Power Point Presentation

COST Action ES0803:
Developing space weather products
and services in Europe
WG 1. Advanced methods to model and predict space weather effects
SG 1.1: Progress in scientific understanding of space weather
Leader: Natalia Ganushkina
(Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland)
Progress report
Progress report at MC meeting, 1 December 2011, Namur, Belgium
SG 1.1: Progress in scientific understanding of space weather
Identification of the state of the art in the scientific understanding and
modelling of physical processes which govern space weather
Description of work
Compilation of reviews on advances in specific areas of space weather research
Scientific literature, relevant web sites, information obtained from research
projects from COST ES0803 participants and others and from space weather
modelling centers
Topical reports and scientific papers in peer review journals such as SWSC
SG 1.1: Progress in scientific understanding of space weather
Specific activities with detailed description
1. Space weather modeling in the North American sector (N. Ganushkina)
2. Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation and evolution (F. Zuccarello)
3. Solar wind forcing of the magnetosphere on large scale (E. Saiz)
4. The mid-latitude ionosphere response to space weather phenomena (D. Buresova)
5. Monitoring, tracking and forecasting ionospheric perturbations using GNSS
techniques (N. Jakowski)
6. Effect of ionospheric disturbances on GNSS signals at high latitudes (L. Alfonsi)
7. Influence of space weather phenomena on global change of the atmosphereionosphere system (J. Lastovicka)
8. Effect of cosmic rays on the Earth's atmosphere (I. Usoskin)
9. Numerical simulation of solar eruptions, energetic particle fluxes and the associated
plasma turbulence (R. Vainio)
10. Ground effects of space weather (A. Thomson)
SG 1.1: Progress in scientific understanding of space weather
Other specific activities announced
1. Space weather research and related activities in the Asian sector
(S. McKenna-Lawlor)
2. The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and solar energetic
particle events (G. Maris)
3. Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles with the system
magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere (P. Velinov)
4. The ionospheric response to strong geomagnetic and solar events (P. Sauli)
5. Influence of solar and geomagnetic activity on climate (P. Hejda)
6. Novel use of tools from information theory and complexity to model space
weather dynamics (M. Materassi)
Space weather modeling in the North American sector
(N. Ganushkina) (1)
N. Ganushkina is working now (from 30.08.2010) as a Visiting Scientist at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic
and Space Sciences, where she has established close collaboration with the leading
group for Space Weather Modeling Framework (http://butch.engin.umich.edu/swmf/).
This collaboration resulted in two joint publications, where SWMF was used.
1. Liemohn, M. W., R. Ilie, N. Y. Ganushkina, A. J. Ridley, J. U. Kozyra, M. F.
Thomsen, and J. E. Borovsky (2011), Testing the necessity of transient spikes in the
storm time ring current drivers, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04226,
2. M. W. Liemohn, D. L. De Zeeuw, R. Ilie, and N. Y. Ganushkina (2011),
Deciphering magnetospheric cross-field currents, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L20106,
Space weather modeling in the North American sector
(N. Ganushkina) (2)
Further development and usage of Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and
Acceleration Model.
Study on how much can the modeled inner magnetosphere ring current be dependent
on the background electric and magnetic field models and boundary conditions. We
found that physical conclusions based on simulation results can differ significantly.
We also found that the boundary location and the method of Dst* calculation are of
key importance for ring current data-model comparisons to be correctly interpreted.
Submitted paper:
Ganushkina, N. Yu, Liemohn, M. W., and Pulkkinen, T. I., Storm-Time Ring Current:
Model-Dependent Results, submitted to Annales Geophysicae, July 2011.
Further extension of IMPTAM to Radiation belts model
Funded proposal to the call FP7-SPACE-2010-1, where relation to the on-going
COST Action ES0803 was specifically mentioned.
Proposal title: SPACECAST: Dynamic modelling of radiation belt and solar energetic
particles for protecting space assets
Space weather modeling in the North American sector
(N. Ganushkina) (3)
Data analisys for benefits of radiation belts models.
Cluster CIS ion spectrograms measured during the period of the recent solar
minimum between April 2007 and June 2009, when Cluster was deep in the radiation
belts with its perigee as close as L = 2, are analyzed. The analysis is complemented
by Double Star TC-1 satellite data from HIA ion spectrograms on perigee passes
during the period of May 15, 2007 to September 28, 2007.
We conclude that boundaries of radiation belts determined from background
measurements on the instruments with energy ranges that do not cover the radiation
belts’ energies provide valuable additional information that is useful for radiation
belts’ model development and validation.
Paper published:
Ganushkina, N. Y., I. Dandouras, Y. Y. Shprits, and J. Cao (2011), Locations of
boundaries of outer and inner radiation belts as observed by Cluster and Double Star,
J. Geophys. Res., 116, A09234, doi:10.1029/2010JA016376.
Space weather modeling in the North American sector
(N. Ganushkina) (4)
National funded programmes related to COST ES0803
Academy of Finland, General Research Grant, Responsible leader of the project: Dr.
Natalia Ganushkina, Title of research project: Inner magnetosphere: Dynamical
states and the configuration of fields and currents
Modeling of inner magnetosphere current systems during a CIR storm with
magnetospheric magnetic field models and IMPTAM
Paper in preparation
Modeling of two CIR storms occurred at rising phases of solar cycles 23 and 24.
