X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Prof. Paul K. Chu X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Introduction Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis Charging compensation Small area analysis and XPS imaging Instrumentation Depth profiling Application examples Photoelectric Effect Einstein, Nobel Prize 1921 Photoemission as an analytical tool Kai Siegbahn, Nobel Prize 1981 XPS is a widely used surface analysis technique because of its relative simplicity in use and data interpretation. KE = hn - BE - FSPECT BE = hn - KE - FSPECT hu: Al Ka(1486.6eV) P 2s P 2p1/2-3/2 Kinetic Energy Peak Notations L-S Coupling ( j e- = l s= 12 j= l + 12 s) s= 1 2 j= l 1 2 For p, d and f peaks, two peaks are observed. The separation between the two peaks are named spin orbital splitting. The values of spin orbital splitting of a core level of an element in different compounds are nearly the same. The peak area ratios of a core level of an element in different compounds are also nearly the same. Spin orbital splitting and peak area ratios assist in elemental identification Au General methods in assisting peak identification (1) Check peak positions and relative peak intensities of 2 or more peaks (photoemission lines and Auger lines) of an element (1) Check spin orbital splitting and area ratios for p, d, f peaks A marine sediment sample from Victoria Harbor Si 2s Si 2p Al 2s Al 2p The following elements are found: O, C, Cl, Si, F, N, S, Al, Na, Fe, K, Cu, Mn, Ca, Cr, Ni, Sn, Zn, Ti, Pb, V Analysis Depth Inelastic mean free path () is the mean distance that an electron travels without energy loss 3 0 0 For XPS, is in the range of 0.5 to 3.5 nm - x - x e dx e dx 1 - e -3 0.95 1 Only the photoelectrons in the near surface region can escape the sample surface with identifiable energy Measures top 3 or 5-10 nm B.E. = Energy of Final state - Energy of initial state B A + B (one additional +ve charge) Redistribution of electron density B A B B.E. provides information on chemical environment Example of Chemical Shift Example of Chemical Shift Chemical Shifts Chemical Shifts Factors Affecting Photoelectron Intensities For a homogenous sample, the measured photoelectron intensity is given by Ii,c f Ni i,c cos F T D A Ii,c: Photoelectron intensity for core level c of element i f: X-ray flux in photons per unit area per unit time Ni: Number of atoms of element i per unit volume d i,c: Photoelectric cross-section for core level c of element i : Inelastic mean free path of the photoelectron in the sample matrix : Angle between the direction of photoelectron electron and the sample normal F: Analyzer solid angle of acceptance T: Analyzer transmission function D: Detector efficiency A: Area of sample from which photoelectrons are detected Detector Quantitative Analysis Peak Area of element A IA SA Atom ic % 100% Ii i S i Sensitivity factor of element A Peak Areas / Sensitivity factors of all other elements Au 4f Peak Area measurement Need background subtraction Empirical Approach I A k S AM A k = constant SA = sensitivity factor of a core level of element A MA = No. of A in the empirical formula I A S AM A IA MF SA I F SF M F IF M A For example, Teflon (-CF2-) IC 2 SC IF 1 Usually assume SF=1 Examples of Sensitivity Factors 1s 1 SA N Li2CO3 Li2SO4 KBF4 NH4BF4 Na2SO3 CuSO4 K2SO4 Ag(COCF3)3 Na5P3O10 C6H2NS2K3O9 C 1s S 2p K 2p N 1s S 2p S 2p S 2p F 1s Na 2s K 2p 0.067 0.069 0.50 0.55 2.95 3.25 2.90 2.62 3.40 2.89 0.069 0.067 0.50 0.57 2.85 2.81 3.05 N S i 1 Ai N = number of compounds tested X-ray damage Some samples can be damaged by x-rays For sensitive samples, repeat the measurement to check for x-ray damage. Charging Compensation Electron loss and compensation For metal or other conducting samples that grounded to the spectrometer - e eX-ray - e e esample - Electrons move to the surface continuously to compensate the electron loss at the surface region. For resistive samples + + + + + + + "current" net loss of electrons from the surface + V RI - e Potential developed Resistance between the at the surface surface and the ground I R V 10nA 10nA 10nA 1k 1M 1000M 10-5V 0.01V 10V Not important Important for accurate B.E. measurements Note: for conducting samples, charging may also occur if there is a high resistance at the back contact. Shift in B.E. of a polymer surface Differential (non-uniform) surface charging B r o a d e n i n g o f p e a k Sample Effects of Surface Charging Charge Compensation Techniques Low Energy Electron Flood Gun filament ~2eV-20eV Electrons optics - e Electron source with magnetic field Low energy electrons and Ar+ analyser + electrons Low energy Ar beam -ve filament X-ray e Low energy electron beam Sample Sample Magnet A single setting for all types of samples Small area analysis and XPS Imaging Photoelectrons Aperture of Analyzer lens X-ray Photoelectrons Aperture of Analyzer lens X-ray Sample Spot size determined by the analyser Both monochromated and dual anode x-ray sources can be used Sample Spot size determined by the x-ray beam Instrumentation • Electron energy analyzer • X-ray source • Ar ion gun • Neutralizer • Vacuum system • Electronic controls • Computer system Ultrahigh vacuum < 10-9 Torr (< 10-7 Pa) • Detection of electrons • Avoid surface reactions/ contamination Dual Anode X-ray Source X-ray monochromator n=2dsin For Al Ka 8.3Å use (1010) planes of quartz crystal d = 4.25Å o = 78.5 Advantages of using x-ray monochromator • Narrow peak width • Reduced background • No satellite & ghost peaks Commonly used Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer CMA: Relatively high signal and good resolution ~ 1 eV Concentric Hemispherical Analyzer (CHA) Resolution < 0.4 eV XPS system suitable for industrial samples Vacuum Chamber Control Electronics Ion pump Turbopump Sample Introduction Chamber X-ray induced secondary electron imaging for precise location of the analysis area x-ray secondary electrons +1 +2 500 x 500mm Depth Profiling Sputtered materials Peak Area Ar+ Sputtering Time Depth Scale Calibration 1. Sputtering rate determined from the time required to sputter through a layer of the same material of known thickness Peak Area Concentration 2. After the sputtering analysis, the crater depth is measured using depth profilometry and a constant sputtering rate is assumed Sputtering Time Depth Angle Resolved XPS Plasma Treated Polystyrene Angle-Resolved XPS Analysis High-resolution C 1s spectra Plasma Treated Polystyrene • O concentration is higher near the surface (10 degrees take off angle) • C is bonded to oxygen in many forms near the surface (10 degrees take off angle) • Plasma reactions are confined to the surface Angle-resolved XPS analysis Oxide on silicon nitride surface Typical Applications Silicon Wafer Discoloration Depth Profiling Architectural Glass Coating • Architectural glass coating • ~100nm thick coating Sputtered crater Sample platen 75 X 75mm Depth profile of Architectural Glass Coating 100 80 O 1s O 1s O 1s 60 Ti 2p 40 Si 2p Ti 2p Nb 3d N 1s Si 2p N 1s 20 Al 2p 0 0 Surface Sputter Depth (nm) 200 Nickel (30.3 nm) Chromium (31.7 nm) Chromium Oxide (31.6 nm) Nickel (29.9 nm) Chromium (30.1 nm) Depth profiling of a multilayer structure Silicon (substrate) 100 80 60 40 Ni 2p Cr 2p metal Cr 2p oxide Ni 2p Cr 2p metal Si 2p O 1s 20 0 0 Sputter Depth (nm) 185 Depth Profiling with Sample Rotation High energy ions 100 Ions: 4 keV Sample still 80 Cr 2p 60 Ni 2p Ni 2p Atomic concentration (%) 40 Cr 2p Si 2p Sample Cr/Si interface width (80/20%) = 23.5nm O 1s 20 00 100 185 Si 2p 80 60 Ni 2p Ions: 4 keV With Zalar rotation Ni 2p Cr 2p 40 Cr 2p O 1s High energy ions Sample rotates 20 00 185 Cr/Si interface width (80/20%) = 11.5nm 100 60 Ni 2p 40 Ions: 500 eV With Zalar rotation Si 2p 80 Cr 2p Ni 2p Cr 2p Low energy ions O 1s 20 00 Sample rotates Sputtering depth (nm) 185 Cr/Si interface width (80/20%) = 8.5nm Multi-layered Drug Package Optical photograph of encapsulated drug tablets SPS Photograph Cross-section of Drug Package Al foil Polymer Coating ‘A’ Polymer Coating ‘B’ Adhesion layer at interface ? 100 X 100mm 1072 X 812µm Photograph of cross-section Polymer coating ‘A’ 10µm x-ray beam 30 minutes Al foil -Si 2s -Si 2p ++ + 1000 Binding Energy (eV) 0 1072 X 812µm Polymer ‘A’ / Al foil Interface 10µm x-ray beam 30 minutes 1000 Binding Energy (eV) Polymer coating ‘B’ 10µm x-ray beam 30 minutes 0 1000 Binding Energy (eV) 0 Polymer coating ‘A’ 10µm x-ray beam 11.7eV pass energy 30 minutes Photograph (1072 X 812um) C 1s Al foil Interface C H CCl O=C-O 298 288 Binding Energy (eV) Atomic Concentration (%) Area A Interface B C 82.6 83.2 85.9 O 12.2 12.2 9.8 N Si ---- 0.7 ---- 1.3 4.3 ---- ++ + 278 Polymer coating ‘B’ 10µm x-ray beam 11.7eV pass energy 30 minutes C 1s CH CNO O=C-O A silicon (Si) rich layer is present at the interface 298 288 Binding Energy (eV) 278 XPS study of paint Paint Cross Section Polyethylene Substrate Mapping Area Adhesion Layer Base Coat Clear Coat 695 x 320µm 1072 x 812mm Elemental ESCA Maps using C 1s, O 1s, Cl 2p, and Si 2p signals C 695 x 320mm O Cl Si C 1s Chemical State Maps C 1s 695 x 320mm CH CHCl O=C-O Small Area Spectroscopy High resolution C 1s spectra from each layer Polyethylene Substrate Base Coat Polyethylene Substrate CHn CHn CN C-O O-C=O Adhesion Layer 300 280 300 Clear Coat Adhesion Layer Base Coat CHn 280 CHn C-O Clear Coat O-C=O CHCl 300 Binding Energy (eV) 300 280 800 x 500µm CN 280 Binding Energy (eV) Quantitative Analysis Atomic Concentration* (%) Analysis Area Substrate Adhesion Layer Base Coat Clear Coat *excluding H C O N Cl Si Al 100.0 90.0 72.0 70.6 ----16.4 22.2 ----3.5 7.2 --10.0 3.3 --- ----2.6 --- ----2.2 --- Summary of XPS Capabilities •Elemental analysis •Chemical state information •Quantification (sensitivity about 0.1 atomic %) •Small area analysis (5 mm spatial resolution) •Chemical mapping •Depth profiling •Ultrathin layer thickness •Suitable for insulating samples Sample Tutorial Questions • • • • • What is the mechanism of XPS? What are chemical shifts? How is depth profiling performed? What is angle-resolved XPS? Is XPS a small-area or large-area analytical technique compared to AES? • Is XPS suitable for insulators? • What kind of applications are most suitable for XPS?