Modeling the Askaryan signal (in dense dielectric media) Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain In collaboration with: J. Bray, C.W. James, W. R. Carvalho Jr. , A. Romero-Wolf , R.J. Protheroe, M. Tueros, R.A. Vazquez, E. Zas Outline • Motivation& quick reminder of radio technique • Methods to model the signal – Monte-Carlo (microscopic) simulations – Finite Difference Time Domain methods – Very simple models – Semi-analytical models • Comparisons: MC-MC, MC-models, MC-FDTD,… • Conclusions Motivation: UHEn detection Expected events (Ahlers model) Auger IceCube 0.6 0.4 How big a detector is needed ? • Small fluxes of cosmogenic neutrinos: ≈ 0.5 per km2 per day over 2π sr above EeV • Small neutrino interaction probability: ≈ 0.1 - 0.2 % per km of water at EeV • Small budget … typically these days… • Fix rate at ≈ 20 – 40 events/ km2 / year (say) ≥ 100 km3 of instrumented volume of water How to achieve this?. Detection of coherent Cherenkov radiation in dense media. Reminder: Basics of radio-emission in dense media The radio technique in dense media GLUE LORD NuMoon MOON REGOLITH LUNASKA dense → r ≈ 1 g cm-3 LOFAR ANITA2 RICE - ARA - ARIANNA Many experimental initiatives & hopefully more to come (see this meeting) The source: n-induced showers “Mixed” showers <Eelectromagnetic > ≈ 80% En @ EeV <Ehadronic > ≈ 20% En @ EeV Hadronic showers <E> ≈ 20% En @ EeV EM or Hadronic Dimensions & speed of the source Longitudinal spread (Radiation length X0 ≈ 39 m in ice) 1 TeV electron shower ice Lateral spread (Moliere radius rM ≈ 10 cm in ice) Longitudinal spread in ice increases as: log E E < 1 PeV E0.3-0.5 E > 1 PeV can reach ≈ 100 m (LPM) Lateral spread varies slowly with E Ultra-relativistic electrons above K ≈100 keV v > c/n (n=1.78) Zas-Halzen-Stanev (ZHS) MC, PRD 45, 362 (1992) Net negative charge: Askaryan effect G. Askar´yan, Soviet Phys. JETP 14, 441 (1962) • “Entrainment” of electrons from the medium as shower penetrates Excess negative charge develops (electrons) → N(e ) N(e ) Δq 25% N(e ) N(e ) • Main interactions contributing: Moeller Compton atomic “Low” energy processes ~ MeV atomic e+ annhilation G.A. Askaryan Bhabha atomic Askaryan effect confirmed in SLAC experiments Askaryan effect present in any medium with bound electrons (for instance in air). Modeling the signal (1) Monte Carlo simulations • Basic idea: – Obtain signal from 1 particle track from 1st principles (Maxwell). – Simulate shower & add contributions from individual particle tracks. • Advantages: – Full complexity of shower development accounted for. • Shower-to-shower fluctuations – Accurate calculation of radiation from different primaries: e, p, n • Disadvantages: – Time consuming – “Thinning” techniques @ ≈ EeV and above • Main codes & refs.: – ZHS (Zas-Halzen-Stanev et al.), GEANT3.21 & 4, ZHAireS (ZHS+Aires) Zas, Halzen, Stanev PRD 45, 362 (1992) J. A-M, W. R. Carvalho, M. Tueros, E. Zas, Astropart. Phys. 35, 287-299 (2012) Razzaque et al. PRD 65 , 103002 (2002) Hussain & McKay PRD 70, 103003 (2004) Radiation single particle track: Frequency domain Maxwell´s equations → Fourier-components of Electric field E(ω,x) emitted by charged particle traveling along finite straight track at constant speed v: phase factor global phase diffraction exp ( kR ) Eω e exp[ i ( ω - k v ) t1 ] v δt R frequency v┴ t1 1. 2. 3. 