Paper in preparation, to be submitted to SWSC
Space weather modeling in the North American sector:
List of presentations (1) (N. Ganushkina)
1. Natalia Ganushkina, Inner magnetosphere response to recent solar minimum,
Earth-Sun system exploration, variability in space plasma phenomena, January 16-21,
2011, Kona, Hawaii, USA. Invited oral.
2. N. Yu. Ganushkina, S. Dubyagin, M. Kubyshkina, M. Liemohn, Inner
magnetosphere response to CIR storms at Solar Minima, 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM
Workshop,26 June - 01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA. Oral
3. N. Yu. Ganushkina, S. Dubyagin, M. Liemohn, M. Kubyshkina, J. Perez, A.
Runov, Resolving the ring current and near-Earth tail current systems during storm
times, 1st JOINT THEMIS-TWINS Science Workshop, March 21 - 25, 2011,
4. N. Yu. Ganushkina, Formation of seed population for radiation belts, FMI
activities, SPACECAST (Protecting space assets from high energy particles by
developing European dynamic modelling and forecasting capabilities) Project kickoff meeting, March 29-30, 2011, Cambridge, UK. Oral
5. N. Y. Ganushkina; I. Dandouras; Y. Shprits; J. Cao, Locations of Boundaries of
Outer and Inner Radiation Belts as Observed by Cluster and Double Star, 2011 Joint
CEDAR-GEM Workshop,26 June - 01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA. Oral
Space weather modeling in the North American sector:
List of presentations (2) (N. Ganushkina)
6. N. Y. Ganushkina, IMPTAM: Including self-consistent magnetic field in ring
current modeling, 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop,26 June - 01 July 2011, Santa
Fe, NM, USA. Oral
7. N. Yu. Ganushkina, and M. Liemohn, IMPTAM: Dst calculated in ring current
modeling: Two methods, DPS and Biot-Savart integration, 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM
Workshop,26 June - 01 July 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA. Oral
8. N. Y. Ganushkina and O. A Amariutei, IMPTAM model update,
SPACECAST (Protecting space assets from high energy particles by developing
European dynamic modelling and forecasting capabilities) Project steering committee
meeting, August 25-26, 2011, Helsinki, Finland. Oral
9. Poster, presented by Yuri Shprits: N. Y. Ganushkina; I. Dandouras; Y. Shprits; J.
Cao, Dynamics Locations of Boundaries of Outer and Inner Radiation Belts as
Observed by Cluster and Double Star, Chapman Conference "Dynamics of the Earth's
Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere", St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador,
Canada, 17–22 July 2011
Space weather modeling in the North American sector:
List of presentations (3) (N. Ganushkina)
10. Invited, presented by M. W. Liemohn: M. W. Liemohn, Raluca Ilie, Mei-Ching
Fok, Darren L. De Zeeuw, Natalia Yu. Ganushkina, Qiuhua Zheng, Alex Glocer,
Analyzing the role of keV-energy particles in modulating rapid trapping of radiation
belt injections from the tail, Chapman Conference on The Earth's Radiation Belts and
Inner Magnetosphere, July 18-22, 2011, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
11. Oral, presented by Liemohn, M. W.: N. Y. Ganushkina and Liemohn, M. W.,
Storm-time ring current: Model-dependent results, International Symposium on
Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System II, September 11-16,
2011, Borovets, Bulgaria
12. Invited, presented by F. Darrouzet: F. Darrouzet, J. De Keyser , V. Pierrard, H.
Matsui, N. Ganushkina, The Dynamics of the Plasmasphere, International
Symposium on Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System II,
September 11-16, 2011, Borovets, Bulgaria
13. Oral, presented by F. Darrouzet: F. Darrouzet, V. Pierrard, N. Ganushkina, J. De
Keyser, Relation between the Position of the Plasmapause and the Inner Edge of the
Outer Radiation Belt, IUGG General Assembly – Melbourne, Australia – 28 June - 7
July 2011.
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution (F. Zuccarello) (1)
Participants: F.. Zuccarello1, S.L. Guglielmino1, P. Romano2, F.P. Zuccarello3
Active region formation, evolution and decay:
we performed three multi-wavelength observational campaigns: two at the Swedish
Solar Tower in the Canary Islands (14-25 July 2010; 6-16 August 2011), and one at the
Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) in Sacramento Peak, New Mexico (16-24 October 2010).
Aim of these campaigns was to study the emergence of magnetic flux tubes in the solar
atmosphere and their interaction with the ambient magnetic field lines. Particular
emphasis was also given to the detection of Moving Magnetic Features, using data
from SST and HINODE and from Sunrise/IMaX mission.
Using two different datasets acquired by the IBIS instrument at DST,
we performed a comparative analysis of photospheric bright points in an active region
and in the quiet Sun. All these researches point to the importance of high resolution
solar observations and to the need of a new generation 4-meter solar telescope.
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution (F. Zuccarello) (2)
Flares and erupting prominences:
we performed several multi-wavelength – multi-instrument studies of these very
energetic phenomena, focusing our attention on the role played by filament activation
and eruption in the flare occurrence. Moreover, a comparison between
the increase in emissivity in some spectral lines (H and Ly-) during flares and that
obtained by some models has been carried out.
