R. Runyan and
T. J. Shaffner, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 1998. ISBN 0070576971
Semiconductor material and device characterization, Dieter K.
schroder, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998, ISBN #
Other notes and handouts will be given from time to time, or
references posted on the course website
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Schedule and Grading
Class: Aug 26 – Dec 4, 28 lecture days
Final Exam Week: Dec 9 - 16
Project presentation and report:
Approximate Grades:
30 %
30 %
40 %
90 - 100
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 – 74
65 – 69
60 – 64
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Course Contents 1
 Hall measurements and mobility (2)
 Optical characterization (2)
 Photoluminescence
 Cathodoluminescence
 Scanning probe microscopy (4)
 Atomic force microscopy
 Scanning tunneling microscopy
 Scanning electron microscopy (2)
 Basic principles
 Electron beam induced current mapping
 Cathodoluminescence
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Course Contents 2
 Transmission electron microscopy (2)
 Modes of operation
 Scanning TEM
 Selective area diffraction
 Auger Electron Spectroscopy
 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
 Special characterization techniques for
nanoscale structures (3)
Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
Focused Ion Beam technique
Raman spectroscopy
Discussion on Graphene: the new nanomaterial
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Class schedule
• Lectures: 14 – 15 Classes
• Midterm: 1 Class
• Lab visits: 4 Classes (1 AFM, 1 SEM, 1
TEM, 1 Raman)
• Student Presentations: 8 Classes
• Final review: 1 Class
Note: A project report must be submitted by each of the
students at the last day of classes (final review day)
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Project descriptions
Projects must be related to Nano
List of projects
1. Atomic force microscopy applications to
2. Nanowire characterization using SEM microcharacterization (SEM, CL, EBIC, EDX)
3. Nanowire characterization using TEM microcharacterization (STEM, SAD, EDX)
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Project descriptions 2
5. Carrier Mobility/Hall effect in Graphene
6. Optical characterization of Nanostructures
7. Mechanical characterization of Nanostructures
8. Raman and EDX characterization of Graphene
9. Characterization of 2D materials beyond graphene
10. Characterization of Nanostructures using special
AFM associated modes (surface potential,
capacitance, current-voltage, etc.)
N.B. Please email me know your selected project topic latest by September 9
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Mobility 1
• Mobility represents the ease of electrons and holes to flow through
the crystal under an externally applied electric field.
Slope gives the
mobility only at
low electric field
  n E
is valid only at low
Electron drift velocity
saturates at high electric
fields for Si.
1. At high electric field, the velocity of electrons CANNOT increase linearly with
voltage due to increased scattering from the lattice vibrations (electron loses
the entire extra energy from electric field immediately)
2. At a particular electric field called the critical electric field, the mobility
becomes almost zero (actually not defined anymore), and the velocity of the
electrons become almost constant w.r.t. the electric field
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