4. θ v track far-field k observer v┴ dt sin j j tracklength j ω δt ( 1 - n β cos θ ) t1 + dt E(ω,x) increases with frequency E(ω,x) ≈ length of particle track perpendicular to direction of observation E(ω,x) 100% polarized (perpendicularly to observer´s direction) E(ω,x) : diffraction pattern exhibiting central peak around cos θC = 1/nβ (j=0) & angular width Δθ ~ (ω δt)-1 Radiation from a shower: frequency domain Contributions to E-field from all charged particles tracks Phase factors (different for each particle) E E ω e i i vi δt i exp[iω ( 1 - n βi cosθ ) t1i ] sin ji charged particles Charge of each particle ji ω δt i ( 1- n βi cos θ ) If θ ≈ θC or lobs >> shower dimensions (small enough ω) at θ → Phase factors ≈ equally small → COHERENCE (@ MHz-GHz) E ≈ ω Σ (-e) vi δti + ω Σ (+e) vi δti ≈ ω Σ (-e) vi δti electrons positrons charge excess ji Modeling with MC: Low energies matter… keV-MeV electrons contribute most to radio emission 50 % of excess track due to electrons with Ke < 6 - 7 MeV Excess negative tracklength: T(e-) – T(e+) vs Kthreshold [E. Zas, F. Halzen, T. Stanev PRD 45, 362 (1992)] Radiation single particle track: Time domain Maxwell´s equations → Radiation comes from instantaneous acceleration at start & deceleration at end of particle track Vector potential [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 81, 123009 (2010)] See also “end-points” algorithm: T. Huege et al., PRE 84, 056602 (2011) C. James talk at this meeting v┴ θ t1 Acceleration track v t2 E-field Time Acceleration Deceleration Comparison algorithm with Jackson A-M, Romero-Wolf, Zas, PRD 81, 123009 (2010)] A. Romero-Wolf & K.Belov (Proposal to test geosynchrotron in SLAC) The Zas-Halzen-Stanev (ZHS) code ZHS-”multi-media” – Based on ZHS (1993). – Electromagnetic showers only (E up to 100 EeV – “thinned”) • All EM processes included (bremss, pair prod., Moeller, Compton, Bhabha, e+ annhilation, dE/dX,…) – Multi-media: (Almost) any dense, dielectric & homogeneous medium can be used: • Ice, sand, salt, Moon regolith, alumina,… – Tracking of particles in small linear steps + ZHS algorithm – E-field can be calculated in: ~ 1 m from shower axis • Time-domain & Frequency-domain. • Far-field (Fraunhofer) and “near”-field (Fresnel – see later). [J. A-M, C.W. James, R.J. Protheroe, E. Zas , Astropart. Phys. 32, 100 (2009)] [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 81, 123009 (2010)] Also GEANT 3.21 & 4 Razzaque et al. PRD 65 , 103002 (2002) Hussain & McKay PRD 70, 103003 (2004) The ZHAireS code ZHAireS = ZHS + Aires – Shower simulation with Aires – Electrom., hadronic & n showers (E up to 100 EeV – thinned sims) • All relevant processes included. • Different low & high-E hadronic interaction models available. – Ice only (so far). Can be extended to other dense media. • Works in air (see Washington R. Carvalho talk – this meeting) – Tracking of particles in small linear steps + ZHS algorithm – E-field can be calculated in: • Time-domain & Frequency-domain. • Far-field (Fraunhofer) and “near”-field (Fresnel). J. A-M, W. R. Carvalho, M. Tueros, E. Zas, Astropart. Phys. 35, 287-299 (2012) J.A-M, W.R. Carvalho, E.Zas, Astropart. Phys. 35, 325-341 (2012) Also GEANT4 Hussain & McKay PRD 70, 103003 (2004) (2) Finite Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) • Basic idea: techniques – Discretize space-time into lattice – Calculate electric field approximating Maxwell´s differential equations by difference equations • Advantages: – Very flexible: effects of dielectric boundaries, index of refraction gradients, far & near field,… – 1 single run produces field “everywhere” in space-time – Can be linked to shower MC simulation predicting excess charge • Disadvantages: – Computationally intensive: grid size < lateral dimension/10 • So far only radiation from unrealistic “shower” was obtained (?) • Main refs.: – Talks by C.-C. Chen et al. this meeting C.-Y. Hu, C.