Coronal Mass Ejections:
We studied a coronal mass ejection (CME) event, occurred in NOAA 11059 on
April 3 2010, using STEREO and MDI/SOHO data. We analyzed the CME evolution
using data provided by SECCHI-EUVI and COR1 onboard STEREO satellites, and
we performd a 3D reconstruction of the CME using the local correlation tracking – tie
point (LCT-TP) method. Using MDI/SOHO line-of-sight magnetograms we analyzed
the magnetic cofiguration of NOAA 11059 and determined the shearing motions and
the magnetic helicity trend in the active region. Moreover, by means of the
comparison between STEREO 3D reconstruction and numerical simulations, we studied
the role of streamers in the deflection of CMEs.
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution (F. Zuccarello) (3)
Magnetic helicity transport:
We studied how flare occurrence might be related to the spatial distribution of the
magnetic helicity flux and we found that the interaction of magnetic systems
characterized by opposite signs of magnetic helicity flux may be responsible for many
observed eruptions.
We compared the different techniques to determine the horizontal velocity fields
in order to single out the most accurate method. Taking into account the importance of
hexagonal cells in convection theories, we studied the motion of magnetic features into
such a geometrical element and analyzed the results in terms of the accumulated
magnetic helicity.
We computed the emergence of a bipole inside the hexagonal cell and its motion from
the centre of the cell towards its sides and its vertices, where the magnetic elements are
considered to be sinking down.
Multiple bipoles were also considered and phenomena such as cancellation, coalescence
and fragmentation were investigated.
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution (F. Zuccarello) (4)
Magnetic helicity transport:
We investigated the magnetic helicity balance in an active region where a confined solar
eruption occurred. This was done in order to verify a possible relationship between the
filament expansion and the helicity transport at its footpoints.
We aimed to verify if this variation on the helicity transport rate could be interpreted
as a consequence of the magnetic torque unbalance due to the tube expansion.
In contradiction to the expectations from Chae et al. (2003) model, the helicity injection
after the eruption was positive. We offered the alternative interpretation that helicity
injection resulted from torque of the opposite sign, generated as the filament lost its
negative helicity through reconnection with its surroundings.
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution, Publications (F. Zuccarello) (1)
1. Criscuoli, S., Del Moro, D., Romano, P., Berrilli, F., Ermolli, I., Giorgi, F., Viticchié,
B., Zuccarello, F., Evolution of Small-scale Magnetic Features Streaming-out from a
Pore, Solar Polarization 6. Proceedings of a conference held in Maui, Hawaii, USA,
Edited by J. R. Kuhn, D. M. Harrington, H. Lin, S. V. Berdyugina, J. Trujillo-Bueno,
S. L. Keil, and T. Rimmele. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.493, 2011
2. Criscuoli, S., Del Moro, D., Giannattasio, F., Viticchié, B., Giorgi, F., Ermolli, I.,
Berrilli, F., Zuccarello, F., High cadence spectro-polarimetry of MMFs streaming out
from a pore, submitted to Astron. & Astrophys., 2011
3. Guglielmino, S.L., Martinez Pillet, V., del Toro Iniesta, J.C., Bellot Rubio, L.R.,
Zuccarello, F., Solanki S.K. and the Sunrise/IMaX team, Small-scale flux emergence
events observed by Sunrise/IMaX, Proceed. IAU Symposium 274, Advances in Plasma
Astrophysics, A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia Dal Pino & A. Kosovicev eds., Vol. 274,
140-142, 2011
4. Guglielmino, S.L., Zuccarello, F., High-resolution observations of siphon flows in a
solar magnetic pore, Ap. J. Letters, in press, 2011
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution, Publications (F. Zuccarello) (2)
5. Orlando, A., Zuccarello, F., Romano, P., Zuccarello, F.P., Mierla, M., Spadaro, D.,
Ventura, R., CME evolution and 3D reconstruction with STEREO Data, Proceed. IAU
Symposium 274, Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia Dal
Pino & A. Kosovicev eds., Vol. 274, 165-167, 2011
6. Romano, P., Sicari, M., Zuccarello, F., Pariat, E.: A solar eruption triggered by the
interaction between two magnetic flux systems with opposite magnetic helicity,
Astron. & Astrophys., 525, A13, 2011
7. Romano, P., Zuccarello, F.: Flare occurrence and the spatial distribution of the
magnetic helicity flux, Astron. & Astrophys., 535, A1, 2011
8. Romano, P., Berrilli, F., Criscuoli, S., Del Moro, D., Ermolli, I., Giorgi, F., Viticchiè,
B., Zuccarello, F., A comparative analysis of photospheric bright points in an active
region and in the quiet Sun, submitted to Solar Phys., 2011
9. Smyrli, A., MacKay D., Zuccarello, F.: Magnetic Helicity evolution inside a hexagonal
convective cell, Proceed. IAU Symposium 274, Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, A.
Bonanno, E. de Gouveia Dal Pino & A. Kosovicev eds., Vol. 274, 192-194, 2011
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution, Publications (F. Zuccarello) (3)
10. Rubio da Costa, F., Zuccarello, F., Fletcher, L., Romano, P., Labrosse, N., The role of
filament activation in a solar eruption, submitted to Astron. & Astrophys., 2011
11. Rubio da Costa, F., Zuccarello, F., Romano, P., Fletcher, L., Labrosse, N.,
Relationship between an M6.6 solar flare and consecutive filament activations, Mem.
