Ultrafast Dynamic Study of Spin and Magnetization Reversal in (Ga,Mn)As Xinhui Zhang (张新惠) State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (中科院半导体研究所超晶格国家重点实验室) Outline Introduction of dilute semiconductor GaMnAs The magnetic anisotropy of GaMnAs and four-state magnetization switching spin relaxation dynamics GaMnAs Ultrafast optical manipulation of four-state magnetization reversal in (Ga,Mn)As and magnetic domain wall dynamics Conclusion III-Mn-V group: intrinsic DMS GaMnAs, Ohno (Tohoko),APL’96 InMnAs, Ohno et al, (IBM,’92) Tc up 190K is now achieved 1366 as grown o Ta=150 C t=16h LT-GaAs 0.5nm 45 3 M (emu/cm ) 60 T. Dietl, Science 287,1019,(2000) Mn% ~ 15% 30 (Ga,Mn)As 70 nm GaAs 15 0 0 50 100 Temperature (K) 150 200 Advantages of Semiconductor Spintronics Integration of magnetic, semiconducting and optical properties Compatibility with existing microelectronic technologies. Promise of new functionalities and devices for IT. Nonvolatility Spin - FET D. D. Awschalom, M. E. Flatte, Nat. Phys. 3, 153 (2007) Increased data processing speed Decreased electric power consumption Increased integration densities Carrier- mediated ferromagnetism in DMS p-d Zener model + kp theory describes quantitatively or semi-quantitatively: ----- Thermodynamics [Tc, M(T,H)] Micromagnetic Dc and ac charge and spin transport Optical properties Ohno (Science,1998 Dietl (Science,2000) Jungwirth PRB (1999) Strong p-d coupling between Mn spin and holes Manipulation of Spin Carrier- mediated ferromagnetism in DMS: ---- A base for magnetization manipulation through: Light Electric field Electric current in trilayer structures Domain-wall displacement induced by electric current Hole density & Tc Magnetic Anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As The primary biaxial anisotropy originates from the hole-mediated ferromagnetism In combination with the strong spin-orbit coupling, based on the mean-field theory. The magnetic anisotropy of GaMnAs is quite complex, arising from the competition between cubic and uniaxial contribution, which depends on temperature, strain, and carrier density. Magnetic Anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As Hamaya, PRB, 74,045201(2006) Shin, PRB, 74,035327(2007) Spin memory device ◆ The most practical application of GaMnAs – ----spin memory device: the information can be stored via the direction of magnetization ◆ The magnetic properties related to the Magnetization reversal can be controlled by varing carrier density through electric field or optical excitation. ◆ Current-driven magnetization switching could be performed by using giant planar Hall Effect of (Ga,Mn)As epilayers. The required driven current density is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than ferromagnetic metals! H.X.Tang ,90,107201(2003) In-plane biaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy & four-state magnetic reversal The compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As grown on (001)GaAs substrate is known to be dominated by in-plane biaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy with easy axes along [100] and [010] at low temperatures --- Allowing magnetization switching between two pairs of states --- Leading to doubling of the recording density! Magnetization Switching in (Ga,Mn)As by subpicosecond optical excitation ◆ A switching of the magnetization between the four orientations of the magnetization can be significantly changed by ultrafast laser excitation G. V. Astakhov et al, APL, 86,152506 (2005) A.V.Kimel et al, PRL, 92,237203(2004) ◆ The giant magnetic linear dichroism comes from the difference of optical refractive index for the projection of polarization plane of incident light in two perpendicular easy axes [100] and [010] of (Ga,Mn)As plane. A.V.Kimel et al, PRL, 94,227203(2004) From: G. V. Astakhov et al, APL, 86,152506 (2005) Questions? Spin Dynamics and mechanisms? --- s-d exchange coupling? --- p-d exchange couplng? --- electron-hole exchange coupling? --- carrier/impurity scattering? --- spin & disorder fluctuation? Magnetization precession and switching? --- Thermal or Non-thermal effect? TR-MOKE and MSHG Experiments Delay stage Mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser Polarizer sample probe Filter1 pump BS chopper B Fields MOKE Waveplate Filter Lock-In Amplifier photo bridge Fabrication of (Ga,Mn)As TR-MOKR/MSHG Mn, Ga, As ◆ ModGenII MBE: -III-V Low Dimensional structures ◆VG V80 MARKII MBE System: --- III-V Diluted magnetic semiconducutors and ferromagnetic metals (Ga,Mn)As Sample 3 Mr (emu/cm ) As grown 93# B = 0 T 30 Tc ~ 50 K (Ga,Mn)As 200 nm GaAs buffer 500 nm 15 Mn concentration ~ 6% S-I GaAs substrate 0 0 50 100 150 Teperature (K) 200 The compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As grown on (001)GaAs substrate is known to be dominated by in-plane biaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy with easy axes along [100] and [010] at low temperatures Relaxation time ~ 524 ps Kerr Rotation deg 30 B = 0 T, T = 8 K 20 10 linear polarization 0 -10 -20 Relaxation Time T1 (ps ) Spin relaxation and dephasing (1) 560 560 540 552 