Turbo Codes Colin O’Flynn Dalhousie University http://www.newae.com/tiki-index.php?page=Turbo coflynn@dal.ca Last Update of This Presentation: Thursday Jan 26 / 2012 Handy References @Dal Trellis and turbo coding Schlegel, Christian B.; Pérez, Lance C. http://www.knovel.com/web/portal/basic_search/display?_EXT_KNOVEL_DISPLAY_bookid=1988 http://www.amazon.ca/Trellis-Turbo-Coding-Christian-Schlegel/dp/0471227552/ Codes and turbo codes Claude Berrou http://www.springerlink.com/content/w56240 http://www.amazon.ca/Codes-turbo-codes-Claude-Berrou/dp/2817800389 Turbo code applications : a journey from a paper to realization Keattisak Sripimanwat http://www.springerlink.com/content/l32688/ http://www.amazon.ca/Turbo-Code-Applications-Journey-realization/dp/1402036868 Note: You need to be on Dalhousie Network or using EZProxy to access these 2 resources online. Handy References @Dal The design and application of RZ turbo codes Xin Liao http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?Ver=1&Exp=11-01-2016&FMT=7&DID=766741131&RQT=309 Turbo coding, turbo equalisation, and space-time coding : exit-chart aided near-capacity designs for wireless channels L. Hanzo et. al. http://www.dal.worldcat.org/title/turbo-coding-turbo-equalisation-and-space-time-coding-exit-chartaided-near-capacity-designs-for-wireless-channels/oclc/666867885&referer=brief_results 3 Note: You need to be on Dalhousie Network or using EZProxy to access these resources online. Handy References A Turbo Code Tutorial William E. Ryan http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Liang Li’s Nine Month Report & MATLAB Code Liang Li, Rob Maunder http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/rm/wp-content/liang_li_nine_month_report.pdf http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/rm/resources/matlabturbo/ Chapers 4,9,15 of Turbo coding, turbo equalisation, and space-time coding : exit-chart aided near-capacity designs for wireless channels http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/8252/2/Turbo_Chaps_4,9,15.pdf 4 Notes If You Are Viewing Online Be sure to enable presentation notes, as there is some additional information there: I’m using the following acronyms to reference where you can find additional information: CATC: Codes and Turbo Coding, 1st Edition, Berrou TATC: Trellis and Turbo Coding, 1st Edition, Schlegel TCT: Turbo Code Tutorial, Ryan TCTEASTC: Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalization, and Space-Time Coding 5 Which Reference to Use? Trellis and Turbo Coding – Very in-depth guide to Turbo Codes, including mathematical derivation. Covers sufficient background to make book stand-alone reference. Covers topics I didn’t find in other books such as derivation of free-distance for turbo codes. Codes and Turbo Coding – Less mathematical derivation by comparison, but contains some examples which are easier to follow. Author was also on team that invented Turbo Codes. Turbo Code Applications – Covers how codes are used in real systems, and also history of discovery in more depth than other books. Turbo coding, turbo equalisation, and space-time coding : exit-chart aided near-capacity designs for wireless channels - I found had easiest to understand description of how Turbo Decoding works. Includes a complete example of the decoding process, with intermediate values and internal operation of soft-output decoders. Also includes substantial number of charts showing difference in performance for changing Turbo parameters, which is fairly interesting. You can get a few chapters of this book online (see previous slides for link). 6 BACKGROUND, HAND-WAVING, AND ALL THAT STUFF 7 The Beginning 10100 01100 < 101000101011 011001011011 8 “With 52 FPGAs for the processors, 52 FPGAs for the switches, seven FPGAs for the memory controllers and one FPGA to control the whole system, a total of 112 FPGAs are required. In total, the cost of the RACER II is approximately $200,000, which is 10 times cheaper than the BVD at the same decoding rate and without the need for custom ASICs” 9 The Beginning Large MHD Code Small MHD Code What we can have What we want “It's not the quantity that counts — it's the quality” WRONG 10 The Beginning Small MHD Code Large MHD Code Small MHD Code Small MHD Code Maybe we can get the large MHD by using several of the small ones… 11 Concatenated Codes: Serial Permutation Outer Encoder Inner Encoder Permutation Inner Decoder Outer Decoder 12 Concatenated Codes: Parallel Systematic Part of Codeword Encoder 1 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 1 Encoder 2 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 2 Permutation 13 Concatenated Codes: Comparison Shopping Parallel R1 R2 Rp 1 (1 R1 )(1 R2 ) Serial Rs R1R2 MHD Normally better compared to parallel Systematic ONLY, at least one should be recursive, need to be careful with code choice Systematic or Non-Systematic, pretty indifferent to code choice 14 Example: Parallel Using Hamming (7,4) as base: Data d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p Parity from Code 1 Parity from Code 2 15 Example: Parallel Using Hamming (7,4) as base: Data 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parity Math from StuffCode 1 Rate = 16/40 =4/10 For input of weight 1, output = 5 Asymptotic Gain = 10log(R*d) = 10log(4 * 5 / 10) =3.01 dB Compare with input code: =10log(4 * 3 / 7) = 2.34 dB Parity from Code 2 16 Example: Serial Using Hamming (7,4) as base: Data 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Parity Math from StuffCode 1 Rate = 16/49 For input of weight 1, output = 9 Asymptotic Gain = 10log(R*d) = 10log(16 * 9 / 49) =4.68 dB Compare with input code: =10log(4 * 3 / 7) = 2.34 dB Parity from Code 2 17 Concatenated Codes: Conclusions As promised, serial codes had better MHD but worse Rate. Parallel codes can work well but should use Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) codes – notice poor performance with hamming code here. 18 Tag Team (Iterative) Decoding Eat this Error-Man! 19 Iterative Example 1 2 3 4 5 i V S D A L ii T H E T A iii L A N E S iv A P O N G v P I N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 20 Iterative Example - Across 1 2 3 4 5 i V S D A L ii T H