S.A.It. in press, 2011
12. Rubio da Costa, F., Zuccarello, F., Fletcher, L., Labrosse, N., Prosecky, T.,
Kasparova, J., Solar flares in H and Ly-: observations vs simulations, Mem. S.A.It.
in press, 2011
13. Rubio da Costa, F., Zuccarello, F., Fletcher, L., Labrosse, N., Prosecky, T.,
Kasparova, J., Solar flares: observations vs simulations, Proceed. IAU Symposium 274,
Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia Dal Pino & A. Kosovicev
eds., Vol. 274, 182-184, 2011
14. Zuccarello, F.P., Romano P., Zuccarello, F., Poedts, S., Magnetic helicity balance
during a filament eruption that occurred in active region NOAA 9682, Astron. &
Astrophys., 530, A36, 2011
Solar activity phenomena: processes of formation
and evolution, Publications (F. Zuccarello) (3)
15. Zuccarello, F., Contarino, L., Farnik, F., Karlicky, M., Romano, P., Ugarte-Urra, I.,
Filament destabilization and CME release during a long duration flare, Astron. &
Astrophys., 533, A100, 2011
16. Zuccarello, F., Guglielmino, S. L., Romano, P., Magnetic reconnection signatures in
the solar atmosphere: results from multi-wavelength observations, Mem. S.A.It., 82,
149, 2011
17. Zuccarello, F., The EST project, Proceed. IAU Symposium 274, Advances in Plasma
Astrophysics, A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia Dal Pino & A. Kosovicev eds., Vol. 274,
310-313, 2011
18. Zuccarello, F.P., Bemporad, A., Jacobs, C., Mierla, M., Poedts, S., Zuccarello, F.,
The Role of Streamers in the Deflection of Coronal Mass Ejections: Comparison between
STEREO 3D Reconstructions and Numerical Simulations, Ap. J., in press, 2011
19. Zuccarello, F.P., Bemporad, A., Jacobs, C., Mierla, M., Poedts, S., Zuccarello, F.,
The Role of Streamers in the Deflection of Coronal Mass Ejections, Comparative
Magnetic Minima: characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, Proceed. IAU Symp.
286, C.H. Mandrini & D. Webb editors, in press, 2011
20. Zuccarello, F.P., Romano, P., Zuccarello, F., Poedts, S., The role of photospheric shearing
motions in a filament eruption related to the 2010 April 3 coronal mass ejection, Astron. &
Astrophys., in press, 2011
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere (E. Saiz) (1)
Participants: Consuelo Cid, Yolanda Cerrato, Elena Saiz
Tasks finished in this period
1. Behavior analysis of the recovery phase of the magnetosphere as seen by several
geomagnetic indices.
Keeping in mind that on the one hand the different storm time currents into the
magnetosphere are connected and on the other hand their effects on the terrestrial surface
are indirectly measured by geomagnetic indices, we have studied their behavior during
the recovery phase of the magnetosphere since no global study has been conducted about
it yet.
To do that, we have handled indices which are considered as proxies of the geomagnetic
disturbances on the terrestrial surface measured at different latitudes in order to check if
during their recovery stage they present a hyperbolic decay as Dst
does (Aguado et al. 2010). Concretely we have studied SYM-H and ASY-H as proxies of
geomagnetic disturbances at equatorial latitudes; am as representative of disturbances at
mid-subauroral latitudes and AE and PCn indices as indicators of geomagnetic activity
at high latitudes.
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere (E. Saiz) (2)
1. Behavior analysis of the recovery phase of the magnetosphere as seen by several
geomagnetic indices. (Cont.)
Our sample includes all intense geomagnetic storms (SYM-H <-100 nT) of the period
1981-2006 and grouped in 5 intensity categories.
We have applied a superposed epoch analysis to obtain the main recovery phase of each
category and each index. From the analysis we can conclude that all indices follow well
a hyperbolic function, although auroral indices, depending on the category, have the
worst correlation factors. Anyway, the output parameter of the model, index at epoch
time zero, has failed reproducing well enough the decay impulsivity observed at the very
early recovery phase especially in the auroral indices. We will go on trying how to take
into account this feature. A manuscript is under preparation.
We continue our collaboration in the frame of ISSI international team.
W. D. Gonzalez, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil.
A. Guerrero, PhD student and currently contracted under one of our national projects
is at ROB for two months (October-November 2011). This stay will let us to use data
from PROBA2 in future researches.
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere (E. Saiz) (3)
2.- Geomagnetic response under fluctuating IMF.
Different kinds of transients at interplanetary medium are characterized by large
fluctuations of interplanetary magnetic field such as ICME-sheath regions or CIRs.
Although they have very different solar origin and other clear differences in plasma
signatures, both of them are the most important drivers of magnetic disturbances on the
Earth. As shown by numerous researchers, the different interplanetary drivers result in
specific reactions of magnetosphere, for example, CIR- and ICME-induced magnetic s
torms or the specific development of substorms. However, the question of the specific
(additional to main geoeffective parameter Bz < 0) role that is played by a fluctuating
magnetic field in specific magnetic storm features is still open. Then, we will deal with
solar wind-magnetosphere interaction during HSS/HILDCAA intervals and will try
especially to see why their Alfvenic fluctuations play a key role in the interaction.
