Paradox IV (Aharonov) The forces exerted on the neutron can give energy for nothing! F d E V d c d V d V Paradox V W. Shockley and R.P. James, PRL 171, 1370 (1967) A cannon with no recoil Paradox V W. Shockley and R.P. James, PRL 171, 1370 (1967) A cannon with no recoil An isolated system consists of a current loop (two oppositely rotating and oppositely charged disks) and a charge which are originally at rest. When the current dies out, the charge starts moving, while the disks apparently stay in place. Resolution of Paradoxes V, IV,III (Re)discovery of “hidden momentum” Y. Aharonov, P. Pearle, and L. Vaidman, PRA 38, 1863 (1988) A current loop in a static electric field has a nonzero linear momentum Resolution of Paradox V (recoil-free cannon) When the current stops, the hidden momentum of the current loop is transferred to the mechanical momentum of the tube. The loop recoils to the left. Resolution of Paradoxes V, IV,III (Re)discovery of “hidden momentum” Y. Aharonov, P. Pearle, and L. Vaidman, PRA 38, 1863 (1988) A current loop in a static electric field has a nonzero linear momentum Resolution of Paradox V (recoil-free cannon) When the current stops, the hidden momentum of the current loop is transferred to the mechanical momentum of the tube. The loop recoils to the left. There is no recoil-free cannon. Resolution of Paradox IV F 0 dp F dt but a0 p mV phidden dphidden exactly F dt a0 Resolution of Paradox III The motion of the electron inside the interferometer is the same with or without the solenoid ELECTRON ELECTRON AC dual to AB F 0 a0 NEUTRON F 0 a0 NEUTRON LINE OF CHARGE The motion of the electron is identical to the motion of the neutron The motion of the neutron inside the interferometer is the same with or without the line of charge. Paradox I At every place on the paths of the wave packets of the particle there is no observable action, but nevertheless, the relative phase is obtained. Aharonov-Bohm Effect ELECTRON Aharonov-Casher Effect NEUTRON SOLENOID LINE OF CHARGE Conclusion Paradox I is an unavoidable property of both Aharonov Bohm and Aharonov Casher effects which makes them nonlocal topological effects How comes hidden momentum? A current loop in a static electric field has a nonzero linear momentum Hint: paradox VI Paradox of Two Lorentz Observers Paradox VI Charged particle, charged plate, and two Lorentz Observers Alice’s view Paradox VI Charged particle, charged plate, and two Lorentz Observers Bob’s view Hidden momentum The current loop model: free charges moving inside a frictionless tube Vi (This and other models: L. Vaidman, AJP 58, 978 (1990)) q qiVi 0 p hid i i mi0ViVi i00 i ptot E miVi i i ptot phidden m0iVi 1 2 0 Vi c2 E c Bohm versus Everett 30.08.2010 21st-century directions in de Broglie-Bohm theory and beyond THE TOWLER INSTITUTE The Apuan Alps Centre for Physics Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy Hope: Big hope: Today’s physics explains all what we see. Today’s physics explains All. Bohr (SEP): The quantum mechanical formalism does not provide physicists with a ‘pictorial’ representation: the ψ-function does not, as Schrödinger had hoped, represent a new kind of reality. Instead, as Born suggested, the square of the absolute value of the ψ-function expresses a probability amplitude for the outcome of a measurement. Bohr and today’s majority of physicists gave up the hope I think, we should not. Bohm and Everett are candidates for a final theory. Bohm: All is Ri and Everett: All is Everett: All is Many-Worlds The Quantum World Splitter Choose how many worlds you want to split by pressing one of the red dice faces. left right right World-splitter of Tel Aviv University A B World-splitter of Tel Aviv University A B World-splitter of Tel Aviv University A B All All is a closed system which can be observed All All is a closed system which might include an observer which can be observed What is ψ ? There is no sharp answer. Theoretical physicists are very flexible in adapting their tools, and no axiomization can keep up with them. But it is fair to say that there are two core ideas of quantum field theory. First: The basic dynamical degrees of freedom are operator functions of space and time- quantum fields. Second: The interaction of these fields are local in space and time. F. Wilczek (in Compendium of Quantum Physics, 2009) Bohm: At the end of the day, the only variables we observe are positions. ( A (r ), (r )) a a (r ) Space is taken for granted Everett: (r ) Bohm: (r ) Bohm: r ( t ), r ( t ),...., r ( t ) 1 2 N All is and (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) evolving according to deterministic equations Everett: All is (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) evolving according to deterministic equation A CENTURY AGO: All is particles evolving according to Newton’s equations r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Laplacian determinism Laplacian determinism TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Bohmian mechanics TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Everett Interpretation HARD Observation (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) Laplacian determinism TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Bohmian mechanics TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Everett Interpretation HARD Observation (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) Laplacian determinism TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Bohmian mechanics TRIVIAL Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) Everett Interpretation Many parallel Observations HARD (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) What is “a world” in the Everett Interpretation ? Observations Observation i Many parallel many worlds (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) world i i (r1 , r2 ,...., rN , t ) (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t) i i (r1 , r2 ,...., rN , t ) An observer has definite experience. i iOBSERVER iREST Everett’s Relative State World A world is the totality of (macroscopic) objects: stars, cities, people, grains of sand, etc. in a definite classically described state. The MWI in SEP i iOBJECT1 iOBJECT2 ... iOBJECTKiREST i OBJECT is a Localized Wave Packet for a period of time What is our world in the Bohmian Interpretation ? Observation r1(t), r2 (t),...., rN (t) We do not observe (experience) ( r1 , r2 ,...., rN , t ) Bohmian trajectories CONTEXTUALITY EPR V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V /3 V 1 V 0.5 V 1 0.5 3 V V V /3 V V V V V V MZI IFM Counterfactual Computation 0 Surrealistic trajectories A tale of a single world universe The king forbade spinning on distaff or spindle, or the possession of one, upon pain of death, throughout the kingdom A tale of a single world universe The king forbade performing quantum measurements, or the possession of quantum devices, upon pain of death, throughout the kingdom The Quantum World Splitter Photomultipliers Geiger counters Stern Gerlach devices Beam splitters Down conversion crystals Quantum dots Quantum tunneling Photodiods …… A tale of a single world universe UNIVERSE WORLD OBJECT1 OBJECT2 ... OBJECTK REST Quantum states of all macroscopic objects are Localized Wave Packets all the time Zero approximation: all particles remain in product LWP states n ( rn ) WORLD (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) 1 (r1 ) 2 (r2 )... N (rN ) Particles which do not interact strongly with “macroscopic objects” need not be in LWP states. WORLD 1 (r1 ) 2 (r2 )... K (rK ) REST Particles which make atoms, molecules, etc. can (and should be) entangled among themselves. Only states of the center of mass of molecules, cat’s nails etc. have to be in LWP states. 2 M 1 1 1 WORLD CM (r1CM ) rel (r1i r1 j ) CM (r2CM ) rel2 (r2i r2 j )...CM (rMCM ) rel (rMi rMj ) REST A tale of a single world universe Quantum states of all macroscopic objects are Localized Wave Packets all the time UNIVERSE (r1, r2 ,...., rN , t ) 1 (r1 ) 2 (r2 )... N (rN ) 2 M 1 1 1 WORLD CM (r1CM ) rel (r1i r1 j ) CM (r2CM ) rel2 (r2i r2 j )...CM (rMCM ) rel (rMi rMj ) REST (r ) ( r ) of a cat! TRIVIAL Observation (r1 ) (r2 )... (rN ) 1 N 2 Almost the same as in Bohmian trajectories Two worlds universe This is a multiple worlds universe Two worlds universe A B Two worlds universe One world does not disturb the other A B Two worlds universe One world does not disturb the other A B Two worlds universe Preferred basis: STABILITY | A,| B or A B | A | B | A | B , | ,| 2 2 | A | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | A ENV Two worlds universe Preferred basis: STABILITY | A,| B or A | A | B | A | B , | ,| 2 2 | A | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | A ENV | B | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV | B | R MD A | V MDB | R ENV | B | R MD A | V MDB | B ENV B Two worlds universe Preferred basis: STABILITY | A,| B or | A | B | A | B , | ,| 2 2 | A | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MDB | A ENV A | B | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV | B | R MD A | V MDB | R ENV | B | R MD A | V MDB | B ENV | | R MD A | R MDB | R ENV B | 2 | R ENV | A | V MD A | R MD B | A ENV | B | R MD A | V MD B | B ENV | V MD A | R MD B | A ENV | R MD A | V MD B | B ENV 2 | A | V MD A | R MD B | B | R MD A | V MD B 2 | | V MD A | R MD B | A ENV | R MD A | V MD B | B ENV 2