Strategies for Managing Change

Strategies for Managing Change regarding the adoption/use of
R4L Resources
• How the change is implemented is critical for
the successful adoption of new information
• Review several models and concepts for
managing change
• Apply these methodologies to your
institutional setting regarding the adoption of
Research4Life resources
Broad Concept of Change
“Change is a permanent part of life. No matter who
we are, where we live, how old or young, we all
make changes in our lives. Most of us struggle with
The ways we change inside, the ways we grow and
learn, and become transformed are because of the
changes in our lives.”
Orlando A, Anaam C. The Change Agent
Change agent
an individual who influences clients’ decisions in a
direction deemed desirable by a change agency; roles
• develop the need for change
• diagnosis the problem
• establish information exchange channels
• create an intent to change in the clients
• translate an intent into action
• stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance
Conditions for successful change
dissatisfaction with the status quo
people have the necessary knowledge and skills
tools needed to are available
implementers have time to learn, adapt, integrate
and reflect on change
• rewards or incentives exist for participants
• participation in process is expected and
• have support for innovation by key players and
Resistance to change
lack of trust
perception that change is not necessary
perception that change is not possible
relatively high cost
fear of personal failure
loss of status or power
threats to values and ideas
social, cultural or organizational disagreements
resentment of interference
Exercise 1
Think of one successful change in your work
environment. List the successful change variables
that were in place. What was the critical factor(s)
for the success of the change?
Think of some unsuccessful change from your
environment. List the resistance to change
variables that were present. What was the
critical factor(s) that thwarted the change?
Exercise 1 continued
• Regarding the use and implementation of
R4L programs, list some of potential
resistance to change factors in your
institutional setting.
Everett Rogers:
Innovation/Decision Process Model
Three Phases
Unfreezing phase - old ways are no longer
appropriate and that change is needed
Changing phase - select an appropriate
and promising approach
Refreezing phase – the new approach is
implemented and it becomes established
Adoption (Bell Shaped) Curve
Adopter Categories Definitions
• Innovators
– have a great interest in new ideas and a desire to be
daring and risky
– can cope with uncertainty regarding change
– may not be respected by other members of the
• Early Adopters
– are the critical group for change/opinion leaders
– contain role models for others that respect them for
judicious ‘innovation decisions’
– are not too far ahead of the organization as compared
to innovators
– decrease uncertainty when they adopt new ideas
Adopter Categories Definitions
• Early Majority
– adopts new ideas before the average members of the
– not opinion leaders/make decisions slowly and
– follow with deliberate willingness in adopting change
but rarely lead
• Late Majority
– adopts innovations after the majority of the
– generally are skeptical and cautious
– respond to pressure from their peers and new
organizational norms
Adopter Categories Definitions
• Laggards
– are isolated and interact with others with
traditional values
– usually make decisions on what has been
done in the past
– possess almost no opinion leaders
– often are suspicious of change and
change agents
Rogers: S-shaped Curve
a period of slow adoption before experiencing a sudden
period of rapid adoption and then a gradual leveling off
Exercise 2
For the successful utilization of R4L resources in
your institution, identify individuals that would be:
• Innovators
• Early adopters
• Early majority
• Late majority
• Laggards
• Opinion leaders in the early adopters’ group
Exercise 2 continued
• List two or three strategies you would use
to work with the opinion leaders.
• How would you deal with the laggards (and
you can be honest)?
Useful Strategies
establish a sense of urgency
create a guiding coalition
develop a compelling vision and strategy
communicate the change vision widely
empower stakeholders for broad-based action
on the vision
generate short-term wins
consolidate gains and produce more change
anchor new approaches in organizational
Exercise 3
For your institution’s adoption of R4L resources, how
would you utilize the strategies and suggestions
listed above?
What would be most useful and why?
Identify the key (most difficult) issues to overcome
for the successful adoption/utilization of R4L.
What strategies do you propose to surmount these
Implement the strategy that you have developed (to
be done after the completion of the course)!
Strategy for Stakeholders
• Identify the stakeholders’ groups whose
commitment is required.
• For each type of stakeholder, describe the needed
change, perceived benefits and expected
• Develop action plans including ones for the
stakeholder groups that are not sufficiently
• One critical group often ignored is higher-level
administration; they must be included one of the
key groups.
Exercise 4
• For the optimal use of R4L resources, who
are the key ‘stakeholder groups’?
• How would each group benefit from these
• Which would be the most difficult group to
work with and what strategy would you
• How would you involve the administration?
Cautionary note
Consequences of innovation can include
desirable and undesirable consequences:
– direct or immediate results
– indirect results or consequences that are a result
of the innovation
– anticipated or recognized/intended changes
– unanticipated consequences that are neither
intended or recognized
Goal of innovation or change
• Dynamic equilibrium
– Change occurs at a rate that the institution can
cope with it
– System can adapt to the change
– The organization is not overloaded with too rapid
change that leads to an inability to adjust or
– Can this be achieved with R4L resources?
Further resources
Rogers, Everett M.
Diffusion of Innovations 5th edition
Simon & Schuster, 2003
Updated 2014 06