E T A iii C A N E S iv A P O N G v P I N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 21 Iterative Example - Down 1 2 3 4 5 i V S T A L ii T H E G A iii C A N E S iv A P O N S v P E N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 22 Iterative Example - Across 1 2 3 4 5 i V I ii T H E G A iii C A N E S T A L iv A G O N S v L E N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope Agons = fight/struggle in Latin Lento = slow in Spanish This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 23 Iterative Example - Down 1 2 3 4 5 i V I ii O M E G A iii C A N E S T A L iv A G O N S v L E N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope Tenon = A projecting piece of wood made for insertion into a mortise in another piece This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 24 Iterative Example - Across 1 2 3 4 5 i V I ii O M E G A iii C A N E S T A L iv A G O N S v L E N T O i. ii. iii. iv. v. animate Greek Sticks Conflicts slow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. oral representation projection force rope This example from: Codes and Turbo Codes by Claude Berrou 25 Turbo Encoder – General Format Systematic Part of Codeword Encoder 1 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 1 Permutation Puncturing (Optional) Encoder 2 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 2 26 Turbo Encoder - Permutation 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 WIRELES S CHANNEL 101001010010101010101101011010101011100010101110101 27 Turbo Encoder - Permutation 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 WIRELES S CHANNEL 101001010010101010101101011010101011100010101110101 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 28 Turbo Encoder - Permutation Assumption: Nature Hates Us (In all fairness, we started it.) 29 Turbo Encoder - Permutation 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 WIRELES S CHANNEL 101001010101010101010101011010101011100010101110101 101001010010101010101101011010101011100010101110101 30 Turbo Encoder - Termination 1. Do Nothing • • Decreases Asymptotic Gain Will give proof later about why this is bad – hold on 31 Turbo Encoder - Termination 2. Terminate the Trellis of One or Both, outside of permutation Systematic Part of Codeword Message Encoder 1 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 1 Permutation Puncturing (Optional) Encoder 2 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 2 32 Unterminated Loss N=1024, only 1st encoder terminated N=1024, both encoders terminated From “Illuminating the Structure of Code and Decoder of Parallel Concatenated Recursive 33 Systematic (Turbo) Codes”, by Patrick Robertson Turbo Encoder - Termination 3. Use Interleaver to Terminate Trellis based on input sequence to first 34 Turbo Encoder - Termination 4. Circular Encoding (“Tail Biting”) See page 138 of TATC or page 194 of CATC. 35 A LITTLE MORE RIGOR 36 Why is RSC So Good? Convolution Code (Not Systematic, Not Recursive): G [ g1 (D) g2 (D)] [1 D3 D4 1 D D3 D4 ] Note: Input of weight 1 results in finite-weight output 37 TACT pp291, TTC pp1 Why is RSC So Good? Recursive Systematic Convolution Code: g 2 ( D) 1 D D 3 D 4 G 1 1 3 4 1 D D g1 ( D) Note: Input of weight 1 results in infinite-weight output 38 Example with Non-Recursive Systematic Part of Codeword Encoder 1 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 1 Permutation Non-recursive encoders Encoder 2 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 2 39 Example with RSC Systematic Part of Codeword Encoder 1 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 1 Permutation RSC Encoder 2 Redundant Part of Codeword from Enc 2 40 Permutation - Linear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Encoder 1 dFree Permutation Encoder 2 dFree 41 TACT pp296-7 Permutation - Random 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Encoder 1 dFree Permutation 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Encoder 2 dFree 42 Why Terminate Encoder 1? 000…001 43 ANALYZING PERFORMANCE 44 What does Turbo Code BER Look Like? Turbo Cliff 45 46 Bit Error Rate Bound of FiniteLength Convolution Code wi 2 REb Pber Q d i N0 i 1 N 2N wi Hamming weight of information sequence input i N Size of block k R = Code rate ( ) n di Hamming weight of codeword i Eb SNR N0 47 TACT 10.3 / 10.4 : pp290-7 Distance Spectrum Representation of Bound Pber d d free N d wd 2 REb Q d N N0 N d Number of information sequences causing codeword weight d wd Mean hamming weight of all information sequences counted in N d N Size of block k R = Code rate ( ) n Eb SNR N0 48 TACT 10.3 / 10.4 : pp290-7 Free Distance of Turbo Code N free wfree 2 REb Pber Q d free N N0 N free Number of information sequences causing minimum codeword weight d free wfree Mean hamming weight of all information sequences counted in N free N Size of interleaver k R = Code rate ( ) n d free Minimum distance d free Eb SNR N0 49 TACT 10.3 / 10.4 : pp290-7 Plotting Distance Spectrum function printBERContribution( d, Nd, wd, N, R ) %PRINTBERCONTRIBUTION Print contribution from distance spectrum components. % d, Nd, wd are arrays of numbers, each index corresponding to one spectral % component. N is interleaver size. R is rate. close all; %SNR Range in dB SNR_range = [0:0.01:2]; ebno = 10 .^ (SNR_range ./ 10); ber=zeros(length(d), length(ebno)); linetypes = {'b', 'r--', 'b--', 'r:', 'b:', 'r-.', 'b-.'