-C. Chen, P. Chen, Astropart. Phys. 35, 421-434 (2012) (3) (Very) simple models • Basic idea: – Simple models of charge development (line current, “box” current, constant charge,…) • Advantages: – Gain insight into features of radio-emission in time & freq-domains – Help understanding complex Monte Carlo simulations • Disadvantages: – Too simplistic… but a necessary “academic” exercise… • Main refs.: – See this talk . 1D “line” model of shower development 1 Assumptions: a. 1D line of current (excess charge Q) spreading over length L. b. Charge travels at v > c/n “Huygens approach” θc≈ 56o ice Far-field observer at Cherenkov angle θC t1→2 = L/v = t1→3 = L cosθC / (c/n) Time Observer sees whole shower “at once” (sensitivity to longitudinal profile lost…) Frequency domain: Constructive interference at ALL wavelengths Spectrum increases linearly with frequency: NO frequency cut-off radiation L Wavefronts in phase Time-domain: J(z,t) = v Q d(z - vt) 3 z 2 wavefronts in phase 1D “line” model of shower development 1 Far-field observer at θ ≠ θC Wavefronts NOT in phase (due to longitudinal shower spread L) J(z,t) = v Q d(z - vt) θ < θc Time radiation Time-domain Observer sees radiation in a finite interval of time depending on angle (sensitivity to long profile): Δt (θ) ≈ L (1 – n cosθ) / c ≈ few 10 ns L wavefronts out of phase z Frequency domain Spectrum increases linearly with frequency up to: Frequency cut-off ωcut(θ) ≈ Δt-1 ≈ few 100 MHz 2 3 2D “box” model of shower development R Assumptions: 1. 2D current: longitudinally over L & laterally over R. 2. Uniform excess charge & travels at v > c/n Time Far-field observer at Cherenkov θC Wavefronts NOT in phase (due to lateral spread R of shower). z θc radiation L Time-domain: Observer sees radiation in a finite interval of time: wavefronts in phase Δt ≈ R sinθc / (c/n) < ns Frequency domain: Spectrum increases linearly with frequency: Frequency cut-off ω ≈ Δt-1 ≈ GHz R sinθc out of phase 2D “box” model of shower development R Far-field observer at θ ≠ θC θ < θc Wavefronts NOT in phase (due to longitudinal L & lateral spread R of shower) Time L Time-domain: Observer sees radiation in finite interval of time: Δ t = max [R sinθ/ (c/n), L (1 – n cosθ)/c] z Frequency domain: Spectrum increases linearly with frequency: Frequency cut-off ω ≈ Δ t-1 ≈ few 100 MHz - GHz R sinθ wavefronts out of phase radiation Conclusions from “box” model • Far-field observer at Cherenkov angle (θc ): – Spread in time of pulses and frequency cut-off determined by lateral spread of shower (R). • Far-field observer at θ ≠ θc : – Spread in time of pulses and frequency cut-off (mainly) determined by longitudinal spread of shower (L). (4) Semi-analytical models • Basic idea: – Obtain charge distribution from complex MC simulations. – Use them as input for analytical calculation of radio pulses. • Advantages: – – – – – Accurate & computationally efficient. Full complexity of charge distributions (LPM effect,…) Shower-to-shower fluctuations. Different primaries (e, p, n) Gain insight into features of radio-emission in time & freq-domains • Disadvantages: – None ! (well maybe that they need input from MC) • Main refs.: – This talk . J.A-M, R.A. Vazquez, E.Zas, PRD 61, 023001 (1999) J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 81, 123009 (2010) J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E.Zas, PRD 84, 103003 (2011) 1D “line” model with variable Q(z) Assumptions: a. 1D line of current (excess charge Q) spreading over length L. b. Charge varies with depth & travels at v > c/n (obtained from MC) Frequency domain: slit E-field can be obtained Fouriertransforming the longitudinal profile