On the other hand, we will also discuss about the role of large IMF-Bz fluctuations,
mainly in association with ICME-sheath Bz fields during very intense storms. For that,
we will select a few events of this last solar cycle as representative of each case.
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere (E. Saiz) (3)
2.- Geomagnetic response under fluctuating IMF.
Different kinds of transients at interplanetary medium are characterized by large
fluctuations of interplanetary magnetic field such as ICME-sheath regions or CIRs.
Although they have very different solar origin and other clear differences in plasma
signatures, both of them are the most important drivers of magnetic disturbances on the
Earth. As shown by numerous researchers, the different interplanetary drivers result in
specific reactions of magnetosphere, for example, CIR- and ICME-induced magnetic s
torms or the specific development of substorms. However, the question of the specific
(additional to main geoeffective parameter Bz < 0) role that is played by a fluctuating
magnetic field in specific magnetic storm features is still open. Then, we will deal with
solar wind-magnetosphere interaction during HSS/HILDCAA intervals and will try
especially to see why their Alfvenic fluctuations play a key role in the interaction.
On the other hand, we will also discuss about the role of large IMF-Bz fluctuations,
mainly in association with ICME-sheath Bz fields during very intense storms. For that,
we will select a few events of this last solar cycle as representative of each case.
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere,
Publications (E. Saiz) (1)
1. Cerrato, Y., E. Saiz, C. Cid, W. D. Gonzalez and J. Palacios, Solar and interplanetary
triggers of the largest Dst variations of solar cycle 23, Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.09.001, 2011.
2. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, Y. Cerrato, and E. Saiz, Eventos solares multi-estructura en el
comienzo del ciclo sola 24, XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de
Física y 21º Encuentro Ibérico para la Enseñanza de la Física, Publican Ediciones,
Santander, ISBN: 978-84-86116-40-8, 2011.
3. Aguado, J., C. Cid, E. Saiz, and Y. Cerrato, Estudio del comportamiento de la fase de
recuperación de tormentas geomagnéticas intensas vistas desde diferentes índices
magnetosféricos in XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y
21º Encuentro Ibérico para la Enseñanza de la Física, Publican Ediciones, Santander,
ISBN: 978-84-86116-40-8, 2011.
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere,
Presentations (E. Saiz) (1)
1. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato and J. Aguado, Space Weather Service
developed at UAH, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna 3-8 April 2011 (poster).
2. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, Y. Cerrato, E. Saiz, Geoeffective interactions between structures
at the beginning of solar cycle 24, EGU General Assembly 2011,
Vienna 3-8 April 2011 (poster).
3. Aguado, J., C. Cid, E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato, The relationship between the behaviors of the
different magnetospheric regions, EGU General Assembly 2011,
Vienna 3-8 April 2011 (poster).
4. Cid, C., Y. Cerrato, W. Gonzalez, E. Saiz, A new solar wind-magnetosphere coupling
function, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna (Austria), 3-8 April 2011 (poster).
5. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato, Geoeffectiveness and interaction between
structures at the beginning of Solar Cycle 24, III Reunión Española de Física Solar y
Heliofísica, Granada (Spain), 7-9 June 2011 (oral presentation).
6. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato, Geoeffective events combining Imaging and
In-situ observations in the beginning of solar cycle 24, The Sun 360. Stereo-4/SDO-2/
SOHO-25 Workshop, Kiel (Germany), 25-29 July 2011 (poster).
Solar Wind forcing of the magnetosphere,
Presentations (E. Saiz) (2)
7. Cid, C., E. Saiz, Y. Cerrato, W. D. Gonzalez, J. Palacios, The chirality of the event on
November 20, 2003: relating solar imaging and solar wind measurements, Living with
a Star Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop: “Do all CMEs have flux rope structure?,
Alcalá de Henares (Spain), 5-9 September 2011 (oral presentation).
8. Guerrero, A., C. Cid, Y. Cerrato, E. Saiz, Eventos solares multi-estructura en el
comienzo del ciclo sola 24, XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de
Física, Santander (Spain), 19-23 September 2011 (oral presentation).
9. Saiz, E., J. Aguado, C. Cid, Y. Cerrato, Estudio del comportamiento de la fase de
recuperación de tormentas geomagnéticas intensas vistas desde diferentes índices
magnetosféricos, XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física,
Santander (Spain), 19-23 September 2011 (oral presentation).
The mid-latitude ionosphere response to space
weather phenomena, Publications (D. Buresova) (1)
1. Mosert, M., D. Buresova, S. Magdaleno, B. de la Morena, D. Altadill, R.G. Ezquer,
L. Scida : An analysis of the scale height at the F2-layer peak over three middle latitude
stations in the European sector, Earth Planets and Space, (in print).
List of presentations
1. Buresova, D., J. Lastovicka, J. Boska: Ionospheric F2 layer behaviour during
prolonged solar minimum, EGU2011-6328ST3.3, EGU2011, Vienna 03-08 April, 2011.
2. Lastovicka, J., J. Boska, D. Buresova, D. Kouba: Very high foEes – reality or
oblique reflections?, EGU2011, Vienna 03-08 April, 2011.