}; leg = cell(1,length(d)); for i=1:length(d) ber(i+1,:) = ber(i,:) + ((Nd(i) * wd(i)) / N) * qfunc (sqrt(d(i) * 2 * R * ebno)); semilogy(SNR_range, ber(i+1,:), linetypes{i}); hold on leg{i} = sprintf('d = %d', d(i)); end legend(leg); 50 Distance Spectrum Examples The following plotted with Roger Garello’s algorithm & software. Based on ‘example 2’ available from: http://www.tlc.polito.it/garello/turbodistance/turbodistance.html Full tutorial for plotting given in Part 2. Specifications: -No Puncturing (e.g.: rate = 1/3) -Block length = 1000 51 Distance Spectrum (examples) Linear Interleaver N=1000 d Nd Wd 11 1 1 21 1 2 24 1 1 >> inter = CreateLinearInterleaver(1000,25,40); >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) >> writePerm(inter); turbo.exe 52 Distance Spectrum Contribution >> >> >> >> d=[11 21 24]; Nd=[1 1 1]; wd=[1 2 1]; printBERContribution(d, Nd, wd, 1000, 1/3); 53 Distance Spectrum (examples) Linear Interleaver N=1000 d Nd Wd 11 1 1 14 1 2 15 1 1 18 1 3 >> inter = CreateLinearInterleaver(1000,100,10); >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) >> writePerm(inter); turbo.exe 54 Distance Spectrum (examples) Random Interleaver N=1000 d Nd Wd 14 2 4 16 1 1 18 3 6 19 2 4 >> inter = CreateRandomInterleaver(1000); >> writePerm(inter); turbo.exe >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) 55 Distance Spectrum (examples) Another Random Interleaver N=1000 d Nd Wd 14 1 2 15 1 1 18 5 10 19 1 3 >> inter = randperm(1000) – 1; >> writePerm(inter) turbo.exe >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) 56 Distance Spectrum Contribution >> >> >> >> d=[20 22 25 26]; Nd=[1 5 1 8]; wd = [1 10 3 16]; printBERContribution(d, Nd, wd, 1000, 1/3); 57 Distance Spectrum (examples) S Random Interleaver N=1000, S=9 d Nd Wd 18 4 8 21 1 3 22 4 8 24 1 2 >> inter = CreateSRandomInterleaver(1000, 9); >> writePerm(inter) turbo.exe >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) 58 Distance Spectrum Contribution >> >> >> >> d=[18 21 22 24]; Nd = [4 1 4 1]; wd = [8 3 8 2]; printBERContribution(d, Nd, wd, 1000, 1/3); 59 Distance Spectrum (examples) S Random Interleaver N=1000, S=16 d Nd Wd 20 1 1 22 5 10 25 1 3 26 8 16 >> inter = CreateSRandomInterleaver(1000, 16); >> writePerm(inter) turbo.exe >> plot(0:999, inter, ‘.’) 60 Free Distance Asymptote vs. BER >> startup >> CmlSimulate(‘TurboTests’, [8]) (wait a while, can end early with Ctrl-C if you don’t need higher SNRs) >> CmlPlot(‘TurboTests’, [8]) >> close([2 3 4]) >> figure(1) >> hold on >> printBERContribution([18], [4], [8], 1000, 1/3) Using S-Random interleaver, S=9, same parameters as in previous slides. 61 Sidenote: Simulation Time SNR Value (dB) Delta Sim Time (hour:min:sec) Actual Sim Time (hour:min:sec) 0.00 00:00:02 00:00:02 0.25 00:00:02 00:00:04 0.50 00:00:03 00:00:07 0.75 00:00:07 00:00:14 1.00 00:00:32 00:00:46 1.25 00:03:55 00:04:41 1.50 00:12:05 00:16:46 1.75 00:16:18 00:33:04 2.00 00:26:45 00:59:49 2.25 00:51:03 01:50:52 2.50 01:28:47 03:19:39 2.75 02:22:46 05:42:25 3.00 04:13:04 09:55:29 3.25 08:19:09 18:14:38 3.50 16:54:45 35:08:33 Using cml running on dual 3.5 GHz Intel i7 990 on 64-bit Linux. No shortage of processing power! 62 Free Distance Asymptote vs. BER >> startup >> CmlSimulate(‘TurboTests’, [9]) (wait a while, can end early with Ctrl-C if you don’t need higher SNRs) >> CmlPlot(‘TurboTests’, [9]) >> close([2 3 4]) >> figure(1) >> hold on >> printBERContribution([11], [1], [1], 1000, 1/3) Using Linear interleaver, same parameters as in previous slides. 63 TURBO DECODING 64 Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Things we Both Know Decoder 1 Things Only I Know Decoder 2 Things only I Know 65 A Posteriori Probability (APP) State 00 State 01 State 10 State 11 Log-likelihood Ratio P(uk 1) L(uk ) ln P(uk 0) WARNING: Some papers define this other way around, so if using code or equations which rely on LLR, always look back to see which way the code/equation previously defined it. “Trellis and Turbo Coding” for example defines it as ln(p0/p1). 67 Log-likelihood Ratio >> >> >> >> >> >> p1=[0:0.01:1] p0=1-p1; llr = log(p1./p0); plot([0:0.01:1], llr); xlabel('P(u = 1)'); ylabel('LLR(u)'); 68 Maximum A Posteriori Estimation: A Dumb Approach Step 1: Generate EVERY possible Codeword every possible codeword %Generate for i=1:2^nbits codeword = rsc_encode([feedback; feedforward], allValidInputs(i,:), 1); all_codewords(i,:) = reshape(codeword, 1, len); end Step 2: Calculate probability that transmitter sent some codeword %For every possible codeword & ours: find out Pcodeword for i=1:2^nbits bitsInDiff = sum(abs(input - all_codewords(i,:))); bitsOK = len - bitsInDiff; %Find APP Pr{X | Y} % X = Codeword that was transmitted % Y = Codeword that was receieved pcodeword(i) = pberr^bitsInDiff * (1-pberr)^bitsOK; end %Limited valid Tx codewords, so normalize probability to add up to 1.0 pcodeword = pcodeword ./ (sum(pcodeword)); 69 MAP: A Dumb Approach Step 3: Calculate probability for each bit in systematic input part %Calculate individual probability of error pSystematic = zeros(1, nbits); for bitindex=1:nbits psum = 0; for i=1:2^nbits codewords_reshaped = reshape(all_codewords(i,:), 2, len/2); %Find probability any given bit is ZERO if codewords_reshaped(1, bitindex) == 0 psum = psum + pcodeword(i); end p0Systematic(bitindex) = psum; end end %Find probability any given bit is ONE p1Systematic = 1.0 - p0Systematic; %From P1 & P0 calculate LLR llrs = log(p1Systematic ./ p0Systematic); Note: this is not full code, see resources/brute_force_map.m for full listing 70 MAP: A Dumb Approach, Example Information Bits: 1 1 1 1 1 Codeword after RSC: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 *** SEND OVER CHANNEL *** Location of errors after demodulating: 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Result of decoding: llrs: 4.4882 3.8149 3.5202 3.0160 1.8966 Codeword: 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0.2422 0.5871 -0.2635 -2.1073 1 0 Result of Actual LOG-MAP Algorithm SISO Decoder with HARD inputs: 4.5758 3.8945 3.5978 3.0795 1.9285 0.2353 0.5767 -0.2573 -2.1352 Run example yourself: doc\resources\brute_force_test.m 71 MAP: A Smart Approach: BCJR Citations in IEEE Xplore for BCJR Paper 250 200 Axis Title 150 100 50 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 0 Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for minimizing symbol error rate Bahl, L.; Cocke, J.; Jelinek, F.; Raviv, J.; 72 Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) Normal input to decoder from demodulator (hardinput) 73 Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) Here is my best guess about the data a priori probability information SISO Here is my best guess about the data a posteriori probability information 74 MAP: HISO vs SISO Information to Send 1 1 1 1 1 0 Demodulated Signal (input to SISO): 0.0498 3.1128 2.3742 3.5604 3.3145 Hard Limited Signal (input to HISO): +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 1 1.9150 +1 1 0 2.5781 -0.3870 -1.1380 +1 -1 -1 Result of LOG-MAP Algorithm