Q(z) of excess charge E( ) dz Q(z) e i pz J(z,t) = v Q(z) d(z - vt) Angular distribution of E-field θc L p (1 n cosq ) / c Shower Dq Far-field observers Diffraction by a slit Δθ ≈ (ω L)-1 [J. A-M & E. Zas, PRD 62, 063001 (2000)] Time domain: Far-field observers Current J(z´,t´) = v Q(z´) d(z´ - vt´) Longitudinal development from MC sims. Coulomb gauge Vector potential A(tobs , θ) ≈ v Q(ζ) / R Vector potential = Re-scaling of longitud. profile ζ → Retardation + time-compression effects: Source position (z) mapped to observer time (tobs) via θ –dependent relation: tobs = z(1 - ncosθ)/c + t0 tobs = t0 @ θc Electric field E(tobs , θ) = dA(tobs , θ)/dtobs [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 81, 123009 (2010)] E-field Bipolar pulses Relativistic effects Source position (z) mapped to observer time (tobs) via θ –dependent relation: tobs = z(1 - ncosθ)/c + t0 When observing shower at angles: θ = θc → observer sees shower at t=t0 As observer moves from θc shower appears to last longer in time. θ > θc observer sees first the start of shower and then the end (causality) θ < θc observer sees first the end of the shower and later the start (non-causality) (Many more interesting effects if observer is in the near-field… see later in this talk) Far-field observers Conclusion from 1D line model • Modelling signal away from Cherenkov simple & straightforward – Time-domain: vector potential = rescaling & timetransforming longitudinal profile. – Freq.-domain: Electric field = Fourier transform of longitudinal profile. (Longitudinal profile easy/fast to obtain with MC simulations) 3D model with variable Q(z) 1D model fails close to Cherenkov angle where lateral spread is of utmost importance for radio emission Lateral spread Current: J(r´, φ´,z´,t´) = v(r´,φ´,z´) f(r´,z´) Q(z´) d(z´ - vt´) Longitudinal spread [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 84, 103003 (2011)] Dealing with the lateral spread Lateral spread is difficult to model & deal with when obtaining vector potential. However if 2 assumptions are made: (a) Shape of lateral density depends weakly on depth: f(r´,z´) ≈ f(r´) (b) Radial velocities depend weakly on depth´: v(r´,f´,z´) ≈ v(r´,f´) Convolution of longitudinal & lateral contributions Longitudinal Lateral [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 84, 103003 (2011)] “Trick” to obtain form factor: At Cherenkov angle only lateral spread is relevant (all shower depths z´are seen at the same time – remember box model ?) Integrals decouple at qCher Vector potential at θC : obtained in MC sims. R x Vector potential [V s] Form factor Shower tracklength: obtained in MC sims. • A(qCher t) quasi-universal function • Scales with primary energy • Dependence with primary: e, p • Asymmetryc due to observer´s position & radial components of velocity • Existing parameterisation. Observer´s time [ns] [J. A-M, A. Romero-Wolf, E. Zas, PRD 84, 103003 (2011)] Electron 1 EeV Dz Depth z [m] contribution to A due to lateral spread at Dz weighted by mQ(z)/4pR qCher - 20o Dtobs Time reverses Dtobs = Dz (1 - ncosθ)/c q < q Cher Electron 1 EeV Dz Depth z [m] Large compression in time when q is close to qCher Dtobs = Dz (1 - ncosθ)/c qCher + 0.1o Dtobs Conclusion from 3D model • Modelling signal at any q is simple & straightforward – Vector potential = convolution longitudinal & lateral contributions, with appropriate rescaling & time-compression. – Lateral contribution = form factor (easily obtained in MC sims. from vector potential at Cherenkov angle) – Longitudinal profile modeled with MC sims. (fast !) • Procedure works in the far-field & “near”-field (near-field = distances > lateral shower dimensions i.e. > 1 m ) • Procedure works also for p, n showers – Simply use lateral contribution corresponding to hadronic showers or a mixture in case of ne Charged Current Comparison of methods MC vs MC Frequency spectrum – EM showers Electron 1 PeV ice θC shower θC - 10o E-field θC - 20o θ observer Frequency spectrum – EM showers Electron 1 TeV ice shower E-field θ observer Semi-analytical models vs MC Time-domain: away from qCher Electron 1 EeV Vector potential traces shape of longitudinal profile Time reversal Time-domain: close to qCher Electron 1 EeV Vector potential traces shape of longitudinal profile Time reversal Time-domain: even closer to qCher Electron 1 EeV Sensitivity to longitudinal profile lost Time-domain: proton showers A(qCher t) proton- showers (obtained in MC sims. with ZHAireS) Proton – 100 TeV ZHAireS MC A(qCher t) proton vs electron-showers ne – 1 EeV ZHAireS MC Time-domain: n-induced showers ne + N → e + jet E(ne) = 1 EeV E(electron) = 0.83 EeV E(hadronic jet) = 0.17 EeV A(qCher,t) (ne) = 0.83 A(qCher,t) (e @ 1 EeV) + 0.17 A(qCher,t) (p @ 1 EeV) FDTD vs MC • Quantitative comparisons not possible… – FDTD → radiation for unrealistic shower dimensions (memory limitations - size of space-time lattice) • Q(z) ≈ exp(-z2/2sz2) symmetric (instead of Greisen-like) • rlateral(r) ≈ exp(-r2/2sr2) with sr=1 m (instead of ≈ 0.1 m) – Different dimensions alter coherence of emission in FDTD compared to MC (ZHS, ZHAireS, G4). • MC & FDTD predict same effects in the “near” field: – Fields decreasing as 1/sqrt(R) (cylindrical symmetry) – Dependence on frequency of transition 1/sqrt(R) → 1/R (given by Fraunhofer condition: R > L2sin2q/l) – More assymmetric waveforms than in far-field – Transition from more bipolar waveform in near-field to more multi-peaked in far-field (LPM showers) “Near-field” in MC & FDTD 1/sqrt(R) in near-field Electron 10 TeV - ZHS MC 1/R in far-field Electron 10 TeV - ZHS MC q ~ qCher More asymmetric waveform as R decreases Observer sees different slices of shower at different distances, angles,… ZHAireS Monte Carlo vs 3D model Observers Shower (≈ 20 m long) Near-field in MC & FDTD Shower max. seen at qCher → time compression → “single” bipolar pulse Shower NOT seen at qCher → NO time compression → multi-peaked bipolar pulse Near-field effects in MC & FDTD Compression effects very important Observer may see 2 distinct slices of shower longitudinal development at once Polarization depends on time. Mixing of 2 polarizations Data vs MC Experiments at SLAC: sand, salt & ice Bunches of ~ GeV bremss. photons dumped in sand & salt & ice: E0 ~ 6 x 1017 – 1019 eV . Frequency spectrum • Askaryan effect seen !!! • Linearly polarized signal • Power in radio waves goes as E02 • Bipolar pulses in time-domain • Agreement with theoretical expectations ANITA Angular distribution of electric field ICE target D. Saltzberg et al. PRL 86 (2001); P.Miocinovic et al. PRD 74 (2006), P. Gorham et al. PRL 99 (2007) More attempts: K. Belov, A. Romero-Wolf @ this meeting Summary: Modeling Askaryan signal – MC simulations: Achieved maturity • Agree between each other : ZHS & ZHAireS & GEANT3.21 & 4 – ZHAireS most complete: time & freq. – far & “near” – e & p & n • Validated by data ! – more tests – air in proposal stage. – FDTD: • More flexible than MC. • Need to be applied to more realistic cases: comparison to MC – Semi-analytic models: • Reproduce complex MC simulations (get input from them) • One of the best compromises: accuracy/fastness Some things to-do • Quantitative comparison of FDTD & MC – Validation of algorithms (FDTD does not implicitely use any