520 544 500 536 480 528 460 520 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature (K ) 100 6 9 12 15 18 21 -30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Delay time (ps) Rising time ~ 120 ps: the formation time for spin alignment of magnetic ions by the photoexcited holes 24 Pump Intensity (mW ) Pump intensity hole density Relaxation time Mn-Mn coupling 27 B=1T 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 A0 (udeg) 2 Delay time (ps) (a) 336 312 288 16.8 16.2 15.6 15.0 14.4 15.6 (e) 15.2 (f) 14.8 14.4 14.0 0 K (t ) A0 exp(t / T2* ) cos(t ) C g B Beff 120 (b) 100 80 60 40 20 336 (c) 324 (d) 312 300 288 35 30 25 20 15 10 384 360 T* (ps) 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 8K (GHz) Kerr Rotation (arb. units) Spin relaxation and dephasing (2) 20 40 60 80 100 Temperature (K) 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Pump Intensity (mW) g ~ 0.2 further proves the formation of hole-Mn complex Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 142109 (2009) The static photo-induced four-state magnetization switching measurement Kerr Rotation (deg) 60 (a) B34 B12 B41 30 (4) 0 B23 Major Loop (2) -30 (3) (1) 60 (b) Measured at 8K B21 B12 30 (2) 0 Minor Loop (1) -30 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 Magnetic Field (G) B12= - B34 = 33 G B23 = - B41= 264 G B field is applied in-plane of the sample along about 5o off the [110] direction Ultrafast optical manipulation of four-state magnetization reversal in (Ga,Mn)As ◆The magnetic reversal signals are dramatically suppressed at positive delay time and gradually recover back ◆ photo-induced magnetic anisotropy change upon applying pump pulse: hole density increase upon pumping significantly reduces the cubic magnetic anisotropy (Kc) along the [100] direction, while enhances the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (Ku) along [110] -60 ps 200 Kerr Rotation (deg) within ~500 ps to that measured before arrival of pump pulse. 250 150 -30 ps 100 +5 ps 50 +67 ps 0 +134 ps -50 -100 +267 ps -150 +550 ps -200 Strong manipulation of the magnetic property and anisotropy fields by polarized holes injected by the circularly polarized pump light -400 -200 0 200 400 Magnetic Field (G) Ultrafast optical manipulation of switching fields Gauss upon pumping and then recovers back to the value before pumping within about 500 ps. ◆ However it is found that Hc2 is almost independent of delay time. Coercive Field (G) ◆ Hc1 increases abruptly to 108 Measured at 8K Time evolution of small switching field Hc1 100 80 ~500ps 60 40 2~3ps 0 The different time evolution behavior of Hc1 and Hc2 implies that different magnetization reversal mechanisms have been involved 100 200 300 400 500 600 Delay Time (ps) Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 052108 (2009) Temperature Dependence T ≈ 1/2 Tc . 70 30 60 25 20 50 15 40 10 30 5 20 0 10 5 Pumping power: 35 Small switching field Hc1 Amplitude (deg) M-shaped major hysteresis loop could not be observed above 20 K, due to the vanished fourfold magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As at Coercive Field (G ) 80 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Temperature (K) laser pulses with pump fluences of about 2μJ/cm2 can effectively manipulate the magnetization reversal and switching field, which is about five orders of magnitude lower than that achieved by Astakhov et al, which is favorable for magneto-optical recording in (Ga,Mn)As. Conclusion ---- Non-thermal manipulation of magnetization: The similar time evolution of spin relaxation and magnetic reversal switching within the SAME sample suggests that the polarized holes injected by optical pumping account for the observed phenomena. The thermal effect induced by laser heating does not play key role here. ----- Complex magnetic domain dynamics: Magnetic reversal is governed by domain nucleation/propagation at lower magnetic fields and magnetization rotation at higher magnetic fields. Challenge: is there any other mechanism for faster manipulation of magnetization? Magnetic field Electric field (or current) Manipulation of magnetization and magnetic switching Optical pumping Manipulation of magnetization in the ultrafast fashion: ---- A torque can be induced optically through the non-thermal pass, and results in the non-equilibrium state of magnetization. The state is controllable by optical pulses. New aspect 1: Femtomagnetism: Femotosecond laser pulse Coherent interaction between photons, charges and spins Incoherent ultrafast demagnetization Associated with the thermalization of charges and spins into phonon bath (lattice) Nature Physics,5,515 (2009); 5, 499 (2009) New aspect 2: Ultrafast Magnetic Recording: PRL, 103,117201(2009) The fastest “read-write” event is demonstrated to be 30ps for magnetic recording Acknowledgement Mrs. Yonggang Zhu (朱永刚), Lin Chen(陈林) Prof. Jinhua Zhao (赵建华) This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 1067 4131, 60836002), the National Key Projects for Basic Research of China under Grant No 2007CB924904, and the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KJCX2. YW. W09).