Decoder with HARD inputs: 4.5758 3.8945 3.5978 3.0795 1.9285 0.2353 0.5767 -0.2573 -2.1352 Result of LOG-MAP Algorithm Decoder with SOFT inputs: 3.7027 3.7415 5.7940 5.8576 2.0905 -1.3506 2.6070 1.1498 -4.7725 75 EXIT Chart Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) Output Information I E T ( I A , Eb / N0 ) Input Information CATC 7.6.3 pp 259-266 & http://www.inue.uni-stuttgart.de/publications/pub_2001/tenBrink_IEEE-Trans_10-01_Convergence.pdf TCTEASTC 16.3 pp497-500 76 Turbo Decoder Setup Depuncturing / Reshaping Upper Encoder Parity Bits SISO Extrinsic Information SISO Systematic Part Lower Encoder Parity Bits 77 Turbo Decoder Iterations Iteration 4 Iteration 3 Iteration 2 Iteration 1 78 EXIT Chart Notes 79 EXIT Chart Notes 80 EXIT Chart Notes 81 EXIT Chart – BER of Previous 82 EXAMPLE 83 Turbo Example % SNR in dB to run channel at, play around % with this to get a good number % which uses a few turbo iterations. On my % system this causes the code to do % 3 iterations to correct all the errors SNR = -7.3; %Length of data in bits frame_length = 9; % The generator polynomials we are using feedback_polynomial = [1 0 1 1] feedforward_polynomial = [1 1 0 0] 84 Turbo Example - Polynomial feedback_polynomial = [1 0 1 1] feedforward_polynomial = [1 1 0 0] 1 D D 2 3 1 D 85 Turbo Example %Keep all tail bits tail_pattern = [1 1 1 %Encoder 1 1 1 %Encoder 1 1 1 %Encoder 1 1 1];%Encoder 1 1 2 2 Systematic Part Parity Part Systemtic Part Parity Part %Puncture systematic part from encoder 2 pun_pattern = [ 1 1 %Encoder 1 Systematic Part 1 1 %Encoder 1 Parity Part 0 0 %Encoder 2 Systemtic Part 1 1];%Encoder 2 Parity Part 86 Turbo Example - Puncturing 87 Turbo Example %Max number of iterations to display turbo_iterations = 5; %Automatically stop when no more errors autostop = 1; 88 Turbo Example – Data %% Data Generation %Seed the random number generator so we always %get the same random data rand('state', 0); randn('state', 0); %Generate some random data data = round( rand( 1, frame_length ) ); fprintf('Information Data = '); fprintf('%d ', data); fprintf('\n'); Information Data = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 89 Turbo Example - Encoding %% Encoding %Make polynomial genPoly = [feedback_polynomial; feedforward_polynomial]; %How many rows in polynomial? [N, K] = size(genPoly); upper_data = data; upper_output = ConvEncode( upper_data, genPoly, 0); %lower input data is interleaved version of upper lower_data = interleave(data, 1); lower_output = ConvEncode( lower_data, genPoly, 0); % convert to matrices (each row is from one row of the generator) upper_reshaped = [ reshape( upper_output, N, length(upper_output)/N ) ]; lower_reshaped = [ reshape( lower_output, N, length(lower_output)/N ) ]; 90 Turbo Example - Encoding Upper Code Input = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Upper Code Systematic = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Upper Code Parity = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 91 Turbo Example - Encoding 101011001 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 100010111 function [interleaved] = interleave(input, print) input_data = reshape(input, a, a); output_data = input_data'; interleaved = reshape(output_data, 1, length(input)); 92 Turbo Example - Encoding Lower Code Input = 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Lower Code Systematic = 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Lower Code Parity = 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 93 Turbo Example - Puncturing % parallel concatenate unpunctured_word = [upper_reshaped lower_reshaped]; fprintf('\n\nUnpunctured = '); fprintf('%d ', unpunctured_word); fprintf('\n'); %Puncture Codeword codeword = Puncture( unpunctured_word, pun_pattern, tail_pattern ); fprintf('Punctured = '); fprintf('%d ', codeword); fprintf('\n'); Unpunctured = 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Punctured = 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 94 Turbo Example - Puncturing Upper Upper Lower Lower Code Code Code Code Systematic Parity Systematic Parity = = = = 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Upper Upper Lower Lower Code Code Code Code Puncturing Puncturing Puncturing Puncturing = = = = 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Upper Upper Lower Lower Code Code Code Code Systematic Parity Systematic Parity = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 = = 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Punctured = 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 95 Turbo Example - Channel %% Modulate, Channel, and Demodulate %Turn into +/- 1 for BPSK modulation example tx = -2*(codeword-0.5); %Generate AWGN of correct length EsNo = 10^(SNR/10.0); variance = 1/(2*EsNo); noise = sqrt(variance)*randn(1, length(tx) ); %Add AWGN rx = tx + noise; %Demodulate symbol_likelihood = -2*rx./variance; %Stats plot(symbol_likelihood, zeros(1, length(symbol_likelihood)), '.') fprintf('Received log-liklihood ratio (LLR): mean(abs(LLR)) = %f\n', mean(abs(symbol_likelihood))); 96 Turbo Example - Channel Sending data over AWGN channel, SNR=-7.300000 Received log-liklihood ratio (LLR): mean(abs(LLR)) = 1.229565 97 Turbo Example - Depuncturing %% Decoding % intialize error counter errors = zeros( turbo_iterations, 1 ); % depuncture and split into format used in each decoder depunctured_output = Depuncture(symbol_likelihood, pun_pattern, tail_pattern ); input_upper_c = reshape( depunctured_output(1:N,:), 1, N*length(depunctured_output) ); input_lower_c = reshape( depunctured_output(N+1:N+N,:), 1, N*length(depunctured_output) ); LLR After Channel = 1.3 2.8 0.6 -1.1 2.1 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 0.3 -1.0 ... LLR After Depuncturing = 1.3 2.8 0.0 0.6 -1.1 2.1 0.0 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 ... Upper Input = 1.3 2.8 -1.1 2.1 -0.7 -0.7 -1.0 1.0 1.5 -3.4 0.6 -0.6 ... Lower Input = 0.0 0.6 0.0 -0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 -1.6 0.0 0.9 0.0 -0.8 ... 