3. Chum, J., J. Base, F. Hruska, J. Lastovicka, T. Sindelarova, D. Buresova, L-A.
McKinnell, R. Athieno: Statistical study of horizontal propagation of Gravity Waves
in the ionosphere at midlatitudes on the northern and southern hemisphere, 8th AOGS,
Taipei, Taiwan, August 8-12, 2011.
4. Buresova, D., L-A. McKinnell, E. A. Araujo-Pradere, M. Mosert, and T. Sindelarova:
Ionospheric response to magnetic disturbances during prolonged solar minimum,
IRI 2011 WS, Hermanus, South Africa, 10-14 October 2011.
The mid-latitude ionosphere response to space
weather phenomena, Presentations (D. Buresova) (1)
5. Buresova, D., T. Sindelarova, M. Mosert, L-A. McKinnell, and J. Chum: Ionospheric
response to magnetic storm-induced disturbances: recovery phase, IRI 2011 WS,
Hermanus, South Africa, 10-14 October 2011.
6. Sindelarova, T., D. Buresova, J. Chum, Z. Mosna, L-A., McKinnell, R. Athieno:
Ionospheric variability in South Africa and in Central Europa observed by HF
Doppler sounding system, IRI 2011 WS, Hermanus, South Africa, 10-14 October 2011.
7. M. Mosert, M. Gende, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, S. Magdaleno, B.de la Morena,
E. Gularte , M. Cabrera: Behaviour of the total electron content over three European
stations, IRI 2011 WS, Hermanus, South Africa, 10-14 October 2011.
8. Chum, J., J. Base, F. Hruska, J. Lastovicka, T. Sindelarova, D. Buresova, L-A.
McKinnell, and R. Athieno: Statistical Study of Horizontal Propagation of Gravity
Waves in the Ionosphere at Northern and Southern Middle Latitudes, ST03-A003,
The Conference of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Taipei,
Taiwan, 8-12 August 2011.
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events (G. Maris) (1)
Research Topics
Coronal mass ejection (CME) sources: prominence eruption mechanisms;
CMEs and their impact on the Earth magnetic field
IGAR*): M. Mierla; V. Dobrica; C. Demetrescu;O. Chiricuta; G. Maris
Collaborating team in Italy - Turin Astronomical Observatory:
Alessandro Bemporad, Silvio Giordano
CMEs - 3D reconstruction
IGAR: M. Mierla; O. Chiricuta
Collaborating team in Germany - Max-Planck Institute for Solar
System Research: Bernard Inhester and Iulia Chifu:
CMEs: sources of eruption, CME propagation into the interplanetary space
IGAR: M. Mierla; D. Besliu-Ionescu; G. Maris
Collaborating team in Belgium: Royal Observatory of Belgium:
Luciano Rodriguez, Dan Seaton, David Bergmans:
High Speed Streams (HSSs) in the solar wind with the complex solar source
IGAR: G. Maris, M. Mierla
ISS**): O. Maris
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events (G. Maris) (2)
Research Topics
Long-term evolution of the solar wind dynamic pressure on magnetosphere
IGAR: C. Demetrescu, V. Dobrica
Sources and Complexity of the Intense and Severe Geomagnetic Storms during the
Solar Cycle 23
IGAR: G. Maris, M. Mierla, D. Ionescu, V. Dobrica, C. Demetrescu, O. Chiricuta
ISS: O. Maris
National projects
National Programme: PNII - Human Resources:
Project GEOHELP – Research on geoeffectiveness of heliospheric perturbations
(Contract no. 73/11.08.2010)
Project Period: 36 months (11 August 2010 - 10 August 2013)
Project Director: Dr. Marilena Mierla
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events (G. Maris) (3)
National projects
National Programme: PN-ID-PCE-2011-3-0262:
Project: The geomagnetic field under the heliosphere forcing. Inferring
Earth internal structure and evaluating geophysical hazard of solar eruptive phenomena
(Contract no. 9/05.10.2011)
Project Period: 36 months (05.10 2011 – 04.10 2014)
Project Director: Dr. Crisan Demetrescu
Co-convener of Session ST 2 „Space Weather and Space Climate: Coupling Processes
from the Sun to the Earth” in AOGS General Assembly 2011, 8-12 Aug., Taipei
(Georgeta Maris)
SOC member of IAU Symposium 286: Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing
quiet times in the Sun and stars, 3-7 October 2011, Mendoza, Argentina (Georgeta Maris)
Guest Editor of the Special issue of J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys. 73 on: 3D-Aspects of
Coronal Mass Ejections, their Source Regions and Interplanetary Manifestations
(Dr. Marilena Mierla)
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events, Publications (G. Maris) (1)
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
1. Seaton, D. B., Mierla, M., Berghmans, D., Zhukov, A. N., and Dolla, L.,
SWAP-SECCHI Observations of a Mass-loading Type Solar Eruption, Ap. J. Let., 727,
L10, DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/727/1/L10, 2011.
2. Mierla, M., Chifu, I., Inhester, B., Rodriguez, L., and Zhukov, A., Low polarised
emission from the core of coronal mass ejections, A&A, 530, L1,
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201016295, 2011.
3. Srivastava, N., Mierla, M., and Rodriguez, L., On three-dimensional aspects of
CMEs, their source regions and interplanetary manifestations: Introduction to Special
Issue, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys. 73, 1077-1081, DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2011.01.018, 2011.
