Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform The Laplace Transform Li Huifeng Tel:82339276 The Laplace Transform Module objectives Introduction to Automatic Control • When you have completed this module you should be able to: – Apply the Laplace transform to differential equations. – Solve linear differential equations. – Apply the main theorems of the Laplace transform. – Know how useful this techniques is to handle dynamical systems The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Subsections • • • • • Definition Correspondences of the Laplace transform Main theorems of the Laplace transform The inverse Laplace transform Solving linear differential equations using the Laplace transform The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control How to understand LT • The Laplace transform is conceptually similar to multiplication via logarithms • log(axb) = log(a) + log(b) • To multiply a by b – Compute logarithms of a and b – Add these logarithms – Inverse logarithm of sum gives product of a and b. The Laplace Transform t t o o Introduction to Automatic Control f1 (t ) f 2 (t ) f1 ( ) f 2 (t )d f1 (t ) f 2 ( )d Linear differential equation Convolution Time domain solution Laplace Transform Time Domain Inverse Laplace Transform Laplace transformed Equation Laplace Solution Algebraic manipulation Laplace Domain Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform The Laplace Transform Definition Introduction to Automatic Control 函数f(t),t为实变量,如果线性积分 f (t )e st dt ( s jw为复变量) 0 存在,则称其为函数f(t)的拉普拉斯变换。变换后的 函数是复变量s的函数,记作F(s)或L[f(t)],即: L[ f (t )] F ( s) f (t )e st dt 0 称F(s)为f(t)的变换函数或象函数,而f(t)为F(s)的原 函数。 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Correspondences of the Laplace transform f (t ) F ( s) F ( s) L[ f (t )] 1 f (t ) L [ F ( s)] • Table 2.1: Corresponding elements of the Laplace transform or Textbook Page 21 The Laplace Transform 几种典型函数的拉氏变换 Introduction to Automatic Control 1. 单位阶跃函数1(t) 其数学表达式为: t 0 1 f ( t ) 1( t ) t 0 0 其拉氏变换为: 1 L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) 1 e dt s 0 st f(t) 0 t The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 2. 单位斜坡函数 f(t) 其数学表达式为: t f ( t ) t 1( t ) 0 t 0 t 0 其拉氏变换为: 1 L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) t e dt 2 s 0 st 0 t The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 3. 等加速函数 其数学表达式为: 1 2 t 0 t f ( t ) 2 t 0 0 其拉氏变换为: 1 2 st 1 L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) t e dt 3 s 0 2 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform The Laplace Transform 4. 指数函数 Introduction to Automatic Control 其数学表达式为: t e f(t ) 0 t 0 t 0 其拉氏变换为: 1 L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) e e dt s 0 t st The Laplace Transform 5. 正弦函数 Introduction to Automatic Control 其数学表达式为: sin wt f(t ) 0 t 0 t 0 其拉氏变换为: w L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) sin wt e dt 2 2 s w 0 st The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 6. 余弦函数 其数学表达式为: cos wt f(t ) 0 t 0 t 0 其拉氏变换为: s L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) cos wt e dt 2 2 s w 0 st The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 7. 单位脉冲函数 (t ) 其数学表达式为: t 0 0 f(t )(t ) t 0 0 其拉氏变换为: L [ f ( t )] F ( s ) 1 定义: ( t )dt 1 t The Laplace Transform jt 1 cos t j sin t F ( s) ( s j ) jt 1 cos t j sin t F ( s) ( s j ) Introduction to Automatic Control f (t ) e f (t ) e The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Euler equation e j t e j t cos t 2 sint e jt e 2j jt The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Equating real & imaginary parts yields: s cos t 2 (s 2 ) sin t (s ) 2 2 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform e e t t s cos t 2 2 (( s ) ) sin t (( s ) 2 2 ) Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 典型函数的拉氏变换形式 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Main theorems of the Laplace transform ① Superposition theorem(叠加定理): L{a1 f1 (t ) a2 f 2 (t )} a1F1 (s) a2 F2 (s) 各函数和的拉氏变换=各函数拉氏变换的和 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform ② Similarity theorem: (比例尺改变) 1 s L{ f (at )} F ( ) a a a0 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform ③ Real Shifting theorem(延时定理): L{ f (t a)} eas F (s) a0 The Laplace Transform 例1 求 f ( t ) ( t ) 1( t )的拉氏变换。 