98 Turbo Example – Decode Setup % No estimate of original data input_upper_u = zeros( 1, frame_length ); saved_outLLR = saved_outExt = saved_interLLR saved_interExt []; []; = []; = []; totalIts = 0; traj = zeros(1,2); figure; axis square; title('Turbo Decoder Trajectory'); ylabel('I_E'); xlabel('I_A'); xlim([0,1]); ylim([0,1]); hold on; IA = 0; IE = 0; 99 Turbo Example - Decoding % Iterate over a number of times for turbo_iter=1:turbo_iterations fprintf( '\n*** Turbo iteration = %d\n', turbo_iter ); % Pass through upper decoder [output_upper_u output_upper_c] = SisoDecode( input_upper_u, input_upper_c, genPoly, 0, 0 ); % Extract Extrinsic information ext = output_upper_u - input_upper_u; % Interleave this information, which organizes it % in the same manner which the lower decoder sees bits input_lower_u = interleave(ext, 0); 100 Turbo Example - Decoding % Pass through lower decoder [output_lower_u output_lower_c] = SisoDecode( input_lower_u, input_lower_c, genPoly, 0, 0 ); % Interleave and extract Extrinsic information input_upper_u = interleave( output_lower_u - input_lower_u, 0 ); % Hard decision based on LLR: if < 0 bit is 0, if > 0 bit is 1 detected_data = (sign(interleaved_output_lower_u) + 1) / 2; % Find errors – NOT part of turbo algorithm, since normally you don’t have % actual data. But we do so take advantage of that to detect when to stop error_positions = xor( detected_data, data); if (sum(error_positions)==0) && (autostop) break; else errors(turbo_iter) = temp_errors + errors(turbo_iter); end end 101 Turbo Example - Outputs *** Turbo iteration = 1 Error Vector = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Errors = 2, mean(abs(output LLR)) = 1.796717 *** Turbo iteration = 2 Error Vector = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Errors = 1, mean(abs(output LLR)) = 1.810404 *** Turbo iteration = 3 Error Vector = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Errors = 0, mean(abs(output LLR)) = 1.879098 102 input_upper_u Turbo Decoder - LLRs Error Vectors for Each Iteration 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 103 output_upper_u - input_upper_u Turbo Decoder - Extrinsic Error Vectors for Each Iteration 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 104 output_upper_u - input_upper_u Turbo Decoder - Extrinsic Error Vectors for Each Iteration 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 105 Turbo Example - Decoding detected_data = reshape( detected_data', 1, frame_length); 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 106 Turbo Example - Decoding % Combine output_c and puncture % convert to matrices (each row is from one row of the generator) upper_reshaped = [ reshape( output_upper_c, N, length(output_upper_c)/N ) ]; lower_reshaped = [ reshape( output_lower_c, N, length(output_lower_c)/N ) ]; % parallel concatenate unpunctured_word = [upper_reshaped lower_reshaped]; Upper Code Output = 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Upper Code Output Systematic = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Upper Code Output Parity = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Lower Code Output = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Lower Code Output Systematic = 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Lower Code Output Parity = 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 107 Part 2 – Computer simulations 108 Coded Modulation Library Iterative Solutions has created an Open Source (LGPL) project to simulate Turbo Codes. • Key functions written in C & work on Linux, Windows, MAC from MATLAB • Speeds up simulation drastically compared to MATLAB-only solution • NOTE: Comes with Documentation in documentation/CMLOverview.pdf, see that file for more help, as I won’t repeat information in that file http://www.iterativesolutions.com/Matlab.htm http://code.google.com/p/iscml/ 109 Downloading CML I’ve extended CML to add: • Bunch of examples • Tutorial file (shows decoding step-by-step) • Some simple additional interleavers • Functions to find dFree and plot asymptote • EXIT Chart Plotting & Trajectories (wouldn’t trust it 100%) • Option to plot only specified iteration without changing files (useful for comparisons) 110 Download CML My version + this presentation stored in SVN on http://www.assembla.com/code/turbocml/subversion/nodes Or download a .zip from http://www.newae.com/tiki-index.php?page=Turbo 111 Installing CML 1. Unzip file somewhere 2. On Windows – you are done. On other systems: Startup MATLAB, go to cml\mex\source and run ‘make’ 3. Optional for dFree calculation: Download turbo.exe from http://www.tlc.polito.it/garello/turbodistance/turbodistance.html , direct link: http://www.tlc.polito.it/garello/turbodistance/turbo.exe 112 Running CML 1. cd to directory you unzipped file in 2. run command ‘startup’ >> cd E:\Documents\academic\classes\ilo2\turbocml\trunk >> startup >> 113 RUNNING BER SIMULATIONS 114 Running Simulations • Simulations run with ‘CmlSimulate’ command. Parameters for simulations stored in scenario files • Scenario files stored in ‘cml/localscenarios’ and ‘cml/scenarios’. • Simulation results saved in ‘cml/output’ – You can interrupt simulation and continue it later without loosing all the data 115 Running Simulations >> CmlSimulate('TurboTests', [1 2 3]) Use file TurboTests.m Run scenarios 1, 2, and 3 116 Running Simulations >> CmlSimulate('TurboTests', [3 6]) Initializing case (3): UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 530 bits, max-log-MAP Initializing case (6): UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 5114 bits, max-log-MAP Record 1 UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 530 bits, max-log-MAP Eb/No in dB = 1.400000 dB Clock 13:32:26 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Eb/No in dB = 1.600000 dB Clock 13:32:27 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx??? Operation terminated by user during ==> TurboDecode at 99 Hit Ctrl-C To Abort 117 Running Simulations >> CmlSimulate('TurboTests', [3 6]) Initializing case (3): UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 530 bits, max-log-MAP Initializing case (6): UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 5114 bits, max-log-MAP Record 1 UMTS-TC, BPSK, Rayleigh, 530 bits, max-log-MAP Eb/No in dB = 1.400000 dB Clock 13:32:31 Continue Simulation – Note 1.4 dB point already simulated and saved Eb/No in dB = 1.600000 dB Clock 