IXS 2013, Aug. 15, 2013, Stanford RIXS study of honeycomb iridates Young-June Kim University of Toronto Acknowledgements Toronto H. Gretarsson Samples J. P. Clancy Argonne+Brookhaven Jungho Kim Diego Casa Mary Upton Ayman Said Thomas Gog John Hill Xuerong Liu Emil Bozin Yogesh Singh (IISER Mohali) Philip Gegenwart (Gottingen) S.-W. Cheong (Rutgers) G. Cao (U. Kentucky) K. H. Kim (Seoul National U) Theory Jeroen van den Brink (Dresden) Liviu Hozoi (Dresden) Vamshi Katukuri (Dresden) Yong Baek Kim (Toronto) Hae Young Kee (Toronto) Arun Paramekanti (Toronto) Heungsik Kim (Seoul) Jaejun Yu (Seoul) Outline 1. 2. RIXS and iridates - an overview Why are we studying Iridates? RIXS Materials Quantum compass model and honeycomb lattice iridates: Na2IrO3 Kitaev interaction Orbital excitations Magnetic excitations + Phonons Future directions Theoretical motivation Mott Insulator ? U/t Metal Topological (Band) Insulator l/t Adapted from Pesin & Balents, Nature Physics 6, 376 (2010) Why iridates? U l Physics of Ir4+ (5d5) in cubic CEF Ir4+ (5d5) eg CEF t2g (leff = “-1”) jeff = 1/2 SO jeff = 3/2 B.J. Kim et al, PRL (2008) Iridate materials A2Ir2O7 Candidate for Topological Insulator, Weyl Semi-Metal, Metallic Spin Liquid: Yanagishima et al. JPSJ (2001) Yang et al, PRB (2010), Wan et al, PRB (2011), Witczak-Krempa et al, PRB (2012) Nakatsuji et al, PRL (2006) A2IrO3 Srn+1IrnO3n+1 Candidate for Topological Jeff=1/2 spin orbital Insulator, Kitaev-Heisenberg Mott insulator, possible Model: high-temperature Shitade et al, PRL (2009), superconductivity Chaloupka et al, PRL (2010), BJ Kim et al, PRL (2008) Choi et al, PRL (2012) BJ Kim et al, Science (2009) Comin et al., PRL (2012) J. Kim et al, PRL (2012) Gretarsson et al, PRL (2013) Wang et al, PRL (2011) Why RIXS? Neutron scattering is very difficult Large neutron absorption cross-section of Ir Large single crystal sample unavailable ($$) Emergence of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) as a viable scattering technique for elementary excitations (Ament et al. RMP 83, 705 (2011) Magnons in La2CuO4 (Braicovich et al. PRL 2009) Paramagnons in cuprates (Le Tacon et al. Nat. Phys. 2011) Triplons in spin ladders Sr14Cu24O41 (Schlappa et al. PRL 2009) Orbitons in spin chain Sr2CuO3 (Schlappa et al. Nature 2012) Looking for problems to study with hard x-ray L3 edge RIXS Iridates Iridate RIXS: The beginning ~ 1 eV Energy resolution Progress in energy resolution Insulating cuprates: Cu K-edge 1 eV Hill et al. PRL 1998 0.4 eV Kim et al. PRL 2002 0.1 eV Ellis et al. PRB 2008 MERIX spectrometer Si(844) Analyzer Diego Casa Ayman Said Yuri Shvydko MERIX: workhorse Sr2IrO4 Jungho Kim et al. PRL 108, 177003 (2012). Sr3Ir2O7 Jungho Kim et al. PRL 109, 157402 (2012). Sr3IrCuO6 Xuerong Liu et al., PRL 109, 157401 (2012). Na2IrO3 Gretarsson et al., PRL 110, 076402 (2013); PRB 87, 220407 (2013). Na4Ir3O8 Xuerong Liu et al. Eu2Ir2O7 L. Hozoi et al., submitted Sr2(Ir,Rh)O4, J. P. Clancy, NEXT TALK Ei dependence Outline 1. 2. RIXS and iridates - an overview Why are we studying Iridates? RIXS Materials Quantum compass model and honeycomb lattice iridates: Na2IrO3 Kitaev interaction H. Gretarsson et al. PRL 110, 076402 (2013) Spin-orbital excitations H. Gretarsson et al. PRB 87, 220407 (R) (2013) Magnetic excitations Future directions Kitaev’s compass model Kitaev, Ann. Phys. 2006 Nussinov and van den Brink arXiv:1303.5922 1. Interactions are bond dependent 2. Honeycomb lattice Exactly solvable model Spin liquid ground state (frustration) Topological quantum computing Bond-dependent interaction Kugel and Khomskii, Sov. Phys. JETP 37, 725 (1973) Orbital character is needed for bond-dependent interaction Isospins (jeff=1/2) Jackeli and Khaliullin PRL 2009 A2IrO3 (A=Na, Li) Li2IrO3 powder Na2IrO3 crystal ~2x2 mm2 Singh, Gegenwart Honeycomb lattice of Ir4+ Heisenberg-Kitaev model? However… F. Ye et al., PRB 85 180403 (2012) Ir4+ (5d5) eg CEF t2g (leff = 1) jeff = 1/2 jeff = 3/2 3 2 l Need to look at CEF excitations RIXS RIXS spectra Momentum dependence RIXS spectra Quatum Chemical calculation: van den Brink group However… Chaloupka, Jackeli, and Khaliullin PRL 2010 X. Liu, et al., PRB (2011) Experimental structure Phase diagram of NN Heisenberg-Kitaev model No zig-zag phase! Still a lot of confusion about the Hamiltonian Large 2nd and 3rd nearest neighbor interaction Antiferromagnetic Kitaev term More RIXS data Resonance behavior Na2IrO3 Elastic + shoulder Temperature dependence Ca2+5xY2−5xCu5O10 W. S. Lee et al. arXiv:1301.4267 Momentum dependence Magnetic dispersion Chaloupka et al., PRL 110, 097204 (2013) • Need a large energy scale • Kitaev term? • AF or FM? Magnetic excitation (neutron) S. K. Choi, R. Coldea, et al., PRL 108, 127204 (2012) Conclusions RIXS is a powerful experimental probe for studying magnetism of iridates Na2IrO3 Jeff=1/2 description works well Magnetic excitation around 30-40 meV – Kitaev energy scale? Phonons Future directions Pressure Thin Films Time-resolved