Introduction to Automatic Control f (t ) t 1( t ) 0 解: ( t ) 1( t ) 提示: f(t) 相当于t· 1(t)在 时间上延迟了一个 值。 t F ( s) L[(t ) 1(t )] 1 s 2e s Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform ④ Complex Shifting theorem(衰减定理): L{e at f (t )} F (s a) a0 The Laplace Transform 例2 Introduction to Automatic Control 求 f (t )e 解: at sinwt的拉氏变换。 F ( s) L[e sinwt] w 2 2 (s a) w at The Laplace Transform ⑤ Derivative theorem: df ( t ) ] sF ( s ) f ( 0 ) dt d2 f (t ) 2 ' L[ ] s F ( s ) sf ( 0 ) f (0 ) 2 dt dn f (t ) n n1 n 2 ' ( n 1 ) L[ ] s F ( s ) s f ( 0 ) s f ( 0 ) f (0 ) L n dt Introduction to Automatic Control L[ 拉氏变换将原函数求导数的运算转换为“象函数 乘s后减初值”的代数运算。 The Laplace Transform ⑥ Complex differentiation theorem: Introduction to Automatic Control (不要求掌握) k d F ( s) k k L{t f (t )} (1) k ds The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control ⑦ Integral theorem: 1 1 L [ f ( t )dt ] F ( s ) f ( 1 ) ( 0 ) s s 1 1 ( 1 ) 1 ( 2 ) 2 L [ f ( t )dt ] 2 F ( s ) 2 f (0 ) f (0 ) s s s 1 1 1 L [ L f ( t )dt n ] n F ( s ) n f ( 1 ) ( 0 ) L f ( n ) ( 0 ) s s s 拉氏变换将原函数求积分的运算转换为“象函数除 以s后加初值”的代数运算。 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control ⑧ Initial value theorems: lim sF ( s) lim f (t ) f (0) s t 0 The Laplace Transform Given: Introduction to Automatic Control F ( s) ( s 2) ( s 1)2 52 Find f(0) 解: s 2 2s f (0) lim sF ( s ) lim s lim 2 2 2 s s s ( s 1) 5 s 2 s 1 25 ( s 2) s2 s2 2 s s2 lim s 2 s s 2 s s ( 26 s ) 2 2 2 1 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control ⑨ final value theorems: lim sF ( s ) lim f (t ) f () s 0 t The Laplace Transform Given: Introduction to Automatic Control F ( s) ( s 2) 2 3 2 ( s 2) 2 32 note F 1 ( s ) te 2 t cos 3t Find f () . 解: f ( ) lim sF ( s ) lim s s0 s0 ( s 2) 2 3 2 ( s 2) 2 3 2 0 The Laplace Transform ⑩ Convolution in the time domain: Introduction to Automatic Control (不要求掌握) t t o o f1 (t ) f 2 (t ) f1 ( ) f 2 (t )d f1 (t ) f 2 ( )d L{ f1 (t ) f 2 (t )} F1 (s) F2 (s) The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control ⑪ Convolution in the frequency domain: (不要求掌握) c j 1 L{ f1 (t ) f 2 (t )} F1 ( p) F2 ( s p )dp 2j c j 拉氏变换性质的证明 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control The inverse Laplace transform 定义: 由象函数 F(s) 求其原函数 f(t) 的运算称 为拉氏反变换。 L [ F ( s )] f ( t ) 1 1 j st F ( s ) e dt 2 j j The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Partial Fraction Expansion 思路: 将 F(s) 分解成一些简单的有理分式函数之和, 然后由拉氏变换表一一查出对应的反变换函 数,即得所求的原函数 f(t) 。 F ( s ) F1 ( s ) F2 ( s ) L Fn ( s ) L1{F ( s )} L1{F 1( s )} L1{F 2( s )} L L1{F n( s )} f1 (t ) f 2 (t ) L f n (t ) f (t ) The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control F ( s ) 的一般形式为: B( s ) b0 s m b1 s m 1 L bm 1 s bm F( s ) n n1 A( s ) s a1 s L a n 1 s a n 式中,a1 , a2 ,Lan 及 b0 , b1 ,Lbm 均为实数, m , n 为正数,且 m n。 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 将F(s)的分母多项式A(s)进行因式分解, 即写为: A(s) = (s - s1)(s - s2)…(s - sn) 式中,s1, s2, …sn为A(s) = 0的根。 分两种情况讨论: 1. A(s) = 0无重根 2. A(s) = 0有重根 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 1. A(s)=0无重根情况 可将F(s)换写为n个部分分式之和,每个分式 的分母都是A(s)的一个因式。 C1 C2 Ci Cn F ( s) L L s s1 s s2 s si s sn Ci F ( s) i 1 s si n 关键问题: 确定每个部分分式中的待定常数Ci。 