4. Mierla, M., Inhester, B., Rodriguez, L., Gissot, S., Zhukov, A., and Srivastava, N.,
On 3D reconstruction of coronal mass ejections: II. Longitudinal and latitudinal width
analysis of 31 August 2007 event, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys.73, 1166-1172,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2010.11.028, 2011.
5. Rodriguez, L., Mierla, M., Zhukov, A. N., West, M., and Kilpua, E., Linking
Remote-Sensing and In Situ Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections Using STEREO,
Sol. Phys 270, 561-573, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-011-9784-8, 2011.
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events, Publications (G. Maris) (2)
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
6. Bemporad, A., Mierla, M., and Tripathi, D. Rotation of an erupting filament observed
by the STEREO EUVI and COR1 instruments, A&A 531, id.A147,
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201016297, 2011.
Conference Proceedings:
1. Dumitrache, C., and Mierla, M., Coronal EUV dimming – numerical simulations
compared with SOHO observations, JENAM 2008: Grand Challenges in Computational
Astrophysics, H. Wozniak and G. Hensler (Eds) EAS Publ. Series, 44, pp. 101-105,
DOI: 10.1051/eas/1044017, 2011.
2. Orlando, A., Zuccarello, F., Romano, P., Zuccarello, F. P., Mierla, M., Spadaro, D.,
and Ventura, R., CME evolution and 3D reconstruction with STEREO Data, Advances
in Plasma Astrophysics, Proc. of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symp.,
Vol. 274, pp. 165-167, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921311006831, 2011.
3. Maris, G., and Maris, O. 2011, 3-rd School and Workshop on Space Plasma Physics,
I. Zhelyazkov, T. Mishonov (Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc. 1356, 978-0-7354-0914-9,
II. pp.177-191, DOI: 10.1063/1.3 598104.
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events, Presentations (G. Maris) (3)
1. Chiricuta, O., Chifu, I., Mierla M., and Maris. G., „Study of Earth-directed Halo
Coronal Mass Ejections observed between 1996 and 2008”, Workshop on Assessment
and validation of space weather models, Alcala de Henares (Madrid), Spain,
14 – 18 Mars 2011.
2. Chiricuta, O., Besliu-Ionescu, D., Mierla M., and Maris. G., Analysis of coronal mass
ejections who produced major geomagnetic storms during the period 1998-2008,
Session ST5.1/NH8.6, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2011,
Viena, Austria, 03 – 09 April 2011.
3. Besliu-Ionescu, D., Chiricuta, O., Mierla M., and Maris. G., Study of Halloween
2003 events, Session ST5.1/NH8.6, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General
Assembly 2011, Viena, Austria, 03 – 09 April 2011.
4. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., and Maris, G., “On the long-term evolution of the
solar wind dynamic pressure on magnetosphere”, 3rd Workshop Solar influences on the
ionosphere and magnetosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6-10, 2011.
5. Mierla, M., Besliu-Ionescu, D., Chiricuta, O., Oprea, C., Maris, G., Dobrica, V.,
and Demetrescu, C., Studies of coronal mass ejections that have produced major
geomagnetic storms, 3rd Workshop Solar influences on the ionosphere and magnetosphere,
Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6-10, 2011.
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events, Publications (G. Maris) (4)
6. Maris, G., and Maris, O., Sources and Complexity of the Intense and Severe
Geomagnetic Storms during the Maximum Phase of Solar Cycle 23, 3rd Workshop
Solar influences on the ionosphere and magnetosphere, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
June 6-10, 2011.
7. Dobrica, V., Demetrescu, C., and Maris, G., On the climate of the Sun-Earth system:
The long-term evolution of the solar wind dynamic pressure on magnetosphere,
XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 – July 7, 2011.
8. Demetrescu, C., Dobrica, V., and Maris, G., Space climate: Toward a characterization
at Hale and Gleissberg cycles timescales, XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne,
Australia, June 28 –July 7, 2011.
9. Mierla, M., Seaton, D.B., Berghmans, D., Chifu, I., de Groof, A., Inhester, B.,
Rodriguez, L., Stenborg, G., and Zhukov, A, Analysis of the 13 April 2010 prominence
eruption using SWAP and EUVI data, The Sun 360, STEREO-4/SDO-2/SOHO-2
Workshop5, in Kiel, Germany, July 25-29, 2011
The solar parent activity of solar wind structures and
solar energetic particle events, Publications (G. Maris) (5)
10. Zuccarello, F. P., Bemporad, A., Jacobs, C., Mierla, M., Poedts, S., and Zuccarello,
F., The role of streamers in the deflection of coronal mass ejections, IAU Symposium 286:
Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars,
3-7 October 2011, Mendoza, Argentina.
11. Maris, G., Maris, O., Oprea, C., and Mierla, M., High Speed Streams in the Solar
Wind during the Last Solar Minimum, IAU Symposium 286: Comparative Magnetic
Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, 3-7 October 2011,
Mendoza, Argentina.
12. Oprea, C., Mierla, M., and Maris, G., Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections and
their Geoeffectiveness during the 2007 – 2010 Interval, IAU Symposium 286:
Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars,
3-7 October 2011, Mendoza, Argentina.
Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles
with the system magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere
(P.I.Y. Velinov) (1)
Participants: P.I.Y. Velinov, P. Tonev, A. Mishev, L. Mateev, S. Asenovski
- Operational models for galactic and solar cosmic ray ionization in the ionosphere and
atmosphere are created. The Monte Carlo simulation model CORSIKA and the analytical
model CRIMA are used.
- Physics-based numerical simulation model is being developed for evaluation of the link
between the IMF/solar wind and the global atmospheric electrical circuit at polar-high
latitudes realized via the polar cap potential difference controlled by the space weather.
This model has significance in studying of the space weather influences on the Earth.
Scientific literature, relevant web sites, satellite data for comic ray, IMF and solar wind
parameters, models of the polar cap potential difference, ionospheric, atmospheric,
and conductivity models.
Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles with the
system magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere
(P.I.Y. Velinov) (2)
Main activities
• Developing of a numerical simulation models for the cosmic ray ionization and the
model of the link between polar-cap electric potential distribution and GAEC.
• Analysis with the model of a representative set of cases
• Conclusions about the link 'Solar wind - GAEC'.
• A numerical simulation models representing CR ionization and the link between
polar-cap potrential and GAEC.
• Sample results of the modeling obtained for a representative set of cases
• Estimates of the influence of the solar wind to GAEC under different conditions
magnitude of deviation of the main F region parameters from their regular variability
patterns, caused by space weather events and its latitudinal and seasonal dependence.
Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles
with the system magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere
(P.I.Y. Velinov), Publications (1)
1. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov. The Effect of Model Assumptions on Computations of
Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization in the Atmosphere. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2010,
72, 476 - 481.
2. Buchvarova M., P.I.Y. Velinov. Empirical Model of Cosmic Ray Spectrum in Energy
Interval 1 MeV - 100 GeV during 11 - Year Solar Cycle. J. Adv. Space Res., 2010, 45,
Issue 8, 1, 1026 - 1034.
3 Eroshenko E., P.I.Y. Velinov, A. Belov, V. Yanke, E. Pletnikov, Y. Tassev, A. Mishev,
L. Mateev. Relationships between Neutron Fluxes and Rain Flows. J. Adv. Space Res.,
2010, 46, 637 - 641.
4. Alexandrov L., A. Mishev, P.I.Y. Velinov. Parameterization of Ionization Yield
Function Y Produced by Cosmic Ray Nuclei in the Atmosphere. Compt. rend. Acad.
bulg. Sci., 2010, 63, 4, 571-582.
5. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov, L. Mateev. Atmospheric Ionization Due to Solar Cosmic
Rays from 20 January 2005 Calculated with Monte Carlo Simulations. Compt. rend.
Acad. bulg. Sci., 2010, 63, 11, 1635 – 1642.
Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles
with the system magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere
(P.I.Y. Velinov), Publications (2)
6. Tonev P., P.I.Y. Velinov. Conditions for Creation of Streamers in Lower Ionosphere
above Lightning Discharges with Continuing Currents. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci.,
2010, 63, 12, 1787-1794.
7. Buchvarova M., P.I.Y. Velinov, I. Buchvarov. Model Approximation of Cosmic Ray
Spectrum. Planet. Space Sci., 2011, 59, 4, 355-363.
8. Gronoff G., C. Mertens, J. Lilensten, L. Desorgher, E. Flueckiger, P.I.Y. Velinov.
Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan. III - Ionization by high-Z cosmic rays.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011, 529, 5, p. A143-A146.
9. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov. Normalized ionization yield function for various nuclei
obtained with full Monte Carlo simulations. J. Adv. Space Res., 2011, 48, 19-24.
10. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov, L. Mateev, Y. Tassev. Ionization effect of solar protons
in the Earth atmosphere - case study of the 20 January 2005 SEP event. J. Adv. Space
Res., 2011, 48, 1232-1237.
11. Tonev P., P.I.Y. Velinov. Model Study of the Influence of Solar Wind to Electric
Currents and Fields in Polar Middle Atmosphere. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2011,
64, 12.
Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles
with the system magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere
(P.I.Y. Velinov), Publications (3)
12. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov, L. Mateev. Ion production Rate Profiles in the Atmosphere
due to Solar Energetic Particles on 28 October 2003 Obtained with CORSIKA 6.52
Simulations. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2011, 64, 6, 859-866.
13. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov. Renormalized Ionization Yield Function Y for Different
Nuclei Obtained with Full Monte Carlo Simulations. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci.,
2011, 64, 7, 997-1006.
14. Velinov P.I.Y., S. Asenovski, L. Mateev. Simulation of Cosmic Ray Ionization Profiles
in the Middle Atmosphere and Lower Ionosphere with Account to Characteristic Energy
Intervals. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 2011, 64, 9, 1303 - 1310.
15. Mishev A., P.I.Y. Velinov. Contribution of Cosmic Ray Nuclei of Solar and Galactic
Origin to Atmospheric Ionization During SEP Event on 20 January 2005. Compt. rend.
Acad. bulg. Sci., 2012, 65, 3.
16. Velinov P.I.Y., A. Mishev, S. Asenovski, L. Mateev. New Operational Models for CR
Ionization in Space Physics. Bulg. J. Phys. 2011, 38, 264 - 273.