13:32:31 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Eb/No in dB = 1.800000 dB Clock 13:32:32 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx. Eb/No in dB = 2.000000 dB Clock 13:32:34 xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Simulation Complete Clock 13:32:38 118 Running Simulations >> CmlSimulate('TurboTests', [11]) Initializing case (11): TC, BPSK, AWGN, 65536 bits, max-log-MAP Record 1 TC, BPSK, AWGN, 65536 bits, max-log-MAP ‘x’ printed for errors in frames Eb/No in dB = 0.000000 dB Clock 10: 3:11 xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx. Eb/No in dB = 0.250000 dB Clock 10: 5: 7 xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx. Eb/No in dB = 0.500000 dB Clock 10: 7: 3 .x.x.x..x..xx..x...xxx..x.x..x.xx..x.x.xx.x.xx..x.....x...x.x.xx.x.xx.xx..x..xx....x..xxx..x....x.x.x...x.....xxx.x.....x...x.x.x.x.x.......x...x.....x.x.x...xx....x.x.x.....xx.x.x..............x..x.x.x.x..x..x....x....x.. xx....x.....x..xx.x.xx.x...x.x.....x.....x..xx.x.x..x..x...x...x. Eb/No in dB = 0.750000 dB Clock 10:28:17 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................x...............................................................x.................... ..................................................................................................x...............................................................................................................................................................x..x................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................x....................................................x........x................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................x.................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................x.............................................................................x............x ...................................................................................................................x.....................................................................................................................................x.... As you go over turbo cliff, simulation times become massive… note 0.25 dB change in SNR (this sim step isn’t done yet either) 119 Plotting Simulations Use ‘CmlPlot’ command in same way as Simulate. You can copy saved .mat files from another source to the proper place in Output if you don’t do the simulations yourself. e.g.: On command line, copy proper .mat file from server running simulation: $ cd cml/output/TurboCodes $ scp mwrf@c107bfs:/home/mwrf/colin/turbocml/trunk/cml/output/TurboCodes/tc65536awgn1_huge.mat . Back in MATLAB, Plot results, we can see how Simulation is doing and decide if we have enough data >> CmlPlot('TurboTests', [11]) Initializing case (11): TC, BPSK, AWGN, 65536 bits, max-log-MAP ans = B: [] … BUNCH MORE STUFF … 120 Plotting Simulations Scenario File decides what type of simulation, and thus what type of plot: ‘coded’ means Bit Error Rate (BER) and Frame Error Rate (FER). Only sim type I’m using. 121 Resulting Plots Figure 1: BER vs Eb/No Figure 3: FER vs Eb/No Figure 2: BER vs Es/No Figure 4: FER vs Es/No EbNo = EsNo./sim_param(i).rate; for this example rate= 0.2493 122 Comparing Turbo Iterations record = 8; sim_param(record).comment = 'TC, BPSK, AWGN, 1000 bits, max-log-MAP'; sim_param(record).SNR = 0:0.25:3.5; sim_param(record).framesize = 1000; sim_param(record).channel = 'awgn'; sim_param(record).decoder_type = 1; sim_param(record).max_iterations = 16; sim_param(record).plot_iterations = [1 5 10 16]; Plot BER for iterations 1, 5, 10, 16 123 Comparing Turbo Iterations >> CmlPlot('TurboTests', [8], 'iter', [1 2 3]) Initializing case (8): TC, BPSK, AWGN, 1000 bits, max-log-MAP Override scenario file, plot iterations 1,2, and 3. Final iteration always plotted (in this example = 16) 124 Comparing Plots >> CmlPlot('TurboTests', [8 11], 'iter', [16]) Use ‘iter’ override to only plot final iteration, cleans up plot 125 Comparing Plots • Specify ‘linetype’ in Scenario file to make plots different record = 8; ... sim_param(record).linetype = 'g-'; ... record = 11; ... sim_param(record).linetype = ‘b-'; ... 126 Defining your Own Simulation: 1 • Copy/Paste block of code, increment ‘record’ number, adjust parameters. e.g.: record = 8; sim_param(record).comment = 'TC, BPSK, bits, max-log-MAP'; sim_param(record).SNR = 0:0.25:3.5; sim_param(record).framesize = 1000; sim_param(record).channel = 'awgn'; sim_param(record).decoder_type = 1; sim_param(record).max_iterations = 16; sim_param(record).plot_iterations = [1 sim_param(record).linetype = 'g-'; sim_param(record).sim_type = 'coded'; sim_param(record).code_configuration = sim_param(record).SNR_type = 'Eb/No in sim_param(record).modulation = 'BPSK'; Continued on Next Page AWGN, 1000 You need to change this You should change this Change as needed 5 10 16]; You should change this 1; dB'; 127 Defining your Own Simulation: 2 sim_param(record).mod_order = 2; sim_param(record).bicm = 1; sim_param(record).demod_type = 0; sim_param(record).legend = sim_param(record).comment; sim_param(record).code_interleaver = ... strcat( 'CreateSRandomInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ', 9)' ); Interleaver is specified as a function which gets called, so you need to create a string with all the parameters that will be required. Examples: S-Random, S=9 strcat( 'CreateSRandomInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ', 9)' ) S-Random, S=16 strcat( 'CreateSRandomInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ', 16)' ) Random strcat( 'CreateRandomInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ‘)' ) Linear (note this has fixed parameters, need to change them if frame-size changes) 'CreateLinearInterleaver(1000, 25, 40)' UMTS strcat( 'CreateUmtsInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ')' ); Continued on Next Page 128 Defining your Own Simulation: 3 % Feedback = [1011] % Feedforward = [1111] sim_param(record).g1 = [1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).g2 = sim_param(record).g1; sim_param(record).nsc_flag1 = 0; sim_param(record).nsc_flag2 = 0; %No puncturing