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 确定待定常数Ci C i lim( s si ) F ( s ) s si 或 B( s ) Ci ' A ( s) s s i The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 代入Ci即可求得f(t): Ci L [ F ( s )] f ( t ) L [ ] i 1 s si 1 1 n Ci e i 1 si t n The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 例3 求F ( s )的拉氏反变换 s2 F ( s) 2 s 4s 3 确定待定系数 所以 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 要点: 明确四个步骤,语言表述清晰 The Laplace Transform 分子分母同阶的例子: Introduction to Automatic Control 例4 所以 The Laplace Transform 分母有复数根的例子: Introduction to Automatic Control 例5 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 求Ci 所以 欧拉方程 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 欧拉方程 Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform The Laplace Transform 2. A(s)=0有重根情况 Introduction to Automatic Control 设s1为m阶重根,sm 1 , sm 2 ,L, sn为单根。 则F ( s )可展成如下部分分式之和 : Cm C m 1 C1 F ( s) L m m 1 ( s s1 ) ( s s1 ) ( s s1 ) C m 1 Cn L ( s sm 1 ) ( s sn ) The Laplace Transform 确定待定常数Ci Introduction to Automatic Control m Cm lim ( s s ) F ( s ) 1 ss 1 d m Cm 1 lim [( s s1 ) F ( s )] ss ds 1 L Cm j 1 dj lim j [( s s1 )m F ( s )] j! s s ds 1 L 1 d ( m 1 ) C1 lim m 1 [( s s1 )m F ( s )] ( m 1)! s s ds 1 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 例6 求F ( s )的原函数。 s2 F ( s) s ( s 1) 2 ( s 3) Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Solving linear differential equations using the Laplace transform Linear differential equation Laplace Transform Convolution 3 1 Laplace transformed Equation Time domain solution 2 Algebraic manipulation Laplace Solution Time Domain Inverse Laplace Transform Laplace Domain Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform 1 2 3 The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 三个步骤: ① 代入初始条件对微分方程进行拉氏变换; ② 解变换方程(代数方程),求出响应函数的拉 氏变换式; ③ 用部分分式法求拉氏反变换,得到微分方程 的解。 The Laplace Transform 例7 d 2 y( t ) dy ( t ) 5 6 y( t ) u( t ) 2 dt dt Introduction to Automatic Control 设u( t ) 6 1( t ),初始条件为y(0) 2, y(0) 2, 试用拉氏变换法求解该方程。 分析: d 2 y( t ) dy(t ) 5 6 y(t ) u(t ) 2 dt dt L[ y(t )] Y ( s) Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform d 2 y( t ) dy(t ) 5 6 y(t ) u(t ) 2 dt dt dy(t ) L[ ] sY ( s ) y(0) dt Introduction to Automatic Control The Laplace Transform d 2 y( t ) dy(t ) 5 6 y(t ) u(t ) 2 dt dt 2 d y( t ) 2 L[ ] s Y ( s ) sy(0) y (0) 2 dt The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control 2 d y( t ) dy(t ) 5 6 y(t ) u(t ) 2 dt dt 6 L[u(t )] L[6 1(t )] s The Laplace Transform 解: Step1: For a ODE w/initial conditions, apply Laplace transform to each term. 6 s Y ( s ) sy (0) y (0) 5sY ( s ) 5 y(0) 6Y ( s ) s Introduction to Automatic Control 2 6 s Y ( s ) 5sY ( s ) 6Y ( s ) 2s 12 s 2 Step2: Solve for Y(s) 2 s 2 12 s 6 Y ( s) s( s 2 5 s 6) The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Step3: Apply partial fraction expansion to obtain inverse Laplace transform. 1 4 5 Y ( s) s ss s2 y(t ) 1 4e 5e 3 t 2 t (t 0) The Laplace Transform 例8 Introduction to Automatic Control d2y dy 6 8 y 2 y(0) y' (0) 0 2 dt dt s Y (s) 6s Y (s) 8Y (s) 2 / s 2 2 Y ( s) s (s 2) (s 4) 1 1 1 Y ( s) 4s 2 (s 2) 4 (s 4) 1 e 2t e 4t y (t ) 4 2 4 ODE w/initial conditions Apply Laplace transform to each term Solve for Y(s) Apply partial fraction expansion Apply inverse Laplace transform to each term The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control OVERVIEW • This module is a mathematical section to establish a base for the theory of control systems. • This is a tool and it is indispensable as most of linear system dynamics are described in a mapped space that can only be understood when the main theorems of the Laplace transform are known. • Special focus is put on the solution of differential equations using the Laplace transform. The Laplace Transform Introduction to Automatic Control Homework • 见WORD文件:拉氏变换作业