Nanomagnetics Most people relate magnetics to storage. Magnetic storage: currently 100 Mbits/in2 at the expected 10 Gbits/in2 an individutal bit will be 1000 nm wide by 70 nm long. One bit viewed by magnetic force microscopy Is it nano? Well, overall size is ~1mm, but the bit has smaller details. Clearly, nano characterization methods are being used to see this. Apoferritin, your body’s iron storage protein and precision magnetic system. Quaternary structure of the protein. The pieces make an open cavity that can store thousands of Fe atoms. Types of Magnetism (Sibel Turksen Thesis) Few subjects are more difficult to understand than magnetism. Encyclopedia Britannica General Hysteresis Plot M Magnetization Perfect Superparamagnet -M Magnetization in opposite direction Paramagnet, Ferromagnet & Superparamagnet Zero Magnetic Field Magnetic Field Applied Paramagnet Domain moments align randomly—no net moment. Net moment appears; the applied magnetic field helps the domains “find” each other to become coupled. Ferromagnet Domain moments coupled (below Curie temp.) to produce strong, permanent moment. Even higher magnetic moment. Superparamagnet Domain moments that would couple as in Ferromagnet do not do so because of small size— boundary effect. Domains “find” each other and now it generates a moment comparable to Ferromagnet. Right or wrong…. I think of the superparamagnet as a small ferromagnet. Because of its small size, the magnetic moment wanders. When given an order to align (when a magnetic field is imposed) it aligns with the same enthusiasm that a ferromagnet has, which exceeds that of the paramagnet. Superparamagnet Paramagnet Ferromagnet Zero field Applied field Like the paramagnet, the superparamagnet returns to zero magnetization when the field is removed. It does so for a different reason: small size, not intrinsically weak exchange between the individual moments. The bottom line is: Nano scale has a big impact on the magnetic properties! In a normally ferromagnetic material, nano scale reduces the moment, but it can be restored by applying a magnetic field. The good news: switchable interactions! The bad news: There would seem to be a lower limit to the size of a magnetic particle that can hold an alignment for data storage. Suppose some particles do have magnetic moments. N S N S N S N S They will chain together! The chain causes high viscosity. Magnetorheological effect. Magnetorheological Effect A magnetic fluid. Fluid becomes solid—and reverses! Just pretty. Applications to cars. Civil Engineering Application Dong Ting Lake Bridge -- China Health and Home Appliance Applications Optical Applications Optical Application Results An optical surface ground on the OptiPro SX50 is interferometrically characterized and MRF polished. The first run eliminates SSD while improving figure. The second run demonstrates MRF capability to further improve an already polished optic. Smooth to ~30 nm i.e., l/20 @ l =600 nm How can this be used? Better lasers? Better laser weapons? Better chances for cheap, pollution-free nuclear fusion energy? Conclusion • It is hard not to be excited about magnetic particles! • Nice convergence of fairly simple chemistry and tangible materials science. • Tomorrow, I will show you the idea we had for getting into this field. References Nanotechnology, edited by G.L. Timp, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1998; Chapter 12 by Awschawlom and von Molnar, “Physical Properties of Nanoscale Magnets”. Lord Corporation Website. Center for Optics Manufacturing. Sibel Turksen Ph.D. Thesis, LSU, 2005.