sim_param(record).pun_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).pun_pattern2= [0 0 1 1 ]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern2 = ... sim_param(record).tail_pattern1; Continued on Next Page Polynomial order for RSC: [ Feedback Feedforward]] Puncturing pattern specified in: [ Systematic Part Codeword Part] Pattern needs to be long enough to show pattern, see examples next page 129 Defining your Own Simulation: 4 %No puncturing sim_param(record).pun_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).pun_pattern2= [0 0 1 1 ]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern2 = ... sim_param(record).tail_pattern1; %Rate = 1/2 Puncturing sim_param(record).pun_pattern1 = [1 1 0 1]; sim_param(record).pun_pattern2= [0 0 1 0 ]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern2 = ... sim_param(record).tail_pattern1; Continued on Next Page 130 Defining your Own Simulation: 5 THIS IS CRITICAL: Must have unique filename for each record, or records will share data. Here it autogenerates filename based on some parameters, but if you are lazy add a strcat() of int2str(record) to ensure filename for each record # is unique, which I have done here. Save this file to save your simulation results. sim_param(record).filename = strcat( data_directory, ... strcat(int2str(record), 'umts', ... int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ... sim_param(record).channel, ... int2str( sim_param(record).decoder_type ), '.mat') ); sim_param(record).reset = 0; sim_param(record).max_trials = 1e9*ones(... size(sim_param(record).SNR) ); sim_param(record).minBER = 1e-8; sim_param(record).max_frame_errors = 100* ... ones( 1, length(sim_param(record).SNR) ); sim_param(record).save_rate = ... ceil(511400/sim_param(record).framesize); Continued on Next Page Set to ‘1’ to force simulation to run again, and not used previously saved results See CMLOverview.pdf slide 17 131 Defining your Own Simulation: 6 Number of trajectories to plot on EXIT chart, set to ‘0’ for none sim_param(record).exit_trajectories = 5; sim_param(record).exit_nframes = 100; sim_param(record).exit_iterations = 20; sim_param(record).exit_snr = -4:2:0; SNR in dB to plot EXIT charts over. Creates one chart for each point, so don’t make too many! This example plots three: -4 dB, -2 dB, and 0 dB. Number of frames for each Ia point. If you have short frames set this higher (>1000), if you have very long frames can set this much shorter. Number of iterations to plot trajectory over 132 Changing Simulation Parameters • Some simulation parameters you can change without needing to reset simulation: SNR filename comment legend linetype plot_iterations save_rate reset max_trials minBER minFER max_frame_errors compiled_mode input_filename trial_size scenarios exit_trajectories exit_iterations exit_snr exit_nframes NB: Reset = Throw away all previously simulated results. When changing above parameters previously simulated results can be integrated into new simulated data 133 Changing Simulation Parameters • The rest you need to reset simulation by setting ‘reset=1’ in the record , otherwise you get a mismatch since some data was simulated with potentially different data (be sure to set reset back to 0 once done) e.g.: CML is not impressed. >> CmlPlot('TurboTests', [9]) Initializing case (9): TC, BPSK, AWGN, 1000 bits, max-log-MAP Warning: field pun_pattern2 does not match stored value, using stored value >> CmlSimulate('TurboTests', [9]) Initializing case (9): TC, BPSK, AWGN, 1000 bits, max-log-MAP Warning: field pun_pattern2 does not match stored value, using stored value 134 EXIT CHARTS 135 EXIT Chart Plotting Actual Trajectories Theoretical >> CmlPlotExit('TurboTests', [11]) NOTE: This function doesn’t save any state, so save your figures if they took a while to calculate! 136 EXIT Chart Plotting I’m not too confident on EXIT chart accuracy. TurboTests scenario number 13 should match figure 10.13 of TATC, but it doesn’t. 137 FREE DISTANCE 138 Free Distance Calculation • Free distance calculation done by Roberto Garello’s program/algorithm from http://www.tlc.polito.it/garello/turbodistance/turbodistance.html • You must be in freeDistance directory • Simply call a single scenario you’d like analyzed like: >> cd turboUtils\freeDistance >>[dfree, Nfree, wfree] = CmlFindDfree('UmtsScenarios', [1]) Initializing case (1): UMTS-TC, BPSK, AWGN, 40 bits, max-log-MAP Calling Garellos turbo program, this step could take a while dfree = 12 Nfree = 2 wfree = 8 139 Free Distance Spectrum • You do this manually by looking at output file out.txt in directory • Function printBERContribution can be used to plot free distance asymptote (see earlier examples) 140 Fin Did you find this helpful? Find errors? Please let me know at coflynn@dal.ca or visit www.newae.com for more. 141 Review Questions 142 Q1: Plotting • Run a simulation with a R=1/2 Turbo Code, SRandom Interleaver with S=9, Interleaver length=512 • Plot iterations 1-10 over SNR of 0-3dB. • Also plot the improvement in SNR for each iteration for a BER of ~10E-5 (if possible) g 2 ( D) 1 D D 3 D 4 G 1 1 3 4 g ( D ) 1 D D 1 143 Q1: Plotting Hint #1: Polynomials are: feedback = [1 0 0 1 1] feedforward = [1 1 0 1 1] Hint #2: R=1/2 implies we are puncturing half the parity bits. See slide in this presentation entitled “Defining Your Own Simulation: 4”. Hint #3: There is no function for plotting the SNR improvement, you’ll need to read off graph (consider using MATLAB data-point picker here). 144 Q2: SISO Decoding • The brute force MAP example used hard inputs. Can you extend that to work on soft-input decoding? – Hint #1: The code already outputs the true soft-input LOG-MAP algorithm, which should match your results – Hint #2: Doing so will require calculating probability of bit in error (pberr) for each input bit. Remember for hard-input we are only told if result of demodulating was >0 or <0, which we use with Q function to give probability bit with original value +/1 was thrown over zero. For soft-input we are given actual result of demodulation, so instead need to find probability bit was thrown from +/- 1 to that value instead of zero. – Hint #3: The easiest way to do the above will be to consider the output of the demodulator as LLRs. You can find a formula in the references to convert from LLR to Pb(0) and Pb(1). 145 Q3: Free Distance • I have an idea for an interleaver which maps like this for a 1000-bit input: 0 1 2 3 4 .. .. 24 25 26 27 28 29 .. .. 49 50 51 52 40 Rows 74 75 25 Columns 146 Q3: Continued That is, the interleaver vector would look like: [0 25 1 50 26 2 75 51 … 999] 147 Q3: Continued 1. Plot the free distance asymptote for a rate 1/3 code compared to normal linear & S-Random interleavers. You can use TurboTests.m scenario 9 as a starting point (and the comparison). 2. Also plot the visualization of the interleaver to understand the performance 148 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (CHEATER) 149 Question Answer Scenario NB: I highly suggest trying to answer them on your own first! But the scenario file, which parts of are copied here, is in localscenarios/TurboReviewAnswers.m . 150 Question 1: Setup % Question 1 % Run a simulation with a R=1/2 Turbo Code, SRandom Interleaver with S=9, Interleaver length=512 % Plot iterations 1-10 over SNR of 0-3dB. % Also plot the improvement in SNR for each iteration for a BER of ~10E-5. record = 1; sim_param(record).comment = 'Review Question 1'; sim_param(record).SNR = 0:.2:3; sim_param(record).framesize = 512; sim_param(record).channel = 'AWGN'; sim_param(record).decoder_type = 1; sim_param(record).max_iterations = 10; sim_param(record).plot_iterations = [1:sim_param(record).max_iterations]; sim_param(record).linetype = 'r-'; sim_param(record).sim_type = 'coded'; sim_param(record).code_configuration = 1; sim_param(record).SNR_type = 'Eb/No in dB'; sim_param(record).modulation = 'BPSK'; sim_param(record).mod_order = 2; sim_param(record).bicm = 1; sim_param(record).demod_type = 0; sim_param(record).legend = sim_param(record).comment; sim_param(record).code_interleaver = ... strcat( 'CreateSRandomInterleaver(', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), ', 9)'151 ); Question 1: Setup Continued %From question slide: % d1(D)=1+D^2+D^3 <= Feedback = [1011] % d2(D)=1+D+D^3+D^4 <= Feedforward = [1111] sim_param(record).g1 = [1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).g2 = sim_param(record).g1; sim_param(record).nsc_flag1 = 0; sim_param(record).nsc_flag2 = 0; sim_param(record).pun_pattern1 = [1 1 0 1]; sim_param(record).pun_pattern2= [0 0 1 0 ]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern1 = [1 1 1 1 1 1]; sim_param(record).tail_pattern2 = sim_param(record).tail_pattern1; sim_param(record).filename = strcat( data_directory, ... strcat( 'q1', int2str(sim_param(record).framesize ), sim_param(record).channel, int2str( sim_param(record).decoder_type ), '.mat') ); sim_param(record).reset = 0; sim_param(record).max_trials = 1e9*ones(size(sim_param(record).SNR) ); sim_param(record).minBER = 1e-6; sim_param(record).max_frame_errors = 200*ones( 1, length(sim_param(record).SNR) ); sim_param(record).save_rate = ceil(511400/sim_param(record).framesize); 152 Question 1: Running Commands >> CmlSimulate('TurboReviewAnswers', [1]) Initializing case (1): Review Question 1 Record 1 Review Question 1 ….. >> CmlPlot('TurboReviewAnswers', [1]) 153 Question 1: BER Results 154 Question 2: SISO Decoder NB: Files located in doc/resources/question_answers/q2_softbrute 1. Output of demodulator is used as input LLR 2. Convert LLR to probability of error for each bit 3. Use that probability in calculation of probability of word in error 4. Rest of file is same as in the hard input 155 Code Clips %Demodulate rx_demodulated = -2*rx./variance; %Chop into binary received = (sign(rx_demodulated) + 1)/2; %% Do MAP Algorithm fprintf('Result of decoding:\n'); [llrs, resultingCodeword] = brute_force_map_soft(feedback, feedforward, received, rx_demodulated, nbits) 156 Code Clips %Convert input LLR into pberr, this equation is: %D = exp(-LLR/2) / (1+exp(-LLR); %P1 = D * exp(LLR/2) %P0 = D * exp(-LLR/2) %Error will be minimum of those two pberr = zeros(1,nbits); for i=1:length(llr_input) D = exp(-llr_input(i)/2) / (1+exp(-llr_input(i))); pberr(i) = min([D*exp(llr_input(i)/2) D*exp(llr_input(i)/2) ]); end 157 %For every possible codeword & ours: find out Pcodeword for i=1:2^nbits %Generates an error vector indicating which bits are different %between received codeword & codeword we are testing against bitsInDiff = abs(input - all_codewords(i,:)); %Generates a vector with only the probabilities of bits in error pbErrVect = bitsInDiff .* pberr; %Get non-zero elements, multiple together, this works on previous %operation which got only probabilities of bits we care about pbCodeError = prod(pbErrVect(find(pbErrVect))); %Do same %though bitsSame pbOkVect pbCodeOk steps as above, I haven't duplicate the documentation = 1-bitsInDiff; = bitsSame .* (1-pberr); = prod(pbOkVect(find(pbOkVect))); %Find APP Pr{X % X = Codeword % Y = Codeword pcodeword(i) = | Y} that was transmitted that was receieved pbCodeError * pbCodeOk; end 158 Q3: Fancy (or not?) Interleaver function [output] = q3_interleaver(rows, cols) linput = rows*cols; input = [0:linput-1]; output = zeros(1,length(input)); input = reshape(input, cols, rows)'; j = 1; for startingrow=1:rows; %Start at left point in each row... col = 1; row = startingrow; while row > 0 && col <= cols output(j) = input(row,col); col = col+1; row = row-1; j = 1+j; end end for startingcol=2:cols; %Do bottom row all way along col = startingcol; row = rows; while row > 0 && col <= cols output(j) = input(row,col); col = col+1; row = row-1; j = 1+j; end end 159 Q3: Fancy (or not?) Interleaver record = 2; % Copy everything from our reference sim_param(record) = sim_param(9); sim_param(record).code_interleaver = ... strcat( 'q3_interleaver(25, 40)' ); Assuming record 9 is setup using Linear, and 10 is using SRandom, and you are in directory with q3_interleaver.m: >> [df1, nf1, wf1] = CmlFinddFree('TurboReviewAnswers ', [2]) >> [df2, nf2, wf2] = CmlFinddFree('TurboReviewAnswers', [9]) >> [df3, nf3, wf3] = CmlFinddFree('TurboReviewAnswers', [10]) >> printBERContribution( df1, nf1, wf1, 1000, 1/3 ) >> hold on >> printBERContribution( df2, nf2, wf2, 1000, 1/3 ) >> printBERContribution( df3, nf3, wf3, 1000, 1/3 ) 160 Q3 Results: Not Very Good 161 Q3 Results: Not Very Good 162