algorithm) • Propagation effects not included. – Absorption other than 1/R or 1/sqrt(R) – Effect of variable refractive index • Curved paths from shower to observer • Time delays • NOTE: Other MC using params. of signal include propagation effects (UDel MC, Ohio MC,…) – Tailored to specific expts. (ANITA, ARA,…) End Backup slides Why dense media & why radio? n interaction probability scales with density Excess charge (Askaryan effect) due to keV-MeV electrons. MeV electrons travel at v > c/n in dense media Observation wavelength l >> shower dimensions Coherent emission → Power ≈ (Excess charge)2 ≈ (Shower energy)2 (In dense media ex. ice, L ≈10 m, R ≈ 0.1 m → coherence up to MHz – GHz) Broad bandwidth ( MHz → GHz ) Cheap detectors: antennas (dipoles, etc…) Large vols. of dense, radio “transparent” media exist in Nature: ice, moon regolith, salt, … Information on n energy, direction, flavour,… preserved Net charge • Electromagnetic showers at high-E dominated by: pair production: g g → e+ e bremsstrahlung: e+/- + N → e+/- + N + g “electrically neutral interactions” → no net charge • Charge separation due to geomagnetic field unimportant in dense media: 10 MeV e- traveling L=1 m deviates R≈ 0.05 cm laterally (irrelevance of this mechanism checked in simulations). • Net charge in dense media produced by “Askaryan effect” Excess negative charge N(e ) N(e ) Δq 25% N(e ) N(e ) Δq scales with shower E. Δq increases slowly with depth. ZHS Monte Carlo simulations e-induced showers in ice Δq depends on medium. Frequency spectrum – EM showers shower observer E. Zas, F. Halzen, T. Stanev, PRD 45, 162 (1992), J. A-M & E. Zas, PLB 411, 218 (1997) E-field/E0 V MHz -1 TeV -1 Angular distribution Δθ Cherenkov peak Δθ ≈ (Ln)-1 Angle w.r.t. shower axis [deg] ZHS ice E. Zas, F. Halzen, T. Stanev, PRD 45, 162 (1992), J. A-M & E. Zas, PLB 411, 218 (1997) LPM effect in EM showers Screening effect on electron & photon interaction reduces bremsstrahlung & pair-production cross sections w.r.t. Bethe-Heitler predictions Electromagnetic showers having E > ELPM (~ 2 PeV in ice – medium dependant): • Long. dimension L increases faster than ~ log E, typically as Eβ, β ~ ⅓ – ½ Produces multiple lumps in long. development at highest energies. • Lateral dimension R does not change much with shower energy. 1 PeV 10 PeV Above EeV other processes (photoproduction) dominate 100 PeV 1 EeV 10 EeV Field normalized to primary energy Frequency spectrum in “LPM showers” θC θC - 10o θC - 20o • Elongated profiles at EeV induce smaller cut-off frequencies at θ≠θc • Cut-off frequency at Cherenkov angle unaffected. • Large shower-to-shower fluctuations Freq. spectrum – Hadronic showers • Slow elongation with energy → small cut-off frequencies at θ≠θc • Cut-off frequency at Cherenkov angle increases slowly with energy Contribution to radio-emission from: protons + charged pions + muons + charged kaons < 2% above PeV Radio emission in several dense dielectric media Ice vs Moon regolith vs Salt Medium Density [g/cm3] Radiation length [cm] RMoliere [cm] Excess Tracklength/E0 [m/TeV] Ice 0.9 39.3 11.4 1980 Moon 1.8 13.0 6.9 1190 Salt 2.0 10.8 5.9 1105 Salt vs Ice vs Regolith Longitudinal development of excess charge (length units) Radiation lengths: L0 ≈ 39.3 cm L0 ≈ 10.8 cm L0 ≈ 13.0 cm Lateral spread of excess charge @ shower max. Moliere radii: RM ≈ 11.5 cm RM ≈ 5.9 cm RM ≈ 7.0 cm Salt vs Ice vs Moon regolith Medium E field V/MHz/TeV @ 1 MHz Cut-off frequency @ θc [GHz] Cut-off frequency @ θc – 50 [MHz] Ice 2.1 x 10-10 ≈2 ≈ 200 Moon 9.2 x 10-11 ≈5 ≈ 600 Salt 8.6 x 10-11 ≈4 ≈ 500 Frequency